HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2044 r -1' ~6 bAST V n;~; COUPAUY TO Clu.RL:::8 T. DitJ,:KS -I I HJ.RRA~r.4'Y DERD THIS IUD;;rrWR& ~de this 28th day of April. A.D. 1921. by tho .3oat "/ie1'l Com- pany, n cOl"porotion organized and axieting under the lows of the ~tote of ~loridn. party of the first part, to vharles T. Brooke, of tha city of ~leveltmd, \.iounty of vuyahoge, and ~tate of uhio. ~brty of thc seoond part, WI nrBSSE'l'H: '] ~hat the enid party of the 'first part, for and in cO:'lsiderntion of the sum of :l:en .Jollars (~lO.OO), lawful money in the ~nited ;,;,tated of kneri08, lln I other vnluable consider,~,tlons to it in h&nd '!)oid by the suld 'P8rt~; of the secand pert Lt or before the , eneel:ling GIla deliver~: of thes6 presents. the receipt wheroof is hereby aol::nowledged, has gr_nted, bvrg~ined, sold, rele~sed, conveyed find c~nflrmed, anu by these presents I I does grant, bargain, sell, release,convey Dnd cJnfirm, unto said porty of tile second part. his heirs and assigns, all t};e 1nnd in St. Lucie ;';OWlty, 1!'1orlda, de::cribed as follows; Beginning at the BOU thessterl:' oorner of sublot Up. 52, in the East Vie\': Company1s subdivision lio. 1, as the SUT!le ie desigll~ted on the plat of l&nds of the Ea8t View Company filed ill tl:e office of the \;lerk of tl"e l;ircui 1. \,;ourt of ~t. Lucie count:;, ~lorUa. an~ recorded ':'n P1Lt ;joo~: 4, }>bge 1. Thence southerly along the prolongation southerly oi tl~e easterly line of .~blot 110. 62, 200 feet to & point in the ccnter line of 0 proposed street fifty feet in width, whicl: point is the beginning }>oint of the premises hereby cvr,ve~'ed; thence from said Leginning point southerly 200 feet al~ng the 1urther prolon~stion J soutterl:,' of said eesterl~! line of sublo~ ~IO. 52, 200 feet; thenoe westerly at right ~~..coft*" angles to said last described line 200 feet. to n point in the center line of said , proposed street; thenoe easterly alon;? the center line of sai.l proposed street 200 feet to the beginning point fibove decor ibed; bein.; further l:no':,n as sublots lias. 37 end 38 in the i:ast View ~oi1lJlany' s prc'lOsed subdivision Ho. 2. be the same more or less, but subject to all legsl hig}~vaye; excepting, however, the ri.ht of way for said proposed stroet ani for drainage canals and ditchet', and exceptin? also rights of %~y for eleotrio light, telegraph ond t~lephone pole 11nes,~ater mains, anj other pUblic service faciliti-s in, upon and under the street upon which sai..! sublot frontro:. TO HJ.VE AIm TO HOLD the same, togeti:er with the hereditoments l1ni eppurtenan- I I;.' " .ccs thereunto belohging, unto the 6aid pcrty of the seoond pert, and hi~ heirs and nssigns in fee simple, forever; subjeot howe:er, to the restrictions, rights. reservations, limi- . t8tions, agree~nts. oovenants ond conditions hereinafter stipulated. ~p~ GRJ.JITE~, in oonsideration of the exeoution and delivery of this deed, hereby oovenants and agrees with and far the benefit OL the Grantor. and all other owners of aublots in said proposed subdivision Ho. 2, to hold sa~d real eetate herein desoribed ,upon the following terms: 1. Said real estate sholl be used exolusively for ~rivate dwelling house pur- poses, end no house shall be ereated, placed or suffered to remain upon said premises the O)st of oonstruotion of whioh shall be less thcn ~~enty five Hundred Dollars (~2500.0Q). unless the arohiteotural plens for said dwelling sholl have been approved by the East VIew ~ompany. nor nearer than sixty six (66) feet to the oenter line of any publio highway in or adjoining said Proposed subd1viBion lfo. 2, nor nearer than than ten (10) feet to the side line of ony adjoining premises; prpvided ho~ever. ) -~#."--- ~.~.- ".',' .....~.:.,..,...:..!..: ..,....: ":,-:z~:~. 4~~'.;' '-' ~. -_ ......~..i ....-.." _ . /I.. ~ . -.of.-.....:- :~.:*< ':~:h-'" '. ," ~~- iI~ ~--.. " ".:, . <~,;~- ";;...; I~'~ .~,~~ l- ~ . <<~