HomeMy WebLinkAboutLetter- Requesting Minor Adjustmentsvianning ana uevelopment Services Department Planning Division MEMORANDUM TO: Leslie Olson, AICP, Director THROUGH: Benjamin Balcer, AICP, Assistant Planning Director Linda Pendarvis,. Planning Manager FROM: Kristopher McCrain, Associate Planner DATE: January 19, 2021 SUBJECT: Lakewood Regional Park Pickleball Courts (SPMn-5202025749) PDS Order 2021-004 The applicant is requesting a Minor Adjustment to the Major Site Plan for Lakewood Regional Park. The proposal seeks to construct four (4) Pickleball courts with associated improvements, including benches and landscaping. GENERAL INFORMARION: Property Owners: St. Lucie County 2300 Virginia Avenue Fort Pierce, FL 34982 Location: 5900 Emerson Avenue Fort Pierce, FL 34951 Zoning District: I (Institutional) CPUB (Conservation, Public) Future Land Use: P/F (Public Facilities) CPUB (Conservation, Public) Parcel ID Number(s): 1311-221-0002-000-1, 1311-210-0000-000-3 1311-230-0000-000-5,1311-240-0000-000-6 Parcel Size: 156.75-Acres (Total Site) 0.20-Acres (Area of Development) Existing & Proposed Use: Public Park Urban Service Boundary (USB): The subject property is located inside the Urban Service Boundary (USB). Utilities: The site is located within the St. Lucie County Utilities service area. Water & wastewater services provided via well and septic. Fire/EMS Protection: Station #7 Lakewood Park (4900 Fort Pierce Boulevard) is located 2.5 miles southeast of the subject parcel. L Project Name: Lakewoc.,__,aegional Park — Pickleball Courts File No.: SPMn - 5202025749 BACKGROUND: The 156.75-acre parcel is located on the east side of Emerson Avenue at 5990 Emerson Avenue. The site is zoned I (Institutional) and CPUB (Conservation, Public), with a P/F (Public Facilities) and CPUB (Conservation, Public) Future Land Use designation. The subject site is located within the Urban Service Boundary (USB). On September 13, 2005, the Board of County Commissioners approved the Major Site Plan for the Capron Trail Park — Lakewood Park. The site plan approval encompassed an aquatic complex, four (4) soccer fields, four (4) baseball fields, six (6) shelters, restrooms/concession building, two-story maintenance building, multi- purpose paths/walkways, playground, and water treatment lift stations. STANDARDS FOR SITE PLAN REVIEW AS SET FORTH IN SECTION 11.02.07 OF THE ST. LUCIE COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE The St. Lucie County Land Development Code (LDC) Section 11.02.07 establishes the Standards for Review for Site Plans. Approval shall be granted only if the applicant demonstrates the following: A. Consistency with Local Ordinances and Comprehensive Plan The Development Review Committee has reviewed the proposed Minor Adjustment to Major Site Plan and found it to meet the technical requirements. S% LUCIE,,, i )� 2 t. Project Name: Lakewc ;regional Park — Pickleball Courts File No.: SPMn - 5202025749 The proposed adjustment is consistent with the general purpose and standards of the LDC and the St. Lucie County Comprehensive Plan Goals, Objectives, and Policies. Land Development Code: The subject property is zoned I (Institutional) and CPUB (Conservation Public), which is consistent with the P/F (Public Facilities) and CPUB (Conservation Public) Future Land Use designations. Pursuant to LDC Section 3.01.03(X) & (HH), parks and Recreational activities are Permitted Uses within the Institutional and Conservation, Public Zoning Districts. The site contains adequate parking to serve the proposed pickleball courts. The site plan adjustment will also provide two (2) additional ADA parking stalls. In addition,. the adjustment provides for the required landscaping plantings surrounding the perimeter of the pickleball courts. Comprehensive Plan: The proposed Site Plan Adjustment provides additional recreation facilities that will offer a broader range of activities to all citizens and visitors of St. Lucie County. The proposed development is consistent with the following Comprehensive Plan objectives and corresponding policies:. Coal 7.1: Provide adequate parks, recreation facilities, and open -space areas that offer a broad range of activities to all citizens and visitors of St. Lucie County. Objective 71.1: Active and passive recreation facilities and open -space areas for the residents and visitors of St. Lucie County shall be provided in a manner consistent with the Level of Service Standards set forth in this element. Consistency with these standards shall be maintained in subsequent years. Policy Z1.1.3 -The County will continue to correct and improve upon existing deficiencies through additional land acquisition and development, and through expansion or renovation of existing parks and recreational facilities. Policy - All areas having the Conservation Public Land Use designation will be used solely for preservation and/or passive recreation. No residential or commercial development will be permitted other than development typically related to park service and security Junctions. Objective 7.1.2: Through the use of public funds, gifts, contributions, mandatory fees andlor deductions, cooperative agreements, or other means, St. Lucie County will coordinate public and private resources to meet the recreation and open space needs of its residents and visitors. B. Effect on Nearby Properties Compatibility of Use: The proposal will not have an undue adverse effect upon nearby properties, the character of the neighborhood, traffic conditions, parking, utility facilities, or other matters affecting the public health, safety, and general welfare. The proposed development is compatible with adjacent uses, and designed to integrate into the Lakewood Regional Park. Adjacent Zoning & Future Laud Uses: Location Zoning District Future Land Use Existing Land Use Subject Property I (Institutional) P/F (Public Facilities) Lakewood Regional CPUB (Conservation Public) CPUB (Conservation Public) Park AG-1 (Agricultut — !dulac) Agricultural Residence North North RS-4 (Residential, Single -Family- RU (Residential Urban) & Lakewood Park Adjacent Residential Subdivision Parcels Waterstone Residential South PUD (Planned Unit Development) RU (Residential Urban) Subdivision Project Name: Lakewor. ,egional Park — Pickleball Courts File No.: SPMn - 5202025749 East RS-4 (Residential, Single-Fmnily- RU (Residential Urban) Lakewood Park 4dulac) Residential Subdivision West AG-1 (Agricultural — ldidac)) TUC (Towns, Villages & Agricultural Residence County side Access: No additional points of access are being proposed with this site plan adjustment. Access will be maintained via an existing, unrestricted, two-way access point on Hibiscus Road. C. Adequacy of Public Facilities Utilities: The subject site is located within the Urban Services Boundary (USB). The site is currently served by on -site septic and well, however, the County is working to provide water services, via St. Lucie County Utilities. Electrical service will is provided by Florida Power & Light (FP&L). Public facilities are adequate for new development. Traffic: The proposed development will not have a significant impact on the adjacent roadway links, or their level of service. D. Adequacy of Fire Protection Emergency services will be provided by the St. Lucie County Sheriff's Department and the St. Lucie County Fire District. The nearest Fire Station (Station #7 Lakewood Park) is located at 4900 Fort Pierce Boulevard, approximately 3.0 miles southeast of the subject property. E. Adequacy of School Facilities The St. Lucie County School Distrrict has reviewed proposed nonresidential project and determined it will not create an additional demand on public school facilities. F. Environmental Impact The County has reviewed the Minor Adjustment to the Lakewood Regional Park Site Plan and the development is not anticipated to result in significant adverse impacts on the natural environment. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff has determined that the proposed Minor Adjustment to Major Site Plan meets the standards for review outlined in LDC Section 11.02.07 and is consistent with the Goals, Objectives, and Policies of the Comprehensive Plan, therefore, staff recommends approval of PDS Order 2021-004, containing the following condition in addition to standard development disclosures for new development: 1. Within ninety (90) days of issuance of Vegetation Removal Permit, all Category I listed invasive plant species shall be removed from the site. Attachments: - Site Development Plans - Boundary Survey - Draft PDS Order No. 2021-004