HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2063 205 - Jbe lawful for said grantees their haire, legal rcpreeentati~es and assigns, &t all times lpeaoeablyand quietly to enter upon, hold, ooouPY ond onjoy said land; that said land i8 !free from 811 inoumbronooe; that said grantors, their heirs end legal repreeentntivos will , o ;moke such lurther aSBUronoes to perfeot the cfee simt)le title to aeid land in sat.lgrllntees, j !their heirs, legal repreeentatives and a8signE, a8 may reosonably be requir~'; and that . said grn1tora do hereby ~ully wnrrllut the t1 ne to said lllnd end will defend the SLme againet the la~fu1 oloims of 611 persons who~soever. \'1ri.'IIESS the honds t:nd oools of asid gl'fntOl'B, the liLY and yeur first above written. ISi~ned, sealed and de.lievered in the 1ll"csenoe of Vera patterson O.U.~Chl'um Hl-:;mJ.. II J. L;EUC H ( SEAL) ADIttLIDE ~. ~~UCH (S3AL) 'STAT;-: lJ~' 1O~':1. . COUU'l'Y Ol<' .:cOTT. I H:-:IE3Y C::RTllY 'i'hat on tl:is dny personcll:1 aTf~et,red before me, tln ot"fio(>r duly outhorized to administer ob.ths t,nj teke aoknowledgnentl:, ller;n.r.n,J..'each end ..delaide i. :~euch,hiE wile, to me well known er..i knoVln to :[.e to be the individuals desoribed in an;: who exeouted the forogoi'db deed, una they Lckno...:ledged before me th,t they executed the sumo freely finJ volnnt!!rily for t[.e purposes therein e>..-prc s~ed. ;,liD 1 _u~~'h':':~ GB:i'rLY,'i'hat the soid Adl'lnide :.:. ~quch, known to me to be the wife of :the sf;id ;~er;nE.n J.~euch, on v seperate LnQ priv[,te ex!.:nin.tion t, ken oni :nade by ond before me If.e, sepflrately a,d apart fr,)rJ her s.'i"l husba~lt\. did : cknoY11ed~e tl~c.tei:c :-:-.nde :herself s pnrt:1 to soid deed :lor the ptu'nose 01 ronou.'lCin,;. relinquiEhing l,nd conveyil1~ r all her rit;ht, title nn... interest, whether O~ .iower, homest,elld or 01 sepc.r('.te l)r:r-erty. stnt~tory or eq~1tc.ble, in ana. to the ILnd~ de~or1bed th€r.:in, In t;; t t:ihe r:xec:lted "t:te s!.iia. deed 1'reely &n,' volunu,ril~1 &nd ';;1 ti.Jut any oor.mulsion, constrl, in"\;. c,.,:~rehen8ion or 1'e8r o:f or from he~" 51,1:1 husbLnd. ",n'l'll::SS ID3 hend and officic;l, sel>l at JJn':en"ort. "OiJ.?ii.:; of OJcott 11l1.j uwte of !own, t.his .7tl: dny of" ~c:rch, A.:J. 1922. lI.p. jer..l. l>'r:moe s .:.. :'le th ;;otnry rublio, in and ~~cott ~ount:!,Iowa. MJ coomission expires uuly 4,1924 E.f'.\f\E.O ~Oo.J ~f.. ('.0 . ,L'il"'d en;j,'-'-;reooro.ei 1lny l8.l922 , P.~.Al,;red, r';lerk Ciroui t "'ourt :C1..(;t..;,-.1. By C? /3 6.6..~.-/...... LJ.:; _ i... '!>..................................................................................... . ~ ? F I D A V I T \.i ,. ,'1:- .\\ :STLT~ Oi!' J:o~JjUDA . ,- '(}OUli:i:Y O}' ~;'.::,LUCIE, Before mo tili:.: dv.y personally al)!Jeared 1..L.:;.rlton, who lein ;;:ire:' ciuly :.:worn, ~vys ~that he 1e a resident cf ~t.Luci€ vounty,~loriu~, an. has teen ~ re~idenc 01 S" id Gounty 'and ->tete for forty two :/ears:" thc.t he pen;on[llly ;-.new iiowur.f II. ,bine .iurint: hiE lifet::16; . :anu that tho 681., r..oward ..i..~ine :lied in testnt~ len...i~lo" as }.it: sole heL's at law his wife ~elia ..i&ine; and thLt at the neath \J.;. the _loh Jiowllrd u. ;.it:ine he was seized and possessed lof the following desc~ibed property: r " -.; Uom;neno1n;; at the northwest oorner of th!,t lot of lsnd fon::erly oonve;"ed by A.J.Lagow i to Julius '-71er, Trustee, by deed doted Febru~;ry 4th,A.D.1887 nnd recDrded in Book G on ! ;page 663 of ~revard Uounty deed reoords and now the nroperty of the .loride ~ennin~ Uom- !!)ll11Y, s&id oorner beinp- 4 ollll1ne and 67 links"north of the southwest oorner of lot 1 i :of .:Jeo. 10, in 'l'wp. 36 south of Hange 40 East; from thenoe run Horth along the west line t jof said lot 1 a distanoe of three (lhaino and sixteen links; thenoe run .lSnl3t 0 distanoe I , . ~ " .~;::~..=;~, ~. ""~", :::~~: .,:.: ~~."'" ~-=.:.'~ - "~:"" -, ~ . --. '.~. f : ,". ~.. r ."'. . _<_.:--..--:-. ro- ~ ,: . - .' :.-: ~ ~ ,! - ~-;",:,,!, <. , '~", ..~: : ~ - : -'" <.