HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2071 \ 213 :- """'- - -r rEi of ll~. at of 11>>1, ~i- of ,~\'Ii' and ~E'l- '1.1 n~\d';i of Bt Seotion 34, seotion 36 r ~~: r c . . . !St.LuOio ':ounty, 'l'lorid.ri, to i ~hn fo11oyJ1ng desoribed It;nds in iOmlshill' 36 ;,outh. H"lU~e ::59 E..st. wit: : b. ,', S-2. ~ of :~a a:l.d i1tt of mi~ o~ Ih'. SAO tion 6 r;i:}~ S,.otion 6, N~, ~~ of SWf.,llnd ::iE'~ "Aotion ff.. W~i Ilnd 1'i 01 ~E~~i . . 17 'S,.ntion ~:'" ; . contnininR 1460 aores, more or less. ":'nd the folloYlinR lleso)libad lands in ':o\'.nshin 36 i>outh, ....n;;:e ~O ~<l~t. St,:'uoi e :vount~, ~loridn. to wit: 1:,;-.. of 1i.;-.. 0 i ....li~ ::-ction 30 ;j~it,"'~~'i'.: 01 uzt und 11M of ~~" 01.;)~. ~ontbinin~ ~~O nares, more or less. ~Action 32 UE~. U'ii of liil~ l:nd ~m-~ of lIVl.. oontlining 286.28 nores, more or less. ~"ction 34 I.... Lots 9, and 16 01. Enllows ~ub-division of SB-... and the SZ':. of liit~. nontuininK 61.60 aerer, mOre or les8 Sflntion Z4 sEi' of H\'/4" of S'!~~ ~action ::50 Thfl lri(~ (1 e R 8 the liE:' of m:.~ 0 f m'Hd SAction 32 r ~he srid lessees agree to pcy to the lossors 2~ oonts ~or AROh box or fane for CUD ;101' Alieh un:l every yel1l' the BUrne is Vlor..:ed 1'01" tur\>entine by then after cutt1n~ or cu!,'!'ing '(beir.g ten oents per box 'or cUp :for lour lull years use OI' sai-i timber.) p(;:yt,ble on t!:e ~irst day oi ~pril of euch and every year u.e same is ke~t and worked for turyentir.e . J.'h '-t7 eLnLi.jdfit,,; u,,-' u_,~ t. ~ ......:" (.. u. J- f. ~n'--'~ .,~p,,~ I_~ 1.~'lyz~"....,_~.g.l(..'l'~~'- ,by the said lessees, the first ~ynent~^lW.de by tile lessees to the le~sore in Od~',r1ce '. ,of the dates for payment mentioned above, are to be c.eduotel, together with interest on !the BLma at the rate of a;; per annu:J, from any a:noullts due 0n the 'following lJUlunl ~ates for ~yment, or il any adv~nce payments ~~va been made in excess of ~~e amount found .. - to be aue on the are,Uf,l d"te for payment, then in that event, soid amo:mts adv::.nced in ~. exvess 01 said amounts due sl:~ll be oarried over. with 8~ interest, until the follo~ing annual date for payment. It is expressly understood that the lessees ehf.ll not aut any boxed nor inst,ll any oups in or upnn any portion of said timber after the years A.v. 1922 and 1923, but may otherwise use and work the ssme for turpentine pur~oses for the full period of four fears from the d~te of outting or cup~ing the snms. Nothi~~ in this lease shell be construed to meon that the untimbered area is affeoted or encumbered 0 !her than the rillhts of ingress and epress. it be inCJ' mutuall:, u..>1derstood ~etween the parties ~reto that the lessors reserve the right to sell any untimbered area embraoer.i in this lease without referenoe to s!.me. I ~ ~ '. It is agreed between th~ pQl'ties that thE lessees are to keep a oorreot tally of all boxes out and oups installed, and submit the eameto the inspeotion 01 the lessors when .i f': , ~ demanded. I , , ;., It is 'fUrther agreed bet~een the parties hereto, thct the 1\8se88 will use due and i troper oare in boxing, oupping. ohipnlne and otherwise working tho timber for turpentine I .urposes, and in !l2'<ieot1ng the Bame againet fire, and will har.dle the entire turpentine opel' 1tioDS on the lands desobibed i:'. this lease in the oustomary manner in force. generally, the state, as refers to sooh operations. . , ~ ~ 1. ~~ j f f Over i I It is mutually agreed and und8~8t4'd between the partiae hereto, that the leseors may, . . ~. r ~, .' f I I . -.-.,;;....o..--.--~...~..~." . .__...~ -..~- . ~'~ -~~:~ ".;. ~':, ::.;~~ "~) ~:--:, !(~~.