HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2075 '2'1.7 l~. ._; ., And in oaee of the fnllure o:f the Baid part _ of t};e second part to ~ke ei thel' of the pnyments or nny part thereof, or to perform any of the oovenonts on their part hereby monA and entered into, this oontraot shnll, at the option of the ~rty of the first port, be forfeited and terminnted, oni. the pl1rties of the seoond part sholl forfeit all paymente made by her on ,this oontraoti and suoh payments shall be reteined by tho said party of the Hrst pcrt in 1ull satisfaotion and liquidation of till dEm6ges by her eus- teined, LM tl:e part_ Of the first pcrt Bh~ll have the rtj!ht to Te-enter ant tnke pos- session 01 the premises nforesaid without being linble to en:/ 8Otlon therefor. It 1a agreed by & between all parties her<:to that the pCl'ties of the Eeoond pnrt agree to waive all equity us liquidated dar.lRges upon th<:ir f:' ilure to oomp1y with Sf:me on dates ~entioned. ! I i i I' ; ; IT IS YU~~ALLY AGREES, by Ana bet~een the partle~ hereto. thnt the time of pCJ~ent shall be c,n essential pllrt of this contract, cnd that all oovenants and agreern...nts here- in oontained sh:.ll exten1 to and be obligtitor:l upon the heirs, executors, odr:linistra- tors, end assi~ns of the respective parties. IN \iI~'NLS~ i;I!E!Uui!', '.lone parties to theBe preBent.lO h:,ve r.erellnt.o set their h~,nds and seals the '1UY c.nd. yet,r iirst above y,ri tten. Signed, sealed und delivered ! presence of: !"red "eatherstone E. J. tacker son \ , I. f Lddie ~. Allen (Seel) ?i.e. :!c....urdy (Seal) Gertrude i~jurdy (Seal) n STbTZ Q}' 1-'LORIDJ., D;'DE COmITY. On tl:i~ day per~onally appeared before ~e, on officer duly authorized to 'taka ocknowl- ; edgm€ntU,of deeds, eto. \'/.C.l!c'Jurdy Ene. :Jertrude i.i~";ur.d:: & ..ddie ::. Aller" tu l;le ...:e11 kno\!:, LnG YJlOi7n to be the r' ~ l t I t persons who exeouted the wi ....hin r.v-eem€nt, Dnd E;c~:no\Yledged H:Fl~, the:.; executed the ellm9 ~for the purpof'es ther<:in expres6C'cl. J.nd the said .iertrude :,:c';urdy, wife of the S!\id ~ ii. ~ .:.1cCurdy, -:lpon an examination ta}:en by me, seTlsrn te l:' end apart :fro~ her husband, ; ,8ck110wledged that she exeouted the said AETeement freel:' End Yolunt~rlly and without Bny 'oonst&ralnt, compulsion, aplH"W3henaion or :leal" of or fror:l her EJlid ~usbend. Witness my hend and seel tl:ia lat day of ~~rch,1922. .,.;! QOlll. Expires 6/10/(_ ~ ' .1.P. Seol .i<~4Z.. q~ AL,4_ ~,."- ):t~ 1 ,.,...'$- '" , -. .... , . (?~. :r<#(I.........-"_.: . #~ .~<~ ~( r:.... ~.,.~ ~<~<..r_.----:. ':"-,.~.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .'. . . . . . . .'. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i:'rank J. Powers. ..otery Stlite". at lar~e ~ lY. c. WCURDY and w!fe to l<'RAllK H. I, IllDEMAN .. ASSIGUMElIT OF AG?E~Lrnl'i' io'O~. DB ED ; KIlOd J.LL J.lE1i BY THESE PRESmrTS: ~ 1,."(~}1... I' i: ,. . :~ ~ I; . J> ~ ..; THAT I, V. c. Mccurdy and Gertrude WoCurdy his wife, of the "ounty of ~ade ~and wtate of ~lorida, parties of the first part, for end in consider tion oi the sum of ~.i'iV8 Hundred f~500.00) "'ollars to us in hend paid by ~rank H. L1nt\e08n, of iiomestead. ~Dade uounty, ~lorid8, party of the second part, at c:rn before the ensesl1ng ~nd delivery lof theBe presents, the reoeipt wherflof is hereby aoknOwledged, do hereby grent, ber?cin, ) ; sell, a8silm, transfer and set over unto the second party of the seoond part, all of , lour equity, right, title and interest, in thLt oertain agreooent lor deed bearing date , i :Of U$roh 1st, 1922 mode by Addie li.Allen, (a widow) Of ~ll,~l, ~de ~ounty,~lorida, upon i the ~1l0V11ng deoc,nbed pieoe or paro~l of land, s1 tuste, lying bnd being in the uount7 I ~ 1 I 1 I j 1 ; - (. s . ~ ":. ~.(: . ."':'-:;';' -- -~.. . ',.. . . - - \' ,:', /~:'!-'>,~' ~ : ", _)'~.'~.', ;". "":.: t" .' ',_' , t.: .:".' ::.. > .:;, ' f. .' ~,~: -. t. to:: "-:00;' ..: t" ~.: .'