HomeMy WebLinkAboutConcrete Invoicer IR i139r �P4idri4W I J l It16�1r yll�ll +!dt�.1t 1142 Water Tower Road, Lake Park FL 33403 Office: 1-877-484-9994 / Fax: 561-844-7102 South'EastFlorida Division Dispatch:561-844-9994 / Central Florida Division Dispatch :407-339'�3j11i /�fco—�-7,3 7 4 5 8 07 Concrete Tested ❑ Yesr'—E] '' ` '- li � � LQi � �Wa�er Adcted at Customer's r� � Cylinders Taken ❑Yet; c#?=�----- —�-- _� ; I ;` l J Request 7' to full load Comments ° �! gals. "'• 0 to 213 load f ; y gals. gals. to 1/3 load j ! ; r t a rr Customer's Rep - Water Added NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR - -- '--VJARN11PTCs IRRITATION TO THE SKIN AND EYES ADDITIONAL WATER ADDED TO THIS kRIATION IN COLOR OR Cement polymer or freshly mixed concrete may cause skin injury. Avoid contact with RFACE DISCOLORATION Skin and wash exposed skin areas promptly with water. If any cement powder or CONCRETE WILL REDUCE, ITS, STRENGTH _ mixture gets into eyes, rinse immediately and repeatedly with water and get prompt medical attention. Keep children away from }cement powder and all freshly mixed AND DURABILITY. ANY WATER ADDED IS AT CUSTOMER'S OWN RISK: BATCH TIME cement products. or NT TICKET#,bAbER:# LOADS2E M1X „w SLUMP" DATE �TRUICK# CUSTOMER # SOLDTO ,• P.O. rl PROJECT# ' r. . r{ .'`jt,r•. ril_I L.. i• I.. DELIVERY ADDRESS GONE# USE 'r �DRIVER,,,., INSTRUCTIONS TIME DUE LOAD CUMULATIVE ORDERED PRODUCT CODE PRODUCT DESCRIPTION U.O.M. UNIT PRICE AMOUNT QUANTITY QUANTITY QUANTITY - �, �..i 1.' I 1 '1'I � i 1':. ,rt" I l' If,p,: .. , 1 r� -• i 1 ' t r SIGNATURE OR RECEIPT - CONCRETL AND/ACKNOWLE EMENT OF HAZARD WARNING - asc meyer oncrete gompany. no gssume is i I y or any property damage or any equipmen�rc�ama"ge for, ari�Vdelivefies beyond tfiie curb titre., SUBTOTAL v 'I TAX ti AyAUTHORIZED BY SHIPMENTSUBJECT TO CONDITIONS WREVE SE SIDE. TOTAL r O i'O CEL V F R V i S P,4.ADS. S'. j a.,r a suitabe u, 'm fiv—n 01, n'a(",n i,; tn i ky f -o L` d%v a n o t pr - 1', f i rd' Q J v f-1 IEI� fl, rue i - r I I f t o e L c, n r 'd i i j -)r wi;l be respc-:8;ible '(;r w� loss -aus�,,-' 11t-*'itiry i-nade r, -yond the codo ;ine� aiho ui8torre-' .)j c-uQl xniv d�:vr-,, 'rjl, C� 'Ks �k ino;-,. i.-ep - -erv� ,,eot and septic -,ysterris, 'd sida,�.fa driveways, bu, X 'ihr- risk pet; to 'siibursc ��owpany fio- cAime an d Ll,� is ail oi �iuc:h -6� r�,� said C i�y��-i Save la f m, le Cao rnp;� ny t r o r-, a n, v ar d a 11 cia i rnI�, d pt mi n d s a nd s � i ZtS 'l c, r Q - oz � a xo U, r t c� I r I privatq d,rivewayf.J.e.5ver- a Usej D Ar, V.,je,4 -i�­ Nl a. ne c; �), �e dgss *hat, all rnateriai and services shown lhwvre bcen rc— ived. that tri.ick, tin � sho,� d , a -d at -�r's reqshv,,w-i correo!,!y� CX IMON: The additon of i%-t- r 1, 1 1 67 lh& cuatorric 11 P Y ',,a respons 5"gr` for f If, she res, Ats obtaJ ned trom this load of concretpy- manv irnport,�,nt factors affoct tho A J&lttv and cwitrol ,, Ithe C-Omple&A )b are beyond oui scove of "i spom"Oi nt WJ�!ung -fl- PI!be var�oaalciziMvsXCQ��dOO agree;s to pCi3viJe a suitable ,fvash down taciiNvIfor and i,00js at !he piane r," delive�q -,)i f" '-sto-f")er -*ar hereby pqioes to orly a', cosst,,,, and ex plens es of C�)Nac�,mq, ir r1u(T tig �,ona.bie amonney's tep, Jne, �j the lnllercftidise reflected in this jrvvoi-e, when, due: Ps ,,,.,x due accourits subjazt To a 1 -1/2 'h".: Past due balance, Tme cuata.,,ner herel y acEnowiedges r�sceipl, of tha cornpiO,�,, "' y "f th's ina unpaid I U f 9P I N I�l+II,�,� �I lu� Ire �u°I, I�If r ! I a i I 1 9 q I� �. tl Y �I +�"!I i a'i _ 1142 Water Tower Road, Lake Park FL 33403 r�/ t I dQ Office: 1-877-484-9994 / Fax: 561-844-7102 South East Florida Division Dispatch: 561-844-9994 / Central Florida ision Dispatch: 407-339-5311 Concrete Tested ❑ Yes -- {� -No - t ` LOT # Water A51ded at Customer's Cylinders Taken ❑ Yes [jNo;;,�LRequest gals. to full load Comments gals. to 2/3 load gals. to 1/3 load `I , I 6 �_J Customer's Rep - Water Added NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR' WARNING IRRITATIONTO a SKINEYES ADDITIONAL WATER ADDED TO THIS `ARIATION l injury. Avoid contact with Cement poyrconcrete cause IN COLOR OR mixed CONCRETE WILL REDUCE ITS STRENGTH skin and wash exposed skin areas promptly with water. If any cement powder or RFACE DISCOLORATION mixture gets into eyes; rinse immediately and repeatedly with water and get prompt AND DURABILITY. ANY WATER ADDED IS (aATCH TIME medical attention. Keep children away from cement powder and all freshly mixed AT CUSTOMER'S OWN RISK. cement products. Begin Pour mm 1" r PLANT T_ ICKET# ORDER # TRUCK #' LOAD SIZE mix SLUMP' DATE CUSTOMER SOLDTO P,0. # PROJECT# ,# DELIVERY ADDRESS ZONE# USE DRIVER INSTRUCTIONS TIME DUE WWI PRODUCT CODE PRODUCT DESCRIPTION U.O.M. UNIT PRICE • • n(ICE yy 1 h SI NATURE WARNING -OR RECEIPT —CONCRETE AND ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF HAZARD asc meyer oncre a ompar y w no assume is I y or any property< damage or. any SUB -TOTAL equipment. damage for any deliveries beyond the curb line. TAX AUTHORIZED BY TOTAL SHIPMENT _UBJECTTO CONDITIONS ON REVERSE SIDE. E- 'A 'M ",I- N'1�1 - - - T H I S DE V E RY S A,�, D ZH S U, Z" IF IL, i<Oi I Io wox�,ds a su;tab ay for r)ur fruwAo Ar-�s' paveniefi? '=ofc 8fi0able roadwayEare. 'vt prbvivcd,�'re raservt'flK'-' '4y'k -o S held iesponsible icr any lo�, ause, . 'il trvaril, otistorner will be Q )d Yng I,dP,,i.vvyis- made beyond the curb line tthe cdstb(ncor bi �', not limited to, sidewalks, driveways, buildings,, trees, ab seDtir- tanks ana, sep!ic sysjerri8, inciiudina the fic,ldl' ere at the owner's risk, The custornGr aggrees to ;,E#'nbur-,e said 101ornncany for losf`i c;t-Tinne ai -td equipment by roason of such daiNcov, and alno said Com;v-nyfro m any and 4c),aims, de mands and suits for or anaccot.iny of or in wi,- Ycacaged by orarishg from prIvntq drivevvay deflivery, 4i'vstornerack6owledc 'it"hsit at; material andsentices shcvvrii'``ave been r�()ived,!riaf truck tianes shavvn ar;S t,. the cu=ilorner's request is shown correctly. CAUTIONTheeadaiVc�- t on of vval-e-jucc,' strength anti :, ,,atility, .are rest rospcnsibl4a for finished requits , obtained from this load of concrete, i nany important facmrs affecting the ii)e ('-ompieted job -are beyond our scope. ol�'respnnslbility anrl control. lninuTe will becriargedaf(Qi Bminuws pdp-r-outne�,lfounio."�(!lingt�!-r)ca agraes to provide a soitable wash down faciNy for oor truck'sand toots at AhG' pla,e of d We Y f r A, F,. N,, customar hereby Agrees to pay all e,osts arid expensesof collection, including a reasonable al:orney's fee, if he {'V u) of for the merchandise reflected in this Invoice, whew cue: Past due accounts are subject to a 1 - 11/2c,'() 'R'iage on 41h e.unDaid past due balance, The customer hereby acknow!edges receipt of ti-te, cornpl6le ropy of this cont -0. ;r 414.f,N �- 1 � i fin p`pll Vl f I l r l l' IIV Ill 14Ii'll { { k I 'i � I f II 9 ! � I 4 . • �, ,Y it 1qf inr , iri, -.H-- . 1142 Water Tower Road, Lake Park FL 33403 l % �_�t" 09 73 n [:;5 " Office: 1 877-484-9994 / Fax: 561=844-7102 _ ° South East Florida Division Dispatch; 561-844-9994 / Central Florida Division Dispatch: 407Li9r'531 f,11 Concrete Tested ❑ Yes u `No _LQ7 # 6',�r fry a Water added at. Customer's _ Cylinders Taken ❑Yes �No , p f �! ', t.. f Re uest �j ` t,t gals. to full load Comments gals. to 2/3 load ''� gals. to 1/3 load Customer's Rep - Water Added ,r r DEC L �---� — — - y NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR WARNING IRRITATION TO THE SKIN AND EYES ADDITIONAL WATER ADDED TO THIS ARIATION IN COLOR OR Cement polymer or freshly mixed concrete may cause skin injury.. Avoid contact with IRFACE DISCOLORATION skin and wash exposed skin areas promptly with water. if any cement powder or CONCRETE WILL REDUCE ITS STRENGTH mixture gets into eyes, rinse immediately and repeatedly with water and get prompt medical attention. Keep children away from cement powder and all freshly mixed 'AND DURABILITY. ANY WATER ADDED IS AT CUSTOMER'S OWN RISK. BATCH TIME cement products. Mail I PLANT TICKET# ORDER # TRUCK # LOAD SIZE I+ MIX , SLUMP DATE CUSTOMER #•, SOLDTO P.O. # PROJECT# DELIVERY ADDRESS ZONE# USE DRIVER INSTRUCTIONS TIME DUE LOAD CUMULATIVE ORDERED PRODUCT CODE PRODUCT DESCRIPTION U.O.M. UNIT PRICE AMOUNT QUANTITY QUANTITY SIGNATURE OR RECEIPT - CONCRETE AND'ACKN WLEDGE ENT OF HAZARD WARNING` RAMON=maschmeyer Concrete. Comp- y wi,no assume liability or any property damage or any SUB -TOTAL equipment damage for ny � veries b)ayond the curb line. _d� � ^a•. TAX ''"AAAA .AUTHORIZED BY _ SHIPMENT SUBJECT TO CONDITIONS ON REVE � E SIDE. TOTAL TH IS DELIVERY IS M- A. DE `A2HJF 11"10 1 W-� FOLLOWiNG. ""011OM-1 ik*'AN",-,-, c-ndttionc are remedwo and�; -ou[� sjitahle roadwayslare not prqvideo, wq- raseTvE� ie�uiW. -0, customer will be heid responsible fc.r a., iy Inoss cau,,�t-. Oic, -e �bli, -1�veryis madebeyond th'iecurbling customu,-v customerrepresentaluve's request anydanr.A; bul notlirnited io, side%l lks, dnveways, bijfkdirg��, tref,,s; ahFubbery, septic tanks and s-aptic systerns, Including the fireirl, are at the!mvner's risk. he, cutomer agrees to reirnburse said Company for lozs, of fime arA equ;pment by reasuh of such deNvary, anti Fnd save harmless said Ccomp any from any and all claims, demands and suits for or or! a-Wount of of in 3ry s by or arising firom pyivatq driveway delivery. ,nan,ner au, t 4, that all material and servioes'shown have been received, that trod k times stownaracoirac-,, al, the arnkount-o1water added at the customer's requesA is �3hown correctly- CAUTION: The aJdifion, of -oncrete strength and duraNlity. lv'V(-are riot responsibl� for finished results obtained trow,'thisload of conorete; many iMpOrtant fay ILCPS A P-O&W, thO U?'JM-Ati quality'of the corn.01--ted iob are beyond our scope of rest onsiibility and control, -�speecuOl yard unioadOq firne's exceeded ct,$IVU P'..'-minute wil be charged aftp-rS minuw - lc i 7 1 lie a cisti�!,rner afire as to provide a sultable wash down facillik for our tracks nd tools at the place 0 defivory of rnatci 'A I y 8, cus�orner hereby. ?grees to pay a',i costs and expenses of collection, including a reasonable aftorney`s fee, 11 h fr,il ',:) pay for the merchandise reflected in this invoice, when due: Past due accounts are subje%Gt to a I- V2"�Dmaser iice * o r e 419 the unpaid past due balance. The customer fiiweby acknowledges receipt of the cogiplefe copy of this 00 1 V 1142 Water Tower Road, Lake Park FL 33403 C� Office: 1-877-484-9994 / Fax: 561-844-7102 South East Florida Division Dispatch: 561-844-9994 Central Florida Division Dispatch: 407-339-5311 Concrete Tested [3 Yes 17,71N No LOT # Water Added at Customer's Cylinders Taken F­l Yes FtJ No Request gals. to full load Comments gas-. tQ_2t3 load 'dais. to 1/3 load f Customer's Ve P Water Added NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR WARNING IRRITATION TO THE SKIN AND EYES ADDITIONAL WATER ADDED TO THIS VARIATION IN COLOR OR Cement polymer or freshly mixed concrete may cause skin injury. Avoid contact with skin and wash exposed skin areas promptly with water. If any cement powder or CONCRETE WILL REDUCE ITS STRENGTH I- ;,SURFACIE DI! gets into eyes, rinse immediately and repeatedly with water and get prompt AND DURABILITY. ANY WATER ADDED IS BATCH TIME medical attention. Keep children away from cement powder and all freshly mixed AT CUSTOMER'S OWN RISK. cement products. -pour Load To Job On Job Begin ? PLANT TICKET# ORDER 11 TRUCK 11 LOAD SIZE MIX SLUMP DATE CUSTOMER 9 SOLD TO P.O. # PROJECT# DELIVERY ADDRESS ZONE # USE DRIVER INSTRUCTIONS DUE,, ITIME so PRODUCT DESCRIPTION U.O.M. UNIT PRICE AMOUNT SIGNATURE OR RECEIPT CONCRETE AND.ACKNOW.L'EDGEMENT OF HAZARD WARNING 1111aschmeyer concrete �,;,ompany will not assume liability'for any property,oamage or any 'SUB-TOTALequipment damag dfor,finy-laellvifles beyond the curb line. TAX AUTHORIZED BY SHIPMENT SUBJECT T9 CONDITIONS 9,N_RSV ERSE SIDE. TOTAL TIHISDEUVEI 'APIMIE SUSACTTV, 3 4. C'u.4--tOmeragrees to provide- "suitable road"way thn s'7�Oi P'"'Veme*"It to the P')ce of a',?!,; "A 'if zptrh 8url(able roadways are notpwmded. we nesel-VE" the to';Wdohin ne;'� U; I til C(indilions re rnedioQ' -;Wen,�, custorn er will be Meld res'po' A'ro:for ai iY. to caused lthzl eby. VWhcr, defivory is made b6yond the curb lin, or request, any damaj,(,,s no' tlimiled to, sidewalks, dri �e , ve ways, 9�!Iding,6, irees, shrubbp.�y, sepft tanRs and seWbc sys! field, are, at the owner's risk, v' t,e cusiomer agrees to reirftutsesaid Cornpa:ny for :oss of firrie, and ec ' uipment by reason, of such. delivory and aistj tty it and save harrnless said Compaporn y frany and all clains, de! apcfs Rrid suits for or on account of or In en�r mariner caused by or arising from"privats driveway delivery. Cu,,itom er acknowiedges that all material ancl services sbownhave been rpclN, ,rlhat truck tirnies shown are corre,�,t, anO MaUtrnount of water added at the customer's request is shown correcll-�. Aur*N: The addition of watz:r reduce., he e concrete: s"Nongth and dyratihtY* ;tNe, are not responsibl!71, for finished resuRs obtained from thl's load of concrete; many important factors affecting thin ulthr.afe qual'tv of the'completed job are beyobd our scope of responsibility and control. A char of $1.00 per minute will be charged after, 8 minutes pe; cubic yaad unloadnq time is exceeded. T"o &u,,stoiner agrees to proVide a sultable wash down facility for twr trues and t dols at the place of do,ivety ,A rnau,r i�M' I hr� hereby Agrees to pay all costs and expenses qfcols ection, imdudlng a reasonable atiomey'siee; coy for the*m_orchmkdise reflected in this invoice. when due- Flan. due ac',,ouits are subjpGt to -a 1-1/201/c, se v%i,�e ,�K&,c;-_­Cnthe unpaid paAdus balance, The the complele copy of this ccorttm-t