HomeMy WebLinkAboutEvaluation ReportJ.A. ay I ROofing - R6 port f ''0 'a Taylor 16r t U 26 go. amp Metal r Assembly FLO.14520_Rt Report for: J.A. Taylor Roofing Inc. y r �Date:; Novqmber 3 302 Melton. Drive Fort Pierce, FL.34982 'Iptjil,dlng -'Code: 2010 Florida- Building, Code Compliance Method:: Rule 9N-3.005(1)(d) ltedtloh(t): 1504.32 Category: Roofing Project No.: FAE-001-01.;O1 Sub=Category: Metal: Roofing Scope: P duo ro Mategory-. Roofing 8U&Categoly:_ Metal Roofing Compliance: The 26: ga. .5V Crimp Metal. Roof Assembly described hOrOin has dernoostrated" 'tornpli6nm',With Section, 1'604.32 of the 2010 'Florida. Building Code!: References: Test Application Standard (TAS) 125-03 Standard Requirements for Me tal Roofing Systems, Se'dion 8 -testing pursuant to- Hurricane Test Laboratory, LLC (FBC Org9hitation ID No. Tg'r1:527') reprort-noz,0224050.1-06j dated:October,,31, 1006. Report addendum for report no: 0224-4501-06 (Specimen #1;, 2, U) issued ;by Hurricane Test Laboratory, LLC (FBC Organization ID No. TST1 527)�. dated September 28,2011 ,Drawings # 126," &V 240'Qoveragii! issued by Hurricane Test Laboratory; LLC (FBC Organisation I D'No. T$T! 527)j- dated September'20, 2011'. Engineering Analysis by PRI Construction'- Materials, Technologies (178C Organization'No.7ST5878), datedApH119,12011. Product Description- 5V Crimp panel, minimum: 26,ga corrosion resistant steele (Grade 80); 26" panel (24" maximum coverage), 'Ve" ribs;- material; shall comply with 20.10 Florida. Building Code, Section 1607.4..3. Minimum #9-15 HWH corrosion resistant fasteners with sealing, -washers designed for metal to wood connections of -sufficient length to penetrate 5/167 through the sheathing." Miterial shall comply with 2010 -Florida" Building Code, Section 1.607.4.4. Limitations., Limitations and Conditions of Use -include the following. s This ' -evalivation.does not include use of, the product within the. High-Velocity Zone (HVHZ). 0 Fire ClassificWioh is not within scope of 'this:Ev6luation Report; refer to current Approved Roofing Materials Urecto . ry for fire'ratings of this Page I of 3. F�L cc Y 4A., TeylarFtoofing Inc: Evaluefflon kip4for 26 gq-; 5V-C firn O'Metal Roof Assenibly FL# 14520-.111 RoofAssomblies: e The product shall,. be.. :in accordance with the. Manufacturer's instructions- and the Roof Ass6mbliessect I ion herein. . • Modifications of the products; :as ;ev4luatbd hereirf.16re beyqnd,the scope: of this evaltfatibn, • All -,,products. listed herdip shall have. a quality:assuraftde:audit in -accordance, With,F.A.G. Rulie 9B'7i Assembly No.1, Max. Design, Pressure: -69.25 slope.- 212.0r4rdater beck, Minimum" 15W!" plyw god .or wood plank. Deck Attachment In accordance .with the applicable.Code. In,nocasOess. than- , mi'nim0m:$d x X annular ring: shahk'nails spaced'6" oic.-,In reroofing; where the 0. deckjs less than 19i32" thick (minimum 1 U5.27) the above attachment method --must be in. ' 'addition to existing attachment. Deck aittac hment: to be designed bywothers. Upderlayment. Minimum ASTM, -D 226, Type 11 '(No. 30), in accordance with $eotion 1507,24 of tha 201 Q Florida Building Code or any Approved underlayment having current: Florida Staito de: , or Local'Product Approval. 5V Crim.p Panels: Installed in accordance with 'Manufacturers instiallatibn Instructions. :Minimum #9A5 corrosion resistant. fasteners ers wift sealing washers designed for metal to. wood connections of sufficient length to penetrate; 5AW through the sheathing installed 16" o.c. along the crown W, the -rib 'In the center of panel and along the laip' (See Drawings). Assembly No. 2, Max Design, Pressure: -129.26 Slope: 2:12 &veater Deck. Minimum, W& Plywood or'wdbd plank Deck Affachment: In accordance With the applicable -Code, In. no -caso'[Oss. than:miniMum'ftx,2" annOW pfthank nails,'spact600' b.c. In; reroofing, where the: deck is loss. than 19132"'thick, (minimum 16132")theabove: attachment method must be in addition to :existing Deck ,attachment` to' be.designed by others. Uniderfayment minimum AsTm 0 226, Type II '(No, 30) in� accordance with: SOdtidh 1,6012A of 'the 2 - 010.Florlda"t Bdildirfq, Code or any Approved underlaymerit having,current, Florida 'Page,'2 of'3 J.A. Taylor Roofing Inc. Evaluation Report.l'or is 26 ga. 5V °Crimp•Metal Roof Assembly r' FL#14520-R1 Statewide or Local Product Approval. I' 5V Crimp Panels: Installed in accordance with .Manufacturer's, installation, instructions. Minimum #945 corrosion resistant . fasteners with sealing washers designed for metal to + wood' connections of sufficient length to penetrate 6/16° through the, sheathing.installed,8" o.c. along, the crown of the riinb in the center of panel and along the lap ($ee. i Drawgs). " Drawings:: ti d V` PANEL PRQFIL:E. 24" Coverage j i --�00 — 1 f 'w s 5—V FASTENER: DETAIL Quality.As6urance: Keystone Certifications.,(FBC Organization, No. QUA1824) Evaluator: Charles L. Thomas, P.E Z: ,,Q Florida Registered Professian� Engineer' , PE.No 29439 FBC Organization`No . A1F90b8`, 14609, DIXie Hwy, Nudsori,�F `�/ �11�ff'�s��• Date: try Page 3 of�3'�' }