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-�+ wrightsoft® Project Summary Entire House For: JIM AND DEBBIE STROIK, NA 10701 S OCEAN DR. LOT 15, JENSEN BEACH, FL. 34957 Notes: Job: 8TROIK Date: sept 26, 2014 By: Weather: Vero Beach Municipal AP, FL, US Winter Design Conditions Summer Design Conditions Outside db 43 OF Outside db 91 OF Inside db 68 OF Inside db 75 OF Design TD 25 OF Design TD 16 OF Daily range L Relative humidity 50 % Moisture difference 59 gr/lb Heating Summary Sensible Cooling Equipment Load Sizing Structure 19024 Btuh Structure 26852 Btuh Ducts 2482 Btuh Ducts 3103 Btuh Central vent (0 cfm) 0 Btuh Central vent (0 cfm) 0 Btuh Humidification 0 Btuh Blower 0 Btuh Piping 0 Btuh Equipment load 21506 Btuh Use manufacturer's data n Rate/swing multiplier 0.95 Infiltration Equipment sensible load 28607 Btuh Method Simplified Latent Cooling Equipment Load Sizing Construction quality Average Fireplaces 0 Structure 4674 Btuh Ducts 899 Btuh Heating Cooling Central vent (0 cfm) 0 Btuh Area (ftZ 1205 1205 Equipment latent load 5573 Btuh Volume ()ft3) 9643 9643 Air changes/hour 0.45 0.23 Equipment total load 34181 Btuh Equiv. AVF (cfm) 72 37 Req. total capacity at 0.70 SHR 3.4 ton Heating Equipment Summary Cooling Equipment Summary Make rheem Make rheem Trade 14 ajm Trade rheem Model Cond 14 ajm 36 AHRI ref Coil RHLLHM 3821 AH R I ref 3805982 Efficiency 100 EFF Efficiency 13.0 EER, 16 SEER Heating input 4.8 kW Sensible cooling 25760 Btuh Heating output 16435 Btuh Latent cooling 11040 Btuh Low output baseboard 500 Btuh/ft Total cooling 36800 Btuh Total low baseboard 43 ft Actual air flow 580 cfm High output baseboard 700 Btuh/ft Air flow factor 0.019 cfm/Btuh Total high baseboard 31 ft Static pressure 0 in H2O Space thermostat Load sensible heat ratio 0.84 Calculations approved by ACCA to meet all requirements of Manual J 8th Ed. •► WI'1 htsoftm 2014-Oct-03 07:25:02 9 Right-Sufte® Universal 2015 16.0.00 RSU20741 Page 1 AM ..e\Documents\Wrightsoft HVAC\CLIENTS\STROIK .rup Calc = MJ8 Building Front faces: E wrightsoft° Building Analysis Entire House For: JIM AND DEBBIE STROIK, NA 10701 S OCEAN DR. LOT 15, JENSEN BEACH, FL. 34957 Location: Vero Beach Municipal AP, FL, US Elevation: 30 ft Latitude: 280N Outdoor: Heating Dry bulb (°F) 43 Daily ran(a °F) - Wet bulb ° - Wind speed (mph) 15.0 Job: STROIK Date: sept 26, 2014 By: Indoor: Heating Cooling Indoor temperature (°F) 68 75 Design TD (°F) 25 16 Relative humidity (%) 50 50 Cooling Moisture difference (gr/lb) 18.1 58.7 91 Infiltration: 16 ( L ) Method Simplified 78 Construction quality Average 7•5 Fireplaces 0 Heating Component Btuh/ft2 Btuh % of load Walls 7.3 9114 42.4 Glazing 19.2 5537 25.7 Doors 0 0 0 Ceilings 1.1 1319 6.1 Floors 0.9 1076 5.0 Infiltration 1.3 1979 9.2 Ducts 2482 11.5 Piping 0 0 Humidification 0 0 Ventilation 0 0 Adjustments 0 Total 21506 100.0 Component Btuh/ft2 Btuh % of load Walls 5.9 7357 24.6 Glazing 37.0 10666 35.6 Doors 0. 0 0 Ceilings 3.2 3850 12.9 Floors 0.6 670 2.2 Infiltration 0.4 630 2.1 Ducts 3103 10.4 Ventilation 0 0 Internal gains 3680 12.3 Blower 0 0 Ad' stments 0 TO 29955 100.0 Latent Cooling Load = 5573 Btuh Overall U-value = 0.176 Btuh/ft2-°F ERROR: negative wall area in MASTER BEDROOM - check windows. r 2 i htsoft 014-Oct-03 07:25:01 wr 9 Right-Sufte® Universal 2015 15.0.00 RSU20741 Page 1 ...elDocuments\Wrightsoft M/ACICLIENTSISTROIK .rup Calc = MJ8 Building Front faces: E - - wrightsoft® Component Constructions p Entire House Job: STROIK Date: sept 26, 2014 By: Project For: JIM AND DEBBIE STROIK, NA 10701 S OCEAN DR. LOT 15, JENSEN BEACH, FL. 34957 Design Conditions Location: Indoor: Heating Cooling Vero Beach Municipal AP, FL, US Indoor temperature (OF) 68 75 Elevation: 30 ft Design TD (OF) 25 16 Latitude: 280N Relative humidity (%) 50 50 Outdoor: Heating Cooling Moisture difference (gr/lb) 18.1 58.7 Dry bulb (OF) 43 91 Infiltration: Daily range (OF) - 16 ( L ) Method Simplified Wet bulb (OF) - 78 Construction quality Average Wind speed (mph) 15.0 7.5 Fireplaces 0 Construction descriptions Or Area U-value Insul R Htg HTM Loss Cig HTM Gain W Btuh/W--'F tN-'F/Btuh BtuhAV Btuh BWhtt' Btuh Walls 12E-Osw: Frm wall, stucco ext, r-19 cav ins, 5/8" gypsum board int n 64 0.068 19.0 1.69 108 1.37 87 fnsh, 2"x6" wood frm, 16" o.c. stud 13AA-Ooc: Blk wall, 2"x4" wood int frm, 8" thk, 5/8" gypsum board int n 172 0.584 0 14.5 2501 11.7 2019 fish 13AB-Oocs: Blk wall, stucco ext, 2"x4" wood int frm, 8" thk, 5/8" a 379 0.258 0 6.42 2435 5.19 1965 gypsum board int fnsh s 175 0.258 0 6.42 1124 5.19 908 w 459 0.258 0 6.42 2945 5.19 2378 all 1013 0.258 0 6.42 6505 5.19 5251 Partitions (none) Windows 4A5-2om: 2 glazing, cir low-e outr, air gas, mtl no brk frm mat, cir innr, 1/4"gap,1/8" thk; 0.5 ft overhang (4.2 ft window ht, 0.6 ft sep.); 6.6 ft head ht 4A5-2om: 2 glazing, cir low-e outr, air gas, mtl no brk frm mat, cir innr, 1/4"gap,1/8" thk;1 ft overhang (4.2 ft window ht, 10.5 It sep.); 11 ft head ht 4A5-2om: 2 glazing, clr low-e outr, air gas, mill no brk frm mat, cir innr, 1/4" gap, 1/8" thk; 0.5 ft overhang (4.2 ft window ht, 10.5 ft sep.); 11.3 ft head ht 4A5-2om: 2 glazing, cir low-e outr, air gas, mill no brk frm mat, cir innr, 1/4" gap, 1/8" thk; 0.5 It overhang (5.2 ft window ht, 0.6 ft sep.); 20.9 ft head ht 113-c2om: 2 glazing, cir outr, air gas, mtl no brk frm mat, cir innr, 1/4" gap, 1/8" thk; 1 ft overhang (2.2 ft window ht, 0.6 ft sep.); 20.9 ft head ht Doors (none) n 58 0.770 0 19.2 1112 19.7 1142 n 46 0.770 0 19.2 882 19.7 906 w 99 0.770 0 19.2 1898 47.5 4701 all 145 0.770 0 19.2 2780 38.7 5607 e 36 0.770 0 19.2 690 47.5 1710 e 43 0.770 0 19.2 824 47.5 2042 s 6 0.870 0 21.7 130 27.5 165 wri htsoft® 2014-Oct-03 07:25:01 �. 9 Right-SuHe® Universal 2015 15.0.00 RSU20741 Page 1 �� ...e\Documents\Wrightsoft HVAC\CLIENTS\STROIK .rup Calc = MA Building Front faces: E Ceilinggs 16A-21md: Attic ceiling, mtl roof mat, r-20 roof ins, r-21 ceil ins, 5/8" 1204 0.044 21.0 1.10 1319 3.20 3850 gypsum board int fnsh Floors 19A-21cswp: Fir floor, frm fir, 12" thkns, hrd wd fir fnsh, r-21 cav 1204 0.045 21.0 0.89 1076 0.56 670 ins, tight crwl ovr wri htsoft® 2014-Oct-03 07:25:01 .` 9 Right -Suite® Universal 2015 15.0.00 RSU20741 Page 2 A'(3'* ... e\Documents\Wdghtsoft.HVAC\CLIENTS\STROIK.rup Calc = MJ8 Building Front faces: E ® Component Constructions Job: STROIK -�- wrightsoft p Date: sept 26, 2014 MASTER BEDROOM By. - Project Information For: JIM AND DEBBIE STROIK, NA 10701 S OCEAN DR. LOT 15, JENSEN BEACH, FL. 34957 Location: Vero Beach Municipal AP, FL, US Elevation: 30 ft Latitude: 28 °N Outdoor: Heating Dry bulb (0F) 43 Daily range (OF) - Wet bulb (OF) - Wind speed (mph) 15.0 Indoor: Indoor temperature (OF) Design TD (OF) Relative humidity (%) Cooling Moisture difference (gr/lb) 91 Infiltration: 16 ( L ) Method 78 Construction quality 7•5 Fireplaces Heating Cooling 68 75 25 16 50 50 18.1 58.7 Simplified Average 0 Construction descriptions Or Area U-value Insul R Htg HTM Loss Cig HTM Gain f 2 Btuhlft'-°F ft'-°Fifth Btuhtft' Btuh Btuhm Btuh Walls 12E-Osw: Firm wall, stucco ext, r-19 cav ins, 5/8" gypsum board int n 64 0.068 19.0 1.69 108 1.37 87 fish, 2"x6" wood frm, 16" o.c. stud 13AB-Oocs: Blk wall, stucco ext, 2"x4" wood int frm, 8" thk, 5/8" a 114 . 0.258 0 6.42 732 5.19 591 gypsum board int fnsh Partitions (none) Windows 4A5-2om: 2 glazing, cir low-e outr, air gas, mtl no brk frm mat, cir innr, 1/4" gap, 1/8" thk; 0.5 ft overhang (4.2 ft window ht, 0.6 ft sep.); 6.6 ft head ht 4A5-2om: 2 glazing, cir low-e outr, air gas, mtl no brk frm mat, cir innr, 1/4" gap, 1/8" thk; 0.5 ft overhang (5.2 ft window ht, 0.6 it sep.); 20.9 ft head ht Doors (none) Ceilings 16A-21md: Attic ceiling, mtl roof mat, r-20 roof ins, r-21 ceil ins, 5/8" gypsum board int fnsh Floors 19A-21cswp: Fir floor, frm fir, 12" thkns, hrd wd fir fnsh, r-21 cav ins, tight crwl ovr n 40 0.770 0 19.2 767 19.7 788 e 16 0.770 0 19.2 307 47.5 760 207 0.044 21.0 207 0.045 21.0 1.10 227 3.20 662 0.89 185 0.56 115 wri htsoft® 2014-Oct-03 07:25:01 i.s. 9 Right -Suite® Universal 2015 15.0.00 RSU20741 Page 3 ACCK ...e0ocumentslWrightsoft HVAMCLIENTSWROIK .rup Calc = MJ8 Building Front faces: E Component Constructions Job: STROIK - wrightsoft° p Date: sept 26, 2014 MCLOS By: Project Information For: JIM AND DEBBIE STROIK, NA 10701 S OCEAN DR. LOT 15, JENSEN BEACH, FL. 34957 Design Conditions Location: Indoor: Heating Cooling Vero Beach Municipal AP, FL, US Indoor temperature (OF) 68 75 Elevation: 30 ft Design TD (OF) 25 16 Latitude: 28ON Relative humidity (%) 50 50 Outdoor: Heating Cooling Moisture difference (gr/lb) 18.1 58.7 Dry bulb (OF) 43 91 Infiltration: Daily range (OF) - 16 ( L ) Method Simplified Wet bulb (OF) - 78 Construction quality Average Wind speed (mph) 15.0 7.5 Fireplaces 0 Construction descriptions Walls 13AB-Oocs: Blk wall, stucco ext, 2"x4" wood int frm, 8" thk, 5/8" gypsum board int fnsh Partitions (none) Windows (none) Doors (none) Ceilings 16A-21md:Attic ceiling, mtl roof mat, r-20 roof ins, r-21 ceil ins, 5/8" gypsum board int fins Floors 19A-21cswp: Fir floor, firm fir, 12" thkns, hrd wd fir fnsh, r-21 cav ins, tight crwl ovr Or Area U-value Insul R Htg HTM Loss Clg HTM Gain ft' Btuh/ff--'F ft'-'F/Btuh Btuhff Btuh Btuh/IN BWh e 60 0.258 0 6.42 385 5.19 311 45 0.044 21.0 1.10 49 3.20 144 45 0.045 21.0 0.89 40 0.56 25 wri htsoft- 2014-Oct-03 07:25:01 9 Right -Suite® Universal 2015 15.0.00 RSU20741 Page 4 ...e\Documents\Wrightsoft HVAC\CLIENTS\STROIK .rup Calc = MJ8 Building Front faces: E Component Constructions Job: STROIK - - wrightsoft, BEDROOM Date: sept 26, 2014 For: JIM AND DEBBIE STROIK, NA 10701 S OCEAN DR. LOT 15, JENSEN BEACH, FL. 34957 Desig n Conditions Location: Indoor: Heating Cooling Vero Beach Municipal AP, FL, US Indoor temperature (OF) 68 75 Elevation: 30 ft Design TD (OF) 25 16 Latitude: 280N Relative humidity (%) 50 50 Outdoor: Heating Cooling Moisture difference (gr/lb) 18.1 58.7 Dry bulb (OF) 43 91 Infiltration: Daily range (OF) - 16 ( L ) Method Simplified Wet bulb (OF) - 78 Construction quality Average Wind speed (mph) 15.0 7.5 Fireplaces 0 Construction descriptions Or Area U-value Insul R Htg HTM Loss Clg HTM Gain W Btuh)W--'F W-T/BWh Btuh/ft' Btuh MOM Btuh Walls 13AB-Oocs: Blk wall, stucco ext, 2' ' wood int frm, 8" thk, 5/8" a 33 0.258 0 6.42 212 5.19 171 gypsum board int fnsh s 114 0.258 0 6.42 732 5.19 591 all 147 0.258 0 6.42 944 5.19 762 Partitions (none) Windows 4A5-2om: 2 glazing, Or low-e outr, air gas, mtl no brk frm mat, cir a 27 0.770 0 19.2 518 47.5 1282 innr,1/4" gap, 1/8" thk; 0.5 ft overhang (5.2 It window ht, 0.6 ft sep.); 20.9 ft head ht Doors (none) Ceilings 16A-21md: Attic ceiling, mtl roof mat, r-20 roof ins, r-21 ceil ins, 5/8" 147 0.044 21.0 1.10 161 3.20 470 gypsum board int fnsh Floors 19A-21cswp: Fir floor, frm fir, 12" thkns, hrd wd fir fnsh, r-21 cav 147 0.045 21.0 0.89 131 0.56 82 ins, tight crwl ovr wri htsoft� 2014-Oct-03 07:25:01 .... 9 Right-Sufte® Universal 2015 15.0.00 RSU20741 Page 5 A ...MDocuments%Wrightsoft HVAMCLIENTS\STROIK .rup Calc = MJ8 Building Front faces: E Component Constructions Job: STROIK - wrightsoft® p Date: sept 26, 2014 BATH By: For: JIM AND DEBBIE STROIK, NA 10701 S OCEAN DR. LOT 15, JENSEN BEACH, FL. 34957 Design Conditions Location: Indoor: Heating Cooling Vero Beach Municipal AP, FL, US Indoor temperature (OF) 68 75 Elevation: 30 ft Design TD (OF) 25 16 Latitude: 280N Relative humidity (%) 50 50 Outdoor: Heating Cooling Moisture difference (gr/lb) 18.1 58.7 Dry bulb (OF) 43 91 Infiltration: Daily range (OF) - 16 ( L ) Method Simplified Wet bulb (OF) - 78 Construction quality Average Wind speed (mph) 15.0 7.5 Fireplaces 0 Construction descriptions Or Area U-value Insul R Htg HTM Loss Clg HTM Gain 112 Btuh/W--°F V-°FBtuh Btuh/P stun RUMP Btuh Walls 13AB-Oocs: Blk wall, stucco ext, 2"x4" wood int frm, 8" thk, 5/8" s gypsum board int fnsh w all Partitions (none) Windows 1D-c2om: 2 glazing, clr outr, air gas, mtl no brk frm mat, cir innr, s 1/4" gap, 1/8" thk; 1 ft overhang (2.2 ft window ht, 0.6 ft sep.); 20.9 ft head ht Doors (none) Ceilings 16A-21md: Attic ceiling, mtl roof mat, r-20 roof ins, r-21 ceil ins, 5/8" gypsum board int fnsh Floors 19A-21cswp: Fir floor, frm fir, 12" thkns, hrd wd fir fnsh, r-21 cav ins, tight crwl ovr 61 0.258 0 6.42 392 5.19 316 93 0.258 0 6.42 594 5.19 480 154 0.258 0 6.42 986 5.19 796 6 0.870 0 21.7 130 27.5 165 65 0.044 21.0 1.10 71 3.20 208 65 0.045 21.0 0.89 58 0.56 36 1 Wr 1 t� 2014-Oct-03 07:25:01 9htSOfRight-Suite® Universal 2015 15.0.00 RSU20741 Page 6 ... e\Documents\Wrlghtsoft HVAC\CLIENTS\STROIK .rup Calc = MJ6 Building Front faces: E wrightsoft Component Constructions Job: STROM p Date: sept 26 , 2014 HALUSTA/R By: Project Information For: JIM AND DEBBIE STROIK, NA 10701 S OCEAN DR. LOT 15, JENSEN BEACH, FL. 34957 Location: Vero Beach Municipal AP, FL, US Elevation: 30 ft Latitude: 28 °N Outdoor: Heating Dry bulb (OF) 43 Daily range (OF) - Wet bulb (OF) - Wind speed (mph) 15.0 Indoor: Indoor temperature (OF) Design TD (OF) Relative humidity (%) Cooling Moisture difference (gr/lb) 91 Infiltration: 16 ( L ) Method 78 Construction quality 7.5 Fireplaces Heating Cooling 68 75 25 16 50 50 18.1 58.7 Simplified Average 0 Construction descriptions Or Area U-value Insul R Htg HTM Loss Clg HTM Gain ft- BtuhM-°F fl?'FOuh BWhN BWh BWhilf Ruh Walls 13AA-Ooc: Blk wall, 2"x4" wood int frm, 8" thk, 5/8" gypsum board int n 72 0.584 0 14.5 1047 11.7 845 fnsh 13AB-Oocs: Blk wall, stucco ext, 2"x4" wood int frm, 8" thk, 5/8" w 139 0.258 0 6.42 893 5.19 721 gypsum board intfnsh Partitions (none) Windows 4A5-2om: 2 glazing, cir low-e outr, air gas, mtl no brk frm mat, cir n 18 0.770 0 19.2 345 19.7 354 innr, 1/4" gap, 1/8" thk; 0.5 ft overhang (4.2 ft window ht, 0.6 ft sep.); 6.6 ft head ht 4A5-2om: 2 glazing, cir low-e outr, air gas, mtl no brk frm mat, cir w 63 0.770 '0 19.2 1208 47.5 2992 innr, 1/4" gap, 1/8" thk; 1 ft overhang (4.2 ft window ht, 10.5 ft sep.); 11 ft head ht Doors (none) Ceilings 16A-21md: Attic ceiling, mtl roof mat, r-20 roof ins, r-21 ceil ins, 5/8" 256 0.044 21.0 1.10 280 3.20 817 gypsum board int fnsh Floors 19A-21cswp: Fir floor, frm fir, 12" thkns, hrd wd fir fnsh, r-21 cav 256 0.045 21.0 0.89 228 0.56 142 ins, tight crwl ovr I.1 htsoft® 2014-Oct-0307:25:01 W 9 Right-Sufte® Universal 2015 15.0.00 RSU20741 page 7 14CCA ... elDocuments\Wrlghtsoft HVAC\CLIENTSISTROIK .rup Calc = MJB Building Front faces: E -�- wrightsoft® Component Constructions KJTCHEN/GREATROM Job: STROIK Sept is , 2o1a By: Project For: JIM AND DEBBIE STROIK, NA 10701 S OCEAN DR. LOT 15, JENSEN BEACH, FL. 34957 Design Conditions Location: Indoor: Heating Cooling Vero Beach Municipal AP, FL, US Indoor temperature (OF) 68 75 Elevation: 30 ft Design TD (OF) 25 16 Latitude: 280N Relative humidity (%) 50 50 Outdoor: Heating Cooling Moisture difference (gr/lb) 18.1 58.7 Dry bulb (OF) 43 91 Infiltration: Daily range (OF) - 16 ( L ) Method Simplified Wet bulb (OF) - 78 Construction quality Average Wind speed (mph) 15.0 7.5 Fireplaces 0 Construction descriptions Or Area U-value Insul R Htg HTM Loss Clg HTM Gain ft' Btuh/W--'F ft'-°FBtuh Btuh& Bluh Btuh/fl' Btuh Walls 13AA-Ooc: Blk wall, 2"x4" wood int frm, 8" thk, 5/8" gypsum board int n 140 0.584 0. 14.5 2036 11.7 1643 fnsh 13AB-Oocs: Blk wall, stucco wd, 2"x4" wood int frm, 8" thk, 5/8" a 172 0.258 0 6.42 1105 5.19 892 gypsum board int fnsh Partitions (none) Windows 4A5-2om: 2 glazing, cir low-e outr, air gas, mtl no brk frm mat, clr n 46 0.770 0 19.2 882 19.7 906 innr, 1/4" gap, 1/8" thk;1 ft overhang (4.2 ft window ht,10.5 ft sep.); 11 ft head ht 4A5-2om: 2 glazing, cir low-e outr, air gas, mtl no brk frm mat, cir a 36 0.770 0 19.2 690 47.5 1710 innr, 1/4" gap, 1/8" thk; 0.5 ft overhang (4.2 ft window ht,10.5 ft sep.);11.3 ft head ht Doors (none) Ceilings 16A-21md: Attic ceiling, mtl roof mat, r-20 roof ins, r-21 ceiI ins, 5/8" 353 0.044 21.0 1.10 387 3.20 1129 gypsum board int fnsh Floors 19A-21cswp: Fir floor, frm fir, 12" thkns, hrd wd fir fnsh, r-21 cav 353 0.045 21.0 0.89 316 0.56 196 ins, tight crwl ovr wri htsoft° 2014-Oct-03 07:25:01 A— 9 Right -Suite® Universal 2015 15.0.00 RSU20741 Page 8 ...e\Documents\Wdghtsoft HVAC\CLIENTS\STROIK .rup Cale = MJ8 Building Front faces: E -�- wrightsoft® Component Constructions HALL Project Inf• • For: JIM AND DEBBIE STROIK, NA 10701 S OCEAN DR. LOT 15, JENSEN BEACH, FL. 34957 Job: STROIK Date: sept 26 , 2014 By: Design Conditions Location: Indoor: Heating Cooling Vero Beach Municipal AP, FL, US Indoor temperature (OF) 68 75 Elevation: 30 ft Design TD (OF) 25 16 Latitude: 280N Relative humidity (%) 50 50 Outdoor: Heating Cooling Moisture difference (gr/lb) 18.1 58.7 Dry bulb (OF) 43 91 Infiltration: Daily range (OF) - 16 ( L ) Method Simplified Wet bulb (F) - -78 Construction quality Average Wind speed (mph) 15.0 7.5 Fireplaces 0 Construction descriptions Or Area U-value Insul R Htg HTM Loss Clg HTM Gain ft' Btuhrtl? 'F 1P-'F/3tuh BUMP Btuh BtuhfiP Btuh Walls 13AB-Oocs: Blk wall, stucco ext, 2N4" wood int frm, 8" thk, 5/8" w 95 0.258 0 gypsum board int fnsh Partitions (none) Windows 4A5-2om: 2 glazing, clr low-e outr, air gas, mtl no brk frm mat, clr w innr,1/4"gap,1/8" thk; 1 it overhang (4.2 ft window ht, 10.5 it sep.); 11 It head ht Doors (none) Ceilings 16A-21md: Attic ceiling, mtl roof mat, r-20 roof ins, r-21 cell ins, 5/8" gypsum board int fnsh Floors 19A-21cswp: Fir floor, frm flr,12" thkns, hrd wd fir fnsh, r-21 cav ins, tight crwl ovr 18 0.770 0 56 0.044 21.0 56 0.045 21.0 6.42 610 5.19 493 19.2 345 47.5 855 1.10 61 3.20 0.89 50 0.56 179 31 wri htsoft° 2014-Oct-03 07:25:01 9 Right -Suite® Universal 2015 15.0.00 RSU20741 Page 9 ACCk ...e\DocumentslWdghtsoft HVAC\CLIENTSWROIK .rup Caic = MJ8 Building Front faces: E 9 Component Constructions Job: STROIK wri htsoft FOYER/STAIRS Byc®: sept 26, 2014 For: JIM AND DEBBIE STROIK, NA 10701 S OCEAN DR. LOT 15, JENSEN BEACH, FL. 34957 Location: Vero Beach Municipal AP, FL, US Elevation: 30 ft Latitude: 280N Outdoor: Heating Dry bulb (OF) 43 Daily range (OF) - Wet bulb (OF) - Wind speed (mph) 15.0 Indoor: Indoor temperature (OF) Design TD (OF) Relative humidity (%) Cooling Moisture difference (gr/lb) 91 Infiltration: 16 ( L ) Method 78 Construction quality 7.5 Fireplaces Heating Cooling 68 75 25 16 50 50 18.1 58.7 Simplified Average 0 Construction descriptions Or Area U-value Insul R Htg HTM Loss Clg HTM Gain W Btuhllt? 'F, fl'-'F/Btuh BtuhM' Btuh Btuh/112 Btuh Walls 13AB-Oocs: Blk wall, stucco ext, 2"x4" wood int frm, 8" thk, 5/8" w 132 0.258 0 6.42 848 5.19 685 gypsum board int fnsh Partitions (none) Windows 4A5-2om: 2 glazing, clr low-e outr, air gas, mtl no brk frm mat, cir w innr, 1/4' gap,1/8" thk;1 ft overhang (4.2 ft window ht, 10.5 ft sep.); 11 ft head ht Doors (none) Ceilings 16A-21md: Attic ceiling, mtl roof mat, r-20 roof ins, r-21 cell ins, 5/8" gypsum board intfins h Floors 19A-21cswp: Fir floor, frm fir, 12" thkns, hrd wd fir fnsh, r-21 cav ins, tight crwl ovr 18 0.770 0 19.2 345 47.5 855 75 0.044 21.0 1.10 82 3.20 240 75 0.045 21.0 0.89 67 0.56 42 wri htsoft 2014-Oct-03 07:25:01 .A= 9 Right-Sufte® Universal 2015 15.0.00 RSU20741 Page 10 AC4:�A ...e\Oocurnents\Wrightsoft HVAMCLIENTSWROIK .rup Calc = MA Building Front faces: E This combination qualifies for a Federal Energy Efficiency Tax Credit when placed in service between Feb 17, 2009 and Dec 31, 2013. Certificate of Product Ratinas AHRI Certified Reference Number: 3805982 Date: 10/3/2014 Product: Split System: Air -Cooled Condensing Unit, Coil with Blower Outdoor Unit Model Number: 14AJM36 Indoor Unit Model Number: RHKL-HM3821+RCSL-H*3821 Manufacturer: RHEEM SALES COMPANY, INC. Trade/Brand name: RHEEM; RUUD; WEATHERKING Series name: Manufacturer responsible for the rating of this system combination is RHEEM SALES COMPANY, INC. Rated as follows in accordance with AHRI Standard 210/240-2008 for Unitary Air -Conditioning and Air -Source Heat Pump Equipment and subject to verification of rating accuracy by AHRI-sponsored, independent, third party testing: _ . 00 13 dating (Cooling) : _ 16 UO _41 _, �:.. flM " Ratings followed by an asterisk (") indicate a voluntary rerate of previously published data, unless accompanied with a WAS, which indicates an involuntary rerate. DISCLAIMER AHRI does not endorse the product(s) listed on this Certificate and makes no representations, warranties or guarantees as to, and assumes no responsibility for, the product(s) listed on this Certificate. AHRI expressly disclaims all liability for damages of any kind arising out of the use or performance of the product(s), or the unauthorized alteration of data listed on this Certificate. Certified ratings are valid only for models and configurations listed In the directory at www.ahridIrectory.org. TERMS AND CONDITIONS This Certificate and Its contents are proprietary products of AHRI. This Certificate shall only be used for individual, personal and confidential reference purposes. The contents of this Certificate may not, In whole or in part, be reproduced; copied; disseminated; entered Into a computer database; or otherwise utilized, In any form or manner or by any means, except for the user's Individual, W-InA personal and confidential reference. AIR-CONDITIONING, HEATING, CERTIFICATE VERIFICATION & REFRIGERATION INSTITUTE The information for the model cited on this certificate can be verified at www.ahridirectory.org, dick on "Verify Certificate" link we make life better - and enter the AHRI Certified Reference Number and the date on which the certificate was Issued, which Is listed above, and the Certificate No., which is listed at bottom right r' 1:30568105272026< ©2014 Air -Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute C..ERTIFICATE NO