HomeMy WebLinkAboutCertificate Of Termite Treatment 11-6-15Mar 01 1611:16a EVICT -A -BUG TERMITE/PEST 1-772-340-6990 5- P.1 planning &DevelopmentServiees 13u Rding & Code Regulation Divrsiaa 2300 Virginia Ave Fart pierce, FL 34082 772-462-2172 Fax 772-4U-6443 ,CERTIFICATE OF TERMITE TREATMENT CONSTRUCTION, SOIL TREATMENT .jt�. - �040B BujL.DERjC0NTRACTGR: _4 PEST CONTROL CONTRACTOR". ja PEST CONTROL LICENSE#:. We, the undersigned, hereby certify that we have pretreated the above deed construction for subterranean termites in acwrdance with the standards of the f Aonal Pest Control Assodation. t_ Square feet if area treated: Z—a 0 Percentage of solution; ! U Date of Treatment. Footing 1"Treatment Re -Treat Dr veway . 1 t Treatment Re -Treat Other I¢ Treatment: Re -Treat Chemicals used: _Lich& Total gallons used: Time of Treatment: Siab �i Treatment Re -Treat Treatment -Treat-- for Fin�o� Note: There must be a comCf farm for each requirec! tr tment orr`e-treatmentaad this farm mastbe on thelob site to be picked up by the lnspedbr at One of each !wperflon or the sdre"ed impectran will tall and a-rye-Inspeclfon fee CA&- FSC1Q4,2.6 Ceffiftcate of prateclive Treabnerrtforpr&rentlort aftermr?es. A weatherresistantjobsite postfny bawd shahh, be provided to receive dvplimte Treabnent Cerfftkates as ext rr caked protective treabnent pis coma2w proviorng a Dopy for Oe perm the permit is laaued board anotfrer ropy far Me bufld/rtgpermit files: The Treatment Certlfrcrate shadl provide the product used, identity of Me applicator, time and date 4f the D&V7=4 site ioradon, ar1w treated, dhwva' used, Percent mrn9rttt'a6m and numbt'r ofgahlor.s used, to esUbW a verifiable record of protective treabnent If the soil chemical barrier metfitod fnr termite prevention is used, firta! exterrvr tr2atrnaatshall be completed Prbr ic Ernd buhVkV approval. St Lucie Couniy requires for the final inspection for CO, a perrrranert St3 tkal' be placed or* the electrical parcel boat CWwr lL%ftg all the tmatments and states of appty