HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2363 - ':-::;:':~ T forlyor. = 5051 4 ~~ ~; .And the said parties of the firat part do oovenant with the said partl of the seoond [ part that they lawfully selled of the Bald ~remise., that they are free from all inoum- branoe. and that they have good right and lawful auth~rity to oell the samei and the 8ald parties of the first part do hereby fully warrant the title to sald land, and wlll de- fend tho same against the la"tul 01ai~8 of all persons wh'ms08ver. IN Wl~NKSS WHKrtKOP, the said partles of the flrm part have hereunto set their hands and seah the day and year above written . Signed, sealed and delivered ln our preseaoe: J. J. Strong I. J. MoGraw W. P. Whit.ire ~inna !. ~~ltmire (SEAL) (SEAL) .! S~ A~E OF NOn~B CAIWLllU :i :; ~-:: COUB~Y 0' HENDKdSOU I llErtEBY ChR~IPY. ~het on this the 22nd day of June A. D. 1922, before me personally appeared W. P. Whitmlre and wlfe _inna ~. Whitmire to me known to be the person. dosorib- :; " Ii =~ ij ;\ '> ed in and who exeouted the for.going oonveyance to R, A. Oharette and severally aotnowl edged the exeontlon thereof to be their free aot and deed for the UBes and purposes there in mentionedi and the said 'lnna ~. Whitmore the wife of the said W. P. ~~itmlr. on a sep :! &rate eod private examintaion taken sod Made by and b'fore me, and separately and apart [ from her B81d husband, did acknowledge that ahe made herself a party to the sald Deed of " Conveyance, for the purpose of renouncing, relinqttishing and oonveyins all her right, ti- tle and interest, whether of dower or of separabJpropertr, statutory or wquitable, in and to the bndR thore111 describe', and that she exeouted said deed freell and voluntarily and without any oonstraint, fear, apprehenslon or .oapnlslon of or from her said husband. WI~BKSS my signature and private seal at Hendereonville in the County of Henderson and St~e of North Carolina tqe day and year last aforesald. B. F. Hood JP(Seal) (Seal ) S~A:L& yo' HO~H CAitOLllJA ) SUPERIOR COUR~ Henderson County I, A. O. Jones Assistant Clerk of the Superior Court in and for the County and State aforesaid, do hereby oertlfy that B. 1. Hood whose genuine Fignature appears to the with- in is, and was at the time of Signing the same, an acting Justice of the Peace in and for Henderson County, and dull qpalified aooording to law. eJi.U my hand and~seal of said Court, this 23 day of June 1922. t d.O.Jones Assistant Clerk Superior Court [ Ct.Ct.Sed \, j ~ ~ -( I ! . I i I i f I I filed ...,-----........ '" \ this the 16th day of November A. D. 192f. C~~ Ciroult Court, By ~~;-('~..Le:'1)" c. .-/ r " .ot I-I ,. '....... 'f ~ r. ~- ; . '.~ .-...~ ' . 'r:~~ .~~~~J.~ & '.: ~ ~ ..~~...~:_~:- , ,_ ,_._" _ ' \ _..If ~~ ~,. ~;':.:< ~- ".-: ":.- "~"" .~- '~:-:~t..:_'~~',