HomeMy WebLinkAboutSub-Contractor AgreementtPERMIT # 12110-0542 I ISSUE DATE I PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division s BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT b 74 Tt %` OOTin have agreed to be (Company Namefindividual Name) the ROOFING Sub -contractor for BYRDSON SERVICES LLC (Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor) For the project located at 3005 Cortez BLVD Fort Pierce, FL 34981 (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID #) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing 7/A aange of Sub -contractor notice. . CUNT CTOA 5IGDIATURE (Qeu1)Rer) SC 2?1T SIGNATURE (Qnteli ier) �� 'i- 1 � � � (.r�tS l�rar��a.la►tar`t5 PAINT NAME PRINT NAME / COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida. County of C l_lC e-OL it L The foregoing instrvnent was stlocd before me this 0'day of 1joy1;mk--� .=e a by `T rt who Is personalty known or has produced aL- entos. STA51P ature o . of ; Public 0v rMln Print Na®e of Nottuy Publ& E :RY VID JOSHUA MEAD PUBIIC STATE Of FLORIDA OMMISSION#HH179493 Co MISSim Wms OW7025 Itc.iscd 11' 16r2016 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NU5IBER State of Florida. County of (- A The foregoing Instrument was signed before me this'3Q day of � �yOyLM�7t( .207�,by C-ey:Stta,, �G`EIZCti''S who is personally known or has produced a �- e Han. STAMP S1 ure of N, %ta blic ��vira i�E� Print N e V^ ••+ D .h �. . _•w f '• l•�`; DAVID JOSHUA MEAD NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF F10R1DA COMMISSION #HH 179493 )M Coa+mission fires 0977Q025 PERMIT# 2110-0542 ISSUE DATE COUNTY t' L 11 R I i1 A PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT Kenner Mechanical .. _ , have agreed to be (Company NameAndividual Name) the WAC Sub -contractor for BYRDSON SERVICES LLC (Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor) For the project located at 3005 Cortez BLVD Fort Pierce, FL 34981 (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID #) Xis understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Buie g and Code Regulation Division of St Lucie -.County will be advised pursuant to the I 7 filing of �,C ge of Sub -contractor notice. b TOR SIGNATURE (Quallike) UB-00NTRACTO " IGNATURE (Qualifier) PRINT NAME PRINT INAME COUNTY CERTIFICATION rrtRIsPRJ State ortlorida, County of osc a The foregoing instrument was signed before me this :! day of 1 - C6'y'k_ .10.Ll by J-K-M- —m G_eJ 1(1y\ who Is personally known _or has produced u . asld r SignatueeofNotary rrPubli t AN64. 4 /� l 6C C; Print N eoflowyPublic .y';'yf DAVID JOSHUA MEAD !�i t NOTARY PUBLIC- STATE OF FLORIDA Revised 1►�' .. COMMISSION#HH 1PM93 MY WfMwim Egirm 3271M 3Q� COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUAIBER State of Florida, County,of,- L&kA J The foregoing instrument was signed before me thLa� dray of i40VG%A1n4lr.208by ��GNA< f4sG1�1�A. who i ersonally lmo�or hasproduced s as Idenl[tieadoo. Q� STAMP tiJ/ STAMP Sigoatureof' Notary Public (Ivf(;.Q. O U,ii, _ 1\Qtt . P nt Name ofNotory Public 'QARM L: HUNT R0016N Wt.,'"Rotary public -Rate of fbd0a Gommhalon # GG 942W MY t otnm. Em. kes Dec 24, M3 flooded ermo lladonal Notary Assn. PERMIT . -I I S,'�Ur)AT . t„ E: 2110-0542 I 1 Building & Code Compliance Division • RI#ILDINC: PE1011 P titan-C`0N'I`It•tC1r0It 1%GREVNICNI NextGen Plumbing, .Inc have agreed t() be (Compam• `an,r; Indlv,du;tt-1;unc 1 the Plumbing Stih-contractor fbr BYRDSQN SERVICES LLC I'1 ypc of 7radcl o a _ (Prim;try Cu+ur,eturl 4Wy For the pr(aiect located at. 3005 Cortez BLVO Fort Pierce, FL. 34981 (Project Strcct Address or Prafmrtr Tax In 1O It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the B3 Jjding and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a C,Yange of Sub -contractor notice. COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, Countyof O.CCA60 The foregoing Instrument %vas signed before me 114L day, or who Is penonally know. or has produced a a uentiff Minn. 9TAJIP sig"Adre orNotan• u e Print Name of Notary Public .�:;• DAVID JOSHUA MEAD 4" NOTARY PUBLIC - STATE OF FLORIDA y; .0 COMMISSION #HH 1?9493 � . " M)r c aa�mss+at E> t (19t17Qp25 SUB:_70N,TIt,tCfO1t SIGNATURE (Qualifier) Har"rk1sonC PRIA NAMEQa COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER Statr of Florida, County of 0S C-C—a-U The foregoing Instrument ssas signed before me this day or who Is personally knows n —or has produced a M Jc STAMP Slgm are or rotary PdIlit, Scanned with CamScanner COUNTY R 1 D A PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building; & Code Compliance Division BALDING 111.10iT St;H-C'O.NTRa( T0111:k .RFV.N-1EN*F Cocoa Electrical_ Womp lny Name Individual Nanlc) - '— the Electrical ^ �^ Sub-colill-actor for BYRDSON SERVICES LLC CI'ype of Trade) I Primary Contractor) For the project Ideated al 3005 Cortez BLVD Fort Pierce, FL 34981 I t'rt lest Street Address or Property Tay If) It is Undel:Sto" that, if there is 1111t' Cha11"C Of talus r���(wrding our harticipatitnl with 111r above mentioned proiect. the 131,0111 ig and Code. Regulation Division (A'St. Lurie County will he advised pursuant to the tiling of a CI nge. ol* Sub -contractor notice. ci;%(ac roR slGN:► rcRc: oil+�ai;r�� i IRINT NAME r� Fo i \'1'1' CI:R'1'IPI(:':1T1O1 �l \IBF.R u Stale of Florida, Cmmh of -0-5 CLC�� I'he foregoing imirunuv+t ..as sighed before nu• this dal of WIto is pecsonalh kno.s It _..-_or ba, produced a ns ation. M ANIP tun of Nola Public PrintNan , DAVID JOSHUA MEAD 1, NOTARY PUBLIC. STATE OF FLORIDA . _ ed 4COMMISSION 4HH 179493 My Cmaiission ElOres 327/2025 tit [i CO\'1'R.\C"1'OR till:\,\i t Rk 1(?u:+liflerl r-- ,, PRI.N I N.\NIE ('Ot'\7"1• C'}:ft'1'IFIC.�'I 101 VI'1l8Eit .Slate of Florida. Voont) of Ct0 (w The fureS1,11ing iuslrument.s'as signrd helbre acethin -7 tia% of, h 2031.. ^1'Cct(rf .shu is persunalh hno..n —or has pnalucrd as Me Callon. - - STAMP Signattirc of Nolan 11111), Priul \aniv fif' \otan Public r r QAVID JOSHUA MEAD NOTARY PUBLIC - STATE OF RORIDA t 'r COMMISSION #HH 179493 dry CWmissim Ewes 09,27i'M Ikoisud I I I1, 341(,