HomeMy WebLinkAboutInstallation Instructions467'5wan A I ye 4 i4ghetyWald, tW-1642 w f8001 284-7457 a -fox PLIVERTEC1040LOGIESINN LATI0N1 �T CT. `.jQlRS-F0K LDIRIQA . "!�S R1ES-.gL5-TE9Lf-0QNDAlJ4 N "in-511.8" �S�Y- S -T-E M - PA UK -C 0- 80 q'Ifrevi :PATgNT.# O6 15Q:&.0T.li4R'PAT.ENTPENVING Aug "24,261 REVIEWED FOR CODE COMPLIANCE ST. LUCIE COUNTY BOCC 467 SW AVis 0 H*h0n'Wz(1.04.--Tw.3:84,62 (80..0),,294'-'7Q1:* wwW.—povert . ec: . hPol . cy fe 5 1 cdOve FaX 93 U 7-96-�88-1 7 6L1VtWfTECHH0L0GIES$*fNCi FLORIDA INSTALLAT16M IMSTRKTIONSFOX-THE Mq0EL--1 101 11V0 {Steps 144 LONG,ITUDINALONLY.#Follow .Steps 'l.'-9 JA3ERAL0.WLY.,.fo11vw1StepS 1-3andSteps 1 44 EN614t1IS-STAMP FOR;CONCRETE-100iiCATIONS: FoRmStaps 15-18 *ENGINEERS �TAMP:_ 1. SPF.CIAL C . IRCU . MSTANCES:Ifthe - fo llawi n g. con dit! o n s..p ccu r-:STOP' Coonf.60,)twat T0660094Sdt 74.00-204-7437 z a). Pier:fieight.exceeds:481! cation is -within 1500 feaof coast.. b) (ength of.homexceefis 76! 0 ISidOW011.11 jhtexceec approximate uaretoexppsofitm-suit for octi;grot4nd pan 2,:Remove weeds and debris in an tm q Peels pir. yivl� h V.0jerpef 3.Pl)ocq.,groupd:p.alti(Qdir-ectly:b.elow..chas.�isitbe' P'. s' ..OW 0.1yint soil -until flush of jn44v minstal L rtianufkturees tristructions.or per Plorida Riegs. Pi~CIRLNK?TE;The.iongitud al brace , s , ys , temmay-also.serve as.,a pier under t a4ed as any other pier. it Idgtof4kef ,t. Aft piers, pjeVelhgple anaone�-ti:�ird.inch..(I-/3'�):befo�r.ihdniL-i oW then" te'lmovei "Ca ste�os14 thrd.u�11;9 bet NOM,WHEN INSTALLING T I HE-joNGtTu0INAL:VSTEM ONLKA MINIMUM 0 -ASSIFICA T106 SE-USEDAPPROBETE READINGS ARESETWEEN 276 4 *66i A STABjUZER.PLAjES EVERY 5W-. VEES ARE ALSO) REOUI I RED:0N'H0 .RTICAL�n: 4:Choosp one ofthe approved longlWinal tube:lnq-Atloi.s;,efther d . PIER HEIGHT 400 Min. - 45i MaX.) Tubekenqth Tube Length ,g , 4 33" to 41." Dlagtam­ A 5. lnstmvqyof squ retub� 6, Place 1-bearh-tonnector (F) loos 41 7. (For Diagrah) A installation) slide` with bolt and. nut. (Pot Diagram 8- Anf+-nfitt: ., N IS REQUfflEb. SO(LTt$T PROBE BEtWEEt4.'175.&215.,6-5,:FOOT-AIs .or Kthenf seW the leqgthlrom the €#ar�iube.to:acfileveappropriate; ength. PlER'HOGW 1 tzs. 0- (40`, Min-60,.,Max) T bet4m§t orn flai.gi of the #beam (E)into A.-1507tub e M and; attach ,to I�bean connectors :(F) aa'd.f6stopioosoly Attach the.s I tt, i 5"tubes (E),tp the J,boarn connectors (F).a- f6stenJobse Yleith bai ts 8.1106atsteps 6'through-7to,crjeaRe Ahe'Vr.m. 'patteof the square tubes P.J.oselY Implace.., 9v using starj&rd:hand :toots t.'i9h.t.en all nuts and bolts. Diagram fbur(4)1,--W-1.4:)(3/4" selfLtapping screws in pre-dMied holes:) El ILSC .. . . . 16� 101* T "V. S N'EEO FQA.5TAOILIAR PLATES. & FRAME TIES. 'CAL 4"- 5,5PAC1) E. THE M NUFAC.T.VRER S.PECIFIli$ DIFFEANT, FOUR POO-r. (41 GROUND. ANCHOR MAY BF USED OC-PT WH H(IME �.A ristructions. N0TE,.CpnteAjn6-0nch0rs To. Ins und..anchors �,pO h0MOMaintActUTer'si h T lo require. a 5'.anchorper Florida: Code. 11 elect the cwrect square tube brace -or b aot.tubejadd;,th]eJ.25' tube 4$, the inserted litbe.) 12, install the 1,5t1 transverse c (D).W#h I�OW an 911t. co to. attach to a0j''cent I�be�iryl torviliactdr,(J), with:bolt and nut.13, 5lide -1.2.5" ttansvep�-brace-lnto:thi e 1,50"-brace and . 4 holes, s. t * 01 5i, f6.�y (4) 10 .A'4 x 3,/4* self -tapping. sceeWS]n. oferdt-Pled.. .2 14, SecUTOT-.SW �tfai`15V!E� �A P- OT.HFPTATWNT omtnima 467 $wanAve _e.Hohenwa&d. TT4 3062 * (86012,044437:0 www�*afiVeMkehn0.1'oqjes-_com w Fax,(913;1) 7".--5$11, lhST,At.t&T_J0N U&INg CONCRETE RUNM.ERj,F0 15..Aconcri6terunner, footeror-stab may .beiised.-iti-place:ofth.e.s.tOe1ground 04n.; al The-concretesball"be minimum 2500PxVtftt)( bjA concref+r runnel rriay.be either #ongi#c+d'ca�a# Dr transsrerse; and rru5t.be a rr�inmurs� ctf8; deep witia�a minimum:widt#i of"!6 inches Ibq'qitqdihajlY-or 18, inches transverse to -allow, prqper-.Oistance'betweeri th6cbt3crete bolt and the.e-cjq.e of the concrete (see belowY. cl footers must have:riiinairnum :surface area: tif441: sg, an It e: NU �req I d, F ot _rs A lfafull slab is. used, the depth musfbe a 4!" minimum �pga4l: Ltiompf th bracket instaliation1s riotwre o. mustallow f6vot leost.4"from-tileconcrete baltAo theeoge'df the.tdncpete', NOTE: Th6bottoib,of MI1fp.otjnqs,.pads, slabs and rUnp6r.s%must -be.per local jurisdiction. 16. When hen using PArt# I 101-W-M.-A (Weiset).simply install the braftt-iwttirinedfooter QA-..W..heMristalIin,,qJn cured concrete.use Part s-(Simpso ' I �CPCA�drysF,,t)�lhe:1107":(dfyset):iCA"bra�keti��tt�chLid-t6.the:co'nitreteiisirig(2).5/8"x3";conCf.e te-wedgeboltn PaTT# -d ark bolt Weio ' �.1623OO. H 518"M".oe PowemequivAent). Place, the CA bracket -in. desired -,h Place:wedge�:b4ilts:i.nto.Otille mAsorrrybgjdrill'a holo to -a minimorn depth of-3". Make .-sure,all.lost Zino 40dqot6s blown out bg-4ples. dlight! the.wed e bolts en place 'sGt):CA bracket onto we y drive holes; then 1101 (017Y d9 P A 'bfcontf&ew� ci�'bglfneedsj§be.af�� down by "jing the riut,(making surelotto; hit the to r �efo tliiC tog -of cone r;te Corry plete:by t14htenjnq.:nUts- t jr - 4,^, . I ' Of D r. 00104 or 7 -TACA dry set atioh' O..a riya !i- Make wte.all dos'fah concrete is milli urn ddot of 3 d q . W . 0 otit',of f . he.h Place. M 18�'X 3"' or Po'* 5 uivateni).int6. (Dyc6,ncr4�be dry..1phsVOrse. blow Me, lei Wedqe'-b0ffs:($j­*ps0ti #S162300H-5J.4t� ...... . ... .tonpector.'a d into . drilled holeX needed,take it hafnnfgr�ihd lightlyoftiVetl! the d to n _e 4,v#-the .n�t. brit needs-Ig-b 'hit th etqp ofthreads on. bolt. thert-rem t or below the tbr, of canere_:xg 78. W+hen:using,part4 1161 -CVVM (w0tset)'+or 1101 CM(drys6t)Jr1$tM,0e 18- I.. LENGTH Of "PUSE.IS T.0,,-..' Sl 3 C up to 5.21 ALL WIDTHS Ai D LEN04SOVER 52'T6 80" . H QMH * -.1A0' MYRREQ IR&PERFLORbA-AiG.ULS 5j+steMsfothome lengths .up to;52'and 8 systems for homesover57+000. UP'= PATtNtg �6 � 1.50 9,:OTHERPATENT FENDMG. Page. Rewlsion 0$/23/`M 0 'I •Tran5vtksa Atm,.P8&m Cvanktbr, .0 - Ground.Pon Palt f, j 1.010 -IA C*.R. 'Part i r idl W --tACA not shown Top fl.Al , cement .0 lsbr Cdrlc, e Tra n 3totse - or Clarity, C*- Cofidetb Stab 1W Max... Batts Mod d k1,101. T. I-AW, MOAQ14 1101 Florida approved ground anchors may be used in all locations except.where home manufacturets'5p..e�4fications�for sidewall straps are in excess of-4,000"ibs: These.1o'cations require 9 Vanchor?er Florida code. C ='GROUNDPAN ICONCRETTE FOOTER ORRUNNER, D = GROUND PAN CONCRETE UiBRACKETSTRA NSVEASE 4014NECO.R:(f-onnects with grade&,c I jageobit -and nut) E%=TELESCOP'(NGY.'BRACETUgE.ASSEMBLY:(I.S":T.UgE BOTTOM AND !,.2$,".TUBEJNSf-RT-)', R TUBE 'F'VVACE 178EAM-CONNECTOR '-ASSEMBLY 1=t =TELt5COPIN61RANSVERSE ARM ASSEMBLY '41 I TRANSVERSE AW I -BEAM CONNECrOkIconneds with grade 5 - "TI /Zcanidbjebolt- and nut) J = VAN 9RACkET. (connects .with grade 5:;-:1 /2"xr, V2"carria ge ocif ninsverse Arm. -V'BracejBeam Connectw$ H- Transverse -ATl .0 - Pah Tpahtyef5p'Coflifectar, Concrete TraqsVerie Bracket C- Ground P, !CQncretefooter 00--q:- Pan..V&acket t Coqdeto VBtacket ,Paff P. t idl WCKA 6otihebwn P 'ArEN , T#0634150'&-0THMPATZN .T PEMOIN6. _Mau- .a V-TITICAL Vlit*t 8xjXr;(NQ ca�u anstta a . e ;l .�t tin . ih die fbo r }L�fCK -*-�---� SEC"' f". ,•a�.�ryo+tq► �rlYY'Of 14p i11vi`trisRf a+5 r"P 4L PAM0.0 40tC A.4t t a,tE. UP Rev16Eo FOR CODE Cl MPLIA�ICE ST. LUC COUNTY B.CC U2/Q Wia+