HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2404 ~4() -- .... 1. T ' -....a.- '.' -- thenoe , deg. O.C. 160 feet to a point: thenoe south 30 deg. W. 146 feet to edge of e b~y in the 1141in River; thenoe eestew1y along the water'a edge of Baid bey to the lotera30- Uon of the prolongetion south'erly of the westerly line."if Sublot no. 27 10 JUST V1E\'I' COK- PANY'I &~bdivision No. 1 end the boy: thenoe northar1y along the prolongation of Boid west- erly line of SfJ id Sublot 110. 27 end the we sterly line of 88id Sublot lIo, ~7. to the plooe of beginning; together with b right of woy 26 feet in width olong ond adjacent to the edge of 88id bey ~rom the eLsterly lloe of the poroel hereinbefore described, to the sll~ now oondtruoted in 98id tiay, at a point about 600 feet southeast6rly from the southe6st oor- I ner of the p&roel herein desoribed. which right of way is for the purpose of oooess 1rom the pllrcel herein described to 88id slip. Inoluding the right to build and meint(tin wh(lr- veal dooks. piers. and boathouses projecting into ELid bt.y. but excluding bll other riTlbrion rights. which, together with the peninsula, islfinds, and other land now existing or here- after formed in said Indian River.. sre hereby reserved. as appurten8nt to the relIl&inlng ll'nds oi the gJ,5~ VI El.; C0lJP...UY. .- ~ PJRCBL HO. 4. Being parts of Lots '4 and ,6 of seotion 6 in Townshi~ 33. south of Range 40. east, described os fol~oWSI Commencing at a uoint in the west line of soid Lot #4. 100 feet distent southerly measured along soid west line fro~ the northwest corner o~ soid lot: thence from said point easterly in s line ~rollel with the northerly line of Lot #4 end distant therefrom 100 feet to the btlontio ucaen; thence along the Atlantic Ocean southerly to 8 pornt in Lot i5, 200 feet southerly from the northerly line of Lot f6 measured at right angles from said northerly line of Lot TO; thence westerly along b line parellel to the northerly line of Lot 16 and distbnt 200 feet therefrom to the westerly line of Lot f6; thenoe northerly along the westerly lines of Lots t6 and 14. 1,483.7 feet to the place of beginning. exoepting tharefrom the following described stri~ of lend: Commencing at 8 point in the westerly line ot 8&id Lot r4 di8tont 263.7 feet m8c8ured along, sbid westerly line from the north~est corner of said Lot ,4; thence fro. said ~oint easterly 300 feet at right angles to acid westerly line of Slid Lot f4. end p~rbl161 with the northerly line of Lot ,4. distant therefrom 283,7 feet to a point; thenoe soutterly p&rallel with the weeter- ly line of Lot ,4, and dlstunt therefrom 300 feet. 8 dist~noe of 1100 feot to the southerly line of Lot .4; thence westerly clong the southerly line of Lot f4, 300 feet to the south- west oorner of said lot; thence northerly along the wGsterly line of said Lot, 1100 feet to the point of beginning; the premises hereby conveyed being the pronerty now improved 6S a golf oourse. All of the ~brcels hereby oonveyed are subject, however. to the rights of way for pub110 roads. drainage ounale, and ditohee. and for eleotric l1ght, telegraph and telephone l1nes, water meins. and other publio fbcilities in, uuon bnd under the h1ghw~ys now or hereafter laid out upon whioh the premises hereby conveyed mbY abut. be the 86me more or lese. but subJeot to all legfil h1ghwuys. I TO tlAVr; AIID 'ru HOLD the above granted end bargained premisas, with the apllurtenenoes thereunto belonging, unto the said Grantee, its successora heirs end assigns forever, And BAST VIE;. C01l?AIIY, the 88id (;rantor. does tor itself bnd its suocessors and assigns, oove- nant with the said ~rontee, its successors end ussigns. that bt and until the enseeling of the.e presents. it is well seized of the above described premises, 6~ ~ go04 end indefessi- ble estate In 'BB SIKPL_, and hllS good rl~ht to bbrgain and 8811 the some in menner ond form as above written. thbt the seme ere free ond clebr from all inoumbrenoea whatsoever end that it will WAHBAHT AND D~END 88id premises. with the appurtenanoes thereunto belong- ing. to the 86id (;rentee. its suocessors end assigns forever, ogainst &11 lawful olaims end delllBnde whatsoever. 1 , " ~. /:'c ,',:~ . ".~~ -,: }': ;.:: ., . _ - 'f!~"': ~ :-: : : . ..4 . _ -~:>' .v~_>:~:<. ~'