HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2446 "~D , --;~ I. ni/~ ,W,P. soo; \ / ./. Charles H. H~stord Uotery Publio tor the State of lIew ! i Hoopshirt, : ~ ~:..:.::=:.:: J_~ -'~t .Ct, '-~ ..~\el\ "\,C\\' ...00;(\ \l,C'- P. C. Eldred, Clerk Circuit Court I' ! Filed aod recorded this 1st. day of January 1923. By -B~ ~ D. C. J. L. i\!H~hlUill) .. ........... ....... ....... ..... ...... ........ ... ... .............. .......... ..,... ........... ~'O OLIVK It. "EEAS WAilliA~UY DIiliD ~HIS IflDK'i'lIU:-~E made this honty-fi fth day of UOVO!:1bC;r, ;.. D. 1922 beheen J. ~:, White.. heed of the ~io\1n of Ullford in the County of uew hoven end St6t~ of Connecticut, l'AH'lY OF ~liE ?I...S~' P;'i\? and Ol1\"e it, Weeks of Jac~sonv1l1o ; Duvul County, Stoto of .Florida, p,;lt'1Y OF tHE SECOlW PAH'1 i\I7UESSE~'H : ihat U.e said part:; of the first port, beinp- unmEirr1ed, for .ond 11 CO:ISIDE.i{A~'IOll of the sum Of one dollar und otter vuluoble considerations to him in hand paid b:; the Baid norty of the eecond part, the receipt whereof is hereby 6ckno*ledged, has Gr';;;I~ED. B.A..~G;' IlIU1, and SVIJ> to the said Pfirty of the second port. her hell's bnd lIBsi/t1l8 foroVt..'r, tl.e following.. descri bed land to wit: ~he east holf of the ilorthwest qUfirter of ~roct Une hundred ~wcnty (120), '1o~n- ship ~hirty-tdo (32) South, den8e thirty-seven (37f East, in St. Lucid County ~lorido, con- taining, in said O&st ho1f, five acres (6) more or 1e8s: SubJect to 011. reservations for drainage, c~ols, and ditches, and public roods as sho~n ~y plbt8 recorded In tte office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of ~aint Lucie Count:;, ~lorida, being tr.o some nre~ises con- I veyed,to me by deed of horr:; B. ~ith doted July 2Y, 1918. recorded in the office of 60id J . Clerk Book ~6 Page 173, to which deed and the record thereof reference mo:; be had for further deBcr iption AIiD '~HE S~ID party of the first. part does hereby fully \'arront the title to soid land, and w111 defend the same bgalnst the 16wfu1 claims of 011 perpons whom~oever. III iiI';ijl':SSHl:Kd~;O? the said port:; of the first purt has herounto set his hond IJnd seal at Plymouth, !lew Happsr-ire, the day and :;enr first IJbovo written. 3IGtlED,SEALEB and l)BLIV.c..tED in presence of J. L, Yibi tehelld Iii j :f ,j-Uifi fSEAL t 7fhi-:i ,U Doris E. C~ings nal ter ., Flint $1.00 document6ry stomp cancelled. S~;'~~ OF UL~ H~SHI!ili COU;i~Y vi G.;..?iOU 88. I, ~"olter ..i. Pl1nt, 0 liotory Public within end for s8id County, do hereby certif:; th&t J. L. 1shi tehead, to me known and known to me to be the DerRon described in and 'who executed tr.e foregoing deed, personally aq:eored i..efore me thle da:; and acimo\11edp-ed thot lie executed the 80me. \' ,. ..;" . \ '..; 1 (' ([ iiy Welter 1(. i'l1nt flotory Pub 11e oommlo.10n exolre. "ovember t ] c, .. Witness twenty-fifth day of Hovembet. A. D. 1922. 1926 .. ~ ~~ P. C~ K1dred. Clerk C ircult Court '1J1~~ ~ D.C, 1 j J'lled ODd reoord~~'''.~ day of . \ ! Ct .Ct. 8eal') j '. , January 1923 ! >.~:., ". ".::t*~>:'~7; - ~. -"c:.. .', . .- ,- -;., ""',~ ~~';~-'.'. :.,: : --. - . ~ ," .... ~~. .-.:-. :--, : I . ..<.. - ,,- - '- -. -