HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0006 \ " , , ----' ! .. Yf3urf.\ otter dote wIth interest thereon 01, the rate of ten p€U' cent per annum fro:n dote ulItll puid, ond recorded 1/; Mortgage Dook 16 at pogo ~6 111 tho Public records of :ioint Luoie County, norlda,. f' jJ .; r iJ An.1 thl' sai.1 !':trlie S hf thl' fiNI ('nt, ClIr tr.emae 1 \'e S 11I81. tt.e lr. . . hl'irs, thl' 8110\'(' .1l'M.rihl't1 allll hl'rl'b.r ~rantt'll mltl fl'1l'8'l'.lllrt'llli,,',.. 1I1\l1l'\.tr~. part all,1 pllr....1 thl'l'l.'of, ,,,ith lI('pllrlt'llllU.I'S, IInto th,' sai,lpllrL _ j' of thl' sel'olld part,... }; 1 B. ._._ h...i~ :\lltllb-.,it:Il~, a~liillsl till' S:li.t I'a:-t les..or 11.l' Iir,. I'llrt and..llis.. __...heirs. .11,1 a!:aili~t all 1!1Il1 l'\"l'r~' ptrsOIl ..r ['l'r~olls wllolUsoeH'r, IIl\Trllll~' .'laiUlill~ l.r to ..tailll till' S311Il' ~hlll1 allll will warrallt, an.1 b~. these I'r"iil'llt~ foren'r .1"C"III1. I~ \\.I1'~E:-:::: WllEHnW,Thl'sni.I.,,"rt icS..fth,' IirsI "arl d.QoS._ __hi'fl'lIuiosd ...their the llll~' au.1 ~.l'l\r Iirst ~how writt,'n. hall<1 G. . I! Illl sl'a!!;!._._ _, Sigllt'll. !':..all",1 allll Ill'linred in 1'.....'I'n'.e of I:S, :toy G. P.i1liuru _ ___.._ (SI-:.\ I,) Ed~8rd P. Uartin 1yd~_.P '. r l111ntl .._._.. .__(SI-:.\I,) Mtiude .\llulerson__.__ __.(8E,\I.) STAn; OI-'__.~~~Ei~~__.__._____ 1 ('Ollllt~. or._~Q.lD.l'_,L'.l.c.i!L-. ~ ... 011 this liar I'l'rsnnall)" 81'1'I'ar,.1I before me_ no;.' _G. llillillitd and-L;rda }t. [i~li1i=d. his .41:e _. t'.l hie w..tl known as the 1'...rs,'1I S 11esl'ribed in. un.1 who execute.l th~ C..ngoing lJenl of COllw~'alh'l'. and aeknowlr.1~l'd that. _th~L-.._ I'x.",'"....1 Ihl' salll' f'.Ir till' I'urtll>se thefl'ill l'xl're;;...ell; wh..rf'UI"'1I it is I'ra~'fd that thl' same h1a~' \)(' r.....ordtJ. A. Il. \":0 aOh.'<I I\l~' n81111' an.1 om,'ial '5~al. Ihis 16th _ nda~' of. ...QQ t 0 bl)1':.__. B:~\!ard. p, ::ort In(SE.\L} Ilotnr:: Public S~&te'of -~lortdll ~t .1nrFg..!:..:; cor.::113s ton nezpires l.llf:ust .:.oth. 1...G4. J Count~. of___!>ulnt_:..1ucie l ..\ I,___.L. .P .':':ur1in. ~_ no t~;,:~-.JlUb.lic. .ic..Jjnd. fer t.r.c; 5t.&~--O-f'..']104"il.a-fl.L-1.uree 110 hrrrb~' l'crtif~' that .Lydf#__P, JLtll~91"_L____ _____ _on _._ ___to me weIl kl!fJ\m as the wife of ._.__ ... _._...._ _.._.. .;iO~' _ G.. Ellliard..____ _ __ .. _.__ .._.... _an.I as onl' of the persono .!.--serihf'.1 in, and who exeeutrd the fol't'g..illg I)('('d, Ilid this .Ia~' to lIIe, on l\ s'.I'aratl' an.1 pri\"atl' r"amin:.ti,," l!tfore 11:1' takl'n :\11,1 madE', sE"pardtd). .11I" apart Crom h..!" said hushan,l, a,.kw,wl,'.h:e "ml II......lare, tbat "he made hrfli('!f a l,art). to sod exel'utE'.l thl' saml' for Ihe purpose of releasing, rdinqlli8bin~, reo lIollJiring all" ....Il\"(.~.ill~ all h,'r ri~l:t of dower, SI')'8",te l';,I.t.. aud honlfstl'ad. all.1 all h..r rights ill Bnd to the lands, ill saill dl't'll dl'- s'.riLI'd amI I!raut",I:.3!!~Jhat sl.l' l'ul'utt'll the sallll' frrel~. alld ,."lunbri1r, withont an)' rOIl,traint, Itl.prt"bt'nsioll, Cear or l'olllpnlsi(,n of or from IIl'r'aiJ/ t'~..ban". ....""\. J ~ WitDl'S"';')' b8ull and oO~'ial sral at~':1r.L Piorc 0,___, t1;i3 l,Btt._____ ____ __Aa)' oL__Oc: to bex_. A. n. 192...? I \ Il.P.SCIJ1} \ . , / '---_/ . _El\"'Utrll_mP. _:4!,U"11.r'"----..._. . _.___(SEAL) riot&r;r Public, ~~t&te of ~'lorila at lerge _ .:J;r.co:..:l1i:S.l011_.cxL':I..ce~sL2litJ:.~Z4. liE-a 0-90 Vt ",..../t IJ STATE 010' FWRII>A, 1 County of St. Lueil'. } m; IT !tt;~..;~tJn-:la:I), That on tbu_____ 23rd__......day oC_ ~_October ____A. D, 192-Z., ~ J,.___._._~~..Q..... l;ldred____..______ going Dfl'd in t be l'ulJlie Ht't'Ords oC said eounl)'. In Witness '~"ereof, I ha~.e.hfreuDto set m)' han,l an.1 the seal I \ ~t .Ct .S"l) ,- .// ("\erk of thl' f'ircuit Court in and Cor said Count)', ban' (Iuly recorded the fore- By (S.;.\I,) n. C, ....- c' 'Irfitl:26~~ij:~~f:IEt:;:r~'.:E~::~%f~f[l:;.'#:;<t\/';~~{;;;;.~'tl~%~.f;:?l;:~~a:~~~;i;t~?:~{~:~E:?{: