HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0010 ,'--'-" ..---..~----- _.' _ ,.__ ...____.... ___......<I41ll ___~....,.~~~'.:r..'....._._ :, ~u.. $1 I ,\1101 Ihl' sai.1 I'art y .ot Ihl' li~1 part, t"r hiI:loolf .-- ... ROI)..... hi 8, ... hrir;o, Ihl" ahow dt'so-rihl.'t) un;l hereb)' !:rllnh,.1 allOl n'll':\s~) pr"mi..,'", 1111I) ...\"t'r~' pllrl alll) p:\r~l") Iher,'of, wilh "1'I'"rII'1I3U,'rs, unl.. Ihl' AAi,II'urL Y...of Ihe sl'('''II.1 parI, .. his ..._ bt'irs :md 1I"i!{I:'. 8):lIill'it 1111' ".i.1 !,arl Y of Ihe ~NI p8rt allll ..,. E.1..s . h~irs. alltl agBinst 1.11 811.1 t'\l'r). ltt'rsOIl Cor pt'fSons whulIlsoe\'er, lawflllly ..Iaiming l1r t.. ,'Iaim the S-"lll' shall 111111 will w;uraul, Rllll b)' Ihest' J,r~scllts fot('H't Ih,tl'lI'!. 1:'\ WIT:'\E:-,:-: WllEJ:I.:Ol.', Tilt' AAid l'lIrl Y of Ihe !irsl pRrl Ihe tla). alltl ).enr lirsl ahoH' wrilten, has ._.hI"rl'lInIQsl'\ his .. _ hand .... allll selll..._. ..., Siglll.'tl. ~1~1I1l't1 Bllll llelh.('t,..l ill I'n'S('II\'e of liS: H. C. B'J.ller Joh!l..J.!. .~aot t Jr. Trllstc6 _ ._. ... ._..(8I-:AI,) ._.(SEAI,) ..__(SI-:.\I,) G80~e Ea~Tie. llICtJI"'q' " ~TATI-~ OF__... ._..:-::,~..'-------- --1 .., . y'r:' I Coullly of.__..'UO .~.L ._._..__~__.___. J On Ihis day personally al'Pl'dn'u '.efore me__ ___ .._ JJH1L,J.. SCOTT. .JR.. .J,:i.\JS:;::;;;; .:. 10 11I1" well known as the pt.'r~"n . .1l'S\'ribed ill, an.1 whl) ueeuted thl' foreJ:l>ill~ ))('('tl {,f ("oO\.l'yall('l', and aeknowle.lged IhaLt.e_ cX""Il!ctl the sallie fur Ihe purpose then,in expn's.."."tl; wlu-reul'on it i" l'ra~.e.1 Ihat Ihe sallie roa,:-- be r"I~or.led, In Witllt.'s W ~r: I h<!n' Ilcr...lIlto al1iud wy nam.. anti ollidal seal. Ihis _ .. ,\. n, I~I:! 2_. at.. De_tt.91 t. \l-ltcA_l&m__.___. _.....__...ly of ... O~ 1;.9.00 I____ ST.\n: 01-'_ B:ward E, Chartier . .....-.._.__._____._._. ....._ .______..__(SE.\L) =lota:ry ?ub:'.ic state of :~ich i~~a:1 ,~, ~o .~. ~ , ~ . 2~ "O~A ........,..... ;r~..s.w_o.. eXf.;..rea....stJ~. ..I-*~~..._ 'u.:'. s. j , , ,- , / ---/ -.. ) ('ount)' of_ __.._ I. -___ ---- 110 bl'rl"b)' eerlif). Ihat _.__.___._._.__._ __.____to m(' well known as the wife of I f i ___..._..__.._n__ __.. _.__..._.. __.____.. .__.__ 1\1.01 as one of Ihe pt'rsons ,I,'scribed in, ond ".ho ueeutl'd the fol't'gl)in~ Dl'o.'d. .litl Ihis d/i). II) me, on 1\ Sl'paratl' an.1 prinlte eX:lIninalinn I.efure '"'' laken and mad.,. sel.aratd~. .1Ilt! apart from her said huslJlIIIIl, 1\..klJ{twl,',I:c., ~1U1 .1l'..Jdft', 11,*t she made herst'lf a I,atl). 10 ami exeel.le,) Ihe same fl)r the pllrl'ose of releasing, rdin'luishin!,!, reo nouueing IIl1tl ,.unvf').illg all her rigbl "f dower, M'l'arsh' ...If:.. allll 1101O"le8.1. and 811 her righls iI, an,1 10 the lands, ill sai.l det'll tll" sl.ribed an.l !trill.",.I, allll thaI she exeo:uled Ihe same fr~l)' allll \'(.Iunlaril)', wilhont an" l'oD,trainl, I\Pl'reht'nsiolJ. fear or !'ompulsion of or from l1l'r sai.1 hu.hant!. Witnl'SS III)' haml 8m) offit"illl seal aL_ __._._., Ihis.. __0111)' of A. D, 192_ _(SE.\L) ) . .-/ STAn: 01<' Jo'l.omDA, 1 I U.: IT ICKm:~IIH:nEU, That 011 tbiL_._~18~___.__day or._.~~tob!l.!:._-----A. D. 192~, Counl" ot St. Lude. } ~ J, __ .....1'. .C.___..t:ldr.ed_._ _.._________._ (<'Q ('Jerk of tt.!' Circuit ('onrt in and for &aid Couoty, ha\'e duJy ncorded the foft- going Decd in the Public Rel'or~s of said Counly. O~ In Witness Wht'reof, t ha\'e h~rMJnto set ID)' han:? ~.I the seal IIf sai,) Court, t . ~ ~ ( . ~A- (SEAl,) \ ct.Ct,Seo.L,1 ~() By ..,. C \ J _--.&J'. , "-. //~.. ~ .~ ~~~i~~.\~<~j;~:i~~}~~:;:t{j.;;~~~~~j:~:':~1i~)~?~':~:_'/t~l.:~-:j?,~~ ~ ?;~~;~t 4~}~?~:~/~~ .:~:J:.~;i:,~.~:.'~\;.~~}'.:~~;:i:~~;.~ ~i~~~/)t'3>,~::;t{;.:~~~: ;;~4c.