HomeMy WebLinkAboutProduct Approval Roof Deck6/9/2017 Florida Building Code online � • T lit. BCIS Home Log In �; User Registration I Hot Topid I 5ubiiilt Surcharge. I Stats & Facts, I .I ubliptions !I' FBC Staff I BCJS Sfie Map I Links I Search ' Florida._ r Product,Approval USER: Public User Product Approval Menu >.Product or Appfltation Search-> Apalkailon rust > Applicaiion Detail FL #' Application Type Code Version Application Status Comments Archived .Product Manufacturer Address/Phone/Email. >4uthorized Signature Technical, Representative Address/Phone/Email Quality. Assurance Representative Address/Phone/Email Category: Subcategory Compllance Method Florida Engineer or, Architect Name. who developed the Evaluation Report Florida, License Quality,Assurance Entity Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Validated By Certificate of Iridependence FL9555=R3 Revision 2014 Approved' UNION CORRUGATING COMPANY 701 S. KING:ST. FAYETTEVILLE, NC•28301 (910) _483-0479 Ext 256' jstieby@uniohcorrugating.com :John, Stieby jstieby@ unio ncorrugati ng:com Structural Components, Roof Deck Evaluation Report from a, Florida Registered Architect; or a licensed Florida Professional Engineer Y; Evaluation Report - Hardcopy, Received Bala Sockalingam RE=62240 Keystone Certifications, Inc. 12/31/202b Yoosef Lavi, P.E. !l Validation Checklist- Hardcopy.Received FL95550: COI Certif catelndeoendence.pdf Referenced Standard and Year (of Standard), Standard ASTM E1592 FM 4476 UL 580 Equivalence of Product Standards Year 2U01 1992 1994 Certified By Florida Licensed Professional, Engineer or Architect F 9555 R3 Eouiv Testeguivalent C1999 3T7.odf FI9555 R_3 Eauiv TestEadivalent C1999 8.odf ,Sections, from the Code FIE ,hgps://www.floridabuilding.6rg/pr/pr_app_ d.aspx?param=wGEVXQwtDcPOROQkZA5RE8EOgziUdl7kfsp6FEUQhk%3d 113 61912017 FloridaBuilding Code Online ,"Product Approval Method Date Submitted 'bate 'Validated, (Date; Pending FSC.Approval Dafe _Approved Summary, of Products Method I'Optiory D 03/Z3/2015- 03/24/201S, OW9120-15 06/23/1615 FL 4f Model, r4umber-orp ame Description 9555.1 SV,Pah&l 29ga', 24',Wlftjhlrough'fastdned panel over wood supports Liffilts of Use, Installation instructions, -Approved for use in HVHZ: No 'FL9555' R3 .11 FV5luatldnRehdftC1999-j,yid Approirdd fordse outside HVHZ: Yes Verified By: Bala Sockalingarn PE 62240 Impact Resistant: N/A Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Design Prdssurei: +N/A/­-70.25. Evaluation Reports Other: Uplift load of 70.25 psf•C6 support spacing of 24" o.c. '19_9555 R3 AE EvaluatI66116bortCI999 :Tbd -Created by -' Independent Third --Party: Yes 9555.2 MasierRrib Panel 26 ga., 36" wide' ,through fastened panel over steel supports Limits Of -Use. Installation Instructions Approved for Use in HVHZ-_No FL9555-R3 1 11 �Evaluatio fteportC1999 4,piif Approved H d for'use outside - VHZ: Yes Verified By: Bala - Sockalingarn PE - 62240.- Impact Resistant NIA Creatiid by -Independent -Third Party: Yes Ppsign Pressurid� +N/A/-47.2 Evaluation ' e _S' ya�io - � - othem.pplift [bad of 47.2 psf.@ support spadhj of 60- ox. FL9555 R3 AEPOEIaldationRerio 100 4.pdf - '113 -,FL95 5 AE,LSC1999 4.pdf' Created by Independent Third Party: Yes-, 9555.3 MasterRiti Panel 29 36" wide, through fastened panel over steel supports Limits of Use. Installation. Instructions, Approved for Psi.i in HVHZ: No. rt FL9555 R3 11 !EvaluationReooC1999 S.r)d - Approved for use butsid e HVHZ: Yes Verified. By:'Balm S ockalingarn PE'62 - 240-- Impact Resistant N/A Created by I66ependdnt_ Third Party: Yes Desigh Presis4riren + . 27.1/-37.7 Evaluation Reports 'Other: Design toad of,27.1 & -37.7 psf at support spacing of, FL9555 R3 AEjEvaltjati6nReaortC1999 S-rid 48",o.c. FL95 5_113 AEASC1999 5.6d Created by Independent ThIM Party: Yes 9555.4, MasterRib Panel 29 -ga, 36" wide, through fastened panel over wood supports Limits bfUse Instalia0ionInstructions Approved for use'in HVHZ: No FL9555 R1 11 EvaluationRey - oetC1999 6.'ad Approved for use outside HW42- Yes Verified By: Bala Sock.alingarn PE 62240 I-mpact Resistant: N/A Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Design Pressure:, +27.1/-36.2 Evaluation Reports Other: Design load of'27A & -36.2 psf a - t support, spacing.6f, FL9555 1113 AE EvaluationRep6r;tC1990 6:1jd 48"ox. FL955.5!R3­AE LSC1999 6,pdf .Created by Independent Third Party:. Yes' MdsterRib Panel 29 ga., 36" wide, through fastened "panel over.n.orn. V' x 4- wood. supportsr Limits of Use Installation Instructions, ,A I ppir I oved for,,use in HVHZ. No k9555r 0' 11 EvafivationlkericxrtC1999 7.bdf ApProved'for use outside HVHZ: Yes Verified By-, Bala Sockalingarn PE 62240 Impact Resistant: N/A Created by Independent Third Party: Yes ,Disign Pressure: +N/A/`:13S.9.. ts Evaluation Reports Others Uplift load of.138.9 psf Q support spacing of 24" o.c. FL9555 R3 AE F-valuationRer)ortC1999 7:pd Created by,'.Independent Third Party' Yes A PBR Panel, 26 ga., 36" wide, through fastened panel over steel supports Limitai of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:, No E0555 R3 .11 Eva I uationRebo7rtC1 009 8,odf ,Ap , proved "for use outside HVHZ: Yes Verified By: Bala Sockallngarn PE 62240, Impact Resistant: N/A ' Created by Independent Third Party- Yes •Design Pressure: re ssurw . +N/A/-52.5 Evaluation Repofts :bthgr.. Uplift load of 52.5 psf,@sqpport spacing of,60.187" FL9555 R3 AE EValuati6nReoortC1999 8.od o.c.. Inde endent Third Party: Yes Created by p Back Next https:/ANww.florid.abdldir!g.org/pr/Pr—app_dU.aspx?param=wGEVXQw,tDqtv6.ROQk2MRE8Eaa7iUdl7kfsDeFEUQhk%3d -2M &12017 Obrida Building Code Online Contact' Us :. 2601 Blair Stone Road. ,Tallahassee FL 82399 Phone:.850-497-1824 'The State of Florida is an AA/EEO emp.oyer. Copyright 2007-2013 State of Florida.::: Privacy Statement :: Accessibility Statement :: Refund Statement Under Florida law; email addresses are public records. If you'do not want youre-mall address released In response'to. a public -records' request, do not send electronic ',mail to this entity. Instead, contact the office by, phone or by, traditional mail. If you have any questions; please cohtact 850.487.1395. -Pursuant to,Section 455.275(1),.Florida Statutes, effective October 1, 2012;.Ilcensees licensed under, Chapter 455, F.S. must provide the Department with.anemail addressif they have one. The. email_s'provided'may be used for official communication with the licensee: However email addresses are public record: If you do not wish to,supply a personal address, pleaseprovide Uie:Department with an email address which can tie made available to the public. To determine If you are a Ilcensee.under.Chapter -455, FS.,-please click here . Product'APprovalAccepts: �,® eC4ct �. • • . Safe securi tent >= r)t lcs' https://wWw.floridabuilding.org/pr/pr ppp_dtl:aspx?param=wGEVXQwt.DgtvOROQkZA5RE8EOg7jUd[7kfspeFEUQ.hkp%3d ZQ 'EVALUATION REPORT OF" UNION CORRU.GATIN,G-COMPANY f26' GA:=MASTERM PANEL' OVER.STEEL SUPPORTS- 1'(M BUILDING CODE, STH EDITION' (201.4) . A, ORIDA PRODUCT APPROVAL Ft'95552=R3 . STRUCTURAL COMPONENTS ROOF:,DECK. . Prepared -;For:< Union Corrugating. Company P 0 Box `229 Fayetteville,NC, 28302 Telephone ; .(910) 483 0479 :483-8897 `Prepared.By:: Bala;SocIcalinga;n, P1.D., PE.. Florida Professiotial.Engineer #f62240 1216 N:Lansing Ave:, Suite C Tulsa; =OIL 74106 Telephone:, (9181492=5992 FAX (866) 366-1543 This :report, consists of Evalaadon Report 12,Page5 mcluduig cover.) a= Installation Details. j�IN� �"ii, �. GV�:•.:.:•Aiy . v.�+. col. Report No. C1999=4 • O z�. Date 3;20,Z015 �. .. �P - O :� ��• FL, 9555:2-R3 C1999-4 120.20.15 P'age,.2 of 2, Manufacturer: Union, Corrugating Company Product Name: MasterRib Panel Panel Description:. `36" wide coverage with 3/4" high rills at 9" o:c. Materi_ als: Minimum. 26 ga., 80: ksi steel. Galvanized, coated steel (ASTM A653)' or Galvalume coated steel- '(ASTM A792) or painted steel (ASTM A755). Support, Description:, 'Min,16 ga., 50 ksi steel. '(Must be designed by others) Slope'- 1/2:12 or greatet in accordance with FB,C. 2014 &ction 1507.4.2 Design Uplift: Pressure: 47:2,psf.@ maximum supportt spacing of 60" ;o.c., (Factor: -of $afety Support Attachment:; #12-14;x 1"'Ion g self drilling screws with, washers, At end supports @ 3.5'!-53"=3 _5" ox. across panel width At intermediate supports @ 9",o'x. across panelmid& Sidelap Attachment %4."44 x 7/8" long;SDS with washer @ 30" o.c. Test Standards:. Roof assembly tested .in accordance with ASTM E1592-01 `Test Method. for ,Strgctural Performance .of''Sheet Metal ;Roof and :Siding Systems by Uniform Static Air Pressure Difference' and FM 4470 Section 5:5`Resistance to Foot Traffic'. Cod_ a Compliance: The product described herein. has demonstrated ,compliance. with .' - 2014:Section,1507_A. Product:Limitations: Design wind loads shall be determined for 'eadh project in accordance with 'FBC 2014 Section 1609 or ASCE 7-10 using allowable stress design: 'The maximum support :spacing listed Herein shall not be exceeded.; The design upliftpressure;for reduced support spacing may be. computed using rational analysis prepared.by a.Florida.Professional Engineer or based on Union C,orrugating load span table. 'This product is not ;approved for use in the High Velocity Hurricane Zone. Fire classification is not within scope of this Evaluation Report. 'Refer -to FB:C 20:14 Section 1505 and current approved .roofing materials directory for fire ratings of this product. Supporting Documents: ASTM E1592 Test Reports Farabaugh. Engineering and Testing Inc Project No. T163-06, Reporting Date' 6/7/06 FM 4470 Test:RepoTt ENCON Technology Inc C1583-2, Reporting Date 7/24/08. INTERIOR SUPPORTS MIN 1.6 GA. STEEL - .(DESIGNED. BY OTHERS) 'END SUPPORTS MIN 16.GA. STEEL - (DESIGNED BY, OTHERS) MASTERRIS PANEL MIN 16 GA. STEEL (DESIGNED='BY 'OTHERS)' PANEL FASTENER SEE PANEL @• v O.C.. DETAIL- 9," ox. MASTERRIB. i , PANEL _ FASTENER• .O 5"-3.5` O'.C. MASTERRIB'�, PANEL. TYPICAL PANEL "INSTALLATION X,-SECTION PANEL FASTENER @ 9,,, O.C. SIDELAP' FASTENER' MA-STLORIB 1/4"-14-SOS WITH PANEL WASHER•@ 30" D.C. PANEL FASTENER #12.-14 x_1"LONG SDS.•WITH .WASHER -Na:MIN '16,-GA. STEEL (DESIGNED. BY OTHERS) PANEL, SIDELAP SIDELAP FASTENER `@: 30" 'O.C. SIDELAP FASTENER @30" 'D.C. =SIDELAP FASTENER PANEL FASTENER dtt ® 30"' O.C._ 3.5 S.5"-3.5`�O.C. MAX 60"' O.C! u (SEE'LOAD SPAN' TABLE FOR ALLOWABLE, LOADS AND SPANS) SECTION VIEW` GENERAL NOTES9. 1. ROOF. PANEL HAS"BEEN DESIGNED IN ACCORDANCE WITH TRE''FLORIDA BUILDING CODE •(FSC).-. '2: ROOF PANELS SHALL BE 26' GA. (t 0.617 ). EFFECTIVE .COVERING WIDTH' OF ,PANEL = 36", . . 3, ROOF• PANELS SHALL BE INSTALLED OVER +STRUCTURE AS SPECIFIED. ON, THI5 DRAWING. 4. REQUIRED DESIGN, WIND LOADS SHALL BE;'DETERMINED: ,FOR EACH PROJECT. THIS 'PANEL SYSTEM MAY., NOT BE INSTALLED: WHEN'THE REQUIRED DESIGN WIND LOADS ARE GREATER THAN THE. 'ALLOWABLE DESIGN LOADS. 5: ALL 'FASTENERS MUST 'BE IN. ACCORDANCE: 'WITH' THIS DRAWING' & THE FLORIDA- BUILDING CODE. IF A''DIFFERENCE .00CURS BETWEEN_ ; THE MINIMUM_ . REQUIREMENTS. OF'THIS DRAWING .& THE CODE, THE,CODE SHALL -CONTROL. 6. SUPPORTS MUST BE' DESIGNED TO- WITHSTAND WIND LOADS AS, REQUIRED REQUIRED FOR EACH 'APPLICATION AND ARE THE' RESPONSIBILITY -OF OTHERS: 7. PANELS MAY SPAN BETWEEN EAVETQ RIDGE SUPPORTS OR, RAKE TQ'RAKE SUPPORTS, 999-4 11 SHEP ENO. 1 or