HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0110 -56 i I t '. .....- ----------.--~-. ,------- -- ...--,..--... - ---- -...--- -".-..--... - . -..---.---.. -..- -------- ---- ---,... . !:~=.~::~ -_~=-=: ..:-:~::.~.= _ __._. _ .... - . ..c .... .:...-_=-.:.- . _-=_=-:::=...- .... ,..- --- '--"" -' --" .. p' -- - ..-... "--.-' --""'''' . , --... ---- . _ ----,.. --.-.- ---..... -. .. _ '-" -. -,- _ --'-'---" -..-- '-__n__~~.___.____.._'_ __.:...._ .________._.,.._....._.. ___.__ _..___ ..,.,_______________._. ,_u ___..____._._..____._ _, _,__._..____ 1... -_.--- "'---"- -..-- ---- -'---.-- -.--.______..,_ up__ ---...__.__..___.____._ ____.______ ._______.__________ ..__ _d' ______.____. ____..._ __,_ ! l--~~=~:~.-:-- ---.. ..- t> o f---:- '-'--- - -- --- . ! ! , AntI the sai,t ptlrL_ l._of tbe fi'rst r,art, ,tor _li~1II1:f _____ an,L_heL- heirs, the above ,It"st'ribed and he:eby granted and r,,\easetll'rl'mises, aUtI t'\'er)' part ami parcel tht'reof, with appurlenant'es, W\to the saitl pllrt_1.e.8._.of the st'cond parl,__~.tll'..-heirs amI assigns, against th,. sai,l part ..7__ of the fiNt part and_ _b.-I' heirs, and against all antI e\"('ry persou or persons whomsoe\'"er, Illwfull,. dairning or to dllim the saIne shall anti will warrant, and b)' these presents tore\'er J.dend, I~ WIT~J-:SS wm.:m':OF, The saitll)arL7n_..of the first parLh~.&__hereunto seL_~41.J:'___.hand__and sellt__, tbe day and )"ear first above written, Signed, Seal..d an,l Dt"Ii\'t'retl in Prest'l\ee of us: L. B. Smith _ ______0 i . _~_, ~J:~~~_ __j:J_~~J,~t L~.Nld8!-~ (SEAL) (SEAL) (SEAl.) 19.00 dooume.~ry stamps osnoe1le4. STATE OF~nn.y1.van1a County ot~~J'nll 1 On this day personall)' appeared before me HJ.RR Dll....LABGDALE In Witness Whereof, I hu\'e hereunto allixed m)' name amI offi,'ia\ seal, thilL 14th tlay of A, D, 1923__, at/....-----.....\ J'J.lL~~~~;~gb110. ~Ui.P. :)861)' IIy commiBfion-6xJl-i-~.8-l&arch 2f.--lg25.- TEOF~ Coun of llarch j , i to me wdl known &s the person__.deseribed in, and who executed the forego;ng Deetl of ~onvl'yance, and acknowledged that.~~ t"Xt'tntt',1 the s.ame for tlte purpose ther.!in exprellSt'd; \\'"hereupon it is prayed that the same may be recorded. (SEAL) o to me well knowu as the wife 'If And as one of the pen s dt'scribed in, and who execlltetl the foregoing Dl'ed, 'tI this da~- to me, on a separate and prh'at examination belore ree taken and made, paratel)' and apart fr/)m her sailI husband, acknow\e e aud tiedarc, that she made, hcrself a part. to anti executed tbe same for the pll of releasing, relinquishing, reo all her right of dower, separate estate a homestead, and all her rights in an 0 the lands, in said dl'ed de- scribed aUtI grallted. and at she executed the same freel)- and vol arily, without any constraint, apprehe or from her said husband, Witness m~' hand and 0 ..A, D, 192__ \ (SEAL) .eO .~" _. ~.... ~~ .~ ~- r<' C C. STATE OF FLORIDA,} County of St, r,ueie. HE IT REMEMBERED, That on thiJ 2Q~h day of__168roh --A, D. 1~, o J, P. o. mdred, _________Clerk ot the Circuit ('ourt in and lor lAid County. have do1y recorded the fore- going Deed in the I'ublie Records of said County. In Wilttea Whereof, I bave hereunto set my hand and the seal of aaid Court, the day and )'ear abo\'e written. P. O. Blclrecl lJ,. ...L(>h1AA.I ~ ~ (SEAL) n. C, ". / j.;::_E;;M{,:<:,~;;~!!\~'W7.G\t3~~:;;~};;;'S>:KYf~!):;+;;eL\;,~17.8:,?T-*AFrt~~~:~;~"::~:~f::~fj~~