HomeMy WebLinkAboutLaboratory Test ReportY'.!IUpDE CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS I TECHNOLOGIES ACCREDITED 8 LA��RATORY TEST REPORT Report for: Woodland Industries Date: July 27, 2009 1520 Kalamazoo Drive Griffin, GA 30224 Attention: Dina Crownover Product Name: No. 15 Manufacturer: Woodland Industries Date Received: June 25, 2009 Source: Woodland Industries PRI Report No.: WII-005-02-02 Dates of Testing: July 1 — July 14, 2009 Subject: The purpose of this project was to test Woodland Industries No.15 asphalt felt underlayment for compliance with the Florida Building Code 2007, Sections 1507.2.3, 1507.5.3, 1507.6.3, 1507.7.3, 1507.9.3, and 1507.8.3: Underlayment using ASTM D 4869-04: Standard Specification for Asphalt -Saturated Organic Felt Underayment Used in Steep Slope Roofing, Type 1 (#8) and for compliance ASTM D 4869-05": Standard Specification for Asphalt - Saturated Organic Felt Underayment Used in Steep Slope Roofing, Type 1 (#8). Test Methods: The test methods used included those found in ASTM D 4869: Standard Specification for Asphalt -Saturated Organic Felt Underlayment Used in Steep Slope Roofing and including: ASTM D 146: Standard Test Methods for Sampling and Testing Bitumen -Saturated Felts and Woven Fabrics for Roofing and Waterproofing; ASTM D 228: Standard Test Methods for Sampling, Testing, and Analysis of Asphalt Roll Roofing, Cap Sheets, and Shingles Used in Roofing and Waterproofing, ASTM D 1922: Standard Test Method for Propagation Tear Resistance of Plastic Film and Thin Sheeting by Pendulum Method,- ASTM D 6136: Standard Test Method for Kerosene Number of Unsaturated (Dry) Felt by the Vacuum Method, ASTM F 1087: Standard Test Method for Linear Dimensional Stability of Gasket Material to Moisture. Sample The sample received from Woodland Industries on June 25, 2009 and was a full factory Description: labeled roll of felt. WII-005-02-02 PRI Accreditations: IAS-ES TL-189; State of Florida TST5878; Metro -Dade 06-1116.02; CRRC The test results, opinions, or interpretations are based on the material supplied by the client. This report is for the exclusive use of stated client. No reproduction or facsimile in any form can be made without the client's permission. This report shall not be reproduced except in full without the written approval of this laboratory. PRI Construction Materials Technologies, LLC. assumes no responsibility nor makes a performance or warranty statement for this material or products and processes containing this material In connec�"th(r j PRI ConsUuction Materials Technologies, U.C. 6408 Badger Drive Tampa, FL 33610 Tel: 8136275177 Fax: 613621-5640 email materialsles6ng@pricmLcam - WebSite: httpJAvww.prkmLcrom Woodland Industries Laboratory Test Report for No. 15 Felt Page 2 of 3 I Results of Testing: Property ASTM Test Result ;6. Method•. Type 5. Materials and Mfg. 1, #8 5.1 Saturation Uniformity D 4869 „Pass Uniform 5.2 Upon tearing D 4869 =: FaSs:=;::: No lumps or �_-forei _�.�:•:_�••a.-.. Haub. 6.0 Physical Requirements Table6.1 Tear;Sten9tl� @ 73°F, N`°�wF MD � ` 0:72:: 0.45 min CMD 0:9(i : 0.45 min - - - 1 MD -Pass Pass 0.5" CMD Pass Pass 0.5" Loss on Heating @ 221°F, % D 146 2.45 6 max Liquid Water Transmission D 4869 Pass.., Pass ;fir akin Streh th Ibf/ir1 MD 53 30 min CMD 1fi ..;: - 15 min blmettsionai tsabth ty, 3- 1� Y . •.:..- ..... 2 f 1 MD Low to high humidity 0.32.. 2.00 max CMD Low to high humidity_;2.001 __: - 2.00:Wax Width of roll, in D 146 ,' `36`' - 36 t 0.7 OA Area of roll, sq. ft. D 146 3ti8:, ,_ ;. ° - 432A.min Net mass, satd. felt, Ib1100 fC2 D 146 8.0-min Net mass saturant, Ib1100 fe D 146 4.7 - 4.0 min Net mass desaturated felt, lb/100 ft2 D 146 4;3: 4.0 min Saturation by wt., % D 146 109: _.:.: 100 min Moisture at time of manufacture, % D 95 -2,0 2.0 max Saturating Efficiency, % by Wt. D 4869 78 76.0 min ° Shall not crack 6.2 Unrolling at 32°F and 140°F D 4869 Pass arils sticky as to cause tearing or other dama e . Note A: Or, as agreed upon by purchaser and seller. WII.005-02-02 PRI Accreditations: IAS-ES TLA 89; State of Florida TST5878; Metro -Dade 06-1116.02; CRRC The test results, opinions, or interpretations are based on the material supplied by the client. This report is forthe exclusive use of stated client. No reproduction or facsimile in any form can be made without the client's permission. This report shall not be reproduced except in full without the written approval of this laboratory. PRI Construction Materials Technologies, LLC. assumes no responsibility nor makes a performance or warranty statement for this material or products and processes containing this material in connection with this report PRI Construction Malertals TechWogles, U.C. W8 Badger Drive Tampa, FL 33610 Tel: 813-621-5M Fac 813-621-6M e-mail maledalstesting&r1cmLcom Web8ite: hUp:/Avww.prlcmLcom Woodland Industries Laboratory Test Report for No. 15 Felt Page 3 of 3 Statement of Compliance: This product complies with all of the requirements the Florida Building Code 2007, Sections 1507.2.3, 1507.5.3, 1507.6.3, 1507.7.3, 1507.9.3, and 1507.8.3: underlayment using ASTM D 4869-04: Standard Specification forAsphalt-Saturated Organic Felt Undedayment Used in Steep Slope Roofing, Type 1(#8). This product also complies with all of the requirements of ASTM D 4869-05E1: Standard Specification forAsphalt- Saturated Organic Felt UnderlaymentUsed in Steep Slope Roofing, Type 1(#8). Limitations: Not for use in Dade County. A Signed: Donald C. P olio President Date: 7r�°''r Signed: Duc T. Ng Florida Registered fessional Engineer P. E. Number: 65034 Dater �— WII-005-02-02 PRI Accreditation: IAS-ES TL-189; State of FloridaTST5878; Metro -Dade 06A 116.02: CRRC The test results, opinions, or interpretations are based on the material supplied by the client. This report is for the exclusive use of stated client. No reproduction or facsimile in any form can be made without the client's permission. This report shall not be reproduced except in full without the written approval of this laboratory. PRI Construction Materials Technologies, LLC, assumes no responsibility nor makes a performance or warranty statement for this material or products and processes containing this material in connection with this report PRI Construction Materials Technologies, U.C. 6408 Badger Drive Tampa, Fi. 33610 Tel: 813.621-SM Fax: 813-621.5840 e-mail matedalstesling@pricmtcom WebSite: htlp:lAvww.pficmlcom Tuff Shed, Inc. State of Florida License #CBC1253645 Product Approval (NOA) Cover Sheet Customer Name: ci,i 1te Address: S_Sunt`i5L_&ud icj ruwj:L �l4irz Permit # As required by Florida Statue 553.842 and Florida Administrative Code 913-72m. Please provide the information an approval numbers for the building components listed below if they will be utilized on the building or structure. Florida approved products are listed on line at www.floridabuilding.org or can be obtained from the local product supplier. All Products listed are per Florida Building Code 2014 5th Edition Standard Shed Materials X Product Type Manufacturer Model#/ FL product HVHZ Exp Date Siding (Panel) LP Corp Panel FL9109.6-R4 YES 06/01/17 Window - Sliding PGT Industries HR-4510 FL242.9 YES 04/05/22 Fixed Tansom Innovations Inc. Transom FL17667 YES 12/31/18 Roof underla ment Woodland industries 151b Felt FL17206.1-R3 YES 06/24/24 Asphalt Shingles Owens Coming Oakridge FL10674.1-R12 YES 08/20/17 Door (Double) Tuff Shed, Inc. Premier - Double Door FL22202.1 YES 04/17/27 Door (Single) Tuff Shed, Inc. Premier - Single Door FL22202.2 YES O4/17/27 Door (Double) Tuff Shed, Inc. Sundance - Double Door FL22202.3 YES 04/17/27 Door (Single) Tuff Shed, Inc. ISundance - Single Door I FL22202A YES 04/17/27 Custom Materials Used Siding (Lap) James L Hardie Lap FL10477.1-R5 YES 05/10/24 Steel Door - Inswing JELD-WEN 6 panel / 3068 / Fn—smdng FL11136.1-R5 YES 08/31/20 Steel Door - Outswin JELD-WEN 6 panel / 3068 / Outswing FL11136.2-R5 YES 08/31/20 Full lite Door JELD-WEN 3068 FL17454.1-RO NO 12/31/19 Full lite Door JELD-WEN 6068 9 lite Door JELD-WEN 3068 Metal Roofing Thompson Arch Metal Company 5V Crimp FL5218-R2.2 YES 12/31/19 Metal Roofing Thompson Arch Metal Company TM Rib FL5218-R2.1 YES 12/31/19 Flood Vents Flood Solutions LLC Foundation FL17588 YES 03/31/18