HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0219 ../ 7 110 ~ .' ~"""d"......,I&a......... 'I"'. U;.:...". " ~ m~tll .Jl1btuturt. ~Ial!t' thl'_.__.__U th.. -.__.__l1ay oL.___lul.Y_______ .___ _ __ .u. ...._._.ill the ~.t'ar of our I,ortl on6 thousalltl lIille hunl1red am1 _be.n t~._.'ihrtl8__, IU,:TWEJ-:X _ ___.~._______.__ ___.___ _ ___._.____..__.. ___.. __ ... ,_p.o!lqLA ~L~t_A.\1.s~llLAlID .DE~i'I_W.a_. J.V5Ull._.hilL1I1 1'a_ .of....t.hs_.l.:l ty .__ _ For t ...216 rc.------------.- of the County of__.~t.tJ~UQltl_______._._._a,\(l State of____..zlorld&._._.____._._____I,f the first part, antI jlh'LXlLK_l'iOJD..of_Uinnaspolis .-JU.IlJl4So.tn,--- __ ______ 17f..________ ..____._____._._ ____.____ ____. _ __._____________of the st'eolHI part, WITNESSE1'U, That said part-iaS-of the first p:lrl, for and in eOllsideration of the sum or._____.__.._.._u________ ..______. Tne Dollv!,,_~__ ~Qd ..Q:thr r_y.~l.us blQ..cona1dflrQtiQ~__.".__.._'" ""."-"""',,,."'..,, ,..,.",.."'."'''~--=.::=::':.~_~ nc:,u.:\ftt', lawful mODl'~' of the Foiled '8Iall'f. of Amerit'a to._ them_____ ill han.1 pRitl I.r tIll' said I'art..y _" of thl' se,'on.l Ilart, at or "duro:> tht' ensellling and delinr)" of these pres!'nts, the r('('I'ipt whereof is hereb~" aeknowINlg('(I_._hnve .___.grantetl, barltainetl, s..t.I, Illi!'IlNI. reo mised, rdeased. eon\'e).etlaDll e(.nfirn,etl. un,l b~' theSf' prl'sellts _, __ .do .__ ._K1'3nt, bario:aill, ~('II, aliell. rl'mist', r.,le8sl', (,(1Il\"l')" antI ('Oll' tiflll, nnto the saill part_ y. (.f tht' sl'tolHI pari, amL..___ h.~r __hrirs and II,,-~il!n" f"re\'l'r, all._.those_lots, ..pieces-or.. '__.._ _Pa..!'.c.~~.Q!__:t,fJlcl ______..__________._.___...______...._____.__________..___.____.___.____ .._.______. ..__. ____._. ._. ._._ I)-ing aOll being in the ('OUl\t~" of St, I.ul'il.', amI Stale of Florida, amI d('~(fibt'11 a\ follows: ~ Lots One (1) and Two (2) of ~6otion 3, and Lots One (1) and Two (2) of Seotlon 2. ell -in ~own6hip 37 South of hange.4l ~8Bt. And 81so the: t tlreot of It:nddesoribed 6e B~ginning at the U, i'i. oorner lot 3, 500..2, ~\. 37 s. h. 41 ~., thence South lllong West boundary of Lot 3, Six 8nd 97/l00the cl~8ine; Ul) North 80 degrees 36 Minutes ~6t .22 and 67/100ths chvine _ to ,Atlantic Ooean; (3}llorth 22.degrees 45 mir.utes (,est 2 and 63/l00ths ohains along beLch to Liorthenst corner lOt 3; (4) i,est 81 ci:aim; sl"ng li or tC. line s!.id lot 3to pvint of beginning. cQnt~ining 11 and ~7/l00the_8cres, bleo a right of woy tr~nted by LO:lis i. Kowil:.th01tBk,y to i'.oshington I, allen b~' deed dated llov~ 19tt., l69~, recorded 1IOY. 29th,_1892, desoribed &s twenty feet wide, beginning at 0 point on the ~outh line 01 the above traot and running South II.degrees 16 minutes West across s~id Kiowifitkowakys ten acre lot ~nd along the flest elge of the cultivated lE:nd to a point on the SO:l.ti~ line of S8 id lot, 7 and 62jlOOth ohains from the ~outtwest corner ttereof, Also 6 right of way granted by Wm. D. ~dTl6rds and wife _to "6Ehir.gton I. Allen by deed d!oted .tebrusry 9th, 1893, record- ed February 14, 1693, descr~~e~ aa t~enty feet wide. beginning ~t tee above mentioned point on the snid Kow18thowskys South line snd running thenoe South 11 derrees IE minutes <<est eight and 94t100ths ohains from the point first 8entioned. thence South 59 degrees 30 min~ utes West seven chains to tr.c Indian niver. Together wi th ell riJl&rinn rights l:ip"purtenl1nt to the above dEsoribed JB nds. u TOGETHER With all and singular the....:..__impr.oV_S.me.nt..8_______________ _____ _ .. ..._ _'_ tenements, hereditaml.'llts aud appurtenane('S thereunto b!'lon~illg, or in all~-wise appt'rlaillillg, and the re\"f'rSiQll and rewNioDs, r>'maintlt.r antI remainders, rents, iSSlIt's aOll profits thl'rl.'of. ,AXn ,\LSO, all the ~stii!t!, rigl1l, tilll.', inlerest, dower and right of dower, separate estatl.', propert)-, possenion, e1aim and demand wbatsoe\"l'r, as well in law as in e(luitr, of the 118id parL1.e Sof thl.' first part, or, in, 8ntl to thl' same, and e\"err I)art and pareI.'I thl'reof, with the appurteoanef"S: TO II..\. V}; ..\.XU TO JlOI,D tbe aoo\'e g;anted, bargained anti 111'- Ill'ribed premises, with the appurtenancl.'s, llnto the !laid parl.-.Y.-of thl' setOD" part.- ___her_..__.heil"$ and 8!>SigU5, to_ .her ._.. own proper use, benefit and behilof forewr, And the said part...16JLof the first part for themee.lvJUl_____________________.________ f"r tho i r he!r!l, exeeut<Jl"S amI atlmini5trators, do_____eo\'l.'nant, I,romise and agree to and with said part.... y___"e the second part-.heX--___heirs and as..<;ign.'1, thllt the said parLua-of the fin;t part _._________._____..____at the time of the I;{'aling and deli\"t'rj ui tbl.'S(' prt'sents,__ -_.sre-..--- _____ _lawfully seized in fee simple or a good, absolute and indefl.'asibie l'Iitate of illheritane(', of and in, all singular, the abo\"e grantl.'d, bargained alld dl'lieribed prelDLq>s, with the appurtenan~es _ _____ _ and.....-hf;"'l~_good right, full powf'r ami lawfnl authority to frant, bargain, 11('11 all. I ('onn)' the ~ml.' in manntr anti form afor,?said_ .\IU) that the said parI..:; _ _of thf' sec(lnd part,__he...r_________hl.'i~ an.l a~igJ1ll, shilll antI .na~' at /Ill timl'l hl'rt'afler. (ll'3('efull)' aUlI quietly havt.', hold, use, CleCUpy, poase5S and enjoy the above granted premises, an,l e\"ery Il8rt IIntl pan-el tht'reor, with th!' 8I'lllIrtt'nanel'S, without any let, Iluit, trollbll', 1Il1l1f'~tation, eviction or di5turban~e of the sait) parL.ieS"f the first part_.. the 1r. _ hf'inc or aSlligns, or of an)" othf'r person or peflll>nll lawfull)' l'laiminl{ or 10 claim the same, .-\11I1 that the gmf' are 1I0W free, dear, t1i!<~harged amt nnin- eumbered of and from all fOTmer and other grants, till~, eharg~, tlltah.w, judgments, taxes, .!ise!l!lmellt. and ineulUbrllnees of wbat Datut'i and kind .o~werf except t&xe6 for the seer 1923, m ich afe .ssamed by the p-rantee herein. ;; '.~~Ui~:~:~~;";::""~;;Cf;~ . , ,',: . ' . ,', · ':4~{.~';:;';.~,i;;':'