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Field Density Test Compaction Soils
.. _ ... -Phone ne 954=784-2941: , .. -4919 • WWW.fed-erig.Com 260 SW:13ih Ave Pompano Beach jL 33069.: to d D-693 Id Density:Tests.•of•.Com•pacted.Soils•.Mettio 8 .'.. •...• : ..•�. � �.��.�.. •:.:'�:' :.. • �: Proiect; ;: Proposed Residence _.: . _Lot_124;: Creekside.'. .Date; . April 1.0,'2018 :'Address 8444 Cobblestone Drive;.Fort.Pierce; FL ::: ..: ::: Order..18DR297 : Area Tested:: •, Building.Pad ...• :' ' :: • . • :.: ; .... ::Permit _...... Material Type::. ' Brown Sand:: =.::::.:.' :.` .:::::.' ' • : .:. - :: ' .:::::. •T.ech::::::... • BK.... . ... ' • _ - . :. Client:.: ..:D.R:. Horton; lnc. ... . _...... .: :.Address: ... - :1430 Culyee-Drive'.NE::.: ' ' '::. ::.: ' ' ::. ':..: •:.: :: Compaction Palm bay, .FL .3Z9U7 - :. :.. vroctor: Metnod::. HS, I.IVI v- I Z)a t Test ... : :.... ..... Probe .. :. : • Dry .' . Proctor. Optimum: ... ::: : : _ • .. TEST LOCATION'.' Elev. .Moist - ...... Density: Value., : Moisture.' Compaction ,Pass• #:.: ' .:::..' • ::.. _, . Dept. h :. .. PCF PCF : - , . . .' 1•:. Center• of Building: Pad: :. ,' : 1,2." -..:FL : -7.3 1015: 104 7 : 12:1 -.' :'. , 98:9%•' :Yes- SW Cornerof Bldin Pad .12" F -7.- : .21 .96.4%'2 NE Cocner;oBuildin .`Pad . .7 6- 04.7: .1 9 :03 Yes" '.:. 6.: :. ;. 9::::.:.:::::: -13: :::..... :. :: • . ; 14. ::Remarks:: tee•Reveese'Side (Page 2-of 2)'for-Additional Information for -Disclaimer filiis is a'Compa' ion Test�only oh-tfie top'.12" of the: paid•and is: not a ve,rificati n;of S©il-11 ring;Ca achy. : Legelid for. Elevation: PR = Proofroll . • 1.,2,3, , 1st;•2nd, 3[d Lift.. Submiited.by: • .SL = Springline: 'FL -='Final Lift. :: .. :. ; :: : • Keith„ eti3;lanc,:F`.E.; :, .. ;:;'.•>`' f;' /?' .,_. . 'SG:= Subgrade ..BG=:Below.Grade : Federal Engineering S� To§ting,:lnc BC '-$asecoursef BOF "-'Bottom of.Footing ; ' ' :: Flo�iaaReg. No: 5939+ y • .. TOP =Top;of Pipe.: FG,'=:Finished Grade Certifcate; of Authorizatioe'� #5471 As.a mutual protection to clients,:the public and ourselves, all.'reports are submitted'as'the corifdential property of ci;ente; ana.asthorization,.for pubiication•'.of statements; conclusions or- from :or regarding our reports is reserved: pending our written approval. A density test determines the degree of c omp� iitlon of the. tzs,ed`layer of material nly. A.density,does not replace•a soil bearing capacity determination. These•density'tests.do not certify the undeHyingsoil matF�rhals baby?. the propotsptl strvcture: The results o. : . do not preofude or guarantee that future settlement and dracking:will not occur. A soil boring testis required to certify that the 6n66rt ngsrils,will �uhport;tfie proposed structure 'without'settlerrient. If rmo soil borings'Iiave been performed to verify the undedying'§oils, we'recommend that soil borings be performed to evaluate the 'suitability of the'undedong - soil to -support the: proposed structurerAfter laying:dormant for a period, of 90 days or after heavy rain/storms; retesting must be performed on this work. 9 Palm Bay, FL 32907 Proctor Method:: .. - AST M' D-1:557' . Test . TEST LOCATION Probe De th Elev. :. o M 6ist % .. Dry Density Proctor' Value . optimum, . Moisture Compaction . Pass P PCF • . ' PCF . 1. Center of Buildin Pad .:: 12" ` . FL .:.'7.3.. 10 '.5:: 104:7 :. ;1:2-A . :.. 98.9% :.: Yes' . 2: • .SW Cotneir of.B,dildin -Pad :..::. 12, FL 7.8: 100.9: 104.7. 12:1 : .96.46/6.. - Yes 3. NE Corner:Of Buildin ' Pad 12" :: FL . .7.0 1016. 104.7 :.12.1 : 98.-9% : Yes . 4... :... 5. . .12 .13 Remarks -'-See Reverse Side (Pa e 2 of 3% f Add't' or i ional.lnformatton for Disclaimer This is a'Compaction Test only oh the top 12 of.thepad and is not a vei ificatio cif SJ 1 Bearing Capacity.: Legend for Elevation.: PR- Proofroll 12,3.= 1st, 2nd, 3rd Lift:: _. FlleCopy Submitted.by:,. . . . .... . SL = Springline' FL Final Lift. Keith'LeBlanc; P.E. `/A SG Sufigrade . BG=:Below Grade PARTIAL APRR�VAL :i',- . Federal Eng nt ering�& T g, Inc. i estin • BC Basecourse BOF _:Bottom of Footing _' Florida Reg. No.' 59394 ' TOP Top of Pipe FG = Finished Grade Ceitifiaate 'of At;thoiizatitin;#5471 As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves,.all .reports are submitted as the confidentia! property of clients, and authorzatlen •for publicatiori of statements,. conclusions or extracts from' . regarding our reports is reserved pending our written, approval. A density test determines the degree of•coinpactic S of the tested layer of material only..A density does not replace, a soil bearing• capacity determination. These density tests do not certify the tindz�iying. soil'mat6di is belewahF proposed structure. Theresults do not preclude or guarantee'that fufure'settlemerit and cracking will 'not occur: A soil boring. testis required to`cou`fy brat the underlying ;oils will support the proposed structure without settlement: If no soil borings have been performed to.verify the underlying soils, we recorrimehd that soil lionngs lieipe�ormed.to evaluate the suitability of the underlying soil to support_the proposed structure. After laying dormant for a period of 90 days or after heavy rain/stones, retesting mustae'perfa ad on this work. PAGE 1 of 2 RECEIVED ti Phone 954-784-2941 ederal L i APR 1. 2018 800-848-1919 Permitting Department Fax 954.784-7875 & TESTING INC. St. Lucie County www.fed-eng.com 250 SW 13th Ave Pompano Beach, FL 33069 Field Density Tests of Compacted Soils Method D-6938 Project: Proposed Residence Lot 124, Creekside Date: April 10, 2018 Address: 8444 Cobblestone Drive, Fort Pierce, FL Order #: 18DR297 Area Tested: Building Pad Permit #: I J(2—60'7`7 Material Type: Brown Sand Tech: BK Client: D.R. Horton, Inc. Address: 1430 Culver Drive NE Compaction Req.: 95% Palm Bay, FL 32907 Proctor Method: ASTM D-1557 Test # TEST LOCATION Probe Depth p Elev. Moist % Dry Density PCF Proctor Value PCF Optimum Moisture % Compaction Pass 1 Center of Building Pad 12" FL 7.3 103.5 104.7 12.1 98.9% Yes 2 SW Corner of Building Pad 12" 1 FL 7.8 1 100.9 104.7 12.1 1 96.4% Yes 3 NE Corner of Building Pad 12" FL 7.0 103.6. 104.7 . 12.1 98.9% Yes 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Remarks: See Reverse Side (Page 2 of 2) for Additional Information for Disclaimer This is a Compaction Test only on the top 12" of the pad and Is not a'verification of, slY1a i , Legend for Elevation: N93 PR = Proofroll 1,2,3 = 1st, 2nd, 3rd Lift Submitted by: ZZ2— SL = Springline FL =Final Lift Keith LeBlaae �4 Ir �— SG = Subgrade BG =Below Grade Federal Engi��lric� &Tit OF y �4` BC = Basecourse BOF = Bottom of Footing Florida Reg. IVt %94 A.� TOP = Top of Pipe FG = Finished Grade Certificate of Ai4p�g 6N N As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of clients, and autlrtyea il( pa �1�Yelements, conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports Is reserved pending our written approval. A density test determines the degree of com'dy/��dt' ietbyer of material only. A density does not replace a soil bearing capacity determination. These density tests do not certify the underlying soil materials below the pr o d11s ructure. The results do not preclude or guarantee that future settlement and cracking will not occur. A soil boring test Is required to certify that the underlying soils will support the proposed structure without settlement. If no soil borings have been performed to verify the underlying soils, we recommend that soil borings be performed to evaluate the suitability of the underlying soil to support the proposed structure. After laying dormant for a period of 90 days or after heavy rain/storms, retesting must be performed on this work. PAGE 1 of 2