HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0279 140 ........... IIIMft............... "N'. m~t.11 Jttbettfure. ~18dl' tbe-_..10'th_________.da>' of __ __ Sep'.m'baz _ ____..________ in the )'l'ar of our I.ottl one thou88UtI nine huntlrl"(l 8111l__!lt.n_~thlae.---, BRT\\'EF:~____ ~..10 _llOJl~l._an4..lIatal1D8.Jlon~1...... hie. wit. ! rl \ 1 LJ of tbe CQunt)' of.____llaooa.pln n. -X.-1l1oe ___and State of__,_Ill11l0U_____of tbe first part, antI -: ofGUle.pie, 1111001...__ __________uf tbe se('01\,1 part, WITNESSl."TlI, That said pa.-t...ieLof tbe first part, for and in eonsi<<ll'fation of the SIIIIl oL___.p____________ !ea-nolluaa"'o.thU.'falU&~.<,--oolla14.ratloo. - l!it~".tll~, lawful mone)' of the United Stall's of .Ameri~a to__tb.ell___ in hand I'aid La)' the ~aid parL-J __of thl' sel'oul1 )lart, lit or before the ellliowing and deliver)' of these presents, the reel'ipt whereof is hereb>' aeknowletlge,I__.haye_grantel1, barl(uined, soltt, aliened, re, mised, released, conve)-ed and con6rllll'\I, anti b)' these )lresellts_____.. do--- grant, bUj/ain, sell, alil'n, rt'mise, relt'a.~I', eOnH')' allll ron- firm, unto the said part7_of the sel'Ontl part, antl_.__hl.__beirs ,mrl a!t.~ilCns fort' vel', all__p.___._.__._____..___..__.__.__. th.at _trao" ..0% _par o.e~_o f 18m ___________.________.__._______ ...._ I)'ing anti being in the Count)' of St, I.ueie, Itnd State of Jo1orida, aUtI dl'sl'ribc,\ 8$ follows: Treot 1, aeot1on :taurteen (14). Township tb1% t1-three (33) south range thirty-nine (39) east. 8S the saDe is designated on the last general plat of Ind1an Rivel l!'arme CpmpBny. flIed in the offioe of the Clerk of the -Cirouit Court of St. Luo1e County. Florida, \ 1 ('.60 Dooamentary stampa oanoelled) Ui... " f. ( , I , I I I n , Li I - TOGETHER With all ami singular tbe ___. ._________.._ ___ ____ tenements, bertditaments an.) appurtenances thereunto belonging, or in an>'wise appertaining, anti the reunion and rewrsions, remaimler and remaindt'rB, rents, is.su~ and profitll thereof, AXD AL.';O, all the est;.tl', right, title, interest, dower and right of dower, separate estate, pro~rt)., possession, dsim and demaDlI whatsoever, as well in law as in ('quit>', of the said l'arLUaof the first part, of, in, aud to the &arne, and e\'ery part and pared thereof, with tbe apl'urtenanl'es: TO HA "I-: AXD :rO HOLD the abo\'e gMlnted, bargained an. I de. IJeribed premises, with tbe appurtenances, unto the said l'arL_l'_of the second part. hiJl_heira and a~signs, to-th.lr.--..., own pr-.>per use, benefit and beboof forever. .And the said parL.i.eJlof thc first part for~1.z_ beits, exeeutors antI administrators, do____connant, promise and agree to and with said part.Y _of the sC('ond part-..h1.a heirs and 8llSigns, that tlle said part.1.e..a..of tbe first part at the time of the 6t'aIing and delivery of thl"3e present;, ue__lawfully seized in fee simple of a good, absolute and indefeasible estate of inberitaDt'e, of and in, all singular, tbe above grantw, bargained "nd deseribttl premiM'S, with the appurtenaul.'es ______ and_l1aVa_good right, full power and lawful autborit), to grant, hargain, $ell and eonvey the same in manner an.1 form afort'~aitl, AntI that the Mid parLJ'___of tbl' &el'ond I'lIrt,____hia ____heirs anlt as.<.igns, sbaU and m8~- at all timrs bt'reafter, II(~al'efull)' an,l quiett.r hue, hold, me, ~eupy, po_ and enjoy tbe 8bo\'e gr4nted premises, an.I e\'ery part and pared tbt'r<'Of, with the Ilppnrtenanees, without 8"1 let, anit, troublt',.lIlolestatiol!, e\-iction or oilltl\rban~e of tbe ui.) part_1.eSof'thc fll'St part,_.___,tb8..1t____ _heirs or assigniJ, or of any otht'r person or persons lawfuU)' elaiming or to dsim the 13mf'. And that tbe 58me are nl)W free, dear, discbargf.1 anl1 nnin- eumbered of and from all former_and other grants, titles, eharges, eatatee, judgments, tUell, af>'>4!S.'WIents and inrumbranees of wbat nature and kind aoever. - ',:~~ ~.~': ~ ~ '~.:.}',}, (i;-,:~ 'i'~~~:,