HomeMy WebLinkAboutProduct Approval Metal Roofing7L Pusinoss & Professional Regulation PAgnup APWT]380R �0801? t'IVISj0t;SfC01IrALff0SP* Wda, Prod - ua Approval USER: 1`6611C USer �i, db, P ro�Pioaua Appmal Menu > OMdkCor AOD1106n iParrch > AI)VIlCation List > Al3pli4qation Detail . • FIL K174431 Application Type New CdOe'VOMoff '2 U4 Aopllcistl6n Status Approved - Corfirile, ArchivedL VY -F.L"m C;Gm Product Manufacturer fiVTAYLOR ROOFING 302 Melton ,prive WpignE, FL:34982: .0 -.@.aPlxom Authorized Signature ..Kyle T6V[be kjldwhlte228@abLtor* Te�qhnldal,'Rept sentkl.Vd JL COUWY BLUDINGUDING DINMION Addrbss/Phdle/Ernall REVIEWED FOR C - WICIIII, .REVS IVED YY Quallty: Assurance Representative, DATE OB 3 N E�MffT MUST BE laFf OXL T :Ad drps.5/pIrippe/Ernal I FLANS OR NO INSPECTION WML BE MADE. Category Roofing Subcategory Mqal Roofing 'C4ln'Pll*q,'Mdtho-d, Evaluation RepQjt, froM ..a Florida Rep I tstered Architect or af Ucensed FjbelddPrUigslohal Ehyineer HardcopyReceived Evaluation Report. Florida Engineer dr--Archltb�cl: Na-rrid,Whd developed L66ke' Bow'ddn Florida•the.Eval nation, Report Ucieh'se PE;:;49704 Quality. Assurance Entity Keystone Certificatloft; Inc. ;Quallty-Assurance'Cantract Expiration'Date, 04/11/2021. Validated* Hermes F.' Nor&b P.E. (,!I V.Alidati.bn "theckifit Hardcopy_ Received Certificate of Independence CertiflcaW-df l0epehd Locke -Bowden P. E,jnd Referenced Stan&ird and Year (of;Stabda,rd) Standlard, Year 2006 Equivalence pf Product Standards Cerilfled By, . Sections from the Code Product Approval Method :Method1 OpqmD. Date sybmltWd 03/02/2015 Date Validated patd- Pindl.ng M.0 Approval 63/0512_018; Sumhfiry6f Products [Model, Mur6ker or,. Name: Description, 17443.1 I's -V comp 2WA 1/2"'A a b heigWoviarIS/32" plywood Limits -of use, installation In§tructlofis -Approved f6r use in AVkZ:No FLI7443: RO. i1t4trihin F6itenina D•eia'Lpd Aoproved.ior useout:Mcfe WHZ:Yes 'Verified -By: PRI Conitrutlon M6idrlals Technologies, LLC im'paaltesistant: N/A " Third y: Created,by-Independent,' TiPpYes. Deiliin.Oressure: +NiA/71-29.25: k"Ports-­ 6thdi- 6- o. C. . 69.251@16" bc. margin 6f!fafdty FL17443k" —AE"TC17443 I X TavIbr Roofing VCrfmg I m I a . n . ufa . ctu I r I ert detail. 2; 1 with, 24" max. *coverage Install, per Not _for -use1h kVHk, Created ---d V`iij eOkqqentTh1r Party;; Yes Back Nex; co�tact us,:,: 7601 Olar . r Stom Am& Tallahassee FL 1239 . Phbm., 850487-1824 The St8te,af Fludda Is an'AA/EEO effi;gCy6r. . Cdoyrfaht'2607-2013: Siatil 6f Flcildi.;: i Ma &'statememt Acmssi Oity Stntement,.- : ke6d Statement Credit tard: w Locke Bowdent P.E. 9450 AIVSPury'01ace Montgoinery, AL 36117` JA Taylor Ro6fift.1nic 302 Melton.Drivo Fort: Piercc,,. FL 314982 FL # 17443 Product:, . 0, . 5 V Crimp tbru-Tastened 1/2" rib ateach-,panel edge:and. 26 A -mi i n. - ove r m i n. 15 /3 T'thje k CD X p y,..wgqd decks.. Coinpliahcet:Florida,.Bu ilding Code (FBC).,2014; Section UL580 "Tests,forUplift-Rdsistatidet one: in.; the center of the'Parief, U'liet coverage, 1.504.32, Section 1507.21.8';Section 1_507.41.3 Description ::Architectural -metal roqfpXie1,-26 gaugMetaj pand &-over inin,15/32"CDX:plywood 3odo . and shalft-omply with Florida Building.( , .2614,1;9ectiow. 1.50,71,A 3 Installation; Install, per m drit6aurdis -iiist9l-details .:-iri:accordance,with FA.C.2014;.Sqptign 15014.2 Deck -Slope 26.12 or greater and shall be comphvPloribBuildi ng - Code 2014, Section 1567.4.2. Daign.Pres§uire: @ 67o.ci and,;:-69.25psf@l 6"-,-o;c.; Fasten along the crown of thei rib in the! center of piinol -and. .M-on :thd MO. Design pressure includes ,s6_f6ty-facItorI =2V.0.'First fastener. . tolbe w.ithin T ' of panej..edgesO.Mn8 x.2"-annUlat A gihank nails spaced V ox-reroofing, with lesgthifi 19/321_Pjywpod 9 5112!)'thisattachment 'i sto: be-osedin.addition to .existing: attaehnient. Deck attachment to -tie by other desigqprofOssional; Uh4pr1aymentapproved, pioductln6 compliance with FBO2014, $ectibn 1507,18 Thru-fastened, over mini I 513T'Plywood Fasteners .#9=15 HWH-"corrosion resistant with -scaling washers, metalto wood connections with. fastener length -.to penetrate 5/16"through substrAteppr Florida Building Code 2014, Section 1 507.4.4 Conditions -of, Use: Not f6T use in HVHZ., Install petniautifactad?§ instructions and. -must ble'-diesigned In compliance with Fl­qrida,_�B.tlft Code12014..1Vlanufaeturer isco pa .,nt wIth Rule61 G20 _3;-Wherdin, manufacturer. complies under aquality, assurance programaudited by approved QuiIfty AssuranceEntity; Keystone Certifcationsvalid thip 4/11-116621 Evidence Submitted: ek! U_ IL W./TiA.Sj25_`Tqm.Ao.Voi4O-Resistanc e b. R6ferdnce4Te§tRepoft,OZ24-65Oj06,Hurtic 'ToCL6orftpry, Q,equivalency-Test -§tandatd the Ul586-44- teststandard is equixs d, Quality Assuranc-6 Pro(qdUrqs and Pocuinqqtation 4'0-.7,04 : A"I F This, rcpgTt (foes.not-purantec, or warranty any produtt validated or installed. Manufacturer's wAqanty_.app T lies. 5 V Crimp Fastener- #9.!Scorrosicjh'r6sisiai!iWI0.111ng washers 24" coverme Fattohdr: #9 x 1:5 corrosion resistOn.t.-wi,th,,sea.-I . ing washers- in Cbmpliance, w th ft 2014FIenldo Building :ode, Sdctlon 1 07A.4 Pierimeterfastening:. 6110.p. Main Field fosteniqg. Zo.c. Panel , .Widt-h:26" Pond �Ooverage..-, 24'!max.i.mum 26 6A A-rd'h"ife'durAl Metal Rdo . f'Pohel