HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0351 176 -.---..-..........,....... - r; ,I t !-1- mh.tll Jnbtuturt. ~Iadl' theo__,Uh.__day oL___BQvembU_________'._.__in the year of our IlOrd one thousand nille hllntlrt'll and_:tiJr-en1i7_tbJ'ee , IlETWEEN ____~!!._~~~~!-.Iam:@~e~.. hi8,_~_fe... of the Count~. of____S_t_LLllou______and State of,__ nor14a --par-t1e~-- of Ihe first part, IIn.1 J. H. DeerU8 .;. of_.~_h~~Ql~ doun't;y. l.1'O..rL4a.______part7-___ of till' Sl'l'OlIIl I'art, J " ."- ,. WITNESSlI.'TII, ~ha~ iBid, ~lt_i8Jlof the first pari, for and ill l'ollsidl'ration of the sum of _____ _, ___. --DO-BmfDUD .~R '.226.00) . DOLlu\RS, lawful money of the Unit;d'Sllltl'S of Anu~ri,'a to_ thQllt_____in hallll ('aill Lr the said parI- 7 _of .the sl'rolld pllrt, at or lll'forl' the ensllaling and dt'Ji\'eQ' of these presents, the receipt whereof is hereb)' aekllo\\"letlged_-bave_ grnllted. bargaine.l, solJ, aliened, re- misc.l, rele&st'i1, l'ou\'I'yed antI eonfirmt'll, nn!1 to)' the3e' prl'Sl'nts _ __ do '._ ___Krallt, l,argain, 8('11, alien, remisl', rl'leas!', "011\'1')' 111111 ..on, firm, unto the said parL~_oi tht' second ('art, and_hi8__hl'irs alld u",,,ign,, C..renr, aiL_that oertain pieoe, ..___..,__ traot o~~9~l_9_f_.~_p~_________, _________________ J)'ing and being in the Count). of St, I.ueie, antI State- of .10rida, and dl's('ribl'd as follows: '.60 dooumentary stamp canoelled. I 11 f, I' ~; ~~ , If i ~ E I Beginning. a' the Borthwea1i corner of Lot one of Pee SUbdivision a8 reoor4ed in Pla1i Book 4 on ISge 44 St. Luoie County reoords, Thence Southeast perallel with '10r1ds east C088t BailwBy.tO Southwest corner of Lot 4 thence ~outh 670 15' west to the west line of the Bast On~ half of Northeast quarter of Seotion _. Pive (6) .,Thenoe Borth on said line 585 feet, thenoe Northeaet on Borth line of 'ee property,tO point of beginning. exoepting llorida Eaet Coaet Railway right of w87. \ 1,1,-.', r -. f. i j- TOGETHER With all and singular the (1 ~, i~ .' ~ , f ~ tenements, hertditaments and appurte-nanees thereunto belonging, or in anywise appertaining, and the reversion amI renrsions, nUlainller and remr,ildl'tlI, rents, iUlles and profits thereof, AXD ALSO, aU tbe estate, right, title, interest, dower and right of dower, separate estate, property, pOBst'lSBiOD, claim and deman'l wbatliOc\'"er, as well in law as ill equit)" of the said parLieSof the first part, of, fn, and to Ihe same, and enry part and parcel thert'Of, with tht' appurtt'nanees: TO I1AYJo: .\XD TO 1I0IJD the abo\'"l' granted, bargained aOll de- seribed premisE'a, with the app,1ftenan~s, unto tbe aaid part~of the seeDnd part.....h1a__---1leirs and assigns, to_-tbGlr_-_ . own proper use, benefit and behoof fore\'"er, AIW the aaid parL-Jl-Of the first part fOJ'-tM_-*ve. for tl)eir -ht'in, t'Xl'eut01"l5 an.J administrators, do__.coveuant, promise and !'gree to and witb said parLy__of the l>CCond ptort his l.ein t.!Id assigns, that the llaid parLiaaot tht' first part__j-~ ' __at the time of the sealing and deJinry of the-Be present5~ lawfully sdzed in fee simple of a good, abSolute and indefeasible e4tat~lf jn~~ritance, of and in, allaingular, the abo\'e granted, bargaintd and dt'Seribefl prl'miat's, with the appurtenancts ______ and ~. good right, full power and lawful antbority to grdnt, bargain, seU and eon\'"l')' the same in manner antI (firm afor('sai.J. And tltat the said parL7_._,oC tht' St't'ond part,___h18______hl'irs and 83l'igns, sh"n an.ll11a~' at IIU times hereaCter. I'eal'e-full)' an.1 quietly have, hold,1JI(', ~eupy, posaea and enjoy the above granted premiat's, and enry part amI pareeJ therl'of, wi!h th.e appurtenances, without any let, suit, troubJe-, molestation, eviction or disturban~e of the said partl.._of the first part,--tbeir----ht'irli or assigns, or of an)' othtr penon or persoDS lawlully claiming or to daim the same-, And that the 5llme are now lree, dear, dill"barged and unin, eumbered of and from all formt'r an.l other gran", titles, charges, eltatea, judgments, taxes, assessments and ineumbranctfl of what nature and kind aoever, ..-::~ '?M!i;~:.~,e;t...t.:~r{~...'.