HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0360 180 '\ J,.. -.,-'.-.-----, .---.--- -- .-----.- --.. --- ---;'-'----- , t . ,-'------....---.--.----- . f --.... ..---- -,..- 1--" ... ---.- J ~ -- ---- -- -- -- ..-~ i 1-- - - -.--, -- --- - ---, t f- i r -----."-..- -- -_._- -+ _.n....._ ~ r AIIII Ule said parL1880f the tll':1t part, for_-themselvea--.antL_tbelr_.hl'irs, the above .1"M:ribed and hereby granted amI rl'll'a~l'tI I'remis.,s, 1\1111 t'\"l'r)' Illlrt 81111 pared tLereof, with al'pUrll'uallres, unto tht' saitl }lllrt_~_of the se~ond parl,___h18..._ heirs' I\lhl as.o;igul<, ngllinst thl' said I"art _ ie80f the first part and_.tbeir_t.l'irs, .nd a::;ainst 1111 ami eVl'rJ person or I'<'rsons whomsoe\'l'r, II\\\'full)' dltimiug ur to daim the SI\Dll' shall 1111I1 will warrant, antI b)' these prl'Sl'nts forenr 1I,'fl'ml. IX WJTXE~g WJlEIU:OF, The ~ai" pllrL.1eBof th., lint part.__haYL-hereuDto sl't.__thell'._.Ilaml_811nd seaL 8__, the d.y allll ~'l'l\r first abo\'t' written, Sign('(l, &oal('(1 alllI V-"lin'rl'd in )>r"Sl'Ih'e of us: __Baohel...Bl'ODk8ml th . _ ___. ReUle _)f.. J~abb__________ _ A.u L..__Bro.0k8m1 t:b _La1ay.8.L.G..... Br.oakamttb (SEAL) (SEAl.) (SI-;AL) -----'-'-------.' . ' -. STATE OF~!_~rl~_a County of--S,t:.-I.uele 1 .", a I ,~.. . , if On this do)' persona II)' apPl'llred before me_____, _______A L l!..,.._Bl:Q_Q.lt!!ll1_thMd.. ~~:r_J!L...BA!lQk8m1 th ,i to me \\'('11 known as the p.'~son B,describl'd in, and who executed the foregoing Dl'ed of CO\l\'...y.n..e. and aekliowledgl'd that-thGT-- ,'x~lIt..d Ibe saml' for tlu' [lurpr:.s(' th,'r,'in exprt.'ss('d; whl'rl'UllOn it is pra)'ed that the same lIIa~' be recorded, . In Witness "-hucof. I have lu'rcunto affixed my name and otlil'ial seal, thi8___1Zth __da)' of .\. )), 192.~_, IIt___V..erD \ i (N.P.SEAL) \ , , / ,_ J' STATE OF--""-',~forlda ) Count)' o'----~.1tJ~~JlQJQ ---~--- i UEJrcl:) I __Be1lle..lI._Bahb_ (SEAL) Hatary P\1bl1o..lState of Florida B-t2tnrgea -:1- QOllllD15S.1..ou" Q:xplre.tL Jla.y_~J..9 ....1--.-- Ii if Ii I: I ~ I; : J. allota~lin __________ do hereb)' c:ertif~' th,,~ La1~r. G. R-rnnlrRmith to me well known as the wifl' of ____.___A._ L.-BrockeJl:\i th, and a5 one of tbe person!! rl''8eribl'd in, and who exeeuted tbe foregoing Deed, did this day to me, on a st'parate and prh'ate uaminatioD before me tak('n anti m.de, separatl'l~' and apart from her sai.1 husband, a<:kno\\'l!'dge IInll dedarl', that she ma.le herself a ,.ut~. to and exeeuted the saUie for tht' purpose of releasing, relinquishing, re- nouneillg Bud couw)-ing all her right of dO\\"l'r, separstc estate aud hOQll'51ead, and all her rights in and to the IlInds, in said dl'ed de, sl'ribed aocl granletl. and Ihal sIll' exeeuted the same freel)' aud n.tuntarily, without any constrsint, apprehension, fear or l'ompnlsion of or from her said husbsnd. Witness III>' hand and otlidal seal at..Ye.nL_~______, this_._12.th. /"".,..,"', ...~._V- .. _m_ day of 1lRT~h.____A, D. 192-4- -Bel-lie 11. Be" (SEAL) Notary PubllohStaty of Florida a~ ~rge Yy c.OuIDi.sa 0 e-q> re~-...z8,-J.- 2 , i I , '. ; \~ '" :; S'/ATE OF FLOnIDA,} County of St. Lude. J C. Eldred HI,; IT REllEMBERlm, That on this 1st da: of April A, D. 192L, ~ il ~ . ~ I I t ~ " ____. _('Iuk of the Circuit t'onrt in ,lDd for lAid County, have duly reeorded the fore- ~~~ ' ~ i'.l ..lk.-<) &-- (SEAL) ~ R~CM4 YetU~4 By - n. C, ".:~;;~'~~':.)'; {;:~'.i;/~ ':P'>X.~;,~:. ,) ~ ;: ~. \;,A,~:.?~~~t:.:;: :};(;. ,;:~;:,'O:;~:.? '::: ~f:;.t~:~:::, :~;;.~