HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0383 ---~....--_.~_._-~-~. ~ -, ............... ~ luaa. :- '. f-= , U m~ts Jnbtnture, )Ialle thf'_,_Eighth _____ .11i)' oL_______Doaembor_.____. ________.in tbe )'nr of our Vmlone Ibouun.l nine bundrrtl 8011 _Twenty...!brae.__. nETWEE~_______ _______________..__._.__. ,__ ---------- "- U...Ehtbart--andAnna-Ehrbart ,_his., wife, -.-___,____.__.___ of tbe County of, St.....-I.uo1-s----___,.:...and Statt' of___fiorlda_._________of the first I'art, an.l .-----Georgs _W. -JOnaa, ___ Palm-3each-COl1n~-,.--)l10r1da_--_---------,- of the seeOl\ll pari, WITNESSlI.'TlI, That said part_1.o.a.of tbe first part, for and in eonsilll'ralion of tilt' SIllU oL___,__,______.__________,_____ Ten Dol1ars__am_othe r .Yalua b1e_cons ido.rat ions _______._._+M).lal..~ lawful mon('~' of the t'nitl'tl Stat(';; of .\i:l('ril'a to___ them-___ in balld I,aill h)' the F.aid I'art _,y, .__ of the st'('ollll )'art, at or IJl'fore tIll' elL!~aling and de1i\.t'r)' of these presents, the rt'l'eipt whenof is hereh)' aeknowll'dj!('(l___,bave _grnnh.tl, bargailll'll, sold, aliened, re- of I mised, released, l'oll\'ey('(l an.l ~on!irhletl. a\1l1 b)' th('sl' prestnts__...._, do---,- grant, bargain, st'U, aliNt, remisl', rt'll'a~." "0/1\'1'." allll "011- firm, unto the said part_,. _(If the sCi'oll.1 )'art, and__hlS__hl'irs nnll ns."ign!t ror('\,er, alL_ ______0',__... -----that.certain -~rce1q oLlaDd____________ I)ing amI being in the Count). of St, I.u..il', ami State of "lorida, an.1 dt's. rihl'd a;o. follows: r; , ,;0- r r COIDm&noing at tho llorthwest oorner of the George F. Langenbachor lot of five (5) acres, situ- _atod in Lot One (1),Se~tion Thirt~-Two (32). Township Thirty-six (36) South. Range Porty-One ~-,(41) Bast, ,later owned by Blanche S. Harris. and running thence olo..'on (11) chains and oigh- : _ty (eO) :anks East along the north line of said Lot to B beginning point; thence north Three ~- (3)c)81ns _snQ.Three (3) links; thence Eaat to 10\'1 water mari: of Indian River; tbe:1ce South- i- easterly. along said lowwster mark to its intersection ..,1th the North line of the Langen- ~ bacher lot; thenoe ~est $long said line to the pOint of boginning, containing One (1) and <- Seventy_eight hundreds (1.78) acres, and inoluding riparian rights and submer~ed land pertain- ing to sbove described land. exoept however. fromtha above description all public roads as now looated on and across said tract of land, togother with tho furniture, fixtures, and equip- ment of the hotel situated on said property known as "Walton Inn". IT _ IS UnDERSTOOD Arm AGREED tha t- the party of the s eeond part aha 11 assume and pay when due . one certain, mortgage fro~ W. U. Ehrhart and Anna Ehrhart, his wife, to Goorge A. Saegor and F. G. !.!oUu11on. dated Sept;9!:1ber 11th, 1915, record~d in mortgage book 10 at na~e 329, St. Lucie .~ounty, Florida, records. which said mortga.ge was assigned by P. G. !.!cUullen and Ray- u.. , mondASaeger and wife to Stanley Kitching by Basigruaent dated Septe~ber 24th. 1921, recorded ~_ In Mortgage and Lien Assignment Book I, at page 4'f1. St. Lucie County, Flori d.a. recol'da, am wbieh said mortgage was assigned by Stanley Kitching to Cl)"n'lp8 R. llyers by a8sign~oent dated OQtober14th,19~l, recorded in llortgage and Lien ASSignment Book I at pa~o 412, St. Lucie I CQ1lJl~Y. Plorlda. and on wUeh mortgage there is due the w.m of Sixty-Five Hundred Dollars i_C$6500.00) and which mortgage is upon the above described property. I ~- (11.60 Doo. BtaRpa cancelled) 107 , TOGETHER With all and singular the improvement.s _ _____ ___ __ _H ____ _____________ tent'ments, heredilaments and apl'urtenanrl's thereunto bf'longing, or in an~-wise appertaining: and the, renrsion and rl'\'ersion~. rl'maiUlIl'r and remainders, rents, issues and profits thtreof, A~D ALSO, all tbe eatall', right, title, interest, dower and right of dower, separate estale, f.roputy, posst'liSion, elaim and demand whatS(lt'\'l'r, as well in law as in equit)', of the said part _i ealf the litlit part, of, in, and 10 the same, and evet)' part and parcel Iht'rt'Of, with the appurtenan..es: TO IIA YJ.~ A~I> TO HOLI> the aOO\'"e granted, bargained and .I.., seribetJ premises, with tht' appurtenanee8, unto the Mid p~ __of the second part.-- hiB-___heirs and assigns, to-,-his-.---- 0'Kll proper use, benefit and behoof fore\'er, And the aaid parL1..eaof (he first pari themsel ves....and-- fQrJJwir.._,hein, executors and a.lmiDistraton, do__eo\'"enant, promise and agree t.) and with uid part___y_of the second part hi8 I.t'irs and assigns, that tbe said partUa_,of the first part~"'.______________.__at the time of the sealing and delinry of tht'lle preM'Dls. .lawfully seiuJ in fee simple of a gootl, absolulc an.1 indefeasible estate of inheritaJlee, of ar.d in, all singular, the abo\'e graott'd, bargained and describe.ll'remist"lI, with the appurtenan..es.___ __,___ __ and......ba.n_good right, full power and lawful authority II) grant, bargain, sell amI convt')' the same in manner amI fOhn afor~said, ADd that the said part--7_...of the St'I'ond part.----___-b18 .______heira an.lll""igIl5, shall and ma)' lit all limn hl'reafter, pl'acefull)' an.1 quietly have, hold. 11M, occupy, poaea and enjoy the abo\'"c granted prl'mist'S, ami enry part and parcel thereof, witb the 81'I'urtenaDet'S, without any let, suit, trouble, molestation, t'vil'tion or distl1rban~e of tht' saillpartiea_of the fil1lt part, ___their _ ,hl!il'll or assigns, or of 8n~' othl!r persoD or pt'nonll lawfully daiming or to t'laim the gmt'. AmI tbat the same ar~ now frr-l', dr-ar, dill:'harged 8nll linin, etUDbered of and from aU former and other gran", titles, eharges, estates, judgments, tans, a~~~~m..nts anti incumbrances of what nature and kind IOenr, I~ f l ; ~ . t i ~ t ~ " f j 1 t " ! I j I , I { ! . ... 1 ~ f ! ~ I , ~ ;;; .: 1.":~/,":~~GJ )E;;;\,:,\~\>