HomeMy WebLinkAboutOSTDS NewSTATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH ONSITE SEWAGE TREATMENT AND DISPOSAL SYSTEM CONSTRUCTION PERMIT FOR: OSTDS New APPLICANT: Ghazanfar Saeed PROPERTY ADDRESS: 5502 Winter Garden Pkwy Fort Pierce, FL 34951 LOT: 20 BLOCK: 159 SUBDIVISION: Lakewood Park PROPERTY ID #: 1301-614-0080-000-6 PERMIT #:56-SF-1828918 APPLICATION #: AP1735058 DATE PAID: FEE PAID• RECEIPT #: DOCUMENT #: PR1673144 [SECTION, TOWNSHIP, RANGE, PARCEL NUMBER] [OR TAX ID NUMBER] SYSTEM MUST BE CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH SPECIFICATIONS AND STANDARDS OF SECTION 381.0065, F.S., AND CHAPTER 64E-6, F.A.C. DEPARTMENT APPROVAL OF SYSTEM DOES NOT GUARANTEE SATISFACTORY PERFORMANCE FOR ANY SPECIFIC PERIOD OF TIME. ANY CHANGE IN MATERIAL FACTS, WHICH SERVED AS A BASIS FOR ISSUANCE OF THIS PERMIT, REQUIRE THE APPLICANT TO MODIFY THE PERMIT APPLICATION. SUCH MODIFICATIONS MAY RESULT IN THIS PERMIT BEING MADE NULL AND VOID. ISSUANCE OF THIS PERMIT DOES NOT EXEMPT THE APPLICANT FROM COMPLIANCE WITH OTHER FEDERAL, STATE, OR LOCAL PERMITTING REQUIRED FOR DEVELOPMENT OF THIS PROPERTY. SYSTEM DESIGN AND SPECIFICATIONS T [ 1,050 ] GALLONS / GPD Seotic CAPACITY A [ ] GALLONS / GPD N/A CAPACITY N [ ] GALLONS GREASE INTERCEPTOR CAPACITY [MAXIMUM CAPACITY SINGLE TANK:1250 GALLONS] K [ ] GALLONS DOSING TANK CAPACITY [ ]GALLONS @[ ]DOSES PER 24 HRS #Pumps [ ] D [ 500 ] SQUARE FEET R [ ] SQUARE FEET A TYPE SYSTEM: [X] I CONFIGURATION: [X] N F LOCATION OF BENCHMARK: SYSTEM N/A SYSTEM STANDARD [ ] FILLED [ ] TRENCH [ ] BED [ ] :) of iron rod at elevation: 23.57 I ELEVATION OF PROPOSED SYSTEM SITE E BOTTOM OF DRAINFIELD TO BE L D E 0 T H E R MOUND [ ] [ 38.00 ] [ INCHES FT ] [ ABOVE BELOW ] BENCHMARK/REFERENCE POINT [ 8.00 ][ INCHES FT ][ ABOVE BELOW] BENCHMARK/REFERENCE POINT ILL REQUIRED: [ 0.001 INCHES EXCAVATION REQUIRED: t J mums The system is sized for 3 bedrooms with a maximum occupancy of 6 persons (2 per bedroom), for a total estimated flow of 400 gpd. SPECIFICATIONS B Ian P Moore TITLE: CEHP 19-2072 APPROVED BY: Environmental Specialist II Nicole Mon ez St. Lucie CHD DATE ISSUED: 10/11/20 1 EXPIRATION DATE: 04/11/2023 DH 4016, 08/09 (Obsoletes all previous edi s which may not be used) Incorporated: 64E-6.003, FAC Page 1 of 3 v 1.1.4 AP1735058 SE1609549 I G- NOTICE OF RIGHTS A party whose substantial interest is affected by this order may petition for an administrative hearing pursuant to sections 120.569 and 120.57, Florida Statutes. Such proceedings are governed by Rule 287106, Florida Administrative Code. A petition for administrative hearing must be in writing and must be received by the Agency Clerk for the Department, within twenty-one (21) days from the receipt of this order. The address of the Agency Clerk is 4052 Bald Cypress Way, BIN A-02, Tallahassee, Florida 32399. The Agency Clerk's facsimile number is 850-413-8743. Mediation is not available as an alternative remedy. Your failure to submit a petition for hearing within 21 days from receipt of this order will constitute a waiver of your right to an administrative hearing, and this order shall become a'final order'. Should this order become a final order, a party who is adversely affected by it is entitled to judicial review pursuant to Section 120 .68, Florida Statutes. Review proceedings are governed by the Florida Rules of Appellate Procedure. Such proceedings may be commenced by filing one copy of a Notice of Appeal with the Agency Clerk of the Department of Health and a second copy, accompanied by the filing fees required by law, with the Court of Appeal in the appropriate District Court. The notice must, be filed within 30 days of rendition of the final order. eBridge Web Viewer Page 1 of 1 Oct 19 21. 12:54p p.1 STATE OF FLORIDA WELL COMPLETION REPORT E C EeW E a J� irit� Southwest .. - PL AE-.-E'tcL. S E,arhvsest PD_rotes Re:;uirsa=iet''s 5:rnere App iran e: St Jnhns River DEC 12 South Florida Suwannee River aoYESwLS`- DEP = DelegaledAutholiy ;Ir Applicaate; FEI H.I AL- unty 1.'Pe,m I Number2:iM�&- -CLIPxvUF %.mber _...____„ 'CID Nurntter 62.524 Deli ieai:on No. 2.' Nurrber of permitted 'sel's constnxAed, repaired, or abando:,e;JF S %Lriber of oern•.ted we9;s not =st =ed. repa'red, or ataaidoned 3 'O%r:ters Name GUA-uA At�6'� f-4- 4 'Ctmptet on Date r' / S. Florida Uq@ a ID (��%�' `) -s� 6 i -' )1t+1Ti 2-t-,li "i •Ri t' D� �t T� �Pj 4` f�L 'Melt Location-Add%ms, Road Na .e or Number. City ZIP 7 'County �� !, iarI, 'Sezticnand Gran! ' awn ;hip Range 6. Lahtuce Lorg tude Q. Data Obtained From: GPS Map Savey Dalurr: NAD 27 NAD 83 WGS 84 ' UType of Wane Cons1.'uction _Reoak _ttic: ifrcation �hban:cronxn; 1_ Spec;fy tnteride Uses} o! Vk*;!(s)' gaircn aril Irr gaGon Site Investigation Domestic Landscape Ir?'gatior L vesto vestock hlonitGri°ig �L _601led Water Supply Recreation Area 1'rigaticr. NLrserr Irrigaticr sTest _P,.blic Water S..pply (U.nited UsefDOHj ConimerciaYindus,.rial Ear'.'s-Cosp!ec GecJie..mal _Public Water Supply (Community or Nor-Comrhuni:y+DEP i vGolf Course Irrigaycr• _HVAC Supply _Glass I Injection _,- HVAC Re urn Class V Injection: _Recharge Corrmerc,aUtndustnal Disposal _Aquifer Storage and Recovery _____Drainage ReTwd'aWn: _Recovery __Ai• Sparge--Otler,Casrnut Other roes:• be. 12.'Drill Method: _Auger _ Cable Tool Rotary _Ccmbinapcn {Two or More Metaads; Jetted �,So 1@c _ I•lorzortal Drilling I lyoraulic Point ;Dire 'Push) 01nor 13 •f.Aeas,rred Static V'later Level _ ft. 1.4easu-ed ?J-nping Water Le% -el ft. A9er Hours a; GPW. 14•-MeasuringPoint Descrrbe) W.1-chis•_,Y f:. Ahave�Selow LaraSJrface 'Hawing:_Yes No 15' Casing Material: Black Steel Ga ,ranized X ?VC �S:a pleas Sleel —Not Casec Other tti.'To:at %Vetl Depth qj�_R. Cased Depth `'� n h 'Open He e: From -- Tc — t: 'Screen' Frcrri'Q To_7 t:. Slot Size-.4C% 17.'Abandonmenl: Other (Explainj Fro-n (:. To ft. No. o' Bags Seat Mater at (Check One, Neat Camert Sentorite Otter Fro"t a To ft. Na, ct Bags Seal Matena (Check One; Neat Car .ert Berclorile Other Frorr P_ To ft. No. cf Bags_ ._ Seal Patent (Check One;: Neat Car•,ant Bentarnte Other From fL ,c tL No. of Bags Sea) Materta: ;Chet -( One;: Neat Cement Rentonrte Other Froryt ft 7c fL No. of 13ags Seat Materia: (Crete Ore;: Neat C_rttent Benton a Other 18 'Surface Casing DiaT.ete• and Depth Dia n. Frcr^ ft. TO It. No. <)f t3ags Sea 'rrlxenal (Check One). Neat Cement Berttorke Ctrer Cia r in. F•orr f:. To ft. No of Bags Sea to a ial ;C teoic (are► hleat Cement___ i3ert:erila�Cther 19 -Prima sing D'aame:e• and Depth: Dia 11 in, Fron•-) ft. 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No. cf Bags Seal uaterial (Check ,7 _Neat C» test Be., te� Omar ma_n. rrc -t (:. To 1. No. o' Eats Sea %1wedal (check One'. _Neat Ce nert-3ei:on le_ -Diner 22, Pur-o Type (If known): 2a Chern cat Analysis tNNhe't ReQLired): Centrifuge _Jet _Sub lershle T,nbirre Iron c'dm S:rlfatE_ apm Crlarh a: n Florsepct'rer Pimp. Canscity (GPtAj PL,rrp Depth ft. Intake Depth ft Laaoralary lest t-relo lest Kr 24 Water Well CAnt1`2tla1' . -- r--7 'Contractor Nacre r r w� �e J t�rG cenye Numte@ �' 7,� E-rice IAdst,esS 'Contractor's Signature <.1z °o L.-Drlfer's .Varre ,Prirt or Type) JC'CYrr .J Tylt°kt-, :rc `i°h•,t,h&�^rCrs:Jltn trL'r.�3C v::h, icon ,<aJar1?�',a,Ldl FORM LEG-R.05-: 2 ;6+101 Flu a4rD341- t-)(a) FAC. https:Hsl.ebridge.comlebridgel3.0/webviewerNiewer.aspx?ref=jgGE%2bHKLLJOIWMV7mUAKLl Wqd... 5/16/2022