HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0393 If 'E-' 197 .. I '1 rLl t i. f f f' ~ ~ f i t f i i ! f , J: i , ~ t 'f ~ i ( . t f ~ ~ t fj f;~ D ff. ~: m~tll Jubtnw'l', Mad~ tht'__.l4.th.__da~' of__~_____-,--_~_____ill the ~.t'ar of our l.or.l one thouSAnd niue hundred and--tWen1i7-1onl" _, BlI.'TWEEX_____ gn...wmJlOM._W1d.ollU, of the Coullty of_~u.c1e --.O.llIE and Statt' of---'-:.'}_~J..~.__!lql.:t;~_,of the first Ill\rt, amI JAY, u.d1JLIA J4.._hisJi..fe of _~uo 1e County, '_lQJ"JAQ... WITNESSETII, That said partJ_of the first part, for and in l'oDsidl'ration of tht' sum of___ SIX HUNDRED------ of the second pari, _ DOLh,\RS, lawful mODl')" of the Uuited States of Ameri."" to__blm _..in l.;:"d paid by the said parLJ'_.of the s(,l'ond l'art, at or before the t'lIsealing and delh'l'r)' of Iht'1lC prl'sents, the reeeipt wht'reof is hereb~' al'knowll'.lged__ haB_ granted, bar:rained, sold, aliened, re, mised, released, conVe)"ed aDd eonfirmrtl, ROIl hy thl'se prrst'ntll_~~~~' grallt, bargain, sell, alien, r('mi,... rdNls.., ('(lJI\"(,~" on.l "011, firm, \lDto the said part_ie~f the st'coOll pari, aUll__~~~,ir ....b..irs amI assiglls forl'\'l'r, all.____________ ___.___._.. __.________ ~h~ t ___!H~r.t~ln --1l:1~J;le_t.ra.o.ur_ HU"OQ~..Q.f...land_________ _ __ ______ lying ami bl'iDg in the ('onnt)' of St. Ludt', amI State of Jo'lorida, lInd dl'lotribt-d as follows: Lot One (1) .Benjamin Hogg' B Subdivision as per plat shown in PIa t Book 1, pc-go, I ~. St. Luoie, OOWlty_ Reco rds. ($1.00 Doc.stapps canc.) f .- " .-_n._ -r - . - --- \ ~,~,:- li ,- ',," (;, r~- ( ~, V r, f r. , r--- - . j t f ~ ~_. a TOGETHER With aU and singular tht' ____________________ tenements, hereditaments and appurtenanclS thereunlo belonging, or iil an)'wise appertaining, and the re\'"ersion and re\.('rsion~, tI'maintll'r and remainders, rents, issues and profits thereof, ,\Xn ALSO, aU tbe estate, right, title, interest, dower and right of dower, separate estate, property, po_ion, c:1aim and demaud whatsoe\"er, u well in law as in l'l}uit", of the said parLl__of the first part, of, ill, and to Ih., same, and every part and parel'l thereof, with the appurteDanres: TO JlA VI-: A~D TO HOI,n the abo\'e granted, bargainl'd and d('- scribed premi$ea, with the appurtenaDces, \lDto the said pa~JLof tht' seeond part.--th~~.!'_hl'irs aod a!>signs, to_!;b,~.J.~_ own proper use, benefit and behoof forever, And the said part-Z-of the first part for hilr8elf~ for his heirs: executors and administrators, do----:-~o\'Cnant, promise and agree to and with said parl-1Uf the secoDd part their lleirs and assigns, that tbe said part.........Y_,of the fint part \ at the time of the 'sealing and delivery of these presents, lawfuUy seized in fee simple of a good, absolute and _indefeasible estate of inheritanee, of and in, aU .ingular, the abo\'"e granted, bargained and describoo pr('misell, with the appurtenanl'e.s_____ _ and has _good right, full power and lawful authority to grant, bargain, It'U aDlIl'onny the same in manner and form afor,'sai.l. And that the 118id part~__of Ihe seeolH! part,-------.hiB ___hfirs an.l 8lViigns, .haU an.1 ma)' at aU times hertafter, lil'aeefuU~' and I qnieUy have, hold, UIe, oeeupy, polIIe&I and enjoy the aoove granted premiaes, and every part and llercel thereof, with the appurtenanees, I without Any let, suit, tronbll'. molelltation, e\'"ietion or disturbanre of tht said parL.1EUlof_ tbe first part,_,the1ruu____...heirs or assign!l, j _ u _9r of any other person or pt'rSODS lawfully claimiDg or to etaim the same. .o\nd that the same are now fret', elt'ar, discharged and unin, ! ewnbered of and from aU former and other grants, titles, ehargn, eatatee, judgments, taxes, allSeS.~ments and incumbranees of wbat nature and kind soever, i'. , t if ! f... t l t ~ il ,:},'!:,:{;':;:/'~~::i i.:;:'.,;::~ ':~ 'f;~ p'"",r -.. '.. . , ".' ...... ...~ ~<?ztr.t.:">.