HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0395 f r,i f 1.., (t rLJ f . \' i r . " \ ; ~ ~ f ~ ~- ~ ~. } ~. .. ~. ~' ~ ~ t f .. , f " 1,' i t -, ~ .. ~-t ~; i'- l' I:; ~-' I~' f:, , ' ~ i i,~ I",. \~ f ~: ~ ~.- ~ .. ,~ LJ ~ i f, I' ~ I i t ~ - ~ ~.-' - '-.-.................., .,- -...-- ~--...r~ < 198 .' m~tl1 Jubtuttu't. )Iade tht'__!r1IBlf:th___day of_____~____,_________.___.__in the )'m 01 our I;<>rd ono . thousan.l nine hundred and...:.....~-POUr d_ __, nET"'ER~L_Ll1ol,~)3ako!_.fwidower).t. Selma Baker (Si'!.g~8). -John-- BakeJL-{-siflgle}- -aJ1d-.1le.l en-J'.....-Be-n..l-1-4--aWl Jlugh--Bov11J.e... _har -hue band..--- . I, of the County of S-t.--Luo1-e- -and Stale of___.l'l.orldlL--._ _ Ot Ihe first part, ami -Gbeet>el'-}1l~P-14a-LaAd--ColRpVJlY L~ of-llew-York..,-.U...-Y., . __________..______of the let:oml pArt, WITNESSlI.'TII, That said part_1.esof the first part, for and in I'onsi.leration (.f tht' &1\11\ of _____.____.__ _____ Ten Dollars aJi~_.Jtib~l"J_Ql1.1M1LQ.QJl.QJ.dua.:tiOIUL. ,___ ____ 1>4)1A..""~~, lawful monl')' of the Unite(1 Slall's of AlIIl'rit'a to_them__ in haDll paid b)' tl,f' said pari 7___ of thf' ~tontl parl,lIt ..r bl'fore the e\lS('aling and deliwry of tht's"" prt'st'nts, the rcct'ipt whereof is hereb)' al'knowletlge.l_baVQ__granh'fl. bargainoo, soM, alit'noo, rl" mise.l, rt'l~asl'd, eOIl\'e~'ed and l'onfirmrtl. 11011 h;' the51' pf\'sl'nls ________do ___ grant, IlIr,ain, lit'l., alien, rl'miH', rt'll'asr, ton\'p~' 111111 I'on- " suoceslors , firm, uolo the saId partY__of thl' se.'ollll part, amL__i ts, _ ~_ ~"" fort'\'t'r, all____ _ ___ ',____. _____ _______ _ , tha.t-Oe.r.ta1n_paro..el,Df _laruL_________________ __hu_______ I)'iog ~ntl being in the Count)' of St. I.u('it', and State of 1010rida, an.l d!'M ribed so; follows: ...__ _.___________." r_..._ Lots Four. (4) and Five (6). Seotion Eiehtoen (18) Township Th1rt~;-Pive (36) _ __ South. Ran{:o Fort:r-On6 (41) East. Sixty sores coro.or less. - (t40.00iDoc. stamps cane.) .-- +" ; - .~ . _h _u_..__.__ , ,. -- -- -,--- -._- TOGETHER With all and singular the ~ement&--- '____~__ tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging, or in an)-wise appertaining, an" the re\'ersion lIml re\"er5ion~, remain.ler and remainders, renls, issues and profits thereof, AXD ALSO, all the estate. ri~ht, title, interest, dower and right of dower, separate Clitate, propt'rly, possession, claim and demand wbatllOenr, as well in law as in {'quit)., of the said parL:Les.of the first part, of, in, and to the 18mI', and every part and pan'l'l ihert'of, wilh the apl'urtenances: TO 1IA YE AND TO 1101.)) the abo\'e granled, bRrgainetl and de- , "h h h 'd f h - d -It I St1cc.ecsora . 4t serl~ prelll1Ull, Wit t e appurtenances, unto teA! parl.ll--o t e BeeOn part,-.4' L .~"f'Ift- anti aSSIgns, to-----L. .8___ own proper use, benefit and behoof forever, And the aid pa~of the first part for themselvo.EL8l:ld-.. for thei r heirs, E'xecutors and afbninistrato.... do__co\'Cl!ant, promise and agree to and with said parLV_of the sp,cond part H:A I S~~~igns, that the said part--1.e.&f the fint part -WG~-G- at the time of the sealing and deli\'"ery of these presents, Jawfull)' seized in fee simyle of a good, absolute an.l indeft'a!ible estate of inhl'ritanee, of and in, aU singular, the above granted, bargained and dl'lleribed prt'mises, with the appurtenanl'es______ and_haYe~lood right, full polwer and lawfol authority to grant, bargain, l!E'1l amll'onn)' the I\ame in mannt'r anti fonn a'or~id, And that the said part7_~(>f the llE'f'ond part.--1ts-l- 8UCOUWJI-fIIIlitpu;, .halllllld 018,)' at all liml's hl'ruftt'r, (It'a'~t'ful!~' anti quietly have, hold, ~, oceupy, polISt'IIIJ and enjoy the aboTe gran!~ premise., and eve:-y part and }'&reel thereof, with the appurtl'nanees, l'.-ithout MY It't, suit, troubll', moll'slation, e\'ietioll or disturbance of the said p8rt_ieaof the first part.---theu..___heil'1l or assigns, ~r of any othf'r pt'non or pt'non!l lawfully {'laiming or to dalm th_o same. Alld that the same are now fret', elt'ar, d~h8rged and unin, i ewnbertd of and from all former Bod other sraD~, titles. chargN, eliates. judgment.. taxea, as.wssments end ineumbrances of wbat nature t end kiud lOner. -j I :;-1; ",:':; ,~( }; ;,~.l+ ;"t::~:;;X:,~:.;r\;\;. . '.' :..: 1~C:./~:r~:~;';'r~'