HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0406 , I i II I I I i I I I 203, . : ~; ,- ...--,- , , --~ . .- ~ j,.------- t, ..-.------.. .--.-,--.,--.-,-- I . t-----------.' -- ---.---.. .--- i _.. ----- -....... . fJ ~ I j < -- i- I, , An!1 the SIIi.l l'arlY-_.,-_of the first part, fOL_herse1f___ _801L.her_ht'irs, the abo\"e "('!I.'ribrtlu.1 hl'reby granted 011" rt'l('a~e.1 premises, antI l'\'l'r~' I'art 81\11 parl"l'l tl.l'rt'of, with al'i'\IrtNIIIII('~ unto Ihl' l'I.i.l parI..Y__of Ihe s(,l'Ond part,__hiB __b..irs and assigns, Hgaill~t the said part _~ _of the Iir.ll liart and,__hia ,__heirs, amlllgainst all on.1 f'\'t'r~. pt'rsOIl or Ilt'rsolls whomsoe\'er, lawfull~' ,'Iaillling or to ('biOI the sallie shall amI \~i11 wlIrrant, lIml b)' these prl's('nts fore\"er defend, . I I ~ I ~ ~ i f . I \ ~ IX WITXE!;S WHEREOF, The sai.l party,..._of thl' fir:;t parLhaa_,hl'rt'nnto st't_,her__haOlJ.._ and seaL_. the da)' and ~'t'ar first lIbo\'e written, Signe.l. Seall'tl amI Drlh'erl'll in Presl'nl"t' of us: --~rle--II..-T~er- (SEAL) (SEAL) _______________._____(SI-:.-\I,) Joe Jl.q.Q~lL. , _____ ~~h~L F.'L.~~ylor , i i , I t f e i. < , '- . , ' t 1.1 i! , .- I. t' t f } " ; , ~ STATE of____.Flotlda..- County of__...8.t......Luclo /- On this da~' pl"Nonall)' appt'arl'd before me____Eri,,~L~.~~r.y~t._....:..___ } to me Wl'I1 known as the llCr"<ln __described in, and who (,xl'l'uted th~ forl'gohg DeN of eon\'("~'allce, alld al'knowledgrtl that_ sho_ ")(l'('ule.1 the same for Iht' purpos.. th"rt'in expreSSC'd; ~hereuPoII it is pra~'rtl that the same ma)' be r....ordl't1. III Witnt'~s Wh..rrof. I ho\"e hl'rl'unto affixcd my naml" and offi..ial sl'al. thi!l__ 2,nd____day of_H.o..'l.CI:l.her---,--_ .-\, J), 1924_, at Fort_J.>.icrc.e...--R1orid.a.- CU.P.S3AL) - Ethel..F..-Tay-lor---_(SEAI,) Notary Public, Str.te at Large, My C()J:l;;l.i-881.on~~ires-J,O/9/27 - I STA'l'E OF-:.....__________. Colmt)' of__ .__.____~_ ) > ) J. do hl"rt'b)' I'ertif)" tllRL to me weU known as the wife of ~ f~ !. I, r _____ aDd M ODt' of the I'l'r.;on~ dl'Sl'ribM in, and who ex....ut...l the furegoing Deed, did this da~. to me, on a ~parale an.l prh'at.. examination bl'forl' me ta;kt'n amI madl', separatd~' and apart from h..r said husband, a('knowll"dge and .1..dl1ft', that she made.ht'rsl'll a p3rt~' to amI ex....uted the l'8me for the pUrJlO~ of releasing, relinquishing, re, 1I0unt'illg allll t'onn)'ing aU her right of d!l\Hr, separale estate and homestead, and aU her rights iu and to the land~. in said di'ed dt', s.'ribed allll granted, und that she ..x....uled the I'8me frl'..I)' and n.luntaril)', without an)' eonstraint, apprehension, fear or t'olDPulsion of or from hl'r sai.1 husband, Witnt'S3 ID)' hand and offidal seal aL-_______, this__ _day of___A. D, 192_ (SEAL) [ . r' ; -- "1 STAn: OJ.' J-'I;{)RIDA'l County of St. J.ueie, J, ' P. C. E~dr8d , :\...._ __n_ . Cltrk of the l'ireuit Conrt in and for uid Coanty, bave duly reeorded the fort'- goillg Dft'd in tbe l'ublie Reeords of said County . In Witness Whrrrof, J h.'-e hl'reunto let m nd and the seal of uid Court, the day and )'ear abo\"l' written. (CT,CMULI \ Dy t~~~~',J-, ~~s:~~ HI-; IT IlElll-:llBI-;Rt;n, That 011 this 20th--_day 01 Uay A D. 192..4-. ~ ~~..---- ~ -. ~ ;..:?i~; . ::~~~\;,:<k{;::;7 ';.)'C'=.':~;;'.</r/'~;:.~:;~!/':' !~~t\...~.(::ttK ~'~.: .::~. ~::X/,:,