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Building Plans
VJ -V 80'-6" l i'-OZ" 11'-92„ 36-5" 21'-3" 8 -821�� 7 �21 lk T-1" T-6" 4--711'-11" 4'-3 4'-0" 4' 2" 5'-7" EI IEII 81 0 al 0 MOP SINK pN ❑ e 0 .�M rn F 22x54 C7 5'- 0„ ATTIC 44' OZ" ACCESS PULL CHAIN 8 IN ATTIC V ❑ ❑ ❑ +j `�„ .SIN p r O o N M N ❑ 0'-8" 10 E 8 ❑ GARAGE O O 10'-0" FLAT CEILING [7 a O 11CO 0 9'-91" 2 ® N D IV WRAP AROUND PORCH ^' "N t ® LAUNDRY ROOM zo' o" N �aN NOOK '-0" FLAT CEILING = 10'-0" FLAT CEI ING 8 0 Og N]N 5 12 1- b, 2 GARAGE DOOR 16'-0"x8'-0" 0 o a o 0 0 0 00 V-0" 5 -10 CO C7 CO C] D O C7 � 1 - CLOSET AHU 20' 112" N 2' 0" 8' 4" 8 _4 2-_0" ❑ ❑ ®� v 4--0" REF � 7 ❑ _801 O� O 12'-12 o TV oo o MASTER BATH W.I.C.Island ' 0 VAULTED ® BEDROOM 2 `o CEILING T-1o2" o FAMILY ROOM 10'-0" Flat Ceiling LA Vaulted Ceiling 6 0" 00 ❑ RANG ~ol.� 3 Z KITCHEN QO p N J Vaulted Ceiling 0 nko ❑ C 7 11 15' - 2 Z — —o t M ® ❑ O O DW o a 8'-4" tiIN HALLWAY 5 = BATH 2 ® in 10'-0" FLAT CEILING 20 "' T MN MASTER BEDROOM o VAULTED CEILING ~o ® • i0 5'-72" CLO El 7'-4" N ❑2 0 00 W.I.C. O N El o TE ITE TREATMENT F1E0111RED ❑ o ~" o BEDROOM 3ID 10'-0" Flat Ceiling 0 o a o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 © p in W P AROUND PORCH 4X4 P.T. COLUMN �N 15' S11. 2 ° WRAPPED IN CEDAR In o (TYP.) O o o 0 0 0 0 0 32' 3" 12'-0" 16" DIA. COLUMN a? v BLOCK W/ (4)-#5 ❑ ❑ ❑ O ip i0 (TYP.) 01 d 17 -0" 5' 0" 7' 52 12' 82,. 9'-1 4 _0 4.0„ 2'-112" 2'-112" 8'_42" 8,_42„ ST. LUCTF (7,SC ,0 y'�T A 10C I+lz, ie_lntir F+.VIPW;:DFORCoW rtN'8 ,( e� 5 U P£rC4rIT ,rUgT -�� s I ' KErT — t)N gas ( ., ;O INSPECTION L` ,"s" WILL DE SG1,DE. sSE PLANS AND ALL PRC 29'-3" 8'-01. 5' 11" 16'-9" )RE SUBJECT TO ANY GOR REQUIRED BY 0IELU INS" rdAY BE NEOESSARY IN ORi 59'-101" 1" COMPLY WITH ALL APPLIM 2 20'-7z 64' 102" a"=1' SCALE CLIMATE AND GEOGRAPHIC DESIGN CRITERIA DAMAGE FROM WEATHERING - NEGLIGIBLE DAMAGE FROM TERMITES - VERY HEAVY DOOR SCHEDULE MARK STYLE NOTES WD❑❑GT +D.P. �1 OVERHEAD 16' -0' 8' -0' +29. 5 -32, 3 ❑2 DOUBLE EXTERIOR 6' -0' 8' -0' +30. 3 -38. 4 (SINGLE LITE FR, DRS. ) MAIN EGRESS -DO NOT SHUTTER ❑3 BIFOLD 2'-0' 6'-8' HOLLOW CORE-6 PNL ® SINGLE INTERIOR 2'-6' 6'-8, HOLLOW CORE-6 PNL 5❑ SINGLE INTERIOR 2'-8' 6'-8' HOLLOW CORE-6 PNL. © SLIDING TRIPLE EXTERIOR 12'-0' 8'-0' +28.6 -35. 1 07 BIFOLD 3'-0' 6'-8' HOLLOW CORE-6 PNL 8 SINGLE EXTERIOR 2'-8' 6'-8' +31.9 -41.8 FG 6 Panel Door with Weatherstripping and Threshold 9❑ DOUBLE INTERIOR 6'-0' 6'-8' HOLLOW CORE-6 PNL. ©0 BIFOLD 4' -0' 6' -8' HOLLOW CORE-6 PNL, 11 POCKET INTERIOR 2'-8' 6'-8' HOLLOW CORE-6 PNL, NOTE• ALL WINDOWS TO BE IMPACT RESISTANT. WINDOW SCHEDULE IZE D. P. MARK TYPE STYLE NOTES W O SH 35 INGLE HUNG 4'-6' '-3' +31. 9 -41, 7 O SHH 33 INGLE HUNG T -2' 2' -2' +33, 5 5 +33. 5 +3R, 7 -44, 8 OHS O SHH 33 SINGLE HUNG 6'-I' 1'-1'+33, -36. 3 OBS ® PW IXED GLASS 3' -0' 2'-0' -44. 8 O SH 25 INGLE HUNG 3'-2' T -3' -43. 3 EGRESS © PW IXED GLASS 2' -0' 2' -0' +33, 5 -44. 8 O7 SH 25 INGLE HUNG 4'-6' T-3'+31,9 -41, 7 ® SH 25 SINGLE HUNG 2' -4' 5' -3' +3315 -44, 8 O SH 25 SINGLE HUNG 2' -0' 2' -0' +33, 5 -44. 8 AREA SCHEDULE LIVING AREA 2135 SQ. FF. GARAGE 438 SQ. Fr. PORCH RTFTRUUND 825 SQ. Fr. ENTRY 148 SQ. Fr. TOTAL 3546 SQ. Fr. SCODe of Work CUBIC VOLUME OF HE CONDITIONED SPACE 11 (CUBIC FEET) Single level CBS single family residence Building Code 2014 Florida Building Code: Residential 2011 National Electric Code Design Loads Roof Live Load: 1 20.0 p.s.f. Floor Live L N. A. Wind Speed: 170 M H (3 second Wind Import nce F ctor: 1.0 Building Cate II Wind Exposure: B Internal Pressure Coefficent: 18 Structure Designed: Enclosed Assumed Soil bearing capacity: POSED WORK IEOTIONS 9TOR3 THAT )k'R TO &E, CODES. gb��Jv/IbdNO O3dSN11U.Nn gMMONIM 0NV BkM)Oa Tit/ NO N101361 1MV4 J= AW3N3 OW HIM aft om aNv suom:j In � WW6MffUOVAnNHW 1W gusts) 2000 p.s.f. 25, 786 FDOH in St. Lucie County Environmental Health Site Plan Apr' )ved for Construction Supersedes Al', Previous Site Plans for OSTDS # 1%61153 & Vdeil It 51- 200 Date: Reviewer. , DEC 2 1 241d PEr"PFL ,J-VTNG S1. Lucie CounW ®,\�5 U MMIT DESIGN & FORENSICS, INC. 725 SE PORT SAINT LUCIEBLVD. SUITE 203 PORT SAINT LUCIE FL 34984 (772)285-0572 n BRIAN J. MASKOL FL PE # 66080 rn z z 0 o a U U z � o t- c a a m 0 ro a, N z 0 5 z DATE DESIGNED GMW 07-20-17 DRAWN GMW 07-20-17 CHECKED JOB NO. 2017-199 ,,��SUMMIT DESIGN & FORENSICS, INC. a"=1' SCALE F-1 F- 2 F- 3 F- 6 16" x 16" mono. footing Recess 4" at Shower 16' x 16 mono. footing with (2) #5 rebar cont. „ 16 x 16 mono. footing 8„ with (2) #5 rebar cont. and curb with (2) #5 rebar cont. 8 4 4 4" to 6" 4„ 16" 4» 16" see plan 4" 4„ a" 16" 12' 16" 16" 16" 16" TYP. SHOWER RECESS MONO. EDGE FOOTING CURB FOOTING STEP FOOTING AT GARAGE 2",0 I Ic I \ 1� 1 /4"0 11-1 /2"0 �\ I 1-1/4"0 GENERAL FOUNDATION NOTES Concrete shall be a minimum of 4" thick over clean, compacted, termite treated fill and 6 mil polyethylene vapor barrier. If concrete slab contains 6" x 6" 10/10 WWM provide 1" coverage Concrete shall have at minimum compressive strength of not less than 2500 p.s.i. All 90 deg. hooks are to be extended 10" minimum beyond the turn. Field bends are to be done cold and the diameter of the bend, measured on the inside of the bar, is not to be less than six bar diameters. Minimum coverage for rebar shall be 3" in footings and 1 1/2" in bond beams. Hooks may be rotated horizonitally if required to achieve minimum coverages. Rebor overlap shall be 48 bar diameters. 30" for #5 rebar The load foundation design carrying capacity assumes that the soil has a minimum of 2000 p.s.f. In the event the soil bearing capacity falls below 2000 p.s.f. This foundation plan may be superceded by Foundation Design Engineer. Satisfactory compaction test of fill does not verify lower soils are adequate. All specifications and dimensions to be verified by contractor. All exterior slabs shall slope a minimum 1/8" per foot for drainage No structural concrete shall be stripped until it has reached at least 80% of the 28 day design strength. Design, Erection, & Removal of all formwork, shores, & reshores shall meet meet the ACI Standards 347 and 301 Contractor to verify all building setbacks prior to the start of construction. A formboard survey shall be submitted to the building department for approval prior to pouring concrete. SOIL STATEMENT: Foundation has been designed for a soil bearing capacity of 2000 s.f. Fill shall be laid in layers of 6". Each layer to be compacted to 95% compaction. If the contractor encounters, while digging the foundation, any discrepancy to suggest the soil may be inadecuate, he must immediately report it to the owner and the Architect or Engineer so as to order a soil boring test. Dowel Rod Repair Note In the event vertical steel has been omitted from the down pour locations, drill 5" into concrete (no closer than 3 3/4" from edges and 5" from ends of cap walls) Remove dust per manufacturers instructions and use Two part epoxy to anchor the #5 rebar in place. Use either "Hilti C-100 or Simpson Epoxy —Tie. PLUMBING NOTES: Plumber to consult with contractor and equipment ordered for rough in dimensions. Verify all dimensions with the floor plan. The floor plan dimensions dictates all other dimensions on other sheets. Do not scale drawings, if any conflicts arise, contact the Architect or Engineer for clarification prior to construction. All sanitary lines 2" or less shall have a slope of 1/4" per foot minimum. All sanitary lines above 2" shall have a slope of 1/81' foot minimum. Provide Anti —Scalding Valve in all showers. Lowest living area floor elevation (refered as 0.00') to be set by a professional land surveyor to the required building department elevation, but not less than 18' above the crown of the road. Plumbing contractor to provide a water hammer & shut off valve at each fixture 3" VTR I 13"0 1 T 20 1-1/4"01 11-1/4"0 1 n-1/2"0 1 I k 1 1 20 1 _L. tuH I -CI xc.o. 725 SE PORT SAINT LUCIE BLVD. SUITE 203 PORT SAINT LUCIE FL34984 (772) 285-0572 BRIAN J. MASKOL FL PE # 66080 F z z � o o F a U � z m o h a Q z `o m H o N z C 5 W a DATE DESIGNED GMW 07-20-17 DRAWN GMW 07-20-17 CHECKED JOB NO. 2017-199 TO SANITARY SYSTEM SUMIT DESIGN & FORENSICS, INC. 4X4 P.T. Q 6 12 - 6r--� �112 ` (TrP'; -- -- FRONT ELEVATION I'=1' SCALE ROOF VENTILATION CALCULATIONS VENTILATION REQUIRED: 3546 X 144X1/150=3404 SQ IN TOTAL HOUSE VENTILATION : 936 SQ IN TOTAL SOFFIT VENTILATION: 3285 SQ IN TOTAL VENTILATION PROVIDED: 4221 SQ IN 16" X 8" SOFFIT VENT SPACED AT 6'-0" O.C. MAX. (TYP.) KCH K C L C V H I l V IV AT 6�-0" O.C. MAX. (TYP.) --- 4"=1' :SCALE 725 SE PORT SAINT LUCIE BLVD. SUITE 203 PORT SAINT LUCIE FL 34984 (772)285-0572 BRIAN J. MASKOL FL PE # 66080 zz z � o 0 a U a H u z U m o H w Q z z w H ca z 0 m DATE DESIGNED GMW 07-20-17 DRAWN GMW 07-20-17 CHECKED JOB NO. 2017-199 KlUN I tLtVH I WIN 4"=1' SCALE ROOF VENTILATION CALCULATIONS MAIN HOUSE VENTILATION REQUIRED: 3546 X 144X1/150=3404 SQ IN TOTAL HOUSE VENTILATION : 936 SQ IN TOTAL SOFFIT VENTILATION: 3285 SQ IN TOTAL MAIN HOUSE VENTILATION PROVIDED: 4221 SQ IN AT 6-0" O.C. MAX (TYP.) 4'°=1' SCALE AT 6-0" O.C. MAX. (TYP.) ib, SUMMIT DESIGN & FORENSICS, INC. 725 SE PORT SAINT LUCIE BLVD. SUITE 203 PORI' SAINT LUCIE EL 34984 (772) 2 8 5 - 0 5 7 2 BRIAN J. MASKOL FL PE # 66080 zz z o � F o d � u z w Q H a a a w z q a w H - ¢ q N z 0 U S m DATE DESIGNED 07-20-17 GMW DRAWN GMW 07-20-17 CHECKED JOB NO. 2017-199 i GENERAL ROOFING NOTES 19/32" plywood sheathing or equal installed with staggered joints & GI clips, nailed to trusses with 8d corrosion resistant annular ring shank nails spaced max. 6"o.c. throughout, except max. 4"o.c. at gable ends. All roof trusses are to be pre —manufactured assemblies provided by a licensed wood truss fabricator with seperate drawings and data prepared for actual project conditions by a Florida registered professional engineer certified for truss design. Any deviation from the proposed plans as shown regarding placement or bearing shall be brought to the attention of the truss engineer prior to fabrication of the trusses. The truss manufacturer's certified layout shall govern after fabrication. The handling, erection, and fixing of wood trusses shall be in accordance with the specifications contained on the certified mfgr's. drawings and data. All engineered headers and truss hangers to be provided by the truss manufacturer. Splitting or cracking of structural components due to installation of hardware is not permitted. Unless otherwise noted, the installation of specified hardware shall conform to the truss manufacturers installation instructions and standard practice. BUCK ATTACHMENT NOTES AT DOORS USE P.T. PINE OR SPRUCE AND ATTACH BUCKS TO BLOCK WITH 1/4" DIA. TAPCONS WITH 2 1/4" EMBEDMENT INTO C.B.S. SET A 6" FROM CORNERS AND AT 12"o.c. MAX. AT WINDOWS USE P.T. PINE OR SPRUCE AND ATTACH BUCKS TO BLOCK WITH 8d CASED HARD COIL NAILS OR T NAILS 4" FROM ENDS AND 12"o.c. USE "STRUCTURAL" SHIMS DURING DOOR INSTALLATION WOOD AND/OR CEDAR SHIMS SHALL NOT BE USED. SHEATHING NAILING NOTES Nailing Pattern Zone 1: 8d at 6"o.c. field & 4"o.c. edges Zone 2: 8d at 4"o.c. edges & field Zone 3: 8d at 4"o.c. edges & field Pneumatic Nails Pneumatic or mechanicaly driven nails will be accepted under the fallowing conditions: Min. nails size 8d or larger ring shank with Min. shank diameter: .113 Min. Length: 2-1/2" Min. Head Diameter: .280 Full Round Min. Ring Diameter .012 over shank dia. Min. 16 to 20 Rings per Inch Note Gun nails shall be permitted as an acceptable fastener from any manufacturer Wood screws meeting the some size requirement may be used in lieu of nails without comment Nailing Schedule ROOF & FLOOR DIAGRAM Use sheathing with #8 gun nails at 6"o.c. at supported panel edges and #8 gun nails at 6"o.c. at intermediate supports. ROOF SHEATHING TO GABLE END FRAME Use #8 gun nails at 4"o.c. EXTERIOR SHEATHING Use #8 gun nails at 4"o.c. at panel edges and #8 gun nails at 4"o.c. at panel top and bottom and 6"o.c. in field EXTERIOR CEILING & SOFFIT NOTE 7/8" Stucco finish over 3/8" high ribbed galv. wire lath fastened to framing members with No. 11 guage nails with 1 3/4" embed. with 3/8" dia. head 6"o.c. max. edges to be tied and nailed at 9"o.c. Provide one layer of 15# felt to bottom of framing before installing lath. INTERIOR WALL FRAMING NOTE Interior non bearing walls to be metal studs (25 Go.) 24"O.C. Crimper may be used in lieu of screws. STRUCTURAL NOTES: All reinforcing steel shall be high strength billet steel and shall conform to ASTM A-615 grade 60 specifications. Lap continuous reinforcing 48 bar diameters or 30" in beams and in slabs. Lap bottom steel over supports and top steel at midspan. Hook discontinuous ends of all top bars. Reinforcing steel shall have a minimum of 1" concrete cover, or as follows: BOTTOM TOP SIDES Beams: 1 1/2" 1 1/2- 1 1/2" Slab on Grade: 1 1/2" 1" _ Structural Poured: 3/4" 3/4" _— Poured Walls: — — — — — — 3/4" Slabs exposed to the weather 3/4" 1" -- Reinforcing steel shall be detailed and fabricated in accordance with the "Manual of Standard Practice of Detailing Reinforcing Concrete Structures" and the current "ACI Building Code 318" All structural steel shall conform to current ASTM Specification A-36 All wood in contact with masonry shall be pressure treated or approved seperating material. All dimensions shall be verified in field by the contractor. If there are any discrepancies the Architect or Engineer shall be notified before proceeding. All Design and Construction shall be inaccordonce with the current American Concrete Institute (ACI). and the American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC), The Florida Building Code and all applicable local codes. Structural Concrete shall attain a minimum ultimate compressive strength (Fc') in 28 days as follows: Column Footing and Wall Footing: 3000 p.s.i. Column and walls from foundation to roof: see column schedule. All other concrete: 2500 p.s.i. Footing sizes and reinforcing are based on allowable soil bearing capacity of 2000 p.s.i. All footings shall bear in virgin soil. If this is not the case, the Architect or Engineer shall be notified before proceeding with the work. Timber (Heavy Timber Construction) (a) Truss manufacturer shall submit a signed and sealed shop drawings by a registered Engineer. (b) Wood rafters to have a Stress Grade of Fb=1200 p.s.i. (c) Roof members should be secured to the beams or other structural components with hurricane anchors for wind uplift. All wood members shall have a minimum fiber stress in bending of 1200 p.s.i. with 1/360 max. deflection. All bolted connections shall be 1/2" Cadmium plated or better. Lag bolts to be used only in shear connections with minimum 4" threaded penetration past steel plate. Lag bolted conditions shall be drill tapped no larger than the internal thread diameter and shall not be hammer driven. Under Girder Trusses provide equal number of studs as girder plys at frame bearing locations GENERAL REQUIREMENTS All work to be as per the current edition of the Florida Building Code and meet or exceed all applicable local requirements. General contractor is responsible for all labor, materials, utilities, testing, waste removal, storage, securing of site, accomodation, transport/freight, and all other cost related to the completion of this project., unless explicitly identified here. Owner is responsible for all municipal related charges such as impact fees, and water connection, except building permit fees, which are to be included in the construction bid. General contractor to check all drawings for errors and ommissions and bring them to the attention of the architect prior to starting any work, or ordering any materials of the respective division of work. If such errors and ommissions are not reported in writingto the architect, any resulting damages or costs shall be born entirely by the general contractor. Architect is not responsible for the contractors method or means of construction. Unless otherwise noted, the installation of specified hardware shall conform to the manufacturers instructions and standard practice. All plans and drawings are not considered complete until they have been reviewed and approved by the Building Department and the building permit has been issued. THRESHOLD NOTE At egress door (Entry Door) the max. hgth. of the threshold shall be 1/2" Wall and ceiling finishes (not Including trim) shall have a flame spread index of not greater than 200 and a smoke developed index of not greater than 450. Insulation shall have a flame spread index of not greater than 25 and a smoke developed index of not greater than 450 (not applicable to facings when installed in concealed spaces with facing installed in substantial contact with the unexposed finish surface). 8" x 16" C.M.U. WITH CELLS FILLED WITH GROUT & #5 VERT. i... DOWEL P.T. 2 x 6 AT (3) SIDES OF &A OPENING, FASTEN TO BLOCK AS NOTED. DOOR SIDES 1/2" x 6" REDHEADS WITH MIN. 2" x 1/8"WASHER 12" FROM ENDS AND 24' o.c. MAX. DOOR HEAD 1/4" x 2 3/4" TAPCONS STAGGERED 24"o.c. Garaae Door Buck Detail POURED CELLS WITH (1) #5 BAR CONTINUOUS )Z1 FROM BEAM TO FOOTING corner bars at beam — (outside only) (2) corner bars at footing (min.) vert. dowel lapped with wall reinforcing, all laps 25" (min.) in grout filled cell Grout filled C . cell with #5 Change in Bond Beam Elev. rebar 8 x 16 x 8 CBS Exterior Wall 1 x 4 hnftnm chord bracing 24" m truss Bottom Chord Lateral Bracin all corner bars to be the same size, number, and spacing as horizontial bars in footing, beams, and walls 0 0 0 s ti m Corner Reinforcing Detail 2 p.t. 24"o.c. wall section insulation type d.w. ypical 2 x 4 tud bearing all 2 x 4 p.t. stud fastened to filled cell with 1/4" dia. x 2-3 4" long topcons ® 6" rom ends & 24' o.c. Brng. Wall Attachment Detail scale: 1 1/2" = 1'-0" "CAST-CRETE" PRECAST LINTEL SCHEDULE KEY LINTEL LENGTH SAFE GRAVITY LOAD APPLIED GRAVITY LOAD SAFE UPLIFT LOAD APPLIED UPLIFT LOAD COMPOSITE BEAM L-1 7'-6" 2661 <1000 1624 <700 8F16-113/1T L-2 5'-10" 4360 <600 2080 <500 8F16-1B/1T L-3 3'-6" 6113 <300 3524 <300 81716-16/1T L-4 4'-0" 6113 <1400 3060 <1450 8F16-113/1T L-5 13'-4" 1838 <800 964 <750 8F24-1B/1T 4'-6" 6113 <200 2707 <150 8F16-1B/IT FL 17'-4" 1609 <600 1005 <300 8F24-1B/2T L-9 11'-4" 2423 <350 1274 <450 8F24-1B/1T FL 13'-4" 1838 <200 964 <150 8F24-1B/IT L-14 7'-6" 755 <400 506 <250 8RF6-1B/1T MINIMUM BEAM DEPTHS SHOWN, DEPTH MAY INCREASE WITHOUT AFFECTING STRUCTURAL INTEGRITY ,,A�SMMIT DESIGN & FORENSICS, INC. 725 SE PORT SAINT LUCIE BLVD. SUITE 203 PORT SAINT LUCIE FL 34984 (772) 2 8 5 - 0 5 7 2 BRIAN I. MASKOL FL PE # 66080 F z z o � a � u z H u z O H a w 0 U z 0 Z) m H Q � z C a w a DATE DESIGNED GMW 05-08-17 DRAWN GMW 05-08-17 CHECKED JOB NO. 2017-199 A=5 PRODUCT APPROVAL Approval Number Product Model Number Manufacturer Glass Attachment Method Building Rated Product Rated Type Design Pressures Design Pressures NOA#:16-0714.03 S.H. Windows SH-5500 PGT Windows Impact 1/4". x 1 4 min embedment Tap o anchors. At jambs provde (4� an hors above MR and �4� anchors below MR+65/-70 See Win/Door and Doors and provitltltltltltle (35 anchors at head. Schedule NOA#:16-0629.12 Fixed Window PW 5520 PGT Impact 1/4" x 1 3/4" min embedment Topcons @ 6"/15"O.C• See Elev. 49+/-130 NOA#: 16-0629.10 Sliding Glass Door SGD-780 PGT Impact (2 Rows) 1/4" x 1 3/8" min embedment topcons staggered 5"/15" O.C. and clusters of 6 at interlock See Elev. +/- 80.0 FL#:5891.4 Swing Doors Fiberclassic Thermo Tru NA 1/4" x 1 1/4" min embedment @ 6"/17.2" O.C. See Elev. +/- 67.0 FL#: 15225.3 French Doors Fiberclassic Therma Tru Impact 1/4" x 1 1/4" min embedment @ 6"/17.2" O.C. See Elev. +/- 47.0 FL#: 5684.1 Overhead Door W8 09 Clopay NA 5/16" x 1 5/8" min. embed. lag screw each bracket See Elev. +54 / -60 Approval Number Product Model Number Manufacturer Attachment Method Building Rated Product Rated Design Pressures Design Pressures NOA#: 15-0212.07 Roofing 5V CRIMP SUNLAST #10 SCREWS @ 16" O.C. IN FIELD & @ SEE PLAN -74.75 FIELD 8" O.C. IN PERIMETER AND CORNERS -176 PERIMETER/CORNER METAL ROOFING OVER 30# ROOF FELT OVER 19/32 C.D.X. PLYWD. SEE CONNECTOR SCHEDULE 12 PRE ENG. WD. 6 TRUSSES 24"c.c. ALUM. DRIP EDGE ON 2 x 6 P.T. FASCIA WRAP WITH ALUM. I All WIRE LATH AND STUCCO SOFFIT WITH VENTS PROVIDE "CASTCRETE" PRECAST LINTELS ABC ALL OPENINGS TWO COAT STUCCO FI GRADE �ztl'min. R30 BLOWN INSULATION ABOVE LIVING AREAS 1 /2" CLN G. FIRESTOP BOARD BLOCK SA CKWITH (1)#5 REBAR AND FILLED WITH GROUT EACH 8x16x8C.M.U. WITH #5 VERT. DOWEL IN GROUT FILLED CELLS 1 x 2 P.T. FURRING 24"o.c. -R4 FOIL INSULATION (PROVIDE THIS INSULATION BETWEEN GARAGE & LIVING SPACE ALSO). -1/2" GYP. D.W. I x 4P.T. 2500# CONC. FOOTING WITH (2) #5 REBAR Cast in Place Sill or Tie Beam Option In the event that the precast products are damaged in the field cast in place sills and tie beams may be used (not to exceed 5'-10) Ty ical cast in place tie beam to be a min. 8 x 12 with two f5 top and two #5 bottom. Safe Load Table Notes Installation Notes 1. All values based on minimum 4" nominal bearing. 1. Exception: Safe loads for unfilled U lintels must Instyllotion of U lintels must comply with architectural and/or structural drawings. be r,pced by 20% if bearing length is less than 6 1 . 2. U lintels can be field cut to the required length. 2. N.R. = Not Rated 3. Cast in place concrete may be provided in composite U lintel in lieu of concrete masonry units. 3. Safe loads are superimposed allowable loads. 4. 4. One #7 rebar mayU be substituted for two p5 in 8 Inch lintels The exterior surface of U lintels installed in exterior concrete masonry walls shall have a coating of stucco rebar only. applied in accordance with ASTM C-926 or other approved coating. 5. All safe loads in units of pounds per linter foot. 5. 6. All safe loads are based on simply supported span. Concrete masonry units used in composite U lintel shall be laid in a running bond. 7. Safe load ratings based on rational design analysis 6. per ACI 318 and ACI 530. Shore composite lintels as required. 7. U lintels are manufactured with a 5 1 /2" long notch at both ends to accomodate vertical cell reinforcing and grout. &17r - $ x�1; 8F16-1 B/1 T Lintel Type Designation 4" 2500# FIBERMIX CONC. METAL ROOF ON 30# ROOFING FELT OVER 006 VAPOR BARRIER OVER 5/8' COX PLYWOOD SEE FOOTING ON CLEAN, COMPACTED, (SEE ENGINEERING SPECS. FOR NAILING) DETAILS TERMITE TREATED FILL PRE-ENGINEERED ROOF WIRE LATH & TRUSS PAINTED STUCCO CONNECTOR TO TRUSS PER CEILING PLANS METAL DRIP ON T i Wall Section 2X4 DOUBLE TOP PLATE ALUM. FASCIA yp c a PAINTED STUCCO FINISH OVER OVER 2 X 6 NOT TO SCALE WIRE LATH AND TWO LAYERS OF SUB -FASCIA WATER RESISTIVE BARRIERS TOP OF OF KNEE 2X4 STUDS @ 16" O.C. SIMPSON SPH4 @ EACH TUD TOP AND BOTTOM W/ 5/8" PLYWOOD SHEATHING 10-10DX1J" NAILS TO STUD ATTACHED TO FRAMING W/ 8D NAILS @ 6"O.C. AT 2X4 PLATE EDGES AND 6" O.C. IN FIELD TOP OF ROOF (2) #IOx3�" WOOD SCREWS FRAMING MIN. 6" FROM CORNERS & a EL. = VARIES 12" D.C. f METAL ROOF ON 30# ROOFING FELT PROVIDE DEL. 2X4 BLOCKING BETWEEN OVER 5/8" COX PLYWOOD (SEE ENGINEERING SPECS. FOR NAILING) TRUSSES @KNEE WALL BOTTOM PLATE- ROOF TRUSS PER ATTACH 2X4 BLKG TO SIDE OF TRUSS W/ 16D NAILS @ 6" O.C. STAGGERED AND BETWEEN TRUSS MFG. TRUSSES W/ SIMPSON LUS24.2 HANGERS CUPOLA FRAMING SECTION 1/2"=V-0" Composite U Lintel Materials 1. Grout per ASTM C476 fg=3000 psi with maximum 3/8 Inch aggregate and 8 to 11 inch slump. 2. Reber per ASTM A615 Grade 60 3. Concrete masonry units (CMU) per ASTM C90 with minimum net area compressive strength = 1900 psi 4. Mortar per ASTM C270 Type M or S WIRE LATH AND STUCCO CONNECTOR TO TRUSS PER PLANS SIMPSON AC4 W/ (28)-16d NAILS EACH POST TO HEADER (USE SIMPSON LCE4 @ CORNER POSTS W/ (24)-16d NAILS) PRE-ENGINEERED ROOF TRUSS METAL DRIP ON ALUM. FASCIA OVER 2 X 6 WIRE LATH AND STUCCO SOFFIT WITH VENTS (2)-2X12 WOOD HEADER WITH }" COX PLYWOOD SPACER GLUED AND NAILED W/ 16d NAILS AT 8" O.C. STAGGERED BOTH SIDES WITH WIRE LATH AND STUCCO. P.T. 4X4 WOOD POST WRAPPED IN CEDAR NOTE:FRAMING SHALL BE S. PINE No. 2 @ PORCH FRAMING SIMPSON ABU44 W/ (12)-16d & (1)-5/8" DIA. X 12" ANCHOR BOLT FINISH GRADE 2500# CONCRETE FOUNDATION. SEE FOOTING DETAILS. PORCH FRAMING SECTION 1/2"=1'-0" 3/8" caulk continuous bead (back bedding) of behind CBS buck to prevent liquid passage Min, 1 1/4" embedment set flange in continuous ° d at windows and min. 1 1 /2" bead of caulk across the 4 ° d d sl. gl. embedment at doors entire face of buck a ° ° d d \ ° F1 /2" drywall 2x4 TREATED BOTTOM PLATE stucco finishes perimeter caulk Attach p.t. bucks with 8d coil nails at 12"o. c. Typ. Alum. window - jamb or sliding glass door jamb NOTE: Method of attachment and waterproofing procedures are the same at poured concrete sill. Gunable sealants shall comply with ASTM C 920 Class 25 grade or greater for proper joint expansion and contraction Typical Window & S.G.D Includes Buck Attachment Method - 1/4" max. struct. shim caulk attach as per manufacturers product approvals Jamb Detail at CBS Wall DESIGNED TO MEET THE RECUIREMENTS OF FBC 2014 SECTION R703.8 ' FLASHING" Alum. window frame 3/8" continuous bead of - caulk (back bedding) behind shim to prevent liquid passage 1/4" struct. shim set flange in continuous - bead of caulk across the entire face of buck perimeter caulk stucco finish - Gunable sealants shall comply with d ASTM C 920 Class 25 grade or ° greater for proper joint expansion and contraction precast conc. sill T PRE -MANUFACTURED TRUSSES 2'-0" O.C. MIN. DRYWALL CIELING corrosive resistant Topcon concrete srews installed as specified in window manufacturers product approval window sill ical Precast Conc. Sill Detail GALVANIZED TOP PLATE " DRYWALL BOTH SIDES METAL STUDS (TYP.) GAUGE METAL TRACK FASTEN TREATED BOTTOM PLATE TO SLAB W/ 4" THICK CONCRETE SLAB 0.145"9Jx2-1/2" LNG. (2500 psi) WITH FIBER MESH P.A.F. @ 16" O.C. OVER VAPOR BARRIER OVER CLEAN COMPACTED TERMITE TREATED SOIL TYP INTERIOR WALL SECTION ,,��SUIT DESIGN & FORENSICS, INC. 725 SE PORT SAINT LUCIE BLVD. SUITE 203 PORT SAINT LUCIE FL 34984 (772) 285-0572 BRIAN L MASKOL FL PE # 66080 F z w z 7 O ao U u z w o H Q a w la z 0 5 w H q r N z 0 5 a DATE DESIGNED GMW 05-OB-17 DRAWN GMW 05-08-17 CHECKED JOB NO. 2017-199 A=6 2""=1' SCALE DESIGN & FORENSICS, INC. Q ZONE 1 - USE 10d RINGSHANK NAILS AT 6' ❑. C. (IN FIELD) 4' (EDGE) 02 ZONE 2 - USE 10d RINGSHANK NAILS AT 6' ❑.C. �3 ZONE 3 - USE 10d RINGSHANK NAILS AT 4' ❑.C. RDOF NAILING PATTERN DIAGRAM Roof Plan scale: 1/8" = 1'-0" BUILDING COMPONENTS AND CLADDING. ROOF ZONES: I THRU 3 WALL ZONES: 4 AND 5 Wind Zone Roof Plan scale: 1 /8" = 1'-0" Wind Zones — Walls 725 SE PORT SAINT LUCIE BLVD. SUITE 203 PORT SAINT LUCIE FL 34984 (772)285-0572 BRIAN J. MASKOL FL PE # 66080 zz z o � yo U u z w q H a w 0 z 0 a S m H ra N z 0 5 w x 0 DATE DESIGNED GMW 05-08-17 DRAWN Gmw 05-08-17 CHECKED JOB NO. 2017-199 A=7 5/81 dig. x 10'— long ground rod WH 50 gal. Water Heater w/Reci ---'— Pump p 22x54 MOP ATTIC SINK ACCESS (3) 0 (THW) cop er #2 PULL CHAIN 1 and (1� #4 ground (pTHW) O IN ATTIC copper In 2 galy. conduit (3) #2 0 (THIN) copper / \ 1_ and (1 .#4 ground (THW) copper In 2galy. conduit F.P.L. service 1 O O � Wall WRAP AROUND PORCH ------------- �..-- — GARAGE ----- - -_� a \ i W D LAUNDRY ROOM o• --- r / // �•� N K Panel: 200 A.M.C.B. 20) Am / _ 120/240 4VolCircuit Panel O % �- 3/4” water f ground wire footing rebars Electrical Riser Diagram Electrical Load Calculations 2135 Living S.F. at 3 VA Two 20 Amp Appliance Ckts. Laundry Dryer Dishwasher Range Ref. Circuit Water Heater Microwave Garage Door Opener Disposal 6405 VA 3000 VA 1500 VA 5000 VA 1200 VA 12000 VA 1300 VA 8500 VA 1200 VA 900 VA 600 VA Total 41,605 VA First 10 KVA at 100% 10,000 VA Remainder at 40% 12,642 VA Total 22,642 VA (2)AC Heat at 100% 17,000 VA Total 39,642 VA 39,642 VA / 240 V = 165.2 Amps 200 Amp Existing Service Smoke detectors wired to 120V Bathroom lights Non Switchable, Non GFI Electrical contractor to verify all equipment loads prior to start of construction. Electrical contractor to recalculate electrical schedule if loads are to be modified AHU REF W.I.C. i/ i/ G' .1 Island I BEDROOM 2 %l i i ELECTRICAL LEDGEND / 'ER BATH, /FAMILY / C ` C \ ` OC LED PENDANT LIGHT � RECESSED CAN LIGHT KITCHEN j 0 RAN �� � Q RECESSED LIGHT WITH LENS ®EXTERIOR & WET LOCATIONS IL O /- 91� \ — ' ® // / i-i VAPOR PROOF SURFACE MOUNTED LIGHT \ I 3 GFI // P i I // SURFACE MOUNTED LIGHT FIXTURE I I\ \ N O —E) SURFACE MOUNTED FLUORESCENT LIGHT FIXTURE FI GFl 0UNDER CABINET FLUORESCENT FIXTURE ATH 2 MASTER BEDROOM \ \ 1 \ % — — __ .�y O LIGHT FIXTURE /® FLUORESCENT FIXTURE LF S EXTW HALLWAY • O RECESSED INCANDESCENT LIGHT EXTERIOR LIGHT WALL FIXTURE FIXTURE WITH EXHAUST FAN {i{} \CEIi9N PPR O TC RECESSED CAN LIGHT-- / L\iGH-�JN CEILING FAN WITH NO LIGHT \ CLQ ® CARBON/SMOKE DETECTOR FI�UR�E .\'\ TV� c s — — _ — — — OR '� \ \\ \,\\ FOYER i Q JUNCTION BOX CEILING FAN WITH LIGHT CARBON MONOXIDE —� DINING ROOM — i/ % W•I•C BE OOM 3 O DETECTOR EXHAUST FAN OUTLET ® DOOR CHIMES // / I \1\ �T THERMOSTAT ® SMOKE DETECTOR / 1 $ DUPLEX OUTLET — SWITCHED VN TELEVISION 0 0 ❑' I]10 10\ l� I� ❑e ❑e � DUPLEX OUTLET / \ QPH TELEPHONE I� M& 220 V OUTLET EI PUSH BUTTON - GROUND FAULT INTERRUPTER -({} SWITCH % ❑ GF' WEATHER PROOF GROUND FAULT -bFr THREE WAY SWITCH j NOTE: RECEPTACLES IN KITCHEN & BATH AREAS TO BE 46" A.F.F. ALL 120V SINGLE PHASE 15 & 20 AMP BRANCH CIRCUITS SUPPLYING WRAP AROUND PORCH — — \ 0 o o ❑' ❑' OUTLETS THAT ARE NOT GFCI MUST BE AFCI. TAMPER PROOF RECEPTICALES MUST BE INSTALLED IN 120 VOLT, SINGLE PHASE 15 & 20 AMP BRANCH CIRCUITS ❑ ❑ a"=1' SCALE „��SUMMIT DESIGN & FORENSICS, INC. 725 SE PORT SAINT LUCIE BLVD. SUITE 203 PORT SAINT LUCIE FL 34984 (772)285-0572 BRIAN J. MASKOL FL PE # 66080 zz z 0 a o u a H u z w o H Q a w 0 z z 0 W F o r� z 0 rn — w K DATE DESIGNED GMW 05-08-17 DRAWN GMW 05-08-17 CHECKED JOB NO. 2017-199 E=1 I INDICATES LOAD BEARING REQUIRED BY TRUSSES SUPPLIED BY BUILDER AT A HEIGHT OF 10'-0" ABOVE FINISHED FLOOR INDICATES LOAD BEARING REQUIRED BY TRUSSES SUPPLIED BY BUILDER AT A HEIGHT OF 12'-0" ABOVE FINISHED FLOOR 7 1/2; s'-1n" I0 (IYP.) �. "., I � I I —3" 12' le 3'-11" ,y 16'-9" 20'— INDICATES LOAD BEARING REQUIRED BY TRUSSES SUPPLIED BY BUILDER AT A HEIGHT OF 22'-4" ABOVE FINISHED FLOOR TRUSS PLAN a"--1' SCALE Connector Schedule Truss Bearing Truss Connector QntY Connector Fasteners Point Uplift ID Uplift GRD,GRG, (22)-10d TO GIRDER GRA1 Trusses ALL <2500# MGT 1 3965# (1)-5/8" ADHESIVE ANCHOR (12" EMBED.) All trusses ALL <1000# HETA20 1 1810# (9) 10d x 1 1/2" to CBS All trusses ALL UNO <1000# MTS18 1 1000# (14) 1Od to Frame 1 Valley Trusses ALL <250# MTS12 ------------------------- 1000# (14) 10d x 1 1/2" /CLOUTED AREAS ARE OF \ SPECIAL CONCERN & MUST BE CHECKED CAREFULLY & MAY INDICATE DEVIATION FR❑I� / \ JPLANS,,,,, J � / 12 \ \ / 2.00 — \ / h 10, 7 3 2" I \ upset=1/4" heel=3 13116" / \ PLUMB CUT END / 2 x 4 Top Chord r \ WALL HEIGHT 10' / END DETAIL: PORCH / / 6.00 F— _ / cn \ 3 2" I \ \ upset=1/4" heel=43/16r' \ PLUMB CUT END 2 x 4 Top Chord r \ WALL HEIGHT 12' / END DETAIL: ENTRY / J / 12 — \ / 6.00 F— \ / co \ 10, I � � \ \ upset=1/4" heel=4 3/16" \ PLUMB CUT END r — 2 x 4 Top Chord / \ WALL HEIGHT 10' / \ TYPICAL END DETAIL / Connector Notes: Do not substitute connectors Do not sheath trusses before all straps are in place Attach valley trusses and piggy back trusses, if present, to main trusses per truss manufacturer drawing. Truss to truss connection by truss company, installed per manufacturers spec s. Lateral forces perpendicular and parallel to wall has been considered (less than 300 p.l.f.) Contractor to approve temporary bracing to prevent toppling of trusses, see HIB-9. Other specs, if different from above, have priority. Provide one stud for each girder ply at each Brng. point S U MIT DESIGN & FORENSICS, INC. 725 SE PORT SAINT LUCIE BLVD. SUITE 203 PORT SAINT LUCIE FL 34984 (772) 2 8 5 - 0 5 7 2 BRIAN J. MASKOL FL PE # 66080 zz w z � o o H a U z w w ra F a w w Q U z w H ra N z 0 w a DATE DESIGNED GNIW 05-08-17 DRAWN GMW 05-08-17 CHECKED JOB NO. 2017-199 T=1 FLOOR FLAN I'=1' SCALE DOOR SCHEDULE MARK STYLE P. NOTES WDDOOR +D. 01 OVERHEAD 16' -0' 8' -0' 02 DOUBLE EXTERIOR 6'-0' 8'-0' (SINGLE LITE FR. DRS. ) MAIN EGRESS -DO NOT SHUTTER ❑3 BIFOLD 2'-0' 6'-8' HOLLOW CORE-6 PNL, ® SINGLE INTERIOR 2'-6' 6'-B' HOLLOW CORE-6 PNL Q SINGLE INTERIOR 2'-8' 6'-8' HOLLOW CORE-6 PNL, © SLIDING TRIPLE EXTERIOR 12'-0' 8'-0' HOLLOW CORE-6 PNL, 70 BIFOLD 3'-0' 6'-8' HOLLOW CORE-6 PNL. ® SINGLE EXTERIOR 2'-8' 6'-8# FG 6 Panel Door with Weatherstripping and Threshold 9❑ DOUBLE INTERIOR 6'-0' 6'-8' HOLLOW CORE-6 PNL QO BIFOLD 4'-0' 6'-8' HOLLOW CORE-6 PNL 11 POCKET INTERIOR 2'-8' 6'-8' HOLLOW CORE-6 PNL NETE' ALL WINDOWS TO BE IMPACT RESISTANT. WIND❑W SCHEDULE I�H D' P'_ MARK TYPE STYLE NOTES W O1 INGLE HUNG 4' -6' ' -3' O SHH 33 SINGLE HUNG T -2' 2'-2' OBS O3 SHH 33 SINGLE HUNG 6'-1' 1'-1' OBS ® SH 25 SINGLE HUNG 3' -2' 4' -2' O5 SH 25 SINGLE HUNG 3'-2' T -3' EGRESS © SH 25 SINGLE HUNG 3' -2' T -3' O7 SH 25 SINGLE HUNG 4' -6' 5' -3' ® SH 25 SINGLE HUNG 2' -4' T -3' AREA SCHEDULE LIVING AREA 2135 SQ. FT. GARAGE 438 SQ. FT. WRAP AROUNL) PORCH 825 SQ. FT, ENTRY 148 SQ. FT. TOTAL 3839 SQ. FT. ..sa�SUMMII' DESIGN & FORENSICS, INC. 725 SE PORT SAINT LUCIE BLVD. SUITE 203 PORT SAINT LUCIE FL 34984 (772)285-0572 BRIAN 3. MASKOL FL PE #66080 z O a U W 0 W a 0 z O ul To V..� W V z :3 W J F— 1-0 (� z W ~~ r/) N J � a Q DATE DESIGNED GMW 07-20-17 DRAWN GMW 07-20-17 CHECKED JOB NO. 2017---- A-1