HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0446 223 q~ . _. '. .... - . .' --- - - . ~ 1--- Amlthi' saitl partleB _of t1,e first I,art, fcr_thelll8el.,es_and-tb81r- _bf'iJ'll, thl' abo\"(' ,li'Sl'rihl't1 antlllt'reb)' granted 1II111 r..lel\.~l',l !,rt'lUises, ami ('\'l't). 1'8rt lJ//d I,aul'l th€'rcof, with al'lll/rtt'nalwes, unto the sai,ll,art 7-.. of th€' st'eoml part,_ h1a._ heirs ami a~..igns. ngainst the SlIill part les .of the tiriit part aml._.theu _.heirs, ani! against all amI ~\"t'r)' (>"/"SOll or pl'rsons whomsoev€'r. law full)' dailJling or to dllilJl th.. SlIme shall amI will warrant, and b)" these presents fore\"t'r tlef€'nd, I=-- WITXESS WIU:HEOF. The said partles of the first J.arL_.have_lll'rl'nnto Sl't -.,thelr.-- ham)_.. and seaLa___. the da)' ami ).t'ar first abovl' written, Signl'tl, Sl'all'tl nml V€'linrcII in Prt'senel' of us: Robert Sobnee ______ _ .n 1 i_ .Atkin..._ BU.~ll~~....U~ln.. _(SEAL) (SEAl,) ~____ Clll'JIlOD _ Zlarang . . -..______.___;.____.____.__ ______(Sl-:"\J.) 6, STATE of_nORIDA Count)" of_ S~...J'.Y.~JB I On this da)' personllll)' appeared bt'fore me-W1111em-Atkbl and.311saoath AtltlD, to OI€' w('1I known as the pt'rSllR 8 described in, and who eXl'l'uted the foregoing U€'l'd of ('un\"l')'an~€', antI atknow)("Jgffi that_ th~_ l'Xt'l'utetl th., "amI' ft'r the purpllse th('[,,'in expn's.sed: wher€'upon it is I'ra)'ed that the snIDe may be recor,led, III Witne~s Whereof, I haH' I.erl'llllto aflh:1't1 In)' name an.l otlil.ial seal, this __15th_______day of.-.J11l7-- A. 1>. 1!1:ft _, at_Yaro.. norld.a., (N.P. Seal) _ lIeUle II. Babb _ __ _..___________(SEAI,) Notar,y ~ublio. yt Uommission expireB--- Notary 13lblic. 3tata_..of_.~orlda.8.t.._Larg.e_ K7 oommieslonexpiree May'9, 1928 I "I STAT}; Olo'___.l'LDB1DA<"______.____ ) , Count)' of ~T!.u~.tJC1~. --_'__ - -- ) I, _.Bn_ott1cer...dul7.an.thor.1s4d -to.-adm1ll1a ter . oatba--aJl4l-t&lteaeJm&wlH8IHBte' do hereb)' (,('rtif~' thaL.___1U1.za.beth..Atlt.1n_______... ___ to me well known as the wife of __. ..-___1I1111am..A.tlt1n. .____and as one of the pns,,",, tll'seribetl io, and who exctuted thl' fOl'<'g'ling D('l'd, did this day to 1I/e, 00 " l<t'parate ao,l pri\'atl' €'xawinatiOJi bl'f..re me tak€'n and ma,le, beI'8ratel)' and apart from her said husband. al:know)~,ll:'e 8ud .1eelar€', that she made herself a I'art)' to and executed the same for the purpose of releasing, relinquisbing, re- nouncing an.1 eon\"l'~'ing all her right lof dower, Sl'paratl' e~tate and hom€'stead. and all her rights in and to the lands, io said de€',{ de- l<t'ribed a1l.1 l{ralltl'\l, and that "he executed the sawe fre€'I)' alltI voluntllril)', without any eOllStraint. appr€'hension, fear (.r l'olUpulsion of or from h€'r sai,l husband, Witnt'ss Ill)" band and official s€'al aLY'rO.._'~orlcla...... this ____1.6th__d..y of JUlll-------A, H. 1924.... OI.P. jeal) ..Jt.l11!Ll!.....>>a'bb __ (SI-;.\L) Notary ~ublic. My Uommis8ion expires--- Jlo..tarY_..1'Ublio. Stnte 01" _..l1ortds. et J.ar88- MY oommlss10n expires May 9. 1928 STAT}~ 01-' Jo'I.Qnm'\'l Couuty of St, I.ueil', m: IT nE~IJo:!tl1n:nl-;D. That on this 2'~L_day of__ Jul7---.A, D. 19"24-. I i I I l J,______~.._.O. Eldred ._.... Clerk of the Cireuit Court in .lId for gid Couuty, have duly ree.>rded the fore- going Deed in the I'ublic Ret'or<h of said Count)', - In Witoes., Whl'reof, I haw herl'ulIlo set m)' haml amI the seal of said Court, the da)' and )'ear abo\'e wrilll'D, (C~.ct.S.alJ Reconl V e~ified ~~~;:.:'~ (SEAL) D, C, ..~. \:-;~:.::.:: ':~',; /,~Xi.::?~:1';i:"?,.. .;;'.:~ .,}~;,);: :':;,; , Li~:-:"~;!{~> ..;~~;r::;: C;: f-,,"\:.;. ;'::. ~ :',