HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0463 --~...;,,---- - --~. -....-.----........ I I i ~ 232 m~ts 3hthtntitrt. Madl.' thl.'._,_t:th__.__.tlay of___..September_____...__ in the )'€'8r of our Lord one red and._t1leDt7~fOlU'_ , 8RTWEEN_,I'I.IBlq__11lker.8DD_L.l..Baahelor)___ )' . r , _,and State of.-nori4a________of the first part, an,l \ , of-.3.~Jua1e__aQuntJt1~or.1da-partl WITNR<;Sh'TJI, 'i'hat said parLlf--of the first put, for and in tonsi(ll'ration lJf the sum of_ ~ . . _...DnL.Jtoll At" ftllcLo.U.eX'-_"laluab1e-oon81c1erat1011_ of the aeeontl put, .~ ,~ lawful monl')" of the {;nited Stat1'3 of Amlri"8 to_.h1I1t,__ in haml paid by the said part_-7- of the set'ond part, at or be-fore the ens~aling and delh'ery of tbue pr€'sents, the receipt whereof ia hereb)' acknowletlge(I_.ba8._ grnnt~I, bargained, sold, lllienl'd, re- 1Diil'~d, rell'ase-d, cOll\'e)'~1 and confirmetl. an,l b)O !heSl' l'r....~llts _.clOeB.__.grnnt; bargain, se-II, atirll, rl'J/Iisl', Tt'I€'asr, ton\"l'~- a/ltl ('on- firm, unto the sai(l~a~t~_of the ~ro11l1 port, and_h1a_he-i~ aUlI assign!! fore\'rr, aIL__land and real. 8S te. w.-..-.- I)oing and be-ing in the' Count)' of St, Lul'ie-, and State- of Florida, and dl'sl'ribed Oll follows: .. Lots 10 ~ci. _.1:1 ot Jjl~ok B. en<l ~b8 lli of Lote 2 of Hloot B. also the South Five :r8e~ . -,- ._., of Lota 1 and 2 of Bloak B. of J$enJ.. HOgSlB SUb-d1 vl810n of M'ort Pieroe. ... .---,- 1.86.doo.stiampa 08J1. I t ;: ~ ., ~;;.'. t f J I t "'r-' . . . ~. f ~.-~..' "..': .~.. TOGETHER With all and singular the --"to _._________,__.,_____..___ tenemenu, he~itaments and appu.-tenanres thereunto b€'longing, or in an)"ll'ise appertaining, aDtlthe reversion anti renrsion., reulainlll'r and remainders, r€'Dts, issues and profits thl'reof, .AXD .AlSO, all the e~tllte, right, title, interest, dower anti right oC dower, separate estate, propl.'rty, possession, e1.im aDd demand whataoe\"l'r, as well in la\l' as in <'quit)', of the said parL~__l)f the first part, of, in, and to the same, and every part and parcel (u€'ret)f, with tile appurtenanres: TO I1A VI-: .\~n TO 1I01.D tl:l' ~ho\Oe granted, bargaiDel1 and tle- scribed premisn, with the appurtenances, uoto the said p~of the leeond part~8-___heirs and assigus, to_.hla__-, own proper IUC, benefit and beboof forever. And tbe said part7-0f the fint part .for his beirs, executors andadministraton, do_88_(!lJHllant, promise and agree to and witb I!aid .parL~._of the &eeond part his heirs and assigns, that the said parL~_of the first parL-.. -that __' at the time of the seeling and delivery of th€'!Ie presents, _he_ll lawfully seized in fee .im~le of a good, absolllt~. and indefeasible estate of inhl'ritanee, of ,!nd in, all singular, flie abo,oe granted, bargained antI d€'scribed pr('mi!l(,~. with the appurtenantea and good right, full pawn and lawful authority to grant, bargain, sell ami cOlney the same ill manner l!OO form af,)rl'S8id, .\nd that the ~id parLl._of the lIl.'t'ond part,__ hl.----- ___he-irs and aSfiiglls, shall and IRay at alltimts bereafte-r, pracefull)' antI quieUy have; hold, use, oeeupy. polllieM aDd enjoy the above granted premises, an(1 every part and parl'el thertof, with the appurtenanees, without any let, suit, trol~le, moll'Station, e\'iction or disturbRn~e of the Mid part. Y_of the first part,__h1.a-_.heirs or assigIW, or of aoy othu pt'l'liQn or 'per.cons lawfui1)' dalmiog or to claim the tame, .Anti that the same are now free, d€'ar, di,,"~harged antI unin- cumbered of and from all fonner aud otber grants, titlts, dlarges, estatee, jud6'Dlenu, taxes, 85"ie6.~meDts and incumbrances of wbat nature and kind IOever. ,'1// :. I 'v , ',J \ · ~;r\..~i~:::.\.:;\i::~~ ::.;:~c~; 'w , , ' ,'0 ::': : :.: ':<,' ,~,~~.~ ::\:~< ::~~;:~<.