HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0473 I, 2'''~ ~. .-.....a&tlIau......a........... ."a'. ~."'.' U aJl,tl1ll1btl1tuft, ~hltll' th€'....JUghth._....__...,la)' of. Ooto'ber. . __ in thl' )'l'8r of our l.or,1 OIlC thousanll uine hlllltlwl anll_ twentY-four__, m':TWI-:J.:x_..1U.lhQlmlnaHeynol<1o .and_GeorgflJ. Re~nolds, __ b.er._.n~.ebNlcl e.-.~-. ._______________ _ __ .. ___..._._._._.___._. __... _. ........._.._.__...____..._.___.________ of the Count)' of___~U._LJ!Q1'___._.___._.._ amI Statl' of.. llori4A.port!Q8.._.______'.f the firsl part, ftI111 .lqrtlL..J. ~.l't_________________________ of_____ 3t. - .Lucie .Ooun tYTBloricla, _.____ .--.-.party __ _. .._._.___...... ___ .._.__ _.(.C thl' sel'onll part, WITNF.8SETIl, That said partieS-of the firslll3rt, for and ill l'onsith'ralio/l of t!.e slim of .____. ........____________._____ _Tan.. Dol1.arJl_l$lo . 00) _ end. other _ val uabl8. consldera t1ons----------....-----... ______ __"UOl.l..\RS." lawful IIIonl',)' of the l"nitl',l Stah'~ of Amt'rira to._ them .___._ in halltl paitl 1>)' t!.€' suid l,arL y ._. of tht' s('{'Olltl part, at or I>€'fore the l'I.sealing and deliver)' of these prl'sellls, lhe receipt wherl'of is hereh)' al'knowl€'dg€',I_ do .______ grlmtl'II, bargain!.'d, St.l<l. ali!.'ne,I, reo IJli~l'(l. ri'l!.'ftSe,l. CO/l\'€')'etl I\Dllctl/lt1rllll"1. nnll h)' tht'S!' l'rt'sl'nts do.. _.. _...... ~fant, hargai", sl'lI, alii,,,, rl'miSl', rt'lt'a...', (,N'\'l'Y au.1 "011. !irm, UlltO the said parl._y_.cof thl' sl'ron,lpart, amL_her .___ht'irs allll a,,-~igns f,)rewr, lit\. . ..that oertain.lot, pieae ___Q!,:_pgg'l. o1_lI)JH1_.________._.__.__ _. _:_ ___.____.____..____. __._______ _ _ .........._ I)'ing 8nll b€'ing in the COII/lt)' of St, I.Ul'i€', 811t1 Stat€' of Jo'1l>rida, 8n,I d"M'rihed "as f.,\Iows: . r L All that trnot or pu:o&l of land lying ,in the Plat of Ulearvi8w as reoorded on page 119 o~ Plat Book 1. reoords of Brevard County. ~lorida. on page 204 of Plat Book 1. reoorda Of St. Luoie Oounty. Plorida. with boundaries 88 follows: Beginning at a'point on tbe East boundary of the Florida East Ooast Hailway Compa~"a right or way which is on a line 6b6 feet North 26 degrees 16 minutes West from the South bo~clar7 of the town of Olearview. and whioh is also the North line err Lot 11 of Block A . oxtended W~sterly to the :Florida 3ast 'Coast Railway Oompany's right 0 f way; thence Msterly eJ,ong the sa d extend.ed N~rth It.ne, of Lot 11 0..1 Blook A 946 feet to the waters edge o~ Indian ~ ~~~~~~~~ Rlver~ to the So h lini Of ~and deeded \0 Harry Jennings by Harry Richards Blld wire. recorded in Deed.Book !P, page 31~,~eoords of Brevard OOUnty, ilorlda. and whioh South line of. said laM cleaded to Harry Jennings by Harry Rioharda and wi 1:e, reco rded in Deed Book P:F. Page ~13, reoords of Brevar4 County. :Florida. is 27i feet North 26 degrees 16 minutes West of the said extend.ecl 110rth line o~ Lot 11 o~ Block Ai thenoe Itesterly along a line parallel to and 275 feet rrom the said extended North line of Lot 11 of Block A. which is also the South line of land cleeded to Harry Jennings by ~~ry Riohards and wife, reoorded in Deed Book F:F. Page ~15. reoorcls of.Breyard County. :FIOri~\930 feet to the ~8st boundary of the ~lorl~a ~8St Coast Railway Company's right or waYi~thenc8 Southerly along the said &ast boundary of the Florida East Coast Hailway Company's right of way 27b.4 feet to the point of comoenoemont. Inoluding all rip~l'~~J? rights. to s6id traot and paroel of land, containing 5.9 aores, more or less~ $i.60 0.00. stamps can. TOGETHER With 811 anti singular the _.___._._____ r; ~I~~.'." t: J<f~ tenements, bereditaments and appllrt€'nanc€'s tlll~rellnto belonging, or in anywise app€'rtaining, an.! the r~\'ersi"" an,l rewrsions, rt'lIIain.It'r and remainders, rents, issues autl profit" th€'rcof, .\XI> ,\[.80, a1\ the estate, rigbt, title, iuterest. dower alld right of dower, s.eparate estate, property, pos~ion, elaim and ,)€,malltl whetl;O('ver, as well in law as in "quit)', of th€' said liar!. i eQ of lhe first part, of, in, ond to the same, and e\'ery part and par~e1 thereof, with the appurtenanres: TO IIA YI-: ."XI> TO JlOI.D the abo\"t! gran!ed, bargained an.! ,Ie, s~ribed prl'mises, with tbe appurtenances, unto the said part_i._of tll€' second I'art,--.hllA_ __. .....heirs Bod a~signs, to___thei r_. own proper use, benefit and beboof lorenr, And the said parL1JnLof tbe first part_~.h.emae~YeB_ and______n__.. ________ ___..__ __.._ for.....-th.eir_bein, exe.:utors antI administrators, dO__..__..co\"Cnant, promise and ag!"ee to all,l with said parL_ 'I_of the seroml part...her I,eirs aud assigos, tbatthe laid parLUS of the firsl part_.____Wer8_.._..._____.._.___at tbe lime of the sealiog and delivery of these pres€'nts,_____.___._Jr.wfull,)' s..ize.l in fl'e simple of a good, abs<)lllte a011 indefeasible estate of iohl'ritantl', of an,! in, all singular, the abo\'e grantl'd, bargained anti dl'Scribe,1 premises, with thl' aPI,urtl'nan~E's .. __ ....._'___ . and_..bavL__good right, filII powl'r amI lawful authority to granl, bargain, sell antI eon\'€')' thl' !Ylme in manner an,l furm afor,'sait1. Anti that the Mid parL Y _._.of thl' serond l'art,_._........hQr _ _......__.hl'il'll an,l as!\iglls, shall Rilll may :It RII tim.,!! herl'aftt'r, 1'l'aet"flllly aUt! quietly have, bold, use, oeCUP)', po8se5!; and enjoy tbe abo,'e granled premises, an'! ever)' part alii! I'art'el therl'Of, wilh tht' al'I'llrtellantl'S, without any 1('1, auit, troubl.., molt'station, e\'ietion or tlislllrban'~e of the said put ieB .of th€' first part, their _._. heirs or a!lSiglls, or of any otht'r pl'fllOn or l>ersons lawfull)' daiming or to "'aim the same. AIIII that the 53IDl' arc /lOW fret', dear, .1isc'hargctl RUt! nnin. cumbered of and from all former Bnd other grants, titles, charges, elltatell, jutlgmenlll, taxes, as.ses.'mellts and incumbrances (Jf what nature and kind IOenr. /1/-'-- I -;-..' -' ./ ';,;~:/l:t~'; . :}::~;,::"\}:}~' . . ~'. n" ~>:~~.:~:~~;.; ~::;:~.< ;, '.;' ~;': \' _ - ~.. >,... _~." 4- . ...:J~" ~.::,~