HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0495 ~...~-.,:,!'~"""" ..- '1' 248 ~-_.._-...-- ......... ~' l:- t t UJl)bi Jnbtnturt, Made tbl.'__2nh thousand nine hundrtd IJldj..n"=l~ur and llrK!nla Lett.. hie wlte. of tbe C~unt). of_--.-lt..t. Luol. 11:;.1 oL~___j)~.~.Q~~r._._~__._.___,__ in the )'l'al' of our J.ord one , nETwER~_J_.~._.1UlalD8.._baoheloz....an.d.Jl._ K.- I.e"" .,.4.I'_.., . and State of I. B. Emmert n.11'.1dtLluaZ'.Uo.L-..of the first part, anti of~Juoi~~w._norldao- _~~Y._ WITNESSETH, That aaid pa~of the first part, for and in eonaideration of the sum of ~en 1)o11&rs ,OlO.OOLand othar ya.lu..a~l~ con-'-td.~tioM, , " lawful mone)' of tbe United Stat€'S of Ameriea to_,~!l.~Dl.._in hand paid b)' till' said part.7_._of the serond part, at or before the ensuling and deli\"l.'r)' of these presents, the ret'eipt wbereof is hereb)' aelrnowledged_-~Y~-_ granted, bargaiued, sold, aliened, reo r-- .of the sl'eOud part, mi.sed, released, eonn)'l'tl and eonfirml'tl, aml b~' th€'se pI'\'3€'nts__ clo .__ grant, bargain, sell, alil'n, rt'lIIis€', rt'll'as!', tom"l')' a/lll ton- firm, unto the aaid paI1:t._of the se~nd part, aud__,b1.Il.---h€'il'N and assigns foren'r, aIL~ho~e__"'r.t.~~_lQ~IJ. ,.___,_ pieaes or ~oels~_t_~~d ,_______..._ I)ing and being in tbe County of St, Lueit', and Stale of Florida, and de-seribffi as follows: .... ...., Lote Seventeen (17) and .1ghte.n (18) ot the Sub41Ylelon ot th8 J'ee propert, situated in Seation J'our . (4), Township Thirty-seven (a7) South, Bange 'orty-one (41) Baat, aaoording to plat recorded in Plat Book 4 at Page 44 ot the reoorda o~ St. Luoie County. nor1da. \ . (tI.fiO 1. R. Stamps, 0800e1184) i<o ~ ~ . ~-'.. .;.~ F t. I I ! ~ ~ , , f r1 :t \,f' TOGETHER With all and singular Ihe -------- tenements, hereditaments and al'pnrtenant"l'S tbueunto belonging, or in an)'wiae appl'rtaining, and the re\'ersion and reversions, rt'maindt'r and remainders. rents, Usu€'S and profila .hereof, AXD ALSO, all the estate, r.l{ht, title, interest, dOlVer and right of dower, separate ~tate, propl'rty, ~on, daim and demand whatsoever, as well in law as ill €'quit)', of the said part10.8.~_of the first part, of, in, and to the same, and every part and pareel tbneof, with tbe appurtenane€'S: TO IlA VE AXD TO 1I0r,I> Ihe abo"e gran led, bargained and (\('- IIeribed premises, with the appurteDaDeeI, onto the said Jl8l't-Z-of the aeoond part..--hl'---....heira and awgns, to thQir_n_ own propl'r ~, benefit and behoof forever, .And the said p.~of the tint part tor tbemsel ve. and for_ the ir heirs, executors and administrators, do_.eonnant, promise and agree t(' and with said partZ---of the Il<<oud parL_E.!~~eirs and assigns, that the said pa~of the first part were at the time of the sealing and delivery of tht$e prnent'\ lawfully seized in fee simple of a good, absolnte and indefeuible estate of inheritanee, of and in, allaingular, the above granted, bargained and deseribw prt'JUises, with the appurtenanees.____ and haY. good rigbt, full poWt'r and lawful authority to <<rant, bargain, sell and t'onve)' the same in manner anti form aforl'said, And that the said parLZ__of the ~ond part, hie. heirs anti assigns, ahall and /J1ay at alltim... hereaft€'r, pneefnUy IlI!tl quietly ban, hold, 11M, oeeupy: possess and enjoy the aboTe granted premises, and eTt'ry part and pared tbeROf, witb the appurtenanees, without any let, luit, tronble, molestation, niction or disturbanre of tbe said part_7.__.of the first part,_-.h1Il-__._.heirs or usigns, or of any othu pl'rJOn or personl lawfully elaim~g or to daim the aame. An,1 that the same are now free, dear, diaeharged and unin- evm.bered of and from all former and ~ther gran.., titles, charges, estatee, judgment&, taxe., usessmenta and incumbrances of what nature and kind ~er. I i i ! j I i i I I I J :) ::~;,: ":'< ':' > 'J '~D~:~)\ - .' ,~, ' '~::&<t: ,~~.