HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0528 264 l ._._.__...._.___... ________0_____ ________.___.___ [~--~~------ ---- ; __ _u ___ . 1 o' j i ~ . '- I ,~--.,. ~_.._- .~ -..- .'. ....-- ! L. ._________.___..______ ._____ .__.___. I An.l thl' ""itl pllrt. lea ..f the first I'art, for _____ themsel vaa.- 801L_-thel r.- heirs, the nhow tlt'&l'fibed au<l herl'b)' grantetl r.IIl1 rt.I('8st't1 1'l'('lIIisl'8, 8ud t'nr)' plIft and pu,'d the-reof, with aPll\lrl<'nllllt'I's, IInto the sai.ll'art___(If the St'coutl Pllrt,.______beirs 1111.1 as-sigus, against tht' slli.l l>llrt J,e13 of the first I'llrt snll .__lb..Q.t r._.heir:<, nll.lllgllinst 1111 anti ewr)' person or persuns WhUillSOe\'er, law full)' <'Illimillg lor to dai!ll th(' snlllt' l'l;all anti will wllrrant, aD.I b)' these l.rest'nb forewr tldt'n.1. 1;0.; Wl'r:\E~S WIIElmtW, The l'ai,II'l!rLiea of th., first part _. hava._hel't'unto St'L_their___.llsllIl-s_antl seaLs__, the tlU)' an,1 )'ear tirst ab,"\'e wrillen. Signt',l, S.'al('.l an,1 n.,li\"t'r.'tl in I'r,'s.'lwe of 11lI: -.--~-Ii ...li.. Walker___________(SEAI,) G',18si e P. Walker (SEAL) ..__ Hl/..~Q1.G ~. &wartwout._.___._____._ ,. II. T.. UcqullerB.._____.______ .__(81-:,\1,) STATE 01-'_. i'lori!Sa. Count). of._S.t ..Lucie --I .. G On this tiS)' pt'rsonally appe-llre-d bt'fore lIIe_._ w. - 11-... dalker- and --uaai.. ~ .Walker,-hili-.wlfa to me wt'1I known as the pt'rS(l!' II.. described in, and who ex~uted the (ort'go)inK Dt,""l ,)f COIl\"l')'alll'e, and aeknowledgl'd thllt._tha~ .'xC'('ult'rl tht' salOl' for Iht' l'l\rp'~"t' thrrein c.xprt'ss....l; whrrenpoll il is pra~'l'll that the same mil)' be reconled. .\. H. HI:! 4., a'--_ se,,), thi" _.-15th__......_tla)' of_Dec.esbex-- ..___Haza.~_G. Bwart"i'l>ut tiotar:r Publ1 c. 1.1;.; cooml~aion ..xplraa.2/28/192.7__ (SEAl,) I STATE 010'_ J'lorUll_.__d_ --.. ---- 1 ('ount~ of_~t~)~!!~.1.Et___.._... _._._____ .\ I, _.___.HazeL is ...SW1U:.t.1lQ!1.t....J. jtot arJ"...l'a.bl1c. ___ do ht'reh)' ('t'rlif)' thaL_..___G.~l.e...i? ~..J!.ftl~c..1:-_....._u_ n_. to me well known as the wife of ________no_li...Ytalker...___.__ .____._antl as (lne of the IWnions ,l{'scribed in, and who exceDt<<... th,. fort'!(oing H,.etl, did this tla~' to IIII', on a SC'parate alld pril'att' examination befort' me laktn GlIIl m:1I1t', M'paratcl)' ami apart from her sai.1 hushallll, admo\\"lt'dgt' and ''''dart, that she marlt' hersl'lf 8 ).art). to an,1 exeeulNl tht' saml' for the- purpose of releasing, relinquishing, re- noulll'ing alltl eOIl\"t'>'ing al! ht'r right of llowt'r, l'eparatt t'state allll hOIDl'lItl'ad, Illld all h,.r rights in and to the lantis, in sai,l del'd de- sl'rihed allll grantl'.l, HII.I Ihat she ('xt'Cutt',1 the sallie (rerl)' aOlI \'oIIlDtaril)', without any constraint, apprehl'nsion, fear or ('olllpulsion of I . (lr from her .. Il1Is"all Wit oOidal seal aL__Ier..o.. ;'1&"._., thi" .___1Q.t.h._.___d8~' of l!ecerriber__o_._.\. D. 192~ I I I; ____....H.az..el..-lL. ;"WRT t\'lDllt.____(SI-:AL) Ilot(lry Pclbl1c ~co~~slon-&xpireB-2/28/~9~7 STAn: O}-' FI,OUUU,} County of St,I.uei... HE IT nE~I1-::mJl-:Ulm, That on this. 26 da7 of_...D.II.Q.8.mbu__A. D. 192~. r . (1uk of th~ Cireuit Coort in and tor ll8id Couoty, hue duly nrorded the fore- . han.l anti the ~al of uid Court, the da)' and ytar above Wrilt~D. _~...._c.......JUdr Ila By ~,,~~ ~4'"l (SEAL) n. C. ~:::~~::;'~~~j~'..-:~Jr ~~-.:~.~/.~ ~-, ~.<:;~ c':'/.~;~:: ?~)~r::-:~~-"~~~;:~~.!~,:.:,::':-~',