HomeMy WebLinkAboutSurvey'2' Iran Rod (111 e9161e1 Lot 4 1!2' Iron Rod e.S 2391' Cap BOL50_ LEGEND ® Hall , �d ® Prone Box ® water Hater. d) Light Pole Fire Hydrant ® Water Valve June i9, 2000 20. 0 20 40 60 SCALE: i' n 20' BOUNDARY SURVEY prepared for Joseph Grenadier SURVEYORS REPORT~ _ 1. Reproductions of this sketch are,not valid unless embossed erfth the original ralsed surveyors seal and contains an criginal.signature. 2. Lands sticwn heiaeon wets not abstraclelf or researched by this once for Rights -of -ways, Easements of Record, Reservations, Ownership,•Abaridonments, Deed Restrictions, Zoning Regulations or Zoning Set- back Lines, Land Use Plan Designation; adjoining deeds or Murphy Act Deeds. This survey is not intended to delineate Wellands„Lacalkeas of ConTem or any other Jurisdictional Boundary Lines. 3. Legal Description- shown hereon was provided by the client andlor his agent 4: FLOOD NOTE: By graphic plotting only, this property is located In Flood Zone ' X', ofthe Flood Insurance Rate Map,"Communfty-Panel Wnber 12111CO175 F, effective August 19. 1991, and is not in a Special Flood Hazard: Nb field suiveyihlj bias performed to determine this zone and an elevation certificate can only determine the exact location. } 5. Bearings shown hereon are based upon a bearing of N89.18'28'E , along the North Right -of --Way Una of Meadowood Drive;!' t MAY BE FOUND IC= en G en LEGAL DESCRIP7TO ^� , Iccorolft to the Plat thereof, es recorded in Plat Bood Pagel 25 25A'to � s unty, Florida. =:•�. 7:,?=_• 4 ':y underground !STRi=ONS THAT ARE NOT RECORDED ON THIS RECORDS.OF IS,COUNTY. KIN 1i C i N I TY MAF'" PLOLTts a.c•-' ::. T'�j ' a :d902 GROVES. 11 JaERD01rNDOD s!D 20.8 - - DIY.D.�c uIM'; • • ,\.t•BEM-i7E 01NE; ji A C. R S6TON GROVES LtD. 'refit: Cla R• NOT TO SCALE .t&6 30 s BUCK Pl►mS lam HNWOM P ..Lq.F.do TENNIS ' GROVES. WC 61.2, 35,3 ..... .•;fir '._-..-_:�: •try D.L �k '^ v .X48 .8; rMEADo ,.'G•+OaiRIE.f'iV.iag6cg'waDOuILOup+isrr:;3"s;;_ : ErabS . Scotia , CO.COINC. 7tcar; , i11, ._ . CLt9tlC r> JOHN dSALLY DMMAll C`AnS R. SEXTON A dai 3, 2 0A Ye1tO1 'R. 36 WCe3 PA DNA' CT 'a •!NlACHell Z:iw - i .► • .e ecwNa A. t•,.• SwRol r. ...,m,l,�, is 13 : 2, FOR THEBENEF1TOfi=_": ' Joese hp Grenadier__ �R_t;01SE07:713112000; Add FcrmbD'ards JAMES A: KIRBY IIi REG I STERED -LAND-SURVEYOR . ..1 _�� wY. 5l07�urnpike Feeder Road (34950 0. Box 025 [ 34954) s. fa Fort Pierce, Florida - '` ' (561) 464-9621 Phone ',f/II (561) 466-9326 Fax DraNing No. 00-0041 (N) -1 Found t/2' Omarked)Iron "I f Lp It y �-1%Cel-'4•� are dJr.�e.r ('a�dnG I r✓re d 1 S IgCa�r+H bra; d Lot 6 I c �J I � M A It duly a &e^ t 1CU I b a• S'�IroIf^ W;f4�0#4 6 0uore. 4- I ;� 56 CD tAMi`►— I ,' I Field Baok 90-01, Page 47 Found 1/2, Iron Pad and 'RLS 2391' Ca1-19 � a TRACT 2 SW18'281E 118.01' 10' Public Utility andlDralnage Easement/I r-----------I— I •I I I I" FOMBOA I I I I pp I: Mae FlnMeal do ce Lot 5 Floor of Realde ee �-� al. 90' 12.67' l0.123= e.60' m t .asa a 7. o o. ^ 5.20, 20 0 It Existing 7b Covered Pop ltN a I \ 10 y d 1L 60' ¢`� s. 20' ® 1 STORY CONCRETE BLOCK - y RESIDENCE d 9408 NEADOWOOD DRIVE 4�d b ,6 a/' 6 II - I.. PSv-r-Brlek II — gl flf t0, public Utlllty and Drainage Easement Approxlute Back of 24' Curb-, APproxloate Edge of Payesent OI - ol 30.00' _ I ME{1DOWOOD DRIVE — (80' Right -of -Way) S894e'28'E 950.50' t. Lot 5, Unit 1, Monte Cado Cot 259 of the Public Records of t CER77F/CATE OF SURVEYOR 1 HEREBY CF-RTIFY that toe attached Map.of Survey of-f m'.hereon described propert is True and Correct to the best of my knoWedge'and:be0ef as surveyed in theZd under my'di=UGn on'June S2000. 1 further certify that this.survey meets the MinimuinTechnical Stehdarits`sefforo) in Flute 61G17.6 FAC adopted by the Florida Board of profegsionat.Surveyors apd Mappefs, pursuant tdARprida.SfitAes 472.027. There ere no above ground encroachments other then1hose shown hereon, sq*dt6 the surveyor's repoitand qualiRcations noted hereon. pated_this soy' ia!rl -•i.� `r . `1 :.ram.. — •. . • - _' . times f�: Wt llf R "s ad`t;and Surveyor, Flo riiie gls�roBofFt�untber'2381... .:. .