HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0546 273 I ft, 1_____.__.___.____._.____.. _______.. ___._.__ . ' I 4.-. ---.,. .. -- . '------------------ .. I ,; " I An.1 Ihl' said l'arL ieBof 11Il' first pllft, for._ 1ihem881 "88 __amI __ their ___. hl'in;, thl' aoove ,11'lltrihNI 8ntl hl'rt'b)' granll'.1 81111 rl.'ll'ihNI 1'rt'lIli,!'s, 1111I1 l"....r). 1'111'1 Ilntl l"u"I,1 thl'.......f, with app"rU'UIIIH'l'>I, IInto the sai,l pul 'll ____of thl' Sl'wntl p8rl,..._. hlB__hl'irs nnd assigns, a!:aiust till' ~aill Pllrtiea or the fir>>t parI aull_ th.t r_.___heirs, alltl Jl~l\iusl al\ nlld l"'l'r)' !'('!"!IOII or persous WhOUlSOp.\"C'r, la\\"ful\)' l'IaillliuJ! ..r tu e1ailll Ihl' salllf' l>hllll an.1 will Wlurant, au,l by these I,resents f"re,'er II!'Ct'ntl. I:" WIT:"\-:SS \\'lIEHE(W, Th.. sai,II'nrL.i88<,f Ih.. first parI ha.,.e- hl'l't'lIulo st't._.the1r___hamL 8.. allll Sl'al_a ._..., thl' tiny 8ml ).t'lIr fil'l<1 abo\'e writt!'lI. SiguNI, f'.'nll'il ami Ill.Ii'-!'r".1 ill l'n'SI'u,'1' oC liS: ---- Chal"188--H..-l~eaoook-- (SK\I.) -- !hoa.-~.Oba1.k.r .--- ---------- ._ R. H. . Wall__ ___________________ -- Kll.."th-H~.p"oook_.----_(SIUI.) ----.________ __________(SK-\I.) STATE OJ..___.__YLORIDl________} ('ollnty oC__ -.vABll__ _ \ 011 this da)' pl'rsoDlIII)' 8ppp.arl'.1 Ll'Core lOe____ClIARLRS. H. . PBACOCKancl.lLlZABB'l'H_H.PEACOCK._h1B._wUe tu iiiI' \\"1'11 kuown 8S the pnsllull _desl'ribl'll iu, amI who l'xecuted Ihe foregoiug l>l'l.'tl oC ('OU\'\')'IIUCI.', and acknowledgl'd Ihat_..t~ l'X('.'lItl'd th.. SalOl' for the purpose thl'rl'in l'xpres.",>d; whl'reUIMlU it is pra)"c.1 that the same ma)' be recordt'd. .\. D. ]926, aL__CO l4th___da)" of_Jan:a1U7 -- !hoa.~. Cblll~el"__________(SJ-:.\I.) Hota~ Publio State of norida. My oommiBaion expii"BBLJulJ_ 8th. ~226_ I ST.\TJ-: OF-.J'LORIDA---------------- ) ~ ('011111~. oC-BRnAR:D .------..-.---) I, ____.'lh08. P. Cbal.k~l'___.___ I :f do hen'h)' .'ertiC)' thnL-._.--.BLIZA.BZ.TR.B.-~~CIC:. -_'___'___ to me well known as the wiCe oC ____________________ CHART,ES-1l.-PEA.COClC:._.___ _and as one oC the pt'rson!l d.'Scribed in, and who execuled the Cor{'!C.,ing Deed, did this da)' to 1Ill.', on a sl'parate aOlI pri\'ate ~xamination beCore me takl'n allll ma,le, st'l'aratcl)' allll aput from her sai,1 husband, a,'knowINI!:e ;lnd .11'.:lare, that she made hers.,1f a part)- 10 amI ueenled the same Cor the purpose of releasing, relinqnishin~, re- ;lOuneill~ 011I1 {'('JI\'I'~'in!!" all hl'r ri~ht (IC .I,,,,-er, il"'llanlh' {'stale and homl'stead, and all Iier ri~hts in an.) to the lands, in sai.] deed de- ,,,'ribE'<1 and !!"rantl"1. a iiil~ exel'uted the same Creel)' and ,'oluutaril)., without any eonslraint, apprehension, fear or ..ompulsion of or Crom hl'r sai.1 It allll. \ Wi.....s;; my 011 and official ~eal atCOOOa...JlOl"i ila-, this_..14til____day of JAnnA"7 ___.-\. n. 192 JL (!I.P. seal) _. Hotary 1>Ubi10~~:i!o/ir~~t~ ~- (SI-:.\I.) Commisa1.QlLexplr....:_Jnly A- 1926 , ~ r I I: l: STAn; OJ.' FJ.OHIDA, } County of SI. I.lIcie. m; IT 1:F..lIEmnmlm, That on this__14\h___day of-----JaRUa>>7 A. D. ]92.Ji., II ). J..---~..C.-B1U_H_---------- ~ Clerk of the Circuit ('onrt in aod for said County, bave duly recorded the fore- going Deed in the I'ublie Records of said l'ounl)'. (1) f'reunto let m)' han~od the seal of said Court, the da>' aud Yfar aoo"e writt~o. \C. , ,Po ) ~ . -c.-K1-4J'-ea By ~LL,-^-~ _(SEAL) 1,: \ .~ I ~ r f. c". f~ . ',""oi : i ~ o' --D. C. "'~:'.X :i~:;:. !: :~'::~;i) :'-, "/'~::~:.J ,S;:}- j:~:;~:';. i;' :;~:<: .t:.'.;,! .:~ :': ':'.: :.;~' .;::: :~f:; t; ~~.>:. y;y.;('