HomeMy WebLinkAboutNOCDec. 26, 2011 12:18PM JOSNPH E. SMITH, FILE # 4369093 t a j_- No, 0359 P. CLE);�,.__4 THE CIRCUIT COURT - SAINT L� E COUNTY OR BOOK 4063 PAGE 349f Recorded 11/08/2017 04:16:20 PM OF COMMENCEMENT, Permit No. l V ' j"'a'q TA)c FaUo No „,) 4 . r State of Florida County of SL Luck The undertlgoad heiebygWosnotimlhi t Imprwement vAn be madeto certaln real property, and In accordance vrlt(t Chapter 71a, Florida Statutes, the following fnfattnatlon b 13MVIded bi thle NOUCe of Commencement w a -coo CReneralde�lptfvn oiFmproYelnen � �Q_f�1 � { r1 �`�'�, 1 aar;- C0 y vvmer motmanon or time Infomrattc" If tha 94contracted for the p=_ a t- Name • . (ntolrtproperty: , �� Name and address of fee slmPle titleholder (If riff eivrd from Owner• Ilstedabove): �• °.. Contractor's Name: fcali ConthCtoFAddr=, one N ber; [daPphcabl0ampyoft ePaYme h dreC:Amourriofbond:$ JI. Sur�Yler ' Nameandaddren: phone number w Lander .Name.,— Phone Number. d� Lendar'r ar)drer: y 0 w Fesbarts w theState of fJo daslgrlatad bry,OwngrgM11 wham ncdw or other dotMttt rtt s nmy be served es provided by Smoot, Q O ? a)7. IJ61 (a)7� Ficrlde stetotas: : , s U Y . Address: Phone Number.Lu ce in additloh to hlmselP or hersolf, Oamer deslgnatos`_. o f "�'' 'llerrors ui ac w0 to p' , MottcY as prodded fn SocGon 2 :,°'.' • )(bJ,FiaridaStatute9. - - . Phonenumherofpawn orentRyde6lgn*Wbyowner, retelve a ropy o . • U S�u1 .. : LL- "1• Or•d O . E50atlon date of notice of wrrtrrtanwneent (the GIrxdon data may not be before the oompletlert of wnstrrtctfon andfina! peynrentt~ r`—' n - ' t7 contracto6butveldbe1yserfromthodata ofrecordingunfelta('dyerentdate IsspocRied) 0rx-rO as A WARNING TO OWNFA; ANY PAYMt:NTS MADE BYTHE OWNER AFTER THt: EXPIRATION OFTHE NOTICE OF COMMENCIMENiARE CONSIDERED IMPROPER PAYMENTS UNDER CHAPTER 773, PARTI, SECTION 7alS, FLORIDA STATUTES ANO CAN RESUL7IN YOIJRFAY1NGTAgCEF0R ... IMPROVEMENTSTO YOUR PROPERTY, A IYMCE OF COMMENCE MIiNT MUST BE RECORDED AND PiOS78D ON THE JOB SITE BRFOReTlfE FIRST INSPECTiON.IFYOU (ATT1.7:ID TO OECAIN FINANC IN9, CONSULT WITH YOUR IENDFA CRAM ATTORNEY BEFORE COMMENCING WORK OR • RECORDING YOUR NOt•IC E of C OMMENGEMENT. underperi tyof pedury.l dejarethat I have readthe my knowledge and llef.' ' ( f ire of Ow n e r oginkof fmm aYs or Lasser s, ace of cemmeneeroent and that the facts statedthervin are truA to the best of ` (5ignatrrysTrHe/Offjtp) '. �� .. The inm_p I g trtste[finertt 1Vai A •r�� daY el e of Person 'type ofauthartty (ag. ofrf r, trusteel party on beholf of whom instrument was 0meu_t_od . t Personally (mown or produced ldentlf[Wan, gt►atur2ofNotaryPubitaSt>eofl7o a {Pdn#,'('ype, orStamp Coidssioned Named Notary Publ" • ,r_rvN1EfRCOR5tlNType ofldAntfRteliOhprodu0ed • - �,••t • •a-.••••�` ��,slonllGG15A6,192 ,