HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0551 276 " -~-"'.-"""-",,""'- ........... , \; f. , ( 1,- m~ll1 .Jnhtl1turt, Malle the-_3.Q~R.__lla)' of______pJ.Wle______________ in Ihe yt'ar of our J.ord one Ihonsanll nine hllllllre-d &Ill_ t..1lt.nt3~OnO., nETWERN1.L(:.!.__l!QPPQll_aDILlsa.b811a~oppelly_.h-18_ _".!..tt__. of the Connl). of.___s.t...!__wle Martha ~~! and DeaniB Lee _____and Stale or__~lo~id~_.______of Ihe fint pari, and her H~.~bl!.l!d ~ f~ ."- of_~~_.Lmth_C.Q_Wlts..F~or1da_____ ______ .of Ihe second part, WITNESSh'TlI, That said parl_.1.'lSof Ih'} first part, for and in l'onsideralion of the SUIll of '0.\\.1'. IhmdredFl:fty____ ~460 .00) ._____________ ..__ _~I>OLLARS, lawful !Lone,)' of Ihe ('Diled Slatt.lI of AIIlf'ril'l\ to__th~III___in han.lpai.l by the uid pUI.i.es'of Ih.. set-omlpart, I\t or bC'fore the emealing and delh.er,)' of tbese presents, the receipt whereof is hereb~' l\eknowlt'dl:ell_h.~ve.____l:ranlC'd, barl:sinetl, suld, aliened, reo mised, released, con\-e~'ell anll cl1nlirml"l. an.l 10,)' Ihest' prl'sl'nts ._ do._._ ..._... grant, barKain, sell, alil'!l, remi~I', rl'll";<,-, ('o~\'I'~' an,l ,'on- firm, unto the said parLJ~~of Ihe sel'ollll part, and._ the l.r.___hl'irs IlIllI IL'i.'iil:n~ fore-\-C'r, 1111.___ tha t_lot. ' p1e 08 _ or trae t .9.:f__1and _"" _________.____..._......_______.__._.___._ lying and bl'ing in the ('ollnt~. of St. I,ul'it", 3ntl Statt" of 1010rida, au.l tll'~tribetl 115 Collows: j, ~ .. Beginning at a point Three Hundred-lorty-Six (346) feet South of the Uorthea3t corner of the North-east one quarter (HB!) of the South east one quarter (SEl) of Section Thirty-three (33), TO~Yn8hip Thirty-one (31) South, Range 7airty-Nine (39) East, run West Thirteen Hundred twenty (1320) feet, tbence South Three Hunared Fourteen (314) feet, tnence Zast Thirteen Hundred twenty (1320) :feet, thence llorth Three Hundred Fourteen (314) feet t~ point of beginning, oontaining nine '9) acres, excepting however.from the above description the ri~ht of way - of the Florida East Coast Railway as now looated on or across the land desoribed. J ~ j 1 j 1 '1 [,.. f ~ a ~ ~ .~ ~i i ~ ~1 i~ } ~: F } ~ ,- f .. TOGETHER With all anel singular thr~~rov!lment_B______ I t , I j ! I I ~ r [ tenements, hereditaments and appllrtenanl'C'S therennto bC'longin~, or in all)'wise appertaining, aOlI the re\'l'rsion and reVl'rsions, rC'mainllt'r and remainders, rC'DIs, issut"s and profits thC'rel,f, AXIl ALSO, all the estate, right, title, interest, dower and right of dower, separate estatt", property, pos.:;essiO!l, claim and demand whaisl;l'\"l'r, ~s well in law as ill l'quit,)., of thf' said part.l~~. _of the first part, of, in, and to the same, and every part and pared thereof, with the appurteDanl't"!I: TO lIA Vlo~ .\XIl TO 1I0J,D the aho\-e granted, bargainrd and de. ...ribed premises, with the appnrtenanees, unto the said partUe . !If 'the seeond part..-.:.-t.!!l:!Jr__bf'irs and assigDs, to~hf,l!l'!._____ own proper me, benefit and beboof forenr. And the said part~of the first part for tnemsel'fe8 and for their heirs, eueutoN and admiDistrators, dO___lJIl\'I~nant, promise and agree to and with said part.1.QJLof the second part their "ein and assigns, that the said p&rllJl.lLof the first part - ar~ ___._~_at the time of the sealing and delivery of these pr<>sents,__. __lawfulIysdzed in fee simple of a good, absolule and indefeasible estate of inhC'ritance-, of and in, aU siDgular, the aho\'e granted, bargained aud d6erihed prt"mi~es, with the appurlcmanl'f'~L__.____ . and~~___good right, full pOWt"r and lawful autllorit). to grant, bargain, sell aud ...,nvey thl' same in manner anll fonn llforrsaic1. .ADd that the said part!.rl.of tbt" SC'l'ond part,_tb'lr_...___.. ___heirs and au.igm, shall an.1 ma~' at alllimrs hl'rf'after, pt"3l...fnlly and quietly have, hold, use, <<cup)", po_ and enjoy the above grant~d prem~., and ~Vf'ry part aD/I parrC'l.ther..of, wilh Ihe appllrtenanet"S, without an). let, suit, troublf', molestation, eviction or distllrbanl'c of Iht" said part18S _of tht" first part,.....thelr._. ._. __..heirs cr IIssigns, or I1f aD,). oth..r person or personA lawfully claiming or to ..Iaim the same. And tbat the same are no\1' free, dear, dii<~hargl'd an.1 unin- cumbered of and from all former and other grants, tillt"s, eharges. estates, judgments. taxe~, a55ell5ments and incumbranees of what nature and kind soever, :," '.: '. ~ . J~~,,!. ;;~:; ;~;~y."<;;,:i~~:: - ~ ...i---_-___