HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0554 277 ! ,-----. . ~.._----- ! r H' I __.u..... 1 . .. , ~ 1--- ~ O' ,) ;. And th.. saitl parL! e~f tht' lir,;t !,att, fur ..themse1 vea _~elHLtheir _ hl'il'll, thl' aoon' ,1"sl'ribe..1 alld hl'reh)' grantt'CI all.1 rl'l"""l'.ll.rt'lnis,'s, 1111I1 l"\.t'r)' l'lIrl an. I p:<r",'1 thl"reof, wilh 1lI'l'lIrl..nnll(-l's, untn thl" sni.ll'arl.-3'__..of th.. s~)1II1 parI, _.E~_. hrirs l\nd Bs.."ign~, againsI thl' snitl f'lI~L__.ie.ih~ tl!1' first part llIllL_thelr.__.heirs, auel against all uuel C'\O"r)' pl'rson or person!! whomso~\"er, IlIwfllll)O c-Iaiming elr tu .'Iaim thl' SlIIII,' shlllllUld will warrant, all.1 b)' theSt' l)rl'~llt!! fure\'er dl'fl'lId. IX WITXE~g WIIEIlEO}o'. The sai.lp8rL.ieallf tbt' tirst parLh9.V8._.herennlo st't ___their_..t.and.B._aml St'aHI___, th., ,18)' Ollll )'ear I\fj;t ah,we writt.'II. Signnl, S~all'll allll 1l..liwrt'.1 ill I'n's,'I\('e of II!!: _____G.IJ..Q.rg~_~.!.~ll.Yl.or.. _ .J.QmUoQ..U.._~O.i~Or ._. (SJ.:.\I,) (SEAl.) --- ____( SJ.:AI.) .____ _Q . _R<t~l~:3_ ________ _.____ G. L...Sulllyan -' STATE OF___ ~ol~r.l.ll~ COli II t). of_ .~~.Lucie 1 On this .Ia)' pi'rsonllll)' appl'arl'd bdorl' me_._Georgo_5... Saylor Lnd__Jennie_K._Say~or_____ \ -----y--.------------------------.--- to me Wt'll known as th.. p,'rson .J3.lescribt'd ill, Bnd who neeuled the foregoing U~I of ('onnyalll:e, allll lIeknowledgnl thl!t-.thEl3-- the S3ml' (ur the I'UrpflSl' thrrdn expr..!;sed; whereupon it is l'ra)'etl that the same DlBY be reeort!ed. Whrreor, I ha\'e hl'lJ'ofiIIO aflixl'.l my nam,' an.1 offidlll ;;t'BI, this__.~211~_ day of-.1)~r t.l!'.or.t._p le.r .ce._~lL G..L...L.._SullivB.ll__ (SJ.:AL) /' Uoj;~r.Y_r.tll:!J. !9._.~1.a t e.~Lr.lQ:rUo. My Commission expires Oot. 2nd, 1921 I t./ STATE oF11o!.1'.~a . 1 Count). o( Sy_ 'L.~.~ ~ e _________ } 1,_.4jUJO~lfgY_l?llJ>l'& _________.__ do II/'reb)' t'ertif)' IhaL___ JenDl_~.J.I._$~.11Q.:r _~___. _ to me \nll known as tbe wife of .._.____j;EJQr~f!~.!__S.!!.YloJ' _.____antl as one of the l>t-r..on!!,Il'SC.'ribe.1 in, and who ut'~ut..d the (oregoing Dee.I, did this dll)' to rut', on a St'parllte lint! pri\"all' examination befor.. lIle takl'1l ami mad.., St'paroltel)' and apart (rom ht'r sait! husband, at'kllowll'.lge 81:,1 ,Irdaft', thaI sht' ma.le IJl'rs,'1f a "arty to anll t:1eeuted tbe same (or the purpose o( rele..~ing, relinqnishing, reo lIollDt.ing alUl eOIlH)'illg all hl'f right oi dowt'r, sl'parate t'State alltl hOIDl'Stl'ad; alld all ht'r ri~hts in anti to the lands, in said dee.} dt'o sl'tibed anti ~rant"'II, 011I1 that she uecuted the sam(' (reel~' anti ,'oluntarily, without an)' cOllstraint, Bpprehl'nsion, (ear or l'ompnlsion of or (rom her saill hnsband. .' hnd Bnd offil'ial 5t'al at ?Qr~_ ?i.EJ.r~~__, this____.?_?D_4 da)' of October ____A. 1>. 192 4... _:;.___I1. ~~lll van ~ . (SEAL) ltotl.ll:'y_:?ublio_ State of ~'1orida ~y Commlsaionexpires Oct. 2nd, 1927 , .! , STATE OF FLORIDA, } m: IT RJ.:l..:lIBERt:n, That on this__-.Z7 day of___..1an __A. D. 192-5, CotUlty of Ht. I,ude. J,.P.. -C. -IUdre-d ~ - Clerk of Ihe Cireuil Court in and for l18id Counly, ban duly reeorded the fore- KoiDg Ured in the I'ublie Reeords o( l18id CoUnl).. G) . ,. nesg Wbertof, I hue ht'rl'lInto let my ban1>nd tbe leal of l8i.1 Conrt, the da)' and yrar abo\'e written. ~ P. C. E"r~ 8 By .- A Irr-D...- LJ. '>., L! J G) /( AJ.. ~ 0:: 1'........ ~.: ~i- ~ .J (SEAl.) .) n. C. , '~},/' z::;; :.f,<r'. ;.,::~::~,~ :;?~~~7~:~/;i:,.~::,At,;.'i~)::::~,..;~,;'~}:i;~'::{?':.s7~ c~;~(:7x:'~' ;<;2,. ;. ':..