HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0563 .r' 282 ,. ~ I I ~ .____a_.....-..- .......... of~~~.r._'!<U~_9J>J!n.1!.YA__F_l2.r.l~_Q.._____lUU"tY- __. _ ____.__of the sl'Coml part, WITNESSh'TJI, Tbat saill part.3_of the first part, for and in eOllsideration rf tbe slim of __ T~_n DOll!l:r'B_J~lOtOOJ ___ and othE!!: V,al.!!~bl.LCJH1~.1.c1.Qr~U..Qn~ __~_~~_~_.~_~ _ ..,__,.,._~ _~_~._."'-.,.,_ "'_n" _ _ _._._ _ __ nOI.r..\RS, lawflll mone:r of the rnited States' of Ameril-a to___her__._ in hlulIl pai;1 b~' the said part. .1es.of thl' sl'l'ond I'art, at e>r bl'fore the cn:icdling an(1 deli~'eQ' of these pr\'sents, the receipt wherl'of is hercb~' aeknowledgl'd _hall_ granted, bugllinl'll, SliM, alil'ned, re. mise(I, releasl'u, eun\.l'~'ell aUlI Chnfirm...l. alllll.~' these prl'ser,ts doea._._.. grant, bargain, sell, alit'll, relllis", r"'~ase. ('fon\"t'~. antI '.011- firm, unto the said partl~_S__ of the Sl'I'OIHI part, and..._. the 1r.__heirs allll ns.siKn~ forl'\'er, allt~ t. cQrtal,n propert~.___.n_ ii1lbt lUbtutUft, ~Iade thf'__!t~________.__ll~' 0'-__. F~.bl'118:ry_____.__... _______..__._in the ~'l'ar of our l.onl one thouSand l~ille hllllllre.1 IIQlI___~'/fQnty._!lYO____, m:TWEEK_ll1nn1tLB,a _.Bu.ll._.Unmarrled ________._ l of the Count)' (.f__3.t_LL\l<:tl.--.:.._______and Statl' ,oL__!'lorida__ .._._________.of the first part, antI Laur~LRL.llrew~r_and_Roy II. .BrjUrer 2 ~ 1 l' ~ ~ 1 I ~ I)'ing ami being in the Count~. of Sf. I.ul'il', and Statf' of Florilla, an.1 lli'!>t'ribed as follows: [ rirst:- Beginning on the West bank of Indian River at line dividing land belonging to H. F. Curtis and James ?aine: Run from thence West along the middle of lane Two hundred and twenty-eight (228) feet: Thence North Twenty-six (26) feet: Thence West Seventy-nine (79) feet: Thence South One hundred and Seventeen (117) feet: Thence East Three hunc\red and seven (307) feet: Thence north along the bank of Indian River to the point of. begilming. Said tract of land being in Lot One (1) of SuM 1vided Lot Two (2) of Original Lot One (1) of Section Thirty-three (33) in Townsnip Tnlrty-four (34) South, of Range Forty (40) East. - - - Second:- Com:nencing l'ive hundred and Twenty-six (526) feet South East of N. II. Corner of Lot One (l) on East side of ri~ht-of-way, of ?la. East Coast Railway. Run South- east along said right-of-way, Five hundred and ~inety-six (596) feet: ~hence East Three hundred and forty-soven (347) feet: Thence-::orth. Five hundred and Sixty (560) feet: Thence ~est. Five hundred and Forty-five (546) feet to point of beginning. Said tract or parcel of land being part of subdivided Lot Two (2) of original Lot One (1). Section Tnirty-three (33) Townahip Thirty-four (34) South. Range ?orty (40) East. County of St. . - - Lucie. state of Florida, Containing Six (61 aores. - ~ ! .Ii ~ 'I t I ! i ! TOGETHER Witb all aDlI singular thl' i I I I J [ tenements, hereditaments and al'purtl'lIanl'l':l tberl'lillto bt-longing, or in alllwise appertaining, an,l tbe reHrsion anti re\'ersiolls, r\'lIlairuler and remainders, rents, issues autl IlrofitE thnenf, .AS!> AL.':\O, all the estate, right, title, interl'st, dower and right of tlower, separate estate, pNperty, possession, elaim and demand \vhatsocver, 1I8 well in law as in eqnit~-, of thl' said part__y _of the first part, of, in, and to the same, and enry part and parel'l tlil'reof, with tbe appurtenani't'8: TO IIA VI-: .\XD TO HOLIl the abo\"e granted, bargained and dl'- ICribed premises, with the appurtenances, unto the said parti.eiLof the second pa.rtr-th.e1 "'._heirs and assigns, to_their..___ own proper USI:, benefit and behoof forever. And the said pa~_of the fint pert for~__heirs, executors amI allministmlors, do~~___co\"eDant, promise and agree to aod with said parLltULof the Ilecond part~he~.!:-..beirs and assign.'1, that the said patt....Y__of the first part at the time of the sealing and d,-,linry of these presenl3,-____l$ ._._lawfulI)' If'iud in fee simple of a good, absolute and indefeasible estate of inheritance, of and in, all singular, the above granted, bargained'imd described pl1'misl's, with tbe aPl'urtenanl'es .________ and_,l!~~___good right, full (.ower and lawful lIuthorit}' to grant, bargain, 51'11 an.1 eoll\'''~' tbe same in manner and fonn afl)resaid. And that the aaid parL_l e..8of the second part,_thalr __. ._..___heifll an.1 as.~ign5, shall and ma~' at 1111 times herl'after. peal'efully and qui~tly have, hold, use, ouuPT, possess and enjoy the abon granted premises, and enry part IIml part'el tbreof, with thl' appurt~nances, without any let, lJUit, trouhle. molestation, ~vietion or disturbam'e of the 58id parLy....of tbe first 11art..___J:1.ex:....___.c___lll'ir.. or assigns, or of an)' <:Jther ~non or 1lt'l'llOns lawfully claiming or to claim lb~ same. And that tbf' fiAme arc nll\\" free, dear, dischllrgl'd aUtI unin- cumbered ()f and from all former and other grants, titleil, eharges, estatet!, judgments, taxes, as.Sf'S.sments amI ineumbrances of what nature and kind loever. : ~~;: c~::~ ;:':; ~~.,<f;~(/if>;,~