HomeMy WebLinkAboutProduct Approval - Modified Bitumens r:. ;. -mx•� .�+tom"` "; :.t � _ , .v BCIS Nome Log Ip, User Registration (' HdTbo s { Submit Surchatge Stbts & Facts.. Dublicatwns FBC Staff BCIS Site Map Unk5 ced,C�h Pr6ductApproval d_t*r ,: USRR: Public'User RECEIVED PrOdiut An woval Menu s p1oduct or Aoolicatih g a, >'Aoolic-tlon Cyst i Appt 4aNun:OstiB M., ENN-111-1� ea ' Fl;# FL1654-Rzq OCT 2 5 Application Type Code Version Applleatjon Status Comments Archived. Product Manufacturer Address/Phone/tmall Authorized Signature Technical. Representative Address/Phone%Ema'il Quality Assurance Representative Address/P.ho.ne/E'mai I Category Subcategory Compliance. Method Florida Engineer or Architect Name who: deyeloped the- Evaluation Report Florida License Quality Assurance Entity Quality Assurance Contract Expiration. Date Validated By Certificate -of Independence Referenced Standard :and Year(of"Standard) Revision 201'4 Approved' POLYGLASS USA 150' Lyon 'Drive Fernley, NV 89A68 (V43.84-1230 Ext242 jak(ns@polyglass.com James Akins jakiris Lt�,polyglass.eo.Itr Steve Wadding 150 Lyon Drive Femiey, NV^98408 (602y 363-cM9 stevew@polyglass.com Permitting Department St. Lucie County, FL CSED WORK �pDP - "esequ YTo ANY CCRC,�C,S VVIAS ppE SV�ECY FI>~4D INSOAD�p tC REpU141 �CESSAAY tN`1Cpiz%A 1D8s CO�pI.Y W%lV% 00- APP James Akins SSS;Oakridge Road ,Humboldt Industrla( PKwy Hazleton; PA 18201 (800) 894-4563 jakins@polygiass.com CONCEALED FASTENERS O` A IV OF j"EENTS ARE THE RESPONRS�E� RECORD Roofing, CONTRACTO Modified Bitumen Roof 5ysterh Evaluation Report from..a Florida; Registered Architect or, a :Licensed__ FlDCida Professional Engineer 'Evaluation Report - Hardropy Received Robert Niemine` : k ✓ " �� LUCi., ((TUN'TV At.Ip DT-NC D11.1'te OV P€'--59166. REVIFMTD FOR CO3RI,CE UL'Ltc REVIE -TT'ED ' --JU4, we ( - 10/06/2018 Val John w, Knez'eviPl$, '+jS ANVf.Tr.'TN7<T INTUST BE KEPT ON JOB J' Validation CGRIMORAUPUONWILL BE MADE. ASTM, D6162 ASTM D6163 ASTM D6164 ASTM 'D6222 YASTM .D6509 FM' 4470 'Near 2000 a0do 2005 2008 2009 �e- copy Equivalenice of Product, Standards Certified By Sections from -the Code PfOdUct APProval, Method Date Submitted Date Validated Pate Pending :MC Approval Date Approved FM 4474' 2004 UL 1897 2008 Method I option D- 011512017 02/18/2017 04/04/2017 114odo1, Number or Name .1654.1 1 PolYglass SBSand APP.Modified Bitumen Roar Systems limits of Use APPMWd for use in HVHZ.- No Approved for use outside HVHZ% Yes Impact Reals.ta0k: N/k Design Pressure: +N/A/-622.5 =to6 l-) The design, ped,sswe in this application one e particUlar assembly overcon'Crete de;k-Refer to the ER Appendix for other systems and deck typ es.. 1) Refer to EltjSection 51ot Other Llmits. of Use. Description SBS and APP,modlfied- bitumen roof systems ihstallation Instructions F11654 If 20 17 02 - FINAL -AIJ—R—P��YGLASS MODBI - -FL165,1- Y.erlfre By,, Rdbi6rt Nlemlnen PE-50166 Created by' lndep9nde4C"lrd Party:; Yes Evaluation R pports &MiJOLAIE-2017 OZ FFNAL R POLYGLAS5MQUfL FL'104-. Created by Indepbrident Third; Party., *es: " MP llaif Stone Ra5q. 1411061— Fl, V�M 6aDL The State of flarldals an'AAfEpoeiifgbyer.,C6E4ddtt2007.20-11 Slate "of Florift, Under Floridalaw, iemall addresses am pub[ you tlonat want yours-rnafi address releaseg (n:response toa public•mcords request do -not send elecGonic mail to records. : office b, r"� are O's eo"�' contact October fortl_.l M 44 .27 (1), S cffedive ne 'Js p , ro W, T.' be used ._I .0% . 0__ '_1de � oapa tlinenf wltti ansemall address whkh-cgP be rhade.9yditdble to the public. To deremrinc 1! ynu aFx,a ticansee under Chapter Product"Appoo4al Accepts: DOOR Ca -.110 Safe r a1-,j' TR1N1T, Y ERD APPENDIX i ATTACHMENi;REQUIREMENTS FDR WIND UPLIFT i3E51STANCE , a 1A Wood 'New orReroof (Tear -Off) A-1 Bonded insulation, Banded Roof Cover. 5 04 Wood New orReroof (Tear -Off)' A-2 Mech, Attached Anchor5heet, Bonded Insulation, Bonded Roof Cover 5 9 18-2 Wood New,: Reroof (Tear-O'Mor Recover A-2 Mech. Attached Anchor Sheet,-Bondedansulation;'Bonded,Roof Cover •1041 SC Wood _ _ New,!Reroof (Tear -Off) or Recover 8 Mech, Attached Base Insulation, Bonded Top Insulation, Bonded Roof Cover 12 iD Wood New, Reroof (Tear -Off) or. Recover C, Mech. Attached Insulation,Bonded,Roof Cover 13-14 1E Wood New, Reroof (Tear -Off) or Recover D Prelirn..Attached Insulation, Mech. Attached Base Sheet, Bonded Roof Cover 15-16 1F-1 Wood New or Reroof (Tear -Off) E Non -insulated, Mech. Attached,Base Sheef(naiis); Bonded RoofCover 37-19 1F-2 Wood New, Reroof (Tear -Off) or Recover E Non -Insulated, Mech Attached Base>Sheet (screws& plates)- Bonded Roof Cover 20-22 - 1G Wood New or Reroof (Tear=Off) - F Non -Insulated, Bonded RoofCover '22 2A Steel or,Structuralconcrete New; Reroofear- (T Off) or Recover B Mech. Attached Base Insulation, Bonded Top Insulation, Bonded Roof Cover, 23-26 28 Steel or 5tructural,concrete.. - New,;Reroof (Tear -Off) of Recover C. Mech. Attached Insulation, bonded Roof Cover 27-29 2C Steel or -Structural. concrete New, Reroof (Tear --Off) or Recover Q Prelim. Attached Insulation, Mech, Attached Base Sheet, Bonded Roof Cover 30-31 3A Structural concrete; New or Reroof (Tear -Off) A-1 `Bonded lnsulation,.Borded.Roof Cover 32-38 38 Structural concrete' New or Reroof (Tear -Off).... F Non -insulated, Bonded Roof Cover 38 4A LWIC New or Reroof (Tear -Off) A-1 Bonded Insulation, Bonded Roof Cover. 39-40 46 LWIC. ( Off) New or Reroof Tear- A-2 Mech. Attached AnchorSheet, Bonded insulation, Banded, Roof Cover 41 4C LWIC New or:Reroof'(T.ear-Off). E Non -Insulated, Mech. Attached'Base Sheet, Borsded Roof Cover 42-44 SA CWF. New or Re (Tear -Off) A-i Bonded Insulation, BondedCRobfCover 45 SB CWF New, Reroof (Tear -Off) or Recover A-2• Mech. Attached Anchor.Sheet, Bonded Insulation, Bonded Roof Cover' 46 SC CWF New, Reroof (Tea( -Off) or Recover B 'Mech. Attached Base insulation, Bonded Top InsuOtion,•Bonded Roof Cover 47 SD CWF New, Reroof (Tear -Off) or Recover - C Mech..Attached.Insulation, Bonded RoofCover 47 5E CWF New, Reroof (Tear -Off) or Recover E Non -Insulated, Mech,Attached Base Sheet, Bonded Roof Cover 47 6A Gypsum ReroofjTear-Off) A-1 Bonded insulation.Bonde&RoofCover 48-50 6B Gypsum Reroof,(Tear-Off)•;or Recover A=2 Mechs Attached Anchor. Sheet, Bonded'Insulation„Bonded Roof Cover 50 6C Gypsum. Reroof (Tear -Off) or Recover C Mech. Attached Insulation; Bonded Roof Cover 51 6D Gypsum Reroof (Tear -Off) or Recover E Non -I nsulated,.Mech. Attached BaseS'heet, Bonded.Roof'Coyer 51 7A Various Recover A 4. Bonded Insulation, Bonded Roof Cover 52=55 7B Various Recover F Non -Insulated; Bonded Base Sheet, Bonded Roof Cover 55 The followin¢ notesapoly to the systems outlined herein: 1. The roof system evaluation. herein pertains to above -deck roof components. Roof decks and structural mernbers shall bein accordance with FBC requirements to the satisfaction of the Authority Having Jurisdiction. Load resistance of the roof deck shall be documented through proper codified and/or FBC Approvai:docurnentation. 2. Insulation / base sheet fasteners shall be ofsufflcient length for the following deck engagement: D Wood: Minimum 0.75=inch.penetration: is Steel: Minimurn0.75-inch.penetration; and engage the top flute of the steei,deck. ➢ Structural concrete: Minimum 1-inch e:i bedment into pilot hole in accordance with fastener manufacturer's published installation instructions. 3. Unless otherwise noted, Insulation may be any one layer or combination of polyisocyanurate, polystyrene; wood fiberboard, perlite, gypsum -based roof board or mineral -wool roof board that meets the QA requirements of F.A,C. Rule.51G20-3 and is documented as meeting FBC 1505.1 and, for foam piastic,.FBC.Chapter 26, when installed with.the roof cover: Exterior Research and Design, LLC. d/b/a Trinity)ERD Evaluation Report P4290.02.08-R18 for FL16S4-R20 Certificate of Authorization fi9503 FBC NON-HVH2 EVALUATION Revision 18: 02/15/2017 Prepared by: RobertNieminen, PE-59166 poNO ss USA, Inc; (570) 384-1230 Appendix 1, Page 1 of 55 tm :{ TRINITV' ERp Minimum 200,psi, minimum 2-inch thick lightweight insulating concrete[ may be 'substituted -for rigid insulation board :for System Type,D (mechanically attached base sheet, bonded roof covei),:whereby-the base sheet fasteners are installed through the�LWIC to engage -the structural steel or concrete deck: The structural deck shall be of equal or, greater configuration to the steel and concrete deck listings. Roof decks.and structural members shall be in. accordance with flit requirements to ;the -satisfaction of the_Authority Having Jurisdiction. Load resistance of the roof deck shall be documented through proper, codified, and/or FBC Approval documentation. Unless otherwise noted, insulation adhesive application rates areas follows. Ribbon or bead width is at the time of -application; the nbb'ons/beads shall expand as noted in the manufacturer's publfshed'instructions: • Hot asphalt (HA): Full coverage at 25-30 Ibs/square; ➢ Dow Insta-Stile Roofing Adhesive (D-IS): Continuous 015 to 1-inch wide rib bons; l2-inch o.c. oar ➢'Millennium One Step Fnable Adhesive (M=OSFA): Continuous 0.15 to 0.5-inch wide ribbons, 12-inch o.c. • Millennium PG-1 Pump Grade Adhesive (NI-PG1): Continuous 0.25 to 0.5-Inch wide ribbons,12-inch o.c: ➢ OMG OlyBond 500 (08500): Continuous 0.75 to 1-inch wide ribbons, 12-inch o.c. (Pacecart or Spot5hot)..Note OlyBond Green may tie used where Olyflond 500 is referenced. • OlyBond Classic (OB Classic): Fulf coverage at 1 gal/square. ➢ ICP Adhesive.& Sealants CR-20: Continuous 2.5-3.5-inch wide ribbons, 12-inch o.c. D Note. When multiple layers(s) of insulation and/or'coverboord are installed in ribbon-6pplied adhesive, board joints shall be staggered: ➢ Note. The maximum edge distance from the adhesive ribbon'to the edge of the insoiotion boardshall'be not less, than one-half the specified ribbons spacing: Unless otherwise noted, all insulations are flat=stock or taper board of the minimum thickness noted. Tapered polyisocyanurate at'the following thickness limitations may be substituted with the following Maximum Design Pressure (MDR) limitations. In no case shall these values be used to"increase' the MDP listings in'the tables; rather if MDP listing below meets or exceeds that listed fora particular system in the. tables, then the thinner board listed below -may be used. as a drop -in for the equivalent thicker material listed in the table: ➢ Millennium One Step Foamable Adhesive (M=OSFA): MDP -157.5 psf (Min._ 0.5-inch thick) ➢ Millennium PG-1 Pump Grade Adhesive (M-P.G3): MDP---157.5 psf (Min. 6.5-inch thick) • OMG OlyBond 500 (OB500): MDP -45.0 psf (Min: 0.5-inch thick Multi -Max FA-3) ➢ OMG OlyBond 500 (06500): MDP -1975 psf (Min. 0.5-inch thick ISO 95+ GL) OMG OlyBond 500 (013500):. MDP -315.0 psf '(Min. 0.54nch thick ENRGY 3) OMG.OIyBond 500 (OBS00): MDP -4875 psf (Min. 0.5-inch thickACFoam.11). ➢ lCP Adhesives & Sealants'CR-20: MDP -117.5 psf (Min. 1.0-inch thick) 7. Bonded polyisocyanurate insulation boards shall be maximum 4 x 4 ft. 8. For mechanically attached components.orpartially 'bonded insulation, the maximum design pressure for the selectedassembly shall meet or exceed the Zone 1 design pressure determined in'accorda,nce with FBe Chapter 16, and Zones 2 and 3 shall employ. an attachment density, designed by a -qualified design professional to resistAhe elevated pressure criteria. Commonly used methods are ANSI/SPRI WD 1, FM Loss Prevention Data Sheet 1-29, RAS 117 and RAS 137. Assemblies marked with an asterisk• carry the limitations'set forth in Section. of FM Loss Prevention Data Sheet 1-29 (January 2016) for Zone 2/3 enhancements. 9. for fully, bonded assemblies, the maximum design pressure for the selected assembly shall meet or exceed -critical design pressure determined in accordance with FBC Chapter 16,.and no rational analysis is permitted. 10. For mechanically attached components over existing decks, fasteners shall be tested In the existing deck for withdrawal resistance: A qualified design professional shall review the data for comparison to the minimum requirements for the system. Testing and analysivshall be in accordance with ANSI/SPRI FX-1 orTA5105. 11. For existing substrates in a bonded.recover Installation, the existing roof system; shall be examined for compatibility and bond performance with the selected adhesive, and the existing roof system shall be capabie.of resisting. project design,pressures on its own merit to the, satisfaction of the, Authority Having Jurisdiction, as documented through field uplift testing in accordance with ANSI/SPRI IA-1, ASTM E907, FM Loss Prevention Data Sheet 1-52 or TAS 124. 12. For Recover Applications using System'fype.D, the insulation is'optional; however, the existing roof system shall be suitable fora -recover application. 13: LWIC shall be cast In accordance with FBC Section 1917 to the satisfaction of the Authority Having Jurisdiction. For systems where specific LWIC is referenced, refer to current LWIC Product Approval forspeclfic deck construction and. limitations: For systems where specific LWIC is -not referenced, the minimum design mix shall be 300 psi. In all cases, the minimum top -coat thickness is 2-inches. For LWIC over structural concrete, reference is made to FBC Section 1917.4.1, Point 1. Exterior Research and Design,'LLC. d/b/a Trinityl ERD Evaluation Report P9290:02.08-Rig for FL3694-R20 Certificate of Authorization #9503 FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION Revision 38: 02/15/2017 Prepared by: Robert Nieminen; PE-59166 Polyglass USA, Inc:; (570) 384=1230 Appendix 1, Page 2 of 55 ¢ ERD TRINITY 14; Unless' otherwise noted, refer to the foliowing'references for bonded base, ply orcap sheet applications: 1:', , TaeL£ 1: PoLVGtass.RouF CoyEas , g A Reference Layer Material - Application BP -AA Base Ply One or more;plies Polyglass G2 Base; FBCApproved ASTM 04601, Type it Hot aY20 40 PlyOne or more plies Polyglass Ply IV,,P.olyglass Ply VI, FBC Approved ASTM D2178, Type IV or VI _ (Base and Ply sheets, Asphalts ibs/sq are Ibs/square Note: - - Asphalt -applied sheets or insulation shall nat tie app11e'd: to poly=] 1M stirjaced membranes, Applied) Base Ply - One ply Elastobase (sand/sand), Elastoflex V„ Elastoflex S6, Elastoflex S6 Type 11, Polyglass HT Base 6S0 SBS-CA1 PG350 at 1.5-2.0 gal/square Cap Ply Elastoflex: VG, Elastoflex VG FR, Elastoflex S6, Elastoflex 86 T.ype,11, Elastoflex S6 G, ElostoflexS6 G FR, Elastoshleld TS-G, Elastoshield TS-G FR, Polyfresko G SBS.(sand-backed), Polyfresko G SBS M(sand-backed) Base Ply One ply Elastobase sand/sand), Elasioflex•V, Elastoflex S6, Elastoflex.S6Type II SBS=CA2 Cap Piy Elastoflex VG, Elastoflex VG FR. Elastoflex S6, Elastoflex:SOType 11,:Elastoflex S6 G,.Elastoflex 56 G FR, Elastoshield TS-G, Elastoshield - -fresko Polypl.us 35 at'1.$-2A gal/square TS-G FR, Poly G SBS (sand-backed), Polyfresko 6SBS FR (sand -backed) Base Ply or Ply :. ;Ooe or.moreplies Elasiobas"e (sand/sandor poiy/sand), Elastobase P (sand/sand or poly/sand), ElistofiexrV, Elastoflex:S6, Elastoflex. SBS-AA S6 Type 11, Polyglass HT Base 650 Hot AsphaIt_at 20-40 Lap Ply Elastoflex V, Elastoflex VG; Elastoflex VG'FR, Elastoflex $6, Elastoflex S6 Type II, Elastoflex 56 G, Elastoflex S6G FR, Elastoshield TS-G, (SBS, Asphalt -Applied] lbs/square -Elastoshield TS-G:FR; Polyfresko G SBS (sand -backed), Polyfresko IS SBSFR (sand -backed) _ Noter Asphalt-ap lied sheets or Insulation shall: not be applied to pWplm sarfaced.membrai es: Base Ply or Ply 650 or more plies Elastobase {sand/poly) Elastobase (poly/poly),,Elastoflex V -"Elastoflex S6, Elastoflex 56 Type h, Polyglass HT Base SBS-TA TorchrApplie d Cap Ply Elastoflex V, ElastofldkVG,.Elisteiflex VG FR, Elastoflez-s6, Elastoflex 56 Type.11; Elastoflex S6 G, Elastoflex S6 G FR, Elastoshield TS-G, (SBS,'Torch=Applied) Elastoshield TS-G FR, Polyfresko G SBS:(poly=filrri backed),. Polyfresko GSBS, FR'(poly-film backed) Base Ply One ormore plies Elastoflex SA V Base, Elastoflex SA V FR Base, Elastoflex SA V Plus, Elastoflex SA V Plus FR Cap Ply - Elastoflex'SA P, Elastoflei.SA:P FR,"Polyreflect SBS-SA Self -Adhering. Note: - Unlessbtherwise"noted, permissible, nembrane substraies jorSBS-SA.are limited io the SBS-SA Base Ply"options. he ein, (SB5,5elf-Adhering) Eidstobasb (poly/sand) orSastabase POWP4)yl•-. APP-CAI Cap Ply PolyflexG FR' PG350 at 1.5-2.0 gal/square APP-TA Base Ply or Ply One or more plies Polyglass APP Base; Polyflex, Polybond (APP, Torch -Applied)' Torch -Applied Cap Ply Polyflex, Polyflex G; Poi ex G FR, Polybond, P"olybond G, Polyfresko G,. PolyfreAo G FR APP-SA Cap Ply Polyflex SA P, Polyflex SA P-FR, Polyfresko G SA, Polykool _ Note: Unless otherwise noted,"permissible membrane substrates for APP SA are Nmited to the"SBS•SA Bose Ply options herein, (APP, Self -Adhering) Self Adhering Elastobase (pofy/sand) or Elastobase (poly/poly). 15. Any of the following F8C•Approved coatings may be applied to'the top:roof rfiembrine without adverse effect on the system wind associated with coating usage: ➢ PG200 Non Fibered Roof Coating; ➢ PG300 Fibered Roof Coatingi 301 PG600 Non-Fibered Aluminum. Roof Coating; ➢ P6650 Fibered Aluminum Roof Coating; ➢ PG700 High Quality Elastomeelc Roof Coating or KM•Acryl 25; ➢ PG700QS (Quick Set) High Quality Elastomeric Roof Coating or,KM Ac yl 25-QS (for granule-surfaced:APP`or SBS only); D PG800 Asphalt Emulsion Roof Coating; ➢ Polyplus 60'Pretnium:Non-Fibered Aluminum Roof Coating; ➢ Polypius 65 Premium Fibered,Aluminum,Roof Coating;. • Polybrite 70 Premium Grade;Elastomeric Roof Coating.or KM Acryi 15; Exterior Research and Design, I.I.C. d/b/a Trinityl£RD Certificate of Authorization 09503 FBC NON-HVHZ'EVALUATION Prepared by; Robert Nieminen, PE-59166 Polyglass USA, Inc-; (570) 384-1280 load performance._ Refer to current Roofing Materials Directory°for fire -ratings Evaluation Report P9290,02.08-1118 for F1.1654-1120 ReVision 18::02/15/2017 Appendix 1, Page 3 of 55 Ar- \J TRINITY' ERC} 30, Polybrite 70Q5(Qyick Set) Premium Grade.Elastomedc Roof Coating -or KMAcryl 15-0S (for granule -surfaced APP or SBS only)-- D Polybrite 90 Nigh Solids Silicone Roof Coating or Polybnte 95�Silicone Roof Coating; 16. The following: represent priming requirements for,gypsum-based coverboards: D Deris Deck and Dens Deck Primeshall be field -primed with PG100:prior.to self -adhering or'torch-appiied,membrane application. No pHmtngJsrequired forhot=asphalt.membeane.applications. D SECUROCK-Gy. urn -Fiber Roof Board does not require,field.priming for any, membrane'application. 17. Vapor barrier options for use overstructural concrete deck followed by adhered insulation carry the following Maximum Design Pressure{MDP) limitations. 7he,lesser:of the MDP listings.66low vs: those InTable.3A applies: #VAt%OfkBARRIERQPT10N5�5'titUCrtIRACCO�►�SCRETEDECK,,ADHERER„I,NSfJt71T16N,P,ER��IBLE3/,1i v. '1 cn.,..: •-'- .. .. y..n.1_at`l y�lt Ft. i:? i Y x '.. t/ .'w, d <<.Y. .P, q} FY".^�1 j1S 43..2., Af) &'. �'# .E3 yr"d` :F. 1,� r,.., ,1.�, �: dsv��,8,€iTt•i , ���:,n�,rt��.� �� �.exw-,-:....{B Na�a;..P.'.� s;� !? .;•;<++ . ?�° _ ., .. h, 'i.. e. 8 . ,,. Option # Primer Vapot Barrier Insulation Adhesive 'MOP (Psf) Type Attach- V131. PG100 Elastoflex SA V Plus 'Self -Adhering Inta-Stik orCR-20,12 166.0 c: -60.0 VB-2. PG100 Polyglass,APP Base Torch -applied. Inta-Stik or CR-20,12-inch o.c. -75.0 VB-3. PG100 Elastoflex BA P _ _ ._ Self -Adhering" Insta-Stik,• 12Anch o.c. -75.0 VB-4. PG100 ElastoPexSAP Self -Adhering: Millennium,OneStep FoamableAdhesivg,12-inch"o.c. -157.5„ V13-5. PG1o0 ElastofleX'SA P Seif-Adhering• CR-20,12-inch o.c. -270.0 VB-6 PG100 Elastoflex SA:V Base, Elastoflex SA V FR Base, ElasfofleX SA V Plus, ElastoflexusFR SA V Pt Self-Adhering Millennium One Step Foamable Adhesive, Millennium PG 1.Purnp Grade Adhesive;, OlyBond500 or GR-20 12 inch:o.e. -290.0 18. "MDP" =Maximum Design Pressure Is the result of testingforwind load resistance -based on allowabiewind Ioads..Referto FBCA609 for determination of design,wind loads., Exterior Research and Design, U.C. d/b/a Trinity.l ERb Evaluation Report P9290.02.08418:for FL1654-4120 Certificate of Authorization #9503 FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION Revision 18: OZ/IS/2017 Prepared by: Robert:Nieminen, PE-59166 Polygiass USA, Inc.; (570j 384-1230 Appendix1, Page 4 of 55 \( TRINITY! ERD: _t E a, TI16LE1F-2c WOOD'DECKS)~1AlCONSTRUCION,RE,ROOF(TEAR QFF�oRREcovER; ' •'A yC� .`, .-"ta },}.i , 1fd5,ULATiP',`MECHAN1GALtYA7TACHED;BASES.HEE7{scRcinis&t'LATgs);BCiNDEDROOF`COVER 17 NpN , System Dedt (Note 1) Base Sheet Roof Cover (Note 14) MDP No: Type Fasten Attach Base Ply Cap (Psf) 77 W 134 Min.19/32= Elasfobase, Elastobase P DekfastHex with Dekfastlil4 ortrufast r Metal 12-inch ox-in 4-inch lap and 12-inch o.c. in two SBS-SA; OmA, SBS- inch'plywood (poly=film top) Insulation Plate with Trufast HD (2), equally spaced, staggered center rows SBS SA TA, APP-TA $2.5' W-135 Min.19/32- Elastobase, Elastobase P Dekfast Hex with Dekfast #14 or Tnifast:3" Metal 12-inch o.c. M 4-inch lap,and 12-inch o.a in two inch plywood (poly -film top) -Insulation Plate with Trufast-HD (2), eq'uallyspaced, staggered.center rows polyFlexSA Base APP TA 52.5' W-136 lltin.19/32- .. 'Elastobase, Elastobase P OMG FlatBottom Plates(sgiiare)catch Raofgrip #12 12 inch o.c.. in 4-inch lap and 12-inch mein two SB5 5A SBS-SA; AP.P-SA, SBS- 60.0' inch plyuiood (polyLfilm top): 1 (2), epualiyspaced, Staggered center rows TA, APP-TA W-137 Min.19/32- Elastobase, Elastob'ase P " OMG Flat g, ottom Plates (square) with Roofgrip #12 12 inch o.c. in 4-,inch lap and 12=inch o,c.3n two Polyflex SA Base APP=TA inch plywood (poly -film. to (2), equailyspaced; staggered center rows »:4»...:..: ... :w, a,::.,w i. ;�. a: .ter. .x-, iG_ WCj DDECKS--N51i1/C0 1 0§ O f:;#' (f 1,°=' i' ((�t, . , NSTRUR ON.. It RER, 8F (TF�trt-QFF)t�; . , ; . ,tip -ir } (+'} .. ,..t n..�r. �A,I Cr. fit"Js'<�...,y1 Lc J '..t�.0 �.�..�-+. 1 t 1. i. =.}:.Y 3 lh x'C E.., k4 ist+-':' lj yix y4:...i 4 •"E V> F. 3i3 k- Cr I�I N - AA _ �-- tdSY ?YP wrO NSUI:A D`$ONDED'ROOFCOVE ��".Trl tic �;. rt o �k-�. �L.r= ., .3 `L L -. L. �' E'e ., _�:... 3.,- i. x`'a�-5� , i.h F i.- RJ,l`l`.. . ✓, . ,'.a€ �:t1t � .:-';�r, aS rt c.l'n.� < , T.aa,r l'�k ri'�: j 1 y x p �ii'f .�:tF..FV �4.4 a:[i::{£k�S i?Y A. �. .S4xt 4� System Deck (Note 1) Primer Roof Cover (Note 14 MOP (psf) _ JointTreatmeht Base Ply ply, Cap Ply No. W-138 Min.15/32-_ None None SB5 5A (Optional) SBS-SA; SOS- 'SBS-SA, APP-SA, SBS- 90.0 inch plywood TA APP=TA TA APP-TA W-139 IVIin.15/32- inch plywood, (Optional)PG300 None PalyflexSABase (Optional)APP•TA APP:TA r90.0 W-140 ' Min. •15/32. PG100 None SBS 5A i[pptTA A B5eSA, 585- S -9R,5 inch,piyw'ood AjPP- T P TA W-141 Min; 15/32- (Optionai)'PG100 Plywood ibints..are covered with 4-inch wide strips of Elastoflex-SA' V Plus; roiled into Elastoflex SA.V Base or (Optionai)`SBS-SA, SBS- , SBS-SA, APP-SA, SBS• inch plywood place to create continuous: bond: Elastoflex.SA V'FR Base TA; APPSA' TA .APP TA 797.S W-142+ Min.15/32= inch WB-3000 None SBS-SA- (Optional) SBS-SA, APP-SA, Sep- 105.0 plywood TA, AP,P TA W-143 Min. 15/32- (Optional) PG100 Plywood joints,are'covered with 4-inch wide strips of ElastoflexSA V Plus, rolled into Elastoflex SA V Plus or (Optional) SBS-SA, SBS SBS-SA, APP-SA, SBS- inch plywood plyw place to _create continuous bond: Elastoflex SA V PIus:FR TA, APP-TA TA; APP TA 135.0 Min.15plywood /32- Plywood I joints are covered with 4-inch wide strips of Vastoflex SA-V Plus, rolled into W 144 inch (Optional)'PG1OO placeSo continuous bond. Polyflex.SA Base (Optional) APP-TA APO -TA 135.0 Exterior Research and Design, I.I.C. d/b/a Trinity) ERD Certificate of Authorization #9SO3 Prepared W: 'Robert-Nieminen,'PE-59166 FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION Polyglass USA, Inc.; 070) 384-1230 Ev6luation'RepoitP9290.02,08-R18for FL1654-R20 Revision 18:.02/15/2011 Appendix'1, Page 22 of 55