HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0580 290 L I , !--.--- ~,. - . I l( if ~ .' ~. _._-------~-------- " Anll tl.\, sai,l part~'" ..of thl' first part, for. _ thelDeel V'.8 .~__aDtL__ t.b.olr_ hl'il'!l, the aoo\'e 11l'!>I'rib...1 allll hl're-b)' grantl'd amI r.-It'a,...1 premiSl's, amI <<,wry part anti ran'l'l thl"reelf, with al'(lUrtE'lIam'l's, unto thl' suill parL":"" ~ _of thl' s{'wlIlI part, hia-__. h{'in RIll! as..,iglls, Agaillst tIll' saill "3rt.~' S .of thl' tirst psrt and _.., tbel r__bl'itll, 81lt1 against all 1111I1 l'\"(of)' I'('rson Of Ilf'rsons wholnsoeHf, Iilwfllll)' l'l:iiminjt 'Jr tll ,'Iaim th.. SlIl1l(' ,.halluml will werrant, allll by thl'se J1r\'s('nts fore\'('r IIt,r..tll.\. IX WIT~E~~ WIIJ-:HEOF, The sailll'aft lee Ilf th(' lirst IHUI ~.Y~____hl'fennIO sl,t_th!til'_._._llallll~_hallll ~ldQ___., th(' .Iu~' 111111 )'I'ar lirst aho\'!' writtl'n. w I , 'i( , ,I I ~ '.~ ,~ Rignl'tl. !-;.'all',1 an.1 Dl'linn,.1 in I'rt'SI'IIl'l' of II!: P. r,.. Hemmings_m.___._ ___________._____.___ )(~:r~:r:.~~._!! !!.()(f!:r!'_..___._~____ .__ ____._.:'1180." _.AL lUQn.Q:r_~_.________(SI-~'\I,) _____'rj.lh..J.~l ~ . C.LIUQQeT- ___' ______(SI-~.\IJ} ----_..__..._..__, _ .______ _____(SIUI.) STATE OI-'-~~ri:l" -1 Count~. of__.______ 5 On this tla~' Pl'rs(,"ally appea....d "efore lIle._.___l!~!l.1Z_!.. ._!!_~D:'r.______,____._____________ to 1Ilf' w('1I known as the llt'fSC'l! __ _ dl'Sl'ribed in, and wbo C'Xfi:ut...1 the fOI'('~()illl! De...1 of ('oll\"t'~'alH'I', amI aeknowll't1gl'd thaL_h. _ l'xl'l'uted thl' saml' for thl' pUfphSt' t1wrein f'xl.rI'SSI'd; whrrt'ul'on it is l"rap'tJ tbat tbe saml' lIla)' be rl'l'ortll.'J. III Witn...",,, Whrft'Of. I haw hl'r.'llIIt', affix...1 Ill)' nan:e allll offi..ial sf'al, thi!( .._.2Qtl1n__.m.__.da). of __)lJl.rgh .\, 1>. I92'L J'Of_t:P1erOo. llo ta riPu~ft~8~t~!eRg'8ftonaa-;-m--_---(SE.\ I.} My ~mm.!,""~!()!l_.:xp~r~~._~.~pt. __lJ>L.192~. . ;. .-----., - ) " 1,_____ _.__~..lJO.~_~_17__~~~l,.~.__m___ ...,' _.___.___ do her..b~' l'l'rt i f)' Ihat ...WS.lbf11UllP1l,C._~18n.Qr__ ..._n. ,...__.________10 DIe wl'1I known as the wife of _____________.. ___..__._Jr.8~17 .!, J~i"!l~r_._ __.._..__ ____. no, and as on(' ,.f thl' )ll'rsnns .1i'Scrih...1 in, an. I who l'xecutl'd tbe fOn'g...ing Bt'erl, .li.1 Ibis da)' to IIII', on 8 st'I'arate lID' I pri\"at.' I':laminalion bf'fl'rl' 1Ilf' lakl'n and ma.II', !i('l'aral('\)' allll apart from her "<lid IlUshand, a~kno\\'It'.I!:l' DIllI dl'l'lafl', thaI she made hl'"",'1f a parI)' t.~ and l'1fi:ut...1 thl' !<3l11e for tbe purllO>lC of rt'lcasing, relinquishinl!, rl'- nonn{'ill~ allll cOIl\'I')'iUlor all ht'r ri!lht of do'....r, separall' "slilh' allll homt'Stl'ad. 1111I1 "II hef rights in and to thl' lands, in saill del'd dl'- !...rihed 811I1 ~rallled, 81HI thut shl' ('xcI'nted the sallll' frl't'ly 811I1 n.lunlaril)', withont 8n~' eonstraint, appreb('nsioll, f('ar or eOlllpulsion of or irom hrr ~ n~.. Wit ~s III~' haml 111 ollidal seal atl.or1i_1>>1.eroo .._, this-. _..._.20th___d8)' of UBroh__. n..\. D. )925. _Kup.e1...B...-Ro.tU'8___(SE.\ I.) Notsr,y Publio, State of Florida. My c~e.lo~.zplr.B-8.pt~~_1925. I :1 .,~ ~0 :2~ ~~ ~-F" ~/. ..... :.~.1 ~. i.~ ~. .j.~J .ti. "~ --;! -.'::-' :~~ .1 '--f~ ~~ ,. ~ ':<;: ff >r- - ~','I"- .,~~~~ .{~~ ~~ '} .'-iE. :r.: ~~" ";;.;.~ STAn; Of' Jo'IAJICIlM, f '" . Bt; IT IU':)II-:)Unm'., That on tbi.__~ll1l~___dll)' of__}{!l.r~lL____A. D. 192..5., County of 81. !.Iwie. , J,____._____.__._..'-.__J~.!_J~.ldr.~_.__.___.____ .. >' .CI..rk of thf' C'ireuit ('ourt in and for said Count)", han dul)" recordC'd the fore- Roing nf't'd in th.. I'uhlie Rf't'ord., of did ('ouoty. i 10 Witoess Whn~f, I ban bl'rewlto ~t my hand ,I the seal of di.1 Court, thl' day aDd ytar above wrilleD, J~~ :PL.O... Elclraa (SEAL) 11 .T~,;y( """'^'- D. C. , .~~:. ....:,: 'it: /.:'.?'>: :'.:/ < .:~~r<'}>~2~,: ~ ;/ {.? ,.'~~t{.!.::~:J; '~:,~':,~ ~~~.)' ,i<~~{~{'<X:;.c~ .'0 y,:~', .':'~