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Evaluation Report
ti , (7/o-0&)'v ST. LUCK CO► N7y B1" ,n_T_N- C Pp"!Q110N, REVIEWED. FOR COWLCOWLI kNCE' REVIEWED BY ry � 0 DATE cQ-TKIN�E PLANS AND PERNUT MUST BE KEPT ON JOB AP4sENUl�t iIiTALHK+1ENiREQU1REtil�I�ltSFORiii/INQwUPti(f�fE5t5TANcr �. 'Tible - Mick Ileac€ari Type: Desiriipt€on Poe,. APP 1A Wood: Neuior Rerooff fiat OW6 A l Bonded Insdiatiorr, Bonded Rodf:Cd%i& 4: . 164 woo rll Neva orReroof (Teebf.tj A-2= Mech -Attached Anchdi'Sheet,Bonded Inwatwn;,Bondddl Ro6ftoyer 4 1B 2 Wood; NeW, ;Rer000f (Tear Off) or; Recover A 2 ItiAech;.Attached Arfc 6r Sheet. Bonded insuiation,,B.onded'lioof [oy_er _ _. It Wood; New,.Reroof.iTeaC-Offj or Recover B- Meth: Attached Base lnsulation;;BondedTop Insulation, Bonded Rooftosrer 11, ID Waod W :New, Reroof (TearOff) or Recover t Wch,Attached (nsnietion, Bonded Roof Coe'er 12-13 1 E ihlaod ;New, Reroof (Tea_r-Off) or Recover ;D Prelim. Attached Insulation,• Mech _Attached Base Sheet, Bonded Roof Cover 1d-15 lE4 wood; ". Newzr Reroof;(Tear=Off)_ `E Non-lnsu€ated, Mech: Attached Base Sheet'(naiis) Sonded;Roof.Cover 16481 1F-2 wood' :NOW,.Reroaf.(Tear-Offs nr Recover E Noti Insulated, hllech;Atfached Base Sheet (screuy§:& plaYe3j;:6'onded Ronf-Cover 14 2i .. dii -- ` �16""-""`--"woo , °Atew oLReroof (Tea%y0M F-''�'"-'""-'?don €nsuiafed Bonded Roof Dover--a- 2A, . Steel•or Cone:, New; Reroof (Tear-S�� or Recover B, . Mech.,Attached Base insutaflorr;Vondetf Top Insulation, Bonded Roof. -Cover 225 26 Steel orConc; ;New;;ReCoof(Teat 4ffj or Recover C Mech Atiarhed insulation, Bonded RoofEover 23-24- „ .. 2C Siee) or Conc, New;;Reroof (Tear=Off) ar. Recover D Prdm Attached"insulation, Medr: Attached Base Sheet 2Banded itaof Dover. "25 26 3kl Concrete, New or Reroof (Tear'dff) A41 Bonded Insulation , Bonded Roof. Cover, 27-31; U4 Concrete New or Reroof(Teari',OM A- L: Bonded Temporary.`Rbdf,Bonded lnsulafion� Bonded'Roof"Cover 31.33. 3B. Concrete, , Newac Reroof [treat=0f€) F' Nan -Insulated, Banded Roof Caves 1 4N. LWIC 'New ocReroof (Tear=Off) A-1 Bonded lnsdAtidd, Bonded Rd6f-Cover 34-35 413 LWIG New or Reroof(TeaeOfij ' A-2 Mecfr,'Attacfsed An char sheet,Bonded'Irisufatiori, Bonded=Roof Co set 35: : 4[ LWIG . - .: New or, Reroo{ (Tear=Off}... _t: _ _ : . Natrihsufated, FRech',,Attaclted Base,Sfi_'eet,TBonded.Roof_Cnver 37- SA;... GWF iNetnt orReroof(Teat=Off?; _ � , : �A-1 . Bonded Insulation; Bonded Roof --,Cover •. ��4 . 56 , C1AIF New,:Reroaf(Tear riff) or Recover A-2 Mech Ati'act ed Anchorsheet, Bonded lnsulabon;,Bonded':Roof Cover., 4 `5C CVt/F New; Reroof (Tear=Off) or Recover B, Mech AitacEied Base: (nsulatign„BontledTop Insulation; Banded Rodf Cover 42; ;5D; CWF' New; Reroof(Tear-Off) or Recover C Nl-O Attached Insulation;, Bonded Roof Cover 42 5E CWF' _ New 'Reroof(Tear=Off)'ar Rkaver f Nori4fiwlated, Mech::Attacfied Base Sfieety'goiided'Roof £over :42; C,ypsurn :.. Reroof (EearvOff). A-1 Bonded insulat€ori, Boritled hoof,,Cower - 43-44 - . 6B Gypsum Reroof(1earvOff)oriiecoVer A-2 br€ech.Attac[i'e44iAchotStteet;0ondedlrtisulatton,8otided,RaofCayer' 45: , -- _ _. 6C 6yp3um Reroof hear Off),orRecovet C Meth: Attacked lnsula4on, Bottled,Roof.SoyeC' 45=: d 6Q Oypsum Reroof (Tear Off) ot'Rocovet E No insulated, Mech ;Attached Base Sheetr,Bonded'oof Cover '7A" Various Recover _A-1, Bonded Insulation; Bonded Roof Cover 45=48 76 Various ;Recover F Nan -Insulated, Bonded BaseSheet,;Bonded Roof Cover4& `The foflowthe notes- apaf@to the systemsoutlined hereins' -lw Ihe7oof:system evaluation: herein, pertains to above desk roofcamp'onents, Roof'decks-and,, ctura{.erlembers shal(be; n accordance with FBC;requiremertts to the satisfactinn'of the AFi1: Load resistance,af the' (pbf deck shalt 6ei docurnented-through propeC'•codified and/or F,BGApproval documentation. 's ,2: Insulation /¢lase sheet fasteners shall be of sufficient length: for the fopgwing deck engagement; iNood; Msnlmum Q 75 inch penetration HESE LANS AND ALL PROPOSED WORK Y steel Minimum D 7s inch pene tration aridengage' p&%�t-f jt+i WtIbRRECTIONS + ➢Concrete: Minimurrs 1 inch;embedment m rice bushed installation instructions; 1�t1 E�ffi �i 1: i�q§4 t*Mgrk ' 3 unless otherwise note¢ ,'�$a+5� bile"ia r yfti�is��f&FsD�f�c$ft3tyrene,-wood fibeiisnar8, perlite, :gypsum-based:roof board ormineral-wodi roof board thatmeets the.QA requirements of ;F A �y� �r�»1et'IIgl6if4iM:lfdklt Pter26,when instaUedw,ith tfte coof;cctver Exterior Research and,Des. A� ^tt$n. C p ^ Rp Evaiiiatioo Report` P40690 U613 Rs for FL1G429;Rfi Cerflftcate of Auihanzation #9503 1 � of P�vO Revision 6s 02 ,kO/2Qi6 Prepared by RobertNleminen, pE=59�65� Fi e Copy Appendix I;p4ge 1rof4B File WA n ..�PR 1 ERD mimum 20Q, __i, minimum 2 inch Yhick li htwe ht insuiafin concrete maybe substituted for ri 'd insulation baard`for:S emType�D nechanigty-aftached base"sheet, bonded,roof cover), whereby the. base M ps .... l;_.. I g, y gi Yst sheet fasteners_a[e insta4ed.t1irotigh the L1N G to engage the structural'.sfeel or concrete deck;, The:structural deck shall oe of equal'.or greaterconfiguration°to the steel'. and concrete deckJistings:.Roof.clecks and structural mem4mishal t e`in accoirtianc6 vithFBG-requiremehuta the -satisfaction ofthe AFIf,. Load res'istance,ofthe'roof'deck shall be•docU nented'throtigh pro Rer.codified and/or EBG Approval documentation:: Unless otherwise noted insulabomadhesive a lication rates areas follows. Ribbon or bead width is atthe i€me of'a fcatlo , tite ribbo s/b pds shalt expand as-notedfn�the;manyfacturer`s'publ€shedinstrucf lions . Y Mot (HA).: Pull coverage at25',,sti lbs/square: Y'.6aw Insta=stik Raof"ingAdhesive (D-jS)'Continuous 0.75. to -inch wide'ribbons, 12-inch o:c rti M ilennjurrs; One Step Foamable Adhesive;{Ni OSFA� _ Cdntinuous:0 25'to 0 5-lnch wide ribbon ,13 inWao c„ D QM6OlyE}ond500(OBSQOj: Continuous•.0.75 to,'1-inch'wide.;ribbons:l2=inch o'c .(P..aceCar; or'SpotShgt�. Note; :OlyBopd Greek may; be used where• OlyBond SU.Q``s referenced: OtyBdnd Classic (OB Classic) Full c6vef29e,6t 1.gal/square. r -3M CR-20 Cont[nuous 2:5-3S-inch wide:ribbons,:12-inch o:c. �- Note:: When-tnultip/e loyeis(s) of insuidtian and/or`coverbodrdore:installed.in ribbon-c pOgi!d:adhesrite; boa"cdjoiritsshdfl`be staggered; ' Note: The maximum edge distance from the.adhesive r1bbon to fhe edge of the insulation board shalll be noless than one=half chespecifiedribbonsspaang: l ssa error ie'6 .. , .. - ,. itilm._ —o f6 e e .. -1 .•n Maximum' _u , Unless th ise noted, all rruulaUonaare flat locker taper board of the minimum lhickrtess n led. Tapered polyisocyanurate at the following ftiickisess liinitatioiis may 6esubstftut d with th fol awl g Maxun. m Design': Pressure (MDP)limitations. In,no case shall these walues:be"used to-9ncrease'ttie NiDP listings:in the"tables; rather:[f MDP listing below; meets orkzceedsthat Usted fora particular system in the;tatiles�, then thethihner board listed 6eioai may be used as adr Jp4rf for-the.equivalerit:thicker material listed in the table:: >.MillenniurftOrie'Stepf6aiiabi4Adhbs€ir"e(M-OSFAj: MDV • 1575;psf (Min.0.5=inchthick) DNIG:0lyBorxi.500 (6BSQ0}: tUiDP 450;psf ,(Min. 0:5-Inch thick Mult[.=Max >0MG.OIyBondS00(OB500j,: MDP: 4875psf (Min.D;S-inchthicklS095`+GC)'_ )0-. Ofy1G blyBond 500 (08500); ;MDP :315 O:psf (Min, OS-qnch thick ENRGy;3) Tr OMG'.O[yBondS00(OB500}:, IVIfJP'. 48X:S;psf (Min.'0:5-inch thick A_CFoamll) 3M Polyurethane Foam Insulation Adhesive,CR 20. MDR :'417.9,psf (iviin l b-inch thick) Barden polyisocyanura`td'insulition tioa€dsshail be makiinu i 4k..4.ft.: For fnechan>Zallyr attaci ed components arpatlaally-6dhde&J6t6iation, the maximum design: pies'sure-:fgr the selected: asset ibly sFiail; nreet.or`,eKceed`the Zone i design pressure detefmined ir4- accardance,with;l BC a.. - o 'b u € led;'` Ctrapter 16, and nes.2 and, 3 shall emploY.ari attachment density.designed y a. q a if desl p . gn , rofessianal toeresist� Elie=elevated pr."essu`e ctiteraa. Commotiy useif methods' are RAS 117 and Ftc+1,LPDS,1-29„ Ai stkhE ll& tn*ked wah an asteris(i 'carry'itie'.Irmitrtia s set:foftCi In Section 12,1.5.1(aj of OKUD51-�29:WZone 213xenttatticements F Olully bonder} assemblies, the maximum des; n res..sure for ihe'seiected assembt shall meet or exceed critiral;des� n 7essure detiermined in. acco�itance wills FBC Cha _ter i6, and':n. a ratibnai. anal iS is: ercnixted For mechanicall -.attached:'cam onents-over existin :de'tks 4aftenersishaI be Iesied in thev)"n deck -for, withdrawal resistance; A � q uarfied `n des; rofessional shall review he data for -corn arson to, the - min mum.requirementsforthe systqmT40ng artd analysis shall be Ina cordance With TAS z05 or:ANSI/SPRI FX-1 for=.ezis6n'""sutistfates in a gborided:recovefinstaAat€on the:ex' tln roofsystem shlbe examinedfor:carnpatibii' aM bandeda iiiaCe With ected adhesive anithd6tist . irig roof ysteftf shall, be capabie at tesistk g project design pressures & Its own Merit to thesatlsfactioo of the Alit, as -documented throiigh'M61cl uplift testirig;imaccorda6ee vWlth,A5TM E907;11`M LPDS 1=52, ANSi(SPRI IA-1' 6i TAS;124. For RecayerApplications usingSystemType D; theinsulatron rs',optional„however,: he existing foof system shali:be suitable fora recover application. 13. LWIC shall be castlh accordance with FBC Section°1917 tdthe'a&lsfactioif of the Authority Hav€ngJ:ur€sdiction. For systeiYisuihete,spetiflc LWIC'is refe[enced;refe'r'ta.current LVViC ProduttApp"royal for'specifie deck coristructionand limitations. For°systems.wherespedfIc:LWIC is notteferenced, the: minimum design mix shall' be 300:psi, hall cases„the minimum:tap-coatthickriess fs 2-1:ndies: •For LWIC over structural concrete;, reference Is made.to FBC Section 1917:4.S,.Point:1. Egerior Research and;Qesign, tLG.;d/b/a Trin€tyIERD- Gertificateof Authorization #9503' prepared by RobertWeminen, Pt-S166 tAwuation geportW4 9Q:06.1MiR f&Fi16429-[i6 Revision 6: 02/18/20A AppendixA, ;page Z of48' 14: Unless°othervujse noted, referto ihe<fVia wing'references >or banded base;: pry or"cap sheet.applicat[gns< `>� ,,ate � ��. ...�. i �, s �„ °" i �. •x . :�� _ � � a.: �.� �` �... � �:� ... ...; ............ ..: �,., .: .$�,::,. � .. " � . �• x#- d'. �4 ::. (� - r ��la•�; ,. &` �i n. Ref Y toe%enceerl tulateriaC � . -� ��` _ .. � . ; - :. - Appl*fan BP AA BaSi OV. Qne�or more'plies XtraFleki Base FBG Approved ASTM D4601, Type If (8aseand Ply•sfieets,AsliCtalt- Ply Onegemore;pl�esktfa, fexPly:i�f,-XtraEiexPiVvi FBC Pproued.A5TMD'V9Jype `gr'll Ftbt Asphalt at 20=40' Applied)' [bs/square Note: Asphalt apptled sheets arigsq qff , Ol not 4e gppfted io paiy-jftm svrjuced merrrbrones , Basep' br ply, One ormore plies XtraFlexSBS Grass Base {poly/sand}, XtraflesrSBS Poly Base (poly sand},;}tiraFtex:SBS Glass Inter pty,•Xfraflex SB5 SSS-Ali ' : ? HT';ease 654 , ' Hot4sphatt aY2040' (SBS,;Asphaft-Applied}: ;Cap . :XtraFlex:SBS Glass interply, XtraFlec SBS Glass G;•XtrdFtexS65•PolyG : - IFss/square litate: As haft -a ,ierisheetsoilnsut Fons6altaotlre , liedty of ""if, imscedanembrarres pP1p p fl ..•. = One ofrr)&b PiWt XtiaF(eu SB5'Glass.Base:tsand/poly) XtraEt6tSBS"Glass Base {t 6o)'V, dtY), (traFl& SBS GiassJn"terpiIv, Xtrafleii SBS TA 63$9 lylor Ply, fdT'Base-65Q;- Tar.WieO. �SBS;,TorctiApplied} w Cap J(fraFtei%SBSGclass I -ftf PIV,�iCtraFlez SBS GIas's GrXfraFlexSBS,Poly G - ase Fty ;Arid"or more;plles XtraFfeic:585 ase;Sfi 5 aaSBS:G[SOS �?5A XtrafteX Kooi.58S 5 SA :. > (SBS,:Self AdWe, n }; lJnless otherwise rraterl, permusrbie membrusresw6strattes 585 SA tie limited to tB iii? SBS S�f ase+06roptJansherefn: Xt aFlex!.. g Note. Selfdhtn. SBS GAus Bps_e (payrlstriid) or *,rafiekfSa$toss ease t io_ty t fYl� RPP TA ;Base Plyor;Piy tine oririore:pUes XtraFfex APP G(ass•Base; lCtraFlex;APP 5 (APPt:Toith-Apj lien} Cap &Fgflex APP $XtrafCexAPP G X raFtex,Kbol AeP G Fofdtftppli> t APP''=5A Gap 7t4aFtexAPPGSA,Xt6aFtex=Kool1#PPS'SA AP ffA h riri MikaOther*se`i7oted"perinissfb/emertitrraaesubstrotes'jarr4PP-5Aore�Nrrrfted[o-'theSer,-�1Base ptyotifivnsSerf_-.Aiiherfng.`�' .SW dfgss,Bare (patp�sandj grxtraFtex39SWass Base (aatrlFotY1: 15 Ats o$ tl>e follow�n • FBC:A roved coabn ma be.a Iced to it "ato :roof is frtl cane vaitC oiitadverse' ffect'v"n the:"s tem +;viiid' oad "erftsrmance a%r to;ciiirerit Rabfin" IMater`iais Di "ecto-ty far be irf y. g: PP. �. P �. e ys t P.. R r. ry- " r rat,gs y. assaciateii4uit oatin9 sage.' _ 3=; XtraFfei2Qidon=EiGetiedBiteiniz3ous`Roaf,Caatingi" . -. Xtrafde 60,Non' Fibered Aluminum Figgf-Coatfn XtrAFIeX� 65 fi6esed Aluminum RoofCaatmg; Xtr4F[ex�70_Premtgm/tcM! FRRwfc�o,#Ip&or.KMAcry1 aFiex70C65;(Quick:Set)Premium,AcryiiclRRoofCaaEingorl<MRcryl"?5-QS'(for:gran.uiesurfaeedAPPorSBS;�nEyi1 XuaFlex $0 Aspha Emulslon' Roof Coating r Xtiat"tex 5Rc9fi0ti,kltgh 5c+l ds Silicone Roof Coaling orXtraFleft SRC 89©QSii`icetne•Rorif 1 6.' The loft, rr)g represent prlrriing requirements far gyres rrn based.tove`rboards: efisDec . ... ❑ ,. .D Pri : with t - `;1Q' t:: . if ..d;.eci r a. h 1.:.. d._. d .. ..I.:,. ,..., !3 k and ens ecic me shall -be fletd prEmed t, X raF[ex prior o se a h , ngal ,t rc app[d memtane.appl cation., Nu p min6 s requ red for hot -asphalt hietnhrane applicat ions.,. . 3=` SECIiRO.CK GypsOffi4iberR66f Bbafd'does iibt req, re fieliiprimirig, , ranymemlirane *Olicattoh< !7: MDP" = Maximum besignzPressure is the resuli,.of tes ing forwinii load resistance based on allowable.wtnd Toads. RefertoTBC 1609:for determination of design rnr nd toads.• Exterfor Reseatth•and,gesign, LLCe d(b%a Trtr tyl E.RD tvatuation Report P40690;06 t9, Rfi far Fi 16d24>R& Ce_rtiftyaie.bf Authorixa Asn #95t16 ievision 65 ©2j1812D3:6� Prepared„*RabertWemi pn,PEr59]6fi 1ppendix'4,P6ge3ofA9 QTRINITY 1 eR T/lSlE iF 2: WOf)D D£CKS-NEW GCiNS'LRUCTIDN FfERUOF;(TERR OEF} ORREmVEit . SYSTEM'T` PEE: NOl '4NSULATED, MEGHANICALLYAIiACHED-BASE:SH€ET (SC� � n ),,SgNP t� ROOFCtltazER Sy m Oedc,j5ee - Bate Sheet.... _ RogfCoeeK.(Se Tabte� 'Mop: e Fasten, 7tttack ease,ply, Cap` Rlo: Note i} W-134, lyl)rt. i9J32;-. XtraFEex SBS Glass Base (Poly fitoi= DAfastHexwith Dekfast ;#14 of Trufast3" Riletal; 2-f[tcb a.c, intt inch la`p".and i2-inch.q c. Itt`ttiuri SBS-SA 585SA,tAPF 5A, 62'S* inch plywood top), _ Insuiationpike uhth,Trufast HD (2j ;equally spaced'staggered tenter rows r SBS fA, l3PP-fA v W-135XtraFie)eAPP.BasdSA Min. i9%32- %traF)ex SBSG(ass Base (poly=f)tin• Dekfast Mex wiY1t bekfast'lfi4 ArTrufast3"Meta! 12-inch a c -irt?i iriclt lap And,12-inch o.c;ih trots APPTA, 525" lndi p!ywpod tap); lnsuta3ion;P.late wiih Trufast }-ip O) e-qually spaced, -staggered cehferrows. 1 Min 1913k� Xtmltkx S'-S 'ta5s Base (po)Y-fitm t?M6 Flat Bottom Piates.(sgparej with Roo Ip 12-inch o c -m4 inch lap and ]2 it hoc itl:ttvtl S9 SA:. SBS SA; APO SA; 60Ai -}35 inchpiyw d fop} #32 ., 2j:eclyallyspaced,,staggered&mgrrows SBS=TA,=APP:TA t¢f13iMlg 19Y32=, XtraFlex SBS°Glass Bme (polyAlm, i ng c.6'4--I 1paQvFt 'PBaseS gPfsTAXtraFlexAR mch,plywood top). €kiZ }2) ,equally_spaced, staggered centerrows