HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0588 294 . . ". ~ i; .~ I I" ---- ----- --.-------.-------------- -..--.----- -----.- --.-.- -------- ---'--- .--.- -----.-.--- ""---'''--- - - .. -~-- ----....--- --'-'- ! ? ~ I r' ...-.--..--.--....---. , ! ---> i ! . , t ., I , ..._~._-- ~ , r--"---'- AmI thl' sai.1 part. lea of the lirst I"art, for--:t~e_m~elve.lii .._ahlL......J;.ite1. :r_hl'il'll. the above .11'~.'ribt"t1 alld hl'r..b)' grantc-II I1ml r,'I,'o'l'<1 prrmis..s, 1111I1 I'very I':lrt ,,11,1 l'ur~,'1 tht'reof, with llPl'urtc-nllll('I'S, Ullto thl' said )lar\Y ___of thl' 1';1'1'0011 pllrt,._...hi ~-_.hl'irs 1I11i1 l\...~il{Us, u:;(ain~t thl' slIi.l rnrtJtS ._of thl' tirst I,art 811I1 ..:1,.. i 't._ hl'il'8, allllllglliust all oml I'H'r)' persun or IlI't'Sons whornilOe\"l'r, III\\'fl:II)' dailllill~ or to ..!llim thl' sallie 1\lIall antI will warrant, allll b)' thl'se I'r..St'Dts forenr dl'fl'lId. I~ WIT:'\E:::~ WHEREO.... Thl' ~llirlpnrt leanf the first part. ha1l.e._hl'reunto se>t._.thelr__J,al\lL8._. 81111 selll_..iiI__, thl' .Ia)' aOlI )'I'ar tirst aho,'1' writtl'n. ~igllC'tl ~.'al.'\' allll n..Jh-..rl'l1 in J>rl'~"'IH'1' of ns: VI. .. .Sexton c. 11.. CrSl.e . ----.----~----._._(81-:AI.) Anna ~. Crane --------------___(8EAI.) hg,chel .Jroci(l3Cli th ... --- .-.-----.-__.______._._(81-::\1.) STATI-: Ol-,~_~~r l~_!l________ } Count)" of_~t_. __;11~ ~ .~---,--___. 011 t his day pl'rsona\ly a'ppl'arl'd bdorf me _____'_'_.___ C! ~ a ._.~ :r_~~_________ _.________ ._.__.._-~-----_._---~------ tll Ole \\'1'11 known as thl.' I'l'rs,'n. ..- .Ies,'ribe" in, allll who exeeuted thl' foregoing })l'e.1 of ('oll\'I')'an("e, and aeknowll'dgC'tl that..JlO__ ('lH'l'utl'tl thl' saml' for the purp"sl' Ih!'to"in I'xprl's."l'd; wh('fl.'upon it is l.ta)"1'd that thl' same 01..)' be fl'Cordl'd. .\. D. \ of__~rll -ll 0 t:f}~~u ~f~J.:G ?t~t~.. orF! orldEi-.--(8Jo;.U.) ..K.v._G..OOill!iiiw1_Qn .-On ir.u..4Jlr_1L_9... _~2g,~_ I I I' STATE m' __~~~...____._.___~..__ ) Count). Qf "st '_~':1.cie ______________ S I,___A.Jlo!aq_?'-!.~l~c:_()f be_ ..ta.!..~....oLl.l:Qx:H'1 . ~ S. Crane .10 hereh)' "I'rtlf)' tha\___.____.__ ____________... ______ __ ..~_._~!....~rane to me well knowII 8S the wife of and as onl' of tbe persona c1l'sl'ribl'd in, and who l'xe<'ull'lI thl' fort'l!"ing llf'ed, ditl thill da)- to oIl', on a s('parate 811I1 pri'"atl' I'XamillatioIl bdort' OJI' tukl'lI and made. SC'l'aratel)' allll apart from hl.'r "<lid husbaml, 8l'knowll'.lgl' allll ....darl'. tbat shl' roade hl'rs"'f a pari)' to and eueuted tbe same for the purpose of rell'asing, rl'linqui"hing-, re. nouucing an.1 eon\'l')'illg all hl'r right of dU\\"l'r, Sl'p8rdtl' estlllt' allll homf'~ll'ad, and all ber rit(bts in and to thl' ISlIdl!, in saill dl'l'd de" ",'ribl'd all" grant..d. amI tbat she I'Xf'l'utl'd tbl' saDIe frel'l)- and ,'oluntaril)', without all)' l'olll;traint, apprl'hl'nsioll, fl'ar or 1'0mpulsioIl of or from her said husband. and offidal sl'al 8t_~~__..___, thu___1at _ ..._.______da). of April,,___.-\. 1>. 192 .Q. .'achel Bro ck~i th .~...t'-"'~b-I OJ r---=-~~-I.2.-_(SEAL) ..o_~r;; "'1.1 le, to t.e O.a. 1! Lor u9 Mf comrniaalon expirea April 9,1928. STATI-: m' n.omuA. } t Ufo: IT RI-:~II':~lIn:RJo:D, Th" tbis._~nd. ___day of_ A~r 11 .. A. D, 192.....E, Count). of HI. I.ul'il'. 1,__.___j>>~Q...!..~~dr.fL.____________ __" '.. ( k of tht' Circuit ('ourt in and ~or aaid Count)., bue duly reeorded tbe fore- going Dct'd in the Public RCl'ords of said County. " . In Wihlt'S.'1 Whel"l'Of. 1 have hereunto It't m)' hand the seal of said ('ourt, Iht'. da)' an~ >"ear abo\'e written. '.. P. C. "ldr eel (SEAI,-) B14~)tJ)7~ lilv-r&A'e/ t n, C.