HomeMy WebLinkAboutInvoicet* PRESTIGE '-ONCRL'•T7: ruomcrs Invoice SHIP TO: EAST FLORIDA DIVISION #5190969 52-SIMMERMACHER 7912 S OCEAN' DR FL US BILL TO: CRYSTAL POOLS #5910375 4680 N. US HWY 1 VERO BEACH FL 32907 US H88!8�4449699 CE DATE 19/18 !02 E. PAGE 1 of 1 PLANT 4P52 . FPI Ft Pierce DELIVERY E HOD _ CARRIER REMIT TO: VCNA Prestige Gunite, Inc. P.O. Box 742981 Atlanta GA 30374-2981 Invoice Inquiries: Please call Credit Thank you {or your Business Department at 407 802 3540 CIF SALES REPRESENTATIVE Gregory McFadden FOR COMPLETE TERMS AND CONDITIONS. PLEASE CHECK OUR WES61TE www.prestlgeconcreteproducts.com o n O n 7 ' Di.14 III NI L971111 WAS) .... 0142 Water Tower Road, Lake Park FL 33403 Office: 1-877-484-9994 / Fax: 561-844-7102 PE/2MlT °"171/-ooY6 e' E0_6z.0, M1q. Ilil�It��1�9wIEIBI�I�I�"I��;�1�73 Juuin tasi rlonaa uivislon ulspatcn: ou 1.044-nu14 uenirai rlonaa ulvlslon ulspaicn: 4Ur-33y-031 m k , Concrete Tested ❑ Yes ❑ No LOT # '� ater Added at Customer's Cylinders Taken ❑ Yes FIND Request 17 gals. to full load Comments gals. to 2/3 load i t , gals. to 1/3 load Customer's Rep - Water AddW PIP=PL iI-I-TI St..Lucie Cou r°� ra�c v .e Ga+.r:i i rcLPa..r. a NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR WARNING IRRITATION TO THE SKIN AND EYES ADDITIONAL WATER ADDED TO THIS VARIATION IN COLOR OR SURFACE DISCOLORATION Cement polymer or freshly mixed concrete may cause skin injury. Avoid contact with skin and wash exposed skin areas promptly with water. if any cement powder or CONCRETE WILL REDUCE ITS STRENGTH mixture gets into eyes, rinse immediately and repeatedly with water and get prompt medical attention. Keep children away from cement powder and all freshly mixed cement products_ AND DURABILITY. ANY WATER ADDED IS AT CUSTOMER'S OWN RISK. BATCH TIME ,. E 22 PI.1.12_00 l, y PLANT TICKET# ORDER # TRUCK # LOAD SIZE Mix n SLUMP DATE 1 �L+ 879367 226 :. 75 70 00 500174t PRPM So 0121) . 12/21 / 17 CUSTOMER # SOLDTO P.O. # PROJECT# .:00 COD/ Coastal Conctruc t ion TSC:O CO IC BETE 10404 DELIVERY ADDRESS ZONE# USE DRIVER 7912 S Ocean Dr ._ Jansen bok JM91RTIN PILINGS Mike Cross INSTRUCTIONS TIME DUE Lot 4 le •Diamond Sands 12—.512 PM • • • • • • 1 • • • • • DESCRIPTION I.I.O.M. • 70 00 7a 00 7.00 50540000 f50C lei PRF1M yd a110e VA 7-1 00 1e 121.00 ENVIRO ENVIRONMENTAL DIS!'O roa 1�20o00 ;a0.0lb 1.1110 0.00 2. FUEL SURCF ARDE ea 1320.00 ;i20. 0_0 SIGNATURE OR RECEIPT- CONCRETE AND AQKNOWLEDGEMEN]TCMAZARD'WARNING"-'^•^--- • asc meyer Concrete ompany wZ nova some a_ i Ity or any_prope ty amage or any SUB -TOTAL ICA.Ch equipment damage for any, e-PI n5-Viftond the curb line.--•�`-- +' TAX L¢ o.lGt r �AUTHORIZEDBYl�e SHIPMENT SUBJECT TO CONDITIONS, ONI E.V.ERSE 1DE. TOTAL 1� Customer agrees to provide asuitable roadway for our trucks from the street pavement to the place of delivery of material. Usuch suitable roadways are not provided, we reserve the right to stop deliveries until conditions are remedied and, in such event, customer will beheld responsible for any loss caused thereby. _ 2. When delivery is made beyond the curb line at the customer or customer representative's request, any damages including, but not limited to, Gidewa\ks.'ddvemxaym.buildings, trees, shrubbery, septic tanks and septic systems, including the drain field, are adthe owner's risk. 3. The customer agrees to reimburse said Company for loss of time and equipment by reason of such delivery, and also 10 indemnify and save hannies.,ssaid Company from any and all claims, demands and suits for ornnaccount oforinany manner caused bvurarising from private driveway delivery. _ 4. Customer acknowledges that all material and services shown have been received, that truck times shown are correct, and that the amount ofwater added atthe customer's request is shown correctly. CAUTION: The addition of water reduces concrete strength and durability. � 5. VVeare not responsible for finished results obtained from this load ofconcrete; many important factors affecting the ultimate quality ofthe completed job are beyond our scope ofresponsibility and control. - ' �A charge of $-1.00 per minute will be charged after 8 minutes per cubic yard unloadingdnmeioewomedod. ` 7, The customer agrees toprovide asuitable wash down facility for our trucks and tools at the place of delivery of material. 8. The customer hereby pgrees to pay all costs and expenses of collection, including a reasonable attorney'afee, ifheshall fail to pay for the merchandise reflected in this invoice, when due. Past due accounts are subject toe1-1/2%service charge onthe unpaid past due balance. The customer hereby acknowledges receipt of the complete copy of this contract. ��|� / /�[ P >�� �'/`/1.