HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0722 61' NOW. THEREFORE. in ordor to effeot the said order and deoree of Raid Oourt and under authority of the Raid Court and in oonaideration of the premis~a. the party of the first .4~;p ; doea heroby bnrgain. aell and transfer unto the porty of the seoond part. his heirs and l aRsigna forever, all the right. title and interest of the Eatate of Dora H. Light. deoeaaed. in and to that oertain real estate loo'lted. l:-,ing ~nd being in the County of St. Lucie and State of Florida known and described aa follows:- The >>outh twenty-seveb(27) aores of Governemnt Lot 'j,'hree (3) in 3ection One (1). Townahip Thirty-five (36) South of Range Forty (40) Kust. containing ~'entY-R6ven (27) aores of land. more or leas. Also. All of Government Lot 3even (7). in Seot10~ One (1) Township Thirty-five (35) . South of Range Forty (40) ~ust. containing Eleven and seventy hundredths (11.70) acres of ~land. moye or leas. according to Government survey of said lond. Also. All oi Gove~ment Lot 3ix (6) in 3ection One (1) Township ~hirty-five (35) ~outh . of Range Forty (40) East. oontaining Forty (40) acres of land. more or less. according to 1 Government >>urvey of said land. Excepting, hOhevcr. from t~e last above described tract of land. a certain five (5) . acre p!.lrcel of Iflnd conveyed by L'rs. DOl"l H. 2ubbs to 'N. W. Brown on J:.lnu:lry'll. 1894. and : filed October 20th 1097. and recorded in Deed Book "DD". on page 10. of the public records of Brevard County. Florida. which said five (5) aCle parcel of land is described 8S follows, '. to-wi t: Commenoing at the llorthe8st corner of Lot 3ix (0) of ~ootion One (1), in Township thirty-five (35) >>outh of Range Forty (40) 3ast. and running 30uth 415 feet, thence hest \526 feot; thence Horth 415 feet. thence &sat 625 fect to the point of be~lnnlng, containing Five (5)-acres more or leas. Uso, all ripuian rights and submerged land appurt;Yenafrtto the foregoing descri bed . tracts of land. TO HAVE AJD TO lW11> the alme. together wi th ell and sin~ul!.r the &ppurtenances thereunto ;belonging or in anywise appertaining. and all t~e right. title.interest and claim ~hetsoever of the party of the fir8~ nert. either in law or in eql.li t;J. to the only proper use. benefIt and behoof of the 881d party of the seoond pert and his heirs and assigns forever. 1lI \HTIlESS JlHBHEm'. the said part;; of the first -port has executed this im:trument 6S 'Exeoutor and 1Tustee aforesoid. end attached its seal. the dey end year fir~t above ~ritten. (Corp. Seal) B#~Ui: m' JAUKSJIrlILLE. . corpore tion. By d. T T L S T: C. B. Campbell Ita Cashier, As ~xecutor cnd Trustee of the Estate of Dora H. Light. dec..aed. 1 Signed. sealed and ;delivered in our ; ; presence: Linda B. McGinty J. 'iI. Holland \. state of ~lorlde, \ County ot DuvGl. I Hll.1tEBY CEHTIi'Y the t on this, day before me. a Uoter:! 2ublio in 8 nd for the Stot6 of , 1l1orid~ at Large. duly quulified ond aating and 8n offioer authorized to teke ~okno~ledgment. I I. of deode, per.-p11f eppeored G. J ~ , .' and C. B. tt.ampbell. each to me ..11 known. :::~~. :~'\:' ti;. > i;t;:,~':: '. .' '" ...', ~;~}'~'::"}~~