HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0723 .. i I I -1 I 62 I ./<~ and eeverally 80knowletlge that they. 8e respeotively the Vioe President ond Oabh1er of the J'lorida Uational Bank of JaoksC'nv1l1e. ll. oorporation, exeouted the forego ing Exeoutor and Truotee'o deed to Orris llobles. 8S ond for the Dot and dud of the said corporation, 88 Exeoutor and Trustee of the .Botete of Dore H. Light. deeeased, for the uses and purposes therein expressed. 'i~ ] I PURTHIm CBHTUY thr. t 8a id C. B. Cllmpbell being by me fIrst duly s1'Iorn BOYS that he Ie the duly eleoted CaBbier of eaid corporbtion. and that th e s80l efflxed by him 8S euoh Cashier to the Bold Ina1;rument, is in fedt the oor!)orate seal of the eeid oorpora tion, I FiJRTHER CERTIFY that t!~e persona making these acknowledgments ore to me v.ell kno\"n '0 be tho penons ddscribed in and -.-ho 88 suoh officers of the said oorporation executed the eeid instrument 8a aforeeeid. IU WITl,ESS WHEREOF I hen hereunto Be t my hllnd ond cffixed my official se8l ot Jaok- sonvill., in the County and S~ta aforesaid. this the 9th dey of February A. D. 1923. '- ; ~ Ul.P. Seal) / '- " ~ Linda B. lloGinty '. Uotbry Publio State of ,llorido at Large ~:-: ~ oommission expires Sept 26/1926 - .... -.: .;;>~ ~f Piled and ~-- -" """,,- re oorde d tlH, s \ , (Ct.C1:. Seal) \ f 1 " / -.---..../ 16th day of February 1923. P. ~. ~ldred. Clerk Cirouit Court By ~~ ~ D. C. ., -"'<II .......................................................................................... HEI~~ll J. ZEUCH AIm VinE TO ELllEH E. DEIl1lIS WJ.HI.:AHTY DEBD THIS DEED..de'the 16th dE:y of J.lay it.. >>.,1921 by tierm8n J. ..euch and i-delnide T. .Jl.' " !i ~euch. his y,ife,of the County of Scott State of 10wn hereinafter celled tLe grantors. to ~lmer K. Dennis of tte County of Kent St6te of Michigan herein~fter cellcd the grantee, lUTllESSETH. Thct the said grantors,in considention of One (~1.00) Dollar and other valuable consider:..tions the receipt whereof is hereby 6ckno\\"ledged. do give. 'grant. bargain, sell, alien. remise. release. enfeoff. convey end coniirm unto the ceid grantee. and his heirs and asclgns. in fee eimnle. the'lands situate in Saint Lucie County. State of}'lorido. described as follows: The East ten (10) acres of ~Tact ~our (4). Seotion Eighteen (18), Township thirty-two (3:::). South. Range thirty-nine (39). east. as desigrwted on the plat of lends of the Indian ~iver .arms Co~any, filed in the office of the Oldrk 01 the Circuit Court of 68id County. il.OO documeru,ry stamp cancelled. TO HAVE AIlD TO HOld) the same to3ether with the hereditaments end appurtenances. unto the seid grantee. and his heirs a rd assigns in fee simnle. AUD the said grantors, for.themselves and their heirs and legal renreeentetives. co- venant wi th said grantee. hie heirs. legal re..,reeentethee a_nd e'sBigns~ That said grantors are indefeasibly sei:nd of said l.8nd~in fee simple; that e8id grentors hen full poyer and lawful right to ~onvey eaid lauds in fee si~nle. as aforeaaid; that it shall beelawful for 8ald grantee, his heirs. legal rep1'8Senu.tivea and assigns. ct ell times pecceebly and quietly to enter upon. hold. oooupy end enjoy eaid lend; th&t Baid lend iE free from all .ncumbranoesi thet Baid grantors. their heirs end legal representotives. will make suoh further ..sur.noes to perfect the fee simple title to said lend In said gr&ntee, hie heirs. ; legel representatives end aSBlgne. os Ill8Y reosonobly be required; and that soid grantors do hflreby fully .arrant the title to ea1c1 land end will defend the some against the lawful alaimB of all pereons Whomsoever. WlThB3S the hends end seals of said grontors, the 481 and Y8elr Hrst obove wri U.n. Signed,aealed end delivered in the presenoe of ) ] ~,,-::, '.~:i. \':~_..E- :~'::':~', ~:, r. .:' ::-'~:. .: :.~. ~.. - '- -J._-, '"0~ ,,":r_..--=~'. '~~':":..- "";.~'":-.' .:_-~~.~:-i:..""" I". .~..=:: -";'~..,- . '. .., · .'.'~:(.:ft~.:r~'~.