HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0740 79 _. . - -- --f - .~~~~=-::._-,-,--.~._---~~~.-:..':- ,rant the title to sbid lend and will defend the same egainBt I 'wholDBoever. i I i 1 the lawful olaim of ell ~erEons ; on first pert hes hereunto affixed its name end seel first ebove Yritten. i I ! (Cor~ HOOSIER BBALTY COMPANY. delivered in the pr&senoe of: By W. B. Williams President. Ed. P .Llltison Jame e Luther ST';~K 01' J'lorlda eOUITY 0' VOluBia Personally e~peared before me this d~y W. E. WILLIAMS. to me well known as the President .. of the HOOSIER REALTY COMPAlrr. a Corpor~tion of the St&te of ~loride. end ss the SLmG pereon desoribed in and who exeouted the foregoing deed end he ncknowledged th6t he signed the name end affixed the seal of said CorporEtion to said deedi thot he was duly authorized thereunto ,by the Board of virectore of seid Corporation. and that ssid deed is the sct and deed of ssld Corporation for the ~urposesrset forth. II IITNESS WHKREOi I have hereunto af11X6d my name and of11cial seel at Daytona. Mlorida 'this 31st dLY of January /~ (3eel)-' " i \ '\(I.P. Seal)) \ J , / "------,. . 'ile4 and recorded 'this 1923. Chat:. ~. Burgman Rotary Publio. State of iloridc ~ Commission expires Jan. 1st 1924 -.,)/ -. ..J"~ \:> -' ;..... 24th day of lebrw&ry 1923. ...;: ~ '.'" (Ct.Ct. Seal) P. C. Eldred. Clerk CIrcuit Court ". By ~~ ~ D. C. '---- . ............................................................................................. . HATTIE J.riCA:S0N AIID SOilS TO YiARRAUTY DBED THIS IU~EUTUHE. Kede this 22 day of.Deo A. D. 1922 BET~EEN Hat~e Jeckson end Sons iKoNeel. Theodore. De~r\r1e aDd~Bllj8h Jaokson of the County of St. Luoie in the Stste of jllorid8 pa.tles of the first pert. end Nete Flowere of the County of St. Lucie in the Stete I1ET f n.orums 10f ~la, psrty of the second part. WITNEtSA'Tli. ~'hat the 881d p6rtiee 01 the l1rEt psrt. 10r and in coneiderf. tion 01 the eum 01 (i60) .1fty Dollers to them in hand paid by the seid party 01 the second part, the re- ..ipt whereof ie hereby acknowledged. hes granted. bergslned end cold to the eeid pert3 of the second pert. her heirs and 6lsigne 10rever, the following described land. to-wit: Two Aores.- Stertlas from a stake in the S. E. corner of the N. W. 1 of the S. W. 4 of . 8.o.d2i):.~01Jnship (31) S. Range (39) East Bunning Weet 210 it thence North 420 ft Thence :l8e\ 210 ft. thenae south 420 ft to poInt of Beginning Conteining 2 Acres more or lees. :jnd the eeld parties of the firet ~rt does. hereby fully ~errent the title to eeid land. 8nd wIll defend the aam8 agaInst the lbwful olaims of all persons whomsoever. II IITNBSS 'HEREOF. The seid perties of the fUst pert have hereunto eet their hands iend seals the day 8nd year first above written seale4 end delivered in ~re8ence of ue: , j Signed. I I i I I i ! -T. H. Sibley H.P. -' (I.P.Slloll) Hattie Jaokson Seel .YoUlnl Jaokson Seel theodore Jackson Seal y >>taarlrl. J8a~.on 8eel Bl1P.( Jaotson S88l lI8tti. D. London I i ;',',: :,: - :',~ ' '- ':,'-:. ...~~ :~--', '.~~:~:-/\~/: ~:, .~.: :~- :..<t~:~~~;_~2.--;~. ,~~ ;:::' ~~~.~:< ; "._:: >.', :~~. " - - ~ . ,{ . .! .;-. '-.- .::...}-.~--:.:.:--: \ ..-:....~.:. '- -' ..-.~ -. /-,.... ,-.~ ~-. ~), .>: